Along the way through the pine forest, the snow-covered reindeer farm is the last transition station of their trip.

Lapland-style log cabins are paved along the road ahead, and the "Justice League" is the first visitor to the farm today. On this day, Rovaniemi was minus 2 degrees, but the body temperature was even lower.

But the people who just came here, seeing the silver world all over the sky and a vast frozen tundra, all eyes lit up.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if you are not from the south, even if you are a Taiwanese Peng Yuyan, you will see snow on the mountains several times a year, but you have never seen such a feeling of ice and snow world.

Think about it, it's only September now, they were still living in summer a few days ago, and it's entering deep winter in a blink of an eye. There are tame reindeer with tall coral-like antlers running everywhere, as well as dog sleds and snowmobiles...

Everything in front of me is so fresh and exciting.

A few fun guys were blown all the way by the cold wind, and all the fatigue disappeared.

They screamed and got out of the car recklessly and rushed into the snow. Even Huang Lei, who had always been steady, jumped into the snow, feeling the strength of Bai Xue's touch on the cheek.

Suddenly a ball of snowball came straight to Chen Ergou's face, he instinctively stretched out his palm and caught the snowball. However, the snowball suddenly dispersed in the palm of his hand into a cloud of snow mist, which hit his face, penetrated into his collar, and made his whole body tremble.

——It was Xiaomi who started a snow battle with him.

Without hesitation, he grabbed a ball of snowballs and fought back, screaming in surprise.

"Ah, I was wrong, don't hit me~~ Yoona, come and help me~"

Yoona also joins the battle group and fights the boss together.

The touch of this snow-white world emerged deeply in my heart, there was no noise around, it was like their territory, it belonged to them.

The J-20 on his shoulder looked at everything arrogantly, and sneered disdainfully: "Childish human beings".

Rengar was not so cold, he broke free from Chen Ergou's arms, couldn't bear the loneliness anymore, rushed into the snowdrift with a "owwow" and rolled. Then he suddenly smelled the smell of meat, grinned at the reindeer in the distance, and was about to rush into the owner's reindeer garden, but was caught by Chen Ergou in the air.

Rengar struggled violently, nibbling on his finger with his teeth.

"Don't worry,

Little guy, tomorrow you will make trouble! "

"Okay, let's spare the meat for now~"

Rengar didn't care, it wasn't hungry anyway. As soon as the eyeballs rolled, there was a new thing soon. It was a group of huskies with strange faces, bouncing and frolicking in the snow, and it also hopped and mixed in like dogs.

The dogs are very good, and even leaned over to sniff its butt, which frightened the little guy.

This silly and cute side amused everyone around him.

Peng Yuyan laughed and said, "Rengar will really become a dog if he plays with the dog again."

Even the photographer who was following and shooting all the time was amused and shook his hands, "Is this still a black panther!"

Xie Yilun quietly asked Chen Xiaohu: "Xiaohu, this little black panther, your family will keep it with the dog all the time, right?"

Chen Xiaohu smiled wryly and said, "Director, you guessed it right. Although my brother doesn't have a dog, the neighbors around him do. It can't play with golden eagles, it can only play with dogs~"

"Tsk tsk~"

Around here, reindeer are everywhere—roadsides, outside hotels, out in the wilderness; but they're not wild, and the sight of a reindeer bearing the mark of a reindeer herding cooperative on their ears indicates that they've been raised.

Of course, more are still wild.

Rovaniemi's reindeer farm, these lovely Lappish creatures, whether they are sled dogs or reindeer, live according to their own destiny. The first time I came into contact with them so closely, I couldn't help but think of the wonders of creation. The thick fur protects them in winter, and it will fade away by itself in summer.

Here has the cleanest air, the purest wilderness and pristine folk customs, making it one of the few remaining unpolluted and unspoiled lands in the world.

Both men, women and children like to wear clothes with unique folk styles. The farmer entertained everyone with fresh venison, bone marrow, deer blood, and deer milk. These are the most traditional foods of the Laplanders.

——This is the exotic adventure that the program group wants.

The friends of the "Justice League" are already eager to chase a beautiful and unforgettable Frozen together.


Because it is the off-season of tourism, there are usually no guests at this time, not to mention the Chinese film crew who came from afar to film the show. The owner of the reindeer farm looked at the group of people very curiously.

Some of the Finns are actually very similar to the yellow race, and there have been many discussions on the Internet about the Finnish yellow race, the Finnish-Mongolian descent, and the Chinese-Finnish descent. But stop chasing relatives, it's something that can't be solved. Scholars call the Mongoloid-Nordic white mixed race the Ural race or the Arctic White Sea race; the Central Asian yellow-white mixed race is called the South Siberian race or the Turkic race. The Finns belong to the Ural race, the Europa race.

Chen Ergou said to the camera: "The men here will be taught various forest hunting skills by their father before they are 13 years old. Often, at the age of 13, they will be sent into the forest by their father to complete the hunting alone. Only when the prey is hunted, Only then will they prove their maturity. It can be said that they have been hunting masters since childhood."

"The deer race festival and deer lathering competition are also held here every year. This is a competition where local people can master lasso throwing skills from childhood."

Yuner blushed with excitement, ran over and asked curiously: "Ouba, have you been here before, how do you know so much?"

"I did my homework."

Chen Ergou smiled and said, "Did you see the bow and arrow hanging on the wall of the farmer's house? It must be a tried and tested strong bow. I give you a task, or do me a favor. Let's talk about it, and ask the master if he is willing to transfer it?"

Yoona blinked, "ok~"

"Let me try."

She was self-aware, she didn't go alone, she asked Xiaomi to complete this task together.

I walked over to chat with the farmer, but it didn't take long before I returned frustrated.

"The farmer said he wouldn't sell it. He said it was a family heirloom passed down from his grandfather, and he planned to leave it to his son Oscar to complete the next hunting. What if he refused to sell it?"


Chen Ergou smiled as if he had expected it long ago: "Fortunately, I don't really want to buy his bow. I brought my own bow and arrow from China, but there are iron parts on the arrow branch that cannot be transported. I just want a barrel from him." Arrow. Look at mine~"

"Do you have a bow?" Xiaomi asked.

"Yes, the recurve compound bow made of Juyuan horn tendon and horn wood!"

He took the initiative to chat with the farmer.

Behind him, Xiaomi waved his fist angrily, and said, "Hmph, obviously I only want arrows, but I still have to go around and say I want a bow."

Yun'er said: "But that bow and arrow looks really powerful, with deer antlers and deerskin tied on it, maybe Ouba really wanted that long bow at first."


The official languages ​​of Finland are Finnish and Swedish, which is a super difficult and weird language system.

He also doesn't plan to use his own language pack for Finnish. But because it is a tourist attraction, the locals can speak some English, so it is not difficult to communicate.

"I am Nils Marty Valasa of the Cassivalsi Reindeer Herding Cooperative. I have been herding reindeer for 30 years, and I am the twelfth generation of herders. Every winter, I basically get up at five in the morning to go to work , First prepare the sled to pull the fodder, and then drive to the reindeer herd in the hills, and come home at eight o'clock in the evening, and sometimes spend the night in the hills."

The farmer is very talkative and prefers to face the camera, "This winter came a little early. Although the winter here is dim, the reflection of white snow will make it much brighter. Living here, I will not be troubled by darkness. The North Pole at night The light illuminates the sky and we can use the binoculars to see the reindeer. I like winter more than summer, in fact, I'm more used to cold weather than temperature."

Chen Ergou nodded, and said: "I also prefer cold places. I am more resistant to freezing, but I am definitely not as good as you."

Latitude and longitude coordinates, latitude 6o°1\u0026#o39; north, longitude 24°53\u0026#o39; east.

How cold is Finland in winter?

He once saw someone interpret the weather in Finland in this humorous way:

At 15c, the Spaniards wear coats and gloves, and the Finns sunbathe outdoors; at 1oc, the French turn on the heating, and the Finns plant flowers in the garden; at 5c, the Italians can’t move their cars, and the Finns parade in convertibles; The Finnish army postponed the winter field survival training and waited for the real winter to come; at -183c, the microorganisms in the food died, and the Finns complained that the old farmer's hands were too cold; at -273c, the atoms stopped moving, and the Finns finally said: "My God, It's cold outside."

This is obviously a bit exaggerated, at least it shows that people in the Arctic Circle are very cold-tolerant.

He shared this joke with Niels, and the other party was very proud. He patted his knee vigorously and said, "Haha, that's right, that's how we are. Winter makes us more comfortable."

"Dude, are you raising the panther and eagle?"

"It's not an eagle, it's a golden eagle! A golden eagle in the Sahara desert!"

"Okay, you brought them to the Arctic Circle to hunt? I have hosted many rich people who came to hunt, and no one has ever done it like you. It is really strange that black leopards, who have few leather bags in the Arctic Circle, are not afraid of the cold."

Chen Ergou glanced at the camera and said, "Hey, maybe this is... rich and willful!"

Fortunately, there is no live broadcast now, so I have to cut this paragraph later.

The farmer was helpless, and said: "... a rich man's game. The two girls came to beg for my bow and arrow just now. You have taken a fancy to my family heirloom, right?"

"You guessed it right, are you willing to transfer it? I am very interested in bows and arrows recently. Your bow is very good, and I would like to collect it."

"Although I agree with your vision, I can't, I can't transfer it, otherwise my father will come down from heaven and strangle me to death. It's not about money, it doesn't matter how much money it is." He began to ramble, looking determined.

Chen Ergou didn't believe this, it's okay to cheat the girl, he hasn't made an offer yet.

But waving a check isn't his style, he's not used to being a millionaire, "I don't like taking people's love, you're missing out on a chance to make a lot of money. Now, I need to buy you a pot of bows and arrows ,May I?"

"……no problem!"

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