Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1922: Really a prince?

Xiao Yun and Ming Ziyu left.

The world is silent.

Lei Shan and others were completely stunned.

"The son of Yu Yu, actually called his brother ?!"

"Then asking Tiangongzi is also very polite to him!" Finally, when Xiao Yun's figure dissipated into his eyes, an uproar sounded.

"Oh, even Xuantian and Jingtian have said that they are long-awaited? This guy, is it so awesome? Why haven't I heard that!

The gods all showed incredible expressions.

Today's events make them feel dreamy.

Of course, the most shocking thing is Jiang Tianyuan.

At this point he was still in the same place and did not follow Jiang Xuantian and others.

Because previously, he still held his own arms and offended Xiao Yun.

Later, he ran to sue, but the result was like this.

He was terrified, afraid he would be scolded if he followed.

However, this delay made his heart panic.

"Even Xuantian and Jingtian are so kind to this person. What is his identity? Is it the Son of God?"

Murmured Jiang Tianyuan.

However, even if it is the Son of God, it doesn't have to be so!

You know, geniuses are proud.

Jiang Xuantian and Jiang Jingtian both aspire to honor.

Why should they bow their heads to a Son of God?

What's more, Jiang's respected people sit in town.

Not only that, but also the Emperor Emperor who had been awesome for several generations.

Jiang is a well-deserved emperor.

Children of Jiang, why lower your head?

"My son." At the side of Jiang Tianyuan, a few quasi-gods said, "Let's go quickly, otherwise, it's troublesome."

They also felt bad.

If you don't apologize in time and think about it later, it will be difficult.

"Well." Jiang Tianyuan blinked, then nodded.

He also felt that Xiao Yun's identity was unusual.

Right now, he immediately flew forward.

"Brother Tianyuan," Lei Shan called quickly.

"Ah, you hurt me badly." Jiang Tianyuan turned back and flew into the distance after saying a word.


Imperial city, suspended platform.

The top of the mountain is in the clouds, and the clouds are lingering on it. Ruicai bursts from time to time. Cloud cranes fly by from time to time.

At this time, Xiao Yun and Ming Ziyu were sitting in a pavilion.

Pouring fine wine.

Not far away, there were beauties dancing in the void.

"Brother Xiao Yun, what happened to you after stepping into the gate of God?" Ming Ziyu said curiously.

"After stepping into the gate of God, I appeared in an island in the starry sky ... Then, I entered the starry sky." Xiao Yun said simply.

"Sky Star Realm ... No wonder we can't find your news here." Ming Ziyu said.

"You guys?" Xiao Yun asked.

"We are relatively scattered, but all of them appear near the Rising Star Realm, so they soon gathered together and entered the Rising Star Realm together." Ming Ziyu said, "After a few things, we have established a foothold in the Rong Realm. In the meantime, the Emperor Emperor appeared, but he should not be in Divine Realm. "

When referring to Emperor Emperor, Ming Ziyu's eyes are exposed.

Hengdi is also his teacher.

Jiang Xuantian and the others next to him were also envious.

Emperor Emperor appeared and took good care of Ming Ziyu. Instead, these Jiang children did not take too much care of them.

You know, they are in the same vein as Emperor Hengdi!

In the vein of the sanctuary, it is not so close.

It stands to reason that Emperor Emperor appeared when he took care of them.

Although they are envious, the more so,

"Hengdi!" Xiao Yun's eyes froze slightly, and the appearance of Hengdi could not help but appear in his mind.

It was a man on a magnificent shore, and his hands could make the world look pale.

"Can Emperor mention anything?" Xiao Yun asked with a frown.

"I didn't say much." Mingzi Yu said, "The Emperor just united the various ethnic groups. Those elders must not make mistakes."

"Oh." Xiao Yun nodded slightly.

Hengdi has been like this from the beginning without much interference.

But secretly he is also watching the situation between heaven and earth.

"Brother Xiao, you, Ling Zun can contact you?" Jiang Xuantian asked next.

Jiang Jingtian's eyes were curious.

These people are Jiang Shigai Tianjiao, they know a lot of things.

As for Xiao Yun's identity, it has long been clear.

"My father has not yet appeared." Xiao Yun smiled, and he missed his parents.

However, he also understood his father's intentions.

Father is sharpening him.

Road, you need to go step by step yourself.

The Tao needs a little bit of realization on its own.

"Lingzun used to be majestic, and now it must be the emperor." Jiang Xuantian laughed.

Jiang Jingtian also smiled and looked at Xiao Yun.

They seem to want confirmation from Xiao Yun's mouth.

"Perhaps." Xiao Yun laughed.

"What! The Great?" At this moment, not far away, Jiang Tianyuan just flew.

Hearing this, he immediately froze in place, shaking his heart.

"This man ... really a prince?" He felt his heart panic.

The four quasi-gods around him were also frowning.

"My son, what can you do!" They were all black.

Just in a blink of an eye, he offended an emperor, which was really depressing to the end!

"Ah." Jiang Tianyuan sighed.

Then he stepped forward.

In the pavilion, the gods looked slightly, and turned towards Jiang Tianyuan, who suddenly appeared.

"Xiao Gongzi, Shicai was offended, please forgive me." Jiang Tianyuan's eyes flashed, and he knelt on one knee and bowed to Xiao Yun.

Seeing this, the four quasi-gods could not help but take a deep breath.

Their son is also a personal character in Jiang's family.

In addition to Jiang Xuantian and others, there are usually no juniors who are higher than him.

When did he bow his head so low?

But now, it has to be so.

"Please also ask Xiao Gongzi to forgive me." The four also immediately fell to their knees.

"Sample, Lord Ye has said that my father's father is the emperor. Do n’t believe it, now you regret it? Tell you, my father's dad is awe-inspiring. He once confronted the emperor. , My elder brother is also bullish, seeing no, this is His Holiness, it is my elder brother. "Phantom Worm frowned, and said with a grin, finally, his eyes rose, and he looked at the old king next to him.

Wang Lao's face was sinking like water, his breath was restrained, and people could not see his cultivation.

Most people only think that he is the King of God.

Even at this time, he was standing sideways, never sitting, and looked very indifferent.

As soon as this statement was made, Jiang Xuantian and others were all moved, and could not help glancing at Wang Lao.

You know, although they thought that Changshengye was extraordinary, they didn't expect to be so bullish.

At this moment, he went away and saw the king's old face sinking like water, seemingly ordinary, but he had an inexplicable temperament.

The more you feel, the more you discover the person is extraordinary.

"Is it really a respected one!" Jiang Xuantian was shocked at the thought of this place.

"I didn't expect this person to be so extraordinary." Jiang Jingtian was also surprised.

Jiang Wentian and others couldn't help but glance at Wang Lao and Chang Shengye.

Changshengye rolled his eyelids and glanced at the careless Phantom Worm.

But he didn't mean to refute.

At that time, it did not know each other and Phantom.

Furthermore, if it were not for the phantom flicker, it would not have been born with Xiao Yun.

Phantom Worm said that Longevity Tortoise is his elder brother, that's right.

After all, they live and die together.

"His respect is his subordinate? Is he also the emperor?" Jiang Tianyuan held his back completely, and set off a stormy sea in his heart.

It is enough to offend an prince.

There was another one, Jiang Tianyuan was bitter, and he wanted to cry.

He felt unlucky.

Thinking of Thunder Mountain, he could not wait to swallow it.

"Tianyuan, you are also a celebrity of my tribe, but how can you be so reckless, not to mention that Xiao Gongzi is a distinguished person, an ordinary person, and you should not treat it like this!" Jiang Xuantian frowned, Shen said, if it was because of Jiang Tianyuan Letting them in this vein created a gap for Xiao Yun, but it was troublesome.

According to the information he got, Hengdi was also very optimistic about this younger generation!

Perhaps, the Jiuxiao Supreme really became the emperor. The Emperor knew that Xiao Yun was the son of the Jiuxiao Supreme, so he took care of it.

This shows that Jiuxiao Supreme has friendship with Hengdi.

In this case, they learned that the son of Supreme Master Jiuxiao was not seeking death?

Now that he feels the extraordinaryness of Changshengye, he doesn't want to offend Xiao Yun even more.

This general character is too honorable.

The Jiang family is right.

But my dad is the emperor!

How can this be compared?

Really speaking, even people do n’t deserve shoes!

At this time, you can drink with them because they are all talents and talents, otherwise how can they be qualified?

"Yes, yes, Tianyuan will change in the future." Jiang Tianyuan nodded again and again, dare not slacken.

"Brother Xiao, how do you punish him?" Jiang Jingtian asked Xiao Yun.

"It's over, let's forget it." Xiao Yun frowned, and gave a slight glance at this Jiang Tianyuan. "But in the future, you have to be right and wrong, don't be arrogant, or you will offend other people. I know what the result will be. "His words were indifferent, and it seemed that Jiang Tianyuan was not in his eyes at all.

Not to mention shooting at him.

It seems that such a character is not worth his extra shots, nor is he worthy to be said.

"Yes, yes, thank you Xiao Gongzi for being generous and generous." Jiang Tianyuan nodded again and again, but his back was sweating.

According to Jiang Xuantian's attitude, he was even more convinced that the man in front of him was the emperor, otherwise they would not scold his tribe so much.

It is not difficult to imagine if Xiao Yun were to be held accountable, would he really be severely punished.

Moreover, he felt away at this time, and found that Wang Lao was extraordinary.

Perhaps the bug was really not bragging.

His father's father is really the emperor.

His elder brother really has his respected ~ ~ think of this, Jiang Tianyuan cold sweat.

Who are you offending?

For so many years in Renhuangxingyu, he never met such awesome people!

"You go down." Seeing that Xiao Yun had no blame, Jiang Xuantian was relieved, and said now.

"Yes!" Jiang Tianyuan retired with a little fear.

When he left, Leishan was waiting in the distance.

"Brother Tianyuan, how is it?" Leishan frowned. He was also worried, afraid that he had offended the big man.

"Leishan, Leishan, I was killed by you!" Jiang Tianyuan said with a grudge on his face.

"What?" Lei Shan was even more frightened when he saw this. "He ... who is he?"

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