Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1920: Rolling

Xiao Yun shot strongly.

He shot with one punch, containing the six reincarnation rules of uprising.

However, his upright law is obviously more perfect.

With one punch, it was not just the power of the six worlds and reincarnation uprisings.

What's more important is that there is a sense of prestige.

Dawei has his own, I am like a avenue.

This is the real control of the six reincarnation avenues.

But this Jiang Tianyuan, but only controlled the six reincarnation uprisings.

The gap between the two is to stand high.

"This is the breath of the six reincarnation uprisings!" Xiao Yun punched out, and nearby people immediately felt the momentum.

"Is he Jiang's person?" Leishan stunned.

"The breath of these six reincarnation laws is perfect." Jiang Tianyuan's four quasi-gods were also surprised.

"This ... is he a son of Jiang?" Jiang Tianyuan froze.


Just then, the fist had exploded.

The immense boulevard atmosphere suppresses down, really like a world of six.

Later, Jiang Tianyuan clearly felt that his avenue was falling apart.

Then a choking rushed into his heart, and his body couldn't help moving back.

"His six reincarnation principles are more perfect than mine." Jiang Tianyuan felt bad.

He wants to retreat.

However, the law of reincarnation upsurges him and introduces him into the passage of reincarnation.

Under this upright law, Jiang Tianyuan's body couldn't move back at all.

He even felt like he was being led away.

Just then, the fist had exploded.

Jiang Tianyuan's pupils suddenly shrank, only to see six worlds over his head fall down.


Those six worlds directly smashed his six reincarnations, and then blasted Jiang Tianyuan heavily.


With a broken bone, Jiang Tianyuan's body was bombarded, such as a broken kite, and he couldn't stop his body at all.


A bite of blood spit out of his mouth.


Then, his body was hit **** a mountain wall in the distance.

The mountain wall collapsed and turned into powder.

"Master!" The four quasi-gods immediately flew to Jiang Tianyuan.

It all happened too quickly.

Faster than everyone imagined.

No one would have expected that the dignified Jiang's genius would be shot and fluttered with his hands.

Even these four quasi-god kings did not respond.

At this time, Xiao Yun's fist was recycled.

Inside the restaurant, he was carrying his hands on his back, so he looked at Jiang Tianyuan out of the window so lightly.

"Ginger, Mr. Jiang is defeated!"

"This man is so strong, he actually shot Jiang Gongzi when he raised his hand."

"He seemed to be performing the law of six reincarnation uprisings. Isn't he also Jiang's person, but why haven't he seen it before?"

The nearby gods were shocked.

Not only were they shocked by Jiang Tianyuan's defeat.

What is even more surprising is that Xiao Yun used six rules of samsara uprising.

On the opposite side, Jiang Tianyuan took a spit of blood, and he looked up slightly, snoring forward.

In his eyes, it was full of shock.

"My son, how are you hurting?" The four quasi-gods asked quickly.

"This man's six-incarnation law of uprising seems to have reached a point beyond my imagination." Jiang Tianyuan shook his head and murmured.

"Is he the person of the Jiang Family in the Nether?" Murmured the quasi-god king next to him.

They also just felt an extremely pure six-round samsara law.

This avenue uprightness makes them all ashamed.

"Only the people over there know." Jiang Tianyuan said.

"Isn't that kid just coming to my city?" A quasi-god king said, "let him see."

"Please him, I'm afraid it will be difficult!" Jiang Tianyuan shook his head.

Although he has some identity with Jiang.

However, that Ming Ziyu is a person with a level in the world who is so proud of himself.

He wants to meet once.

This time, he just got the news, this Ming Ziyu and others will come from outside.

Just encountered this on the way.

"Brother Tianyuan, the bug of this person said just now that the son of Ziyu is the younger brother of this person, and the same is true. I will not hesitate to make a theory with it," Leishan said.

"Ziyu son is his younger brother?" Jiang Tianyuan sneered with a sneer, "It's just right, go and tell the Ming Ziyu this matter and let him solve it. If this person talks wildly, then the Ming Ziyu will bring I shot. "Jiang Tianyuan grinned, and then said," Go. "

He whispered and took the man away and flew away.

"You stare at him." At the same time, he spoke, letting Leishan stare at Xiao Yun.

"Well." Thunder Mountain nodded.

"This Jiang Tianyuan is gone?"

"He mostly went to invite people." When Jiang Tian walked away, the nearby **** whispered.

"This is the imperial city, isn't it the one who offended Jiang?" Someone said.

"However, maybe this person is also Jiang's person?" A quasi-sky god.

"Oh, maybe it was the flood that rushed into the Dragon King Temple, and my family hit their own family, but I'm curious, when is there such a character in the Jiang family!"

"Yeah, the long worm on this man said so loudly that he was the emperor. Is he the son of Emperor Heng?"

"How, son of Emperor Emperor, how could he be so young?"

"If it is the son of Emperor Hengdi, most of them are also supreme.


Various opinions were heard.

At this time, everyone was curious about Xiao Yun's identity.

Therefore, even if Jiang Tian stays away, they have no sign of leaving.

Instead, they were waiting for Jiang Tianyuan's return.

At that time, there must be a good show.

"It seems that it will be more lively next." Seeing that Jiang Tianyuan hurried away, Changshengye laughed.

"Oh, casual." Xiao Yun smiled and said, "Presumably this Jiang's person is not too stupid."

Those younger children, Xiao Yun, do not look at them.

The only thing that made him fear is Tianzun.

However, with Wang Lao, there is nothing to worry about.

If the Lord ’s War really happens, I am afraid that the entire Emperor Starfield will be alarmed.

At that time, Jiang Zixu was afraid that it would also appear.

This way, there is no need to worry at all.

However, he knew Xiao Yun's identity and gave Jiang's **** a hundred guts, and they did not dare to shoot.

Therefore, Xiao Yun has no fear at all.

"Dude, here are two pots of flowers with a hundred flowers!" After smiling, Xiao Yun simply sat down and continued tasting and waiting.

"Is this guy still in a mood to drink?" Seeing this, all the gods who had been stunned before stayed still.

This guy is too arrogant!

He doesn't seem to take Jiang's eyes seriously!

"He is really the son of the emperor?" Many people couldn't help thinking so.

But soon they shook their heads.

The emperor's trail is hard to find.

Before Emperor Emperor manifested, he was just a spiritual body.

Not to mention the emperor.

Few people know the situation of Emperor Hengzi.

After a pot of wine was drunk, there was finally a cracking sound outside the window.

Then a personal image appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Gonggong is here." Outside, Leishan's eyes brightened and he immediately found Jiang Tianyuan.

In addition, there are several familiar people.

"That's my son Xuantian ~ ~ Jingtian's son, that's Ziyu's son, and asked Tian's son ... are they all here?"

After seeing those people, Leishan was shocked.

This is the most dazzling talent of Renhuangxingyu now!

They appeared together at this time.

Is this to deal with this strange man?

"By the way, this man dared to say that Ziyu was his younger brother, presumably they came for this."

"Hehe, he's miserable. Now these four big boys are here. Renhuang Xingyu, who can compete with them at the same level?"

At the moment, those onlookers were all excited.

"Haha, prince? I don't see how crazy this guy is!" They felt that a good show seemed to be staged.

"I recommend Ye Zhifan's new book" The Nine Heavenly Emperors ", everyone can go and see, maybe you will like it.

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