
() (Thank you for 'Quit Love'', msi,' Wanshou! Touch it~~~)


When the four struggled to carry a pig and a crocodile back to the villa by the beach, all members of the Justice League fell into joy.

The wild boar weighs more than 150 kilograms, and the crocodile is more than three meters long. It is like a dinosaur. It takes four people to lift it up. Some netizens who later surfed the Internet were stunned after seeing such a large crocodile, and they all questioned whether the props team was making a fake. This is too exaggerated, and they had to wave their arms and shout "666"!

The program team also came from Shazhou Island, and it was the first time that so many people gathered on Poseidon Island.

Everyone took a group photo around the huge crocodile, amazed.

What you see on the screen is not the real thing.

Out of curiosity, Xiaomi took the camera to be a guest host to interview members of the working group, "You really eat instant noodles and get bitten by mosquitoes? Why is there not a single mosquito on our island?"

Without further ado, the staff member showed her that her legs and arms were covered with little red spots from being bitten.

"Before I came here, I weighed 160 catties, but now I'm estimated to lose 10 catties!"

Everyone watched it even more funny, and a sense of superiority emerged spontaneously.

Chen Ergou smiled and said, "It's not mosquito bites, but sand ants. You must be greedy for convenience when you sleep at night. You sleep on the beach without lighting a bonfire, right? As long as you light a bonfire, the sand will be expelled." Ants."

After hearing his words, all the staff wanted to cry, obviously they had been guessed right.

The water friends are also speechless,

These staff members were all wrapped up tightly, and even their faces were covered with headscarves. They were even more delicate than female stars. Comparing the Justice League Seven again, it can better reflect that Chen Ergou who leads the team is too powerful.

"Okay, everyone is working hard. In order to start the banquet as soon as possible, we need everyone to help and set up your cooking utensils!" Chen Ergou took over the conversation and began to control the overall situation.


The audience in the live broadcast room also realized that the trip to the deserted island is about to end today, and they didn't want to miss this scene.

Although every time a banquet is held, it brings "painful" memories to the audience, but they enjoy it. I have even developed the habit of watching live broadcasts only after serving delicious food before watching them eat.

With the popularity of various outdoor activities in China, learning "wilderness survival" skills has become a new yearning and pursuit of modern urban people. Everyone is eager to have a chance to try and learn various survival skills.

Primary school students in some areas have even carried out such activities, giving those children an opportunity to move TV programs to reality in a relatively safe environment, so that children can learn various skills of survival in the wilderness and I felt it personally.

Even CCTV has reported that a certain children's palace activity center held such an activity. Professional coaches were invited to teach the children some necessary wilderness survival knowledge, such as drilling wood to make fire, identifying directions, building shelters and treating drinking water. The students, who had never had such an extracurricular experience, listened very carefully and raised their hands to answer from time to time.

Not only children, more and more people are traveling outdoors, and major TV stations have also begun to create similar wilderness programs. It seems that Dongshan Satellite TV has created a "survival challenge" program. Select contestants from more than a thousand ordinary people to take part in the competition, and adopt an elimination system to challenge the wilderness. Although it is not as entertaining as Chen Ergou's program, it is also very interesting to watch the wilderness challenge from the perspective of ordinary people.

And "Law of the Jungle" has not yet started broadcasting, but judging from its momentum of dominating the topic list for several days in a row, even if it can't compare with the ratings of the premiere of "Wild Eater", it will not be bad. This has also inspired other TV stations, and a large number of outdoor travel programs are being conceived.

The outdoor sport of survival in the wilderness was completely brought up by Chen Ergou.

As the first person to eat crabs, the most intuitive benefit he has gained is that the sports equipment of the "Knight Outdoor Sports Brand" has achieved excellent sales once it is launched.

It has surpassed Adidas, Nike and other international clothing brands on Tmall for several consecutive weeks, ranking first in the sportswear sales list!


Not to mention off-site, on Poseidon Island, a sumptuous banquet is in progress.

The guests in the outdoor program lived a very happy life, but the program team lost a lot of weight. There has never been such a special case in China. No wonder even the director team felt unbalanced after watching it.

The seven members of the Justice League worked together to cook this grand banquet, including crocodile soup, pork tube bone soup, stir-fried, braised, stewed and steamed, and so on.

Not to mention wild pork, all the eaters know that wild pork has the effect of beautifying and beautifying, and there are several other effects of fattening and nourishing the stomach. It has a certain power in treating blood in the stool and hemorrhoids.

During the cooking process, the Pao Ding Dao technique was once again fully displayed in front of everyone at close range.

Although the water friends have seen it more than once, they still find it incredible. But the staff on the spot had a different feeling, more real, more dazzling and natural. It was the first time for them to see real knife skills. A wild knife was not a familiar kitchen knife, but it had no effect in Chen Ergou's hands. His culinary knife skills have reached a new level. There is no bloody smell of a butcher nor the smoke and fire of a chef between his movements. Picking, cutting, chopping, or peeling... The audience only saw that as his blade rolled over, he had separated the messy bones and meat from the internal organs.

Other butchers slaughtered pigs just to look rough, but he distinguished the parts of the pig one by one like an artist.

Pork belly, front legs, back, ribs, and more.


"What a powerful knife skill!"

The surroundings were almost about to applaud, and they continued to praise, Yun'er hummed triumphantly: "Of course!" The complacency seemed to be that she was performing sword skills.

However, the more you eat, the more time you need. After several hours of cooking, at the end when the thick soup and the smoke from the barbecue spread freely on the beach in front of the "Villa", I haven't eaten a good meal in four or five days. Everyone in the program group couldn't help swallowing.

"Gulu, it smells so good~"

"So it really smells so good."

They moved out the bamboo bed to make a dining table, and put all the remaining coconuts and fruits on the side.

Natural fruit, steamed taro, wild boar meat with aroma when eating fruits and nuts, crocodile stewed for a long time, and the attractive color of seafood salmon that is either pan-fried or raw... all kinds of mixture When the unique aroma rises, it makes people salivate.

Everyone was waiting for the last dish to be finished, and there was silence in the venue. More than 20 pairs of eyes watched Chen Ergou and Huang Lei make the final processing and arranging the dishes.

Finally, after the two neatly placed the assortment of dinner plates on the island's characteristic bamboo bowls, shrub leaves, and coconut bowls, suddenly a loud grunt sounded.

Everyone froze for a moment, Qi Qi looked at the source of the sound, and couldn't help laughing.

Yun'er blushed instantly, the sound of swallowing saliva was too loud, she covered her face and said, "My image is gone."

Even Xiaomi laughed so hard that her stomach hurt, she hugged Yuner and laughed, "How can you be so cute, haha."

The water friends in the live broadcast room almost laughed out loud. There are levels of foodies, especially girls in the world of foodies are the most unfathomable. This grunt is really extraordinary.

Chen Ergou shook his head helplessly, "The audience can testify that we haven't starved you these days, and we can still be so greedy, I am convinced."

Yun'er was indifferent, "Ouba, stop laughing at me. Can I eat it?"

Chen Ergou and Huang Lei looked at each other and said, "Okay, let's all start!"


Peng Yuyan was the first to pick up a piece of grilled fish and threw it into his mouth. He didn't care about the task of entertaining the program group, filling his own stomach was the top priority.

Everyone moved.

Xie Yilun also took a sip of crocodile bone soup in a coconut cup. The gravy was mixed with the sweetness of coconut, and the crocodile meat was stewed. The peculiar taste made him heave a sigh of relief, "It's so delicious, it melts in your mouth. Before Seeing your drool-drooling expressions every day at the banquet, I was still dubious. Now I believe it, it's really delicious!"

For this meal, the mouths of more than twenty people who ate were greasy, and their faces were full of intoxication.

There is a big foodie who doesn't worry about his image at all, eats his belly full, and looks at the plate. The appearance of this starved ghost reincarnated is like no one else.

Undoubtedly, this banquet received unanimous praise from everyone, and the task was successfully completed.

It was getting late, and there was a sea breeze blowing in the sky, and it was time to say goodbye to Poseidon Island.

Xiaomi and Yun'er were still reluctant to part, and decided to reward themselves by taking a swim in Fairy Lake before leaving.

Huang Jiaozhu, Chen He and others must take away their "forgiveness hat", bamboo teacup, polished and smooth coconut bowl and other items.

The ship that took everyone back came, and the director team asked everyone to give a speech.

Huang Lei said with deep emotion: "This is an unforgettable trip to a deserted island. It not only allows us to see the dangers of nature, but also gives us a wonderful experience that is different from the past. It is the first time to go to the sea to catch seafood by hand. , The first time to kill wild boars and crocodiles, the first time to drill wood to make fire, the first time to build a bamboo villa, etc., too many firsts. I believe that the Justice League will do better in the future."

Huang Jiaozhu said: "My biggest feeling is that everyone has become more united, from an unfamiliar combination to harmony and familiarity with each other."

Everyone made speeches one after another, and there was no shortage of words of gratitude to Chen Ergou.

"Thank you, Ouba, for allowing us to have banquets every day on the desert island."

"Thank you Dog Mom, I'm already looking forward to the next show."

"See you soon."

"Mom, let's wrap it up, and don't forget your classic lines!"

Chen Ergou walked out helplessly, looked at the camera and said with a smile: "Friends, it seems it's time to say goodbye. This trip to Poseidon Island has made mistakes and accidental surprises. Everyone has gradually grown from a ignorant novice. Let’s grow up. Just like Brother Xiaoming said, we have become familiar with each other from being unfamiliar, and we have become more like a group, the Justice League!"

"Perhaps the audience's biggest impression of our trip to Poseidon Island is that we have different banquets every day. I have to break everyone's cold water: a paradise island with rich resources like Poseidon Island is not the real wilderness. Face, if you underestimate the wilderness because of this, you will suffer in the days to come. But I think that no matter what difficulties we encounter in the future, we can work together to solve them.”

"Please look forward to the next episode of "Law of the Jungle", and don't forget to watch the premiere of Mango Channel this weekend. Viewers who haven't seen the highlights can find a different experience from the simplified program."

"Goodbye, everyone!"

Everyone packed their bags and boarded the boat one by one.

The main camera flew higher and higher, gradually drifting away with a screen-full confession——

"Grandpa Saigao!"

"We are waiting for your next issue."

"Ergou Ouba, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

The ship started and left Poseidon Island with a wave of white waves.


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