Entertainment World: The Wild God of Gourmet

Chapter 330 [1 Thunderbolt 1 Sword]


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There is a big river on the island, which is the main source of fresh water on the island. More collapsed buildings downstream appeared in sight, but no one had time to appreciate them.

"Over there... hurry up!"

Portuguese, French, Spanish, and "confessions" in various languages ​​sounded in the distance, which was so exciting that the two who had never experienced such battles were a little panicked.

"Go into the water. Bring your equipment, go down the river, and avoid it."

Chen Ergou made a decisive choice, "I'll lure them away."

"Ah~!" Xia Meng insisted: "How is this possible? It's too dangerous. They have guns....Aren't you afraid of breaking the law?"

"Stop talking nonsense, this is the Caribbean Sea, don't waste time, hurry up and go."

Zhang Zhengyang knew that procrastinating would be a disservice, so he finally dragged Xia Meng into the water, "Boss, be careful too."

Chen Ergou watched them leave, and immediately ordered Chen Mengda to meet Haikou. "This island is located 150 nautical miles south of Jamaica. The westerly wind is blowing right now, and it will be sunset soon. After receiving them, leave immediately without waiting for me."


Everyone who heard this sentence thought that Chen Ergou was crazy.

Chen Mengda ventured among the reefs and drove the boat at the maximum possible speed, "Ergou, listen to me, the treasure is not important, don't take risks. This time is different from those animals, they have guns. Your parents still I'm waiting for you to go back, don't be a fool."

"Just do that and wait for my message."

Chen Ergou didn't wait for them to persuade him, he temporarily shut down the communication, turned around and went back to the island.

Move like a ghost across islands with intricate environments.

He felt that dealing with these people was much easier than dealing with animals, and the only thing he had to worry about was facing guns. He has never faced a gun head-on, so whenever he has the opportunity, he will shoot down the opponent's gun as soon as possible.

Just like now, squatting on the tree trunk like a black panther, staring at the two people passing under the tree through the branches. Just like a hunting cheetah, when it sees the opportunity, it flies out with a lightning knife, and penetrates a guy's gun-holding hands. In the other side's screams,

His whole body was like a big bird and jumped down from the big tree. He threw the other person to the ground and punched him on the neck.

The man rolled the whites of his eyes in pain, but he didn't faint. Chen Ergou had no choice but to add another knife, turned around and kicked, sending the chasing guy flying three meters away.

"Bang bang~"

Continuous gunshots came, and Chen Ergou had no time to clean him up, and Maoshen got into the woods again. [Treading Snow Without Trace] Carry it up, and run tens of meters away in a blink of an eye.

When a group of chasing soldiers came here, they saw the two people lying on the ground and howling with injuries, their eyes could not help but become dignified. Kavia Stanley checked the arteries of the "pirate" lying on the ground, and said in surprise, "I just fainted? What's going on."

The "pirate" whose hands were pierced by throwing knives resisted and didn't call out, "Head, he's too fast and powerful. He came out of nowhere, and we didn't have time to guard against him. He can kill us, But just fainted."

Jarvis also rushed over, and said with a gloomy face, "Killing people is not his style."

Suddenly he shouted into the opposite woods: "HERO-CHEN, we can still cooperate now. My mercy is limited, this is your last chance, don't make me angry." After a while, he didn't get a response, he turned his head He ordered: "When the other party goes to the island, there must be ships hidden somewhere, find them all for me, and don't let a single person escape."

"The others follow me back to the hall, what's buried there."

Chen Ergou, who was squatting behind a rock in the distance, looked at the direction of the voice and thought for a while.

"Third Uncle and the others haven't sailed yet, I can't retreat at this time." Not only did they not leave, but they leaned towards the other ship.

A black "pirate" on the coast was holding a gun, smoking and resting by the edge of the forest, looking left and right, without noticing the pair of feet protruding from the top of his head. Chen Ergou grabbed the vine and landed lightly behind him. The pattering leaves fell down, just falling on the face of the black "pirate". He patted the leaves and looked up, just in time to face-to-face with Chen Ergou!

Chen Ergou grinned, "Hey buddy, how are you~"

But at the moment when the "pirate" had no time to respond and drew his gun to aim, he knocked out his gun with a palm. The black man was a little surprised, but he didn't panic. He took a step back and took out a military thorn from his waist, and put on a fighting stance, "Hmm, it seems that you are the one we have been looking for for a long time."

Chen Ergou originally planned to put him down immediately, but it was rare to meet a guy who didn't call out to his companions as soon as they met, so he became interested.

He doesn't underestimate the enemy, he has released several people one after another, I don't believe this person has never heard of it. But this person still dares to go one-on-one with him, so there must be something to rely on. Looking at the black man up and down, he was a little thin, but he looked very strong. He was 1.9 meters tall, and his lower limbs were obviously out of proportion to his upper limbs. His waist was very muscular, and his long legs looked like he was trained for long-distance running.

It seems that his downside is better than his upside.

"Let you attack first~!"

"What? You asked for it yourself."

After finishing speaking, he dashed fiercely and stabbed at Chen Ergou with a knife, as if he had a well-thought-out plan.

But he was not the main attack at all, the stabbing was just a false move. The real attack is on those legs that follow up. Leg strength is stronger than hand strength, this thorn is too obvious, the opponent will definitely avoid it. But he has more strength in his legs, so he doesn't do well when he kicks.

Although Chen Ergou has good attributes, he can't take the risk to meet this leg.

Therefore, the legs were bent like springs, and with a sudden force, the body suddenly took a step back. Chen Ergou used this move naturally, the movement is natural and smooth, and the degree of strength mastered is very good. It can be said that he retreated two meters away in a smooth flow, letting the opponent follow the sweep of the leg after the knife and walk away, and withdraw from the attack distance of the opponent's back move .

Chen Ergou narrowed his eyes, retreated a little bit and immediately followed up with a move. Facing the incoming force, he suddenly jumped up about one person's height, with his hands behind his back, his body straightened, and kicked obliquely towards the opponent's retracted thigh. This is the kicking method in Bajiquan.

Bajiquan pays attention to the roots under the feet, and it is not easy to jump too high, so that the body will lose its center of gravity and become inflexible, so that it cannot achieve changing moves. And Chen Ergou's kick seemed to jump upright from a high altitude, he calculated that the opponent could not dodge, and planned to use a head-on move.

In the blink of an eye, one foot stepped on the knee, while the toe of the other foot touched the opponent's thigh. The black burly man let out a muffled grunt, his body tilted, he lost his balance and fell down. Then he saw a palm go straight to his face, he screamed in horror, and then his neck burst into pain. Head dizzy, vision gradually blackened.

Shaking his head, "It's not enough!"

Enter the sea in another place, and quickly approach the opponent's ship. There are three ships, each guarded by three men with guns. Two were at the bow and one at the stern, and he crept his way over the back of the nearest boat.

While the other party was not paying attention, he covered his mouth, stunned the back of his head, and knocked him down to the ground.

He repeated the same trick and touched the second boat.

This time there was a little trouble, and the sound of water falling on the deck alarmed the other party. Chen Ergou had no choice but to attack by force. The distance between five meters was like lightning, and he hit the opponent's chest with his knee. He heard the sound of bones cracking on the spot, and the opponent had already vomited blood when he fell out.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the sweat pores all over his body stood up.

This feeling is like being stared at by a poisonous snake, no, it is stronger than a poisonous snake. The feeling at this moment was too clear. This kind of symptom had never appeared before. I didn't care about consolidating the results of the battle, and jumped into the sea with my head sideways. At this moment, there was a gunshot.

Until he fell into the water, he still felt horrified. If it was later, he might be hit.

"Tutututu", a shuttle of bullets shot into the water, penetrating deep water lines from the top of the head. Just squatting on the side of the boat, looking at the surrounding situation obliquely through the sea, he couldn't help himself like he had taken high medicine: "This is the first time I have encountered this kind of attack, it's so fucking exciting!"

With a hand on his waist, a flying knife is in his hand.

Taking advantage of the gap between the opponent's shooting and changing bullets, he jumped out of the water, following his feeling, and flew out with a single blow.


The other party screamed loudly.

He didn't pay attention when he drew the knife, but when he heard the scream, Chen Ergou was also taken aback, "Did I kill someone?"

Not caring about anything else, he quickly swam over and got on the boat. It was discovered that after the flying knife penetrated the palm of the hand, it was stuck in the opponent's shoulder, and the blood flowed all over the deck. Although it wasn't a fatal injury, if the bleeding continued like this, he would die.

Chen Ergou threw away the gun and threw it into the water, found a piece of cloth and tore it open. Under the trembling, terrified, and puzzled eyes of the white mercenary, Chen Ergou actually helped him bandage.

"Hold the wound and don't let go."

"Your companion will be coming soon, good luck."

After wrecking the engines of two yachts, he robbed the best one and headed overseas.

"Hey, I hope Jarvis has read my "Survival on a Deserted Island", otherwise you'd better pray that the communicator can be used."

Turn on the communicator and contact Chen Mengda and others. As soon as the channel was opened, repeated bombings sounded in my ears. The decibels are so high that it looks like you want to compete with dolphins.

Chen Ergou said with a smile: "I'm out of danger, you go back to Jamaica first, and buy a ticket to return immediately."

"What about you?"

"I...you will see me."

After asking again and again, I hung up the communication.

Alone, driving the boat to the maximum speed, the sea wind messed up his hair, but it made him feel good.

"God, let's play some music."

A "Thorns-Pass" was played crazily on the deck, as if a well-formed armored division was passing by. It also makes people can't help but think of the magnificent scene in "Soldiers Assault", and roared in their mouths: "A thunderbolt and a sword, a group of fierce tigers and seven companies of steel. Iron men with iron will, iron and blood defend the country and protect the homeland. The sound of killing is frightening The enemy is courageous, and the reputation of invincibility in all battles. The attack must be conquered, the defense must be strong, and the enemy's bones must be stepped on to sing the triumph!"

Open the virtual map of Goudan, and quickly sail towards the goal in mind.

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