Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1928: Coveted

Xiao Yun's identity was revealed.

At present, the gods of Renhuang Xingyu are curious about Xiao Yun and ask questions one by one.

"Gongzi, what avenue did you build?" Someone asked after asking.

"My way is very complicated." Xiao Yun smiled indifferently, not knowing.

In fact, for a long time, he did not show his own mixed Yuan Avenue.

Even in the heavenly **** domain, few people knew Xiao Yun's way.

At first, they only thought that he controlled the six reincarnations.

Then he found that he seemed to be in charge of many avenues.

However, what he's working on is the Yuanyuan Avenue, but only Phantom Worm, Longevity Tortoise, and Supreme Devourer have found some clues.

At this point Xiao Yun naturally would not say his hole cards.

You know, in front of him, he has two potential enemies!

"Oh, let's talk about something else." Seeing the gods of various races constantly holding Xiao Yun inquiring, Jiang Xuantian shifted the topic, and said, "Now the emperor's heaven is about to open, can you all have the confidence to log in to the roof?

"The Emperor's Heavenly Realm." This word immediately aroused the interest of the gods of various ethnic groups.

The emperor's heaven is a secret place of the emperor's realm.

It is said that when the imperial realm was not broken, the sky could be used for nine days.

This is where people yearn for.

Even if the realm of the emperor is broken and turned into a realm of starry sky, its charm still cannot be stopped.

The heavenly tree, but there are heavenly fruits, if you take it off, it can help people understand the Tao of Heaven and impact the kingdom of God.

Who wants to miss this opportunity?

Therefore, everyone quickly entered this topic.


It was not until night that the gods dispersed.

Wu Tiangongzi is very indifferent, but just glanced at Xiao Yun meaningfully, and just left.

The emperor who swallowed the sky had a bit of chilling light in his eyes, and it was self-evident that he swallowed the supreme heart of swallowing the heaven.

On the face of him, it seems that the **** god is in the realm of reality. He has already reached the half-step **** king state, and he has hidden cultivation, but he doesn't want to pay too much attention to those lords.

Seeing this, Xiao Yun knew that the two sides were destined to be the enemy.

However, Xiao Yun was not afraid.

After bidding farewell to Jiang Xuantian, they returned to the settled garden.

Xiao's **** son was also arranged nearby.

In addition, there are Shangguan Tianyuan and others.

Absolutely, waiting for the gods of the sanctuary.

"I will have a chance to meet again, but at this time the big age is coming, and I am afraid that there will be changes in the future, we have to seize every opportunity!" After tumbling with everyone, Xiao Yun said meaningfully, I do not know Why, the appearance of the lawless son made him feel uneasy.

He wanted to deduct this person, but at a glance, he found traces of the other party, and couldn't catch them.

So he didn't really deduced it.

After all, how can such figures be deceived so easily?

"Brother Xiao rest assured that we will not be lazy and will work hard to cultivate." The deities of each race.

Xiao Qianlong nodded again and again.

After coming to Renhuangxingyu, he felt great pressure.

Xiao is a protoss.

But Xiao now has no strong men in the town. It is really too weak. They must work hard and produce a character to let Xiao's foothold.

Otherwise in this person's imperial realm, they also have to suffer everywhere.

After everyone got together, they dispersed.

Xiao Yun and the Yan sisters talked alone.

Then they started to retreat.

The appearance of the lawless son gave Xiao Yun tremendous pressure.

Changshengye also began to retreat.

Although Wang Yunhai was around, he still didn't dare to slack off.

His father's enemies are too powerful.

Strong enough that he didn't want to face it so soon.

But since the other party appeared, he had to work hard to cultivate.

Wang Yunhai also retreat together.

He also felt the pressure.

Originally, in his opinion, he should be called emperor before he could touch on the matter and talk about revenge.

Now he's just Tianzun!

This gap is too big.

"Fuck, I have to work hard to cultivate, if I am in the same realm, I will not be afraid of him." Swallowing Heaven is even more anxious.

However, he is not without confidence.

He is also a freshman now.

And still under the resurrection of heaven brought about by the resurrection of heaven.

At that time, he had a sense of heaven and felt beyond his previous life.

If he continues to cultivate, he has the confidence to become emperor.

It was also because he had regained his feelings that he would be stuck in the quasi-sky **** state for so long if he had to take another path.

Imperial City, very quiet.

The lawless son did not come to provoke Xiao Yun and others.

Ten days later.

In the garden where Xiao Yun settled down, a vast Tianwei united.

Then a man appeared in the air.

This man is the Supreme Devourer.

Since crossing the calamity when entering the realm of the gods, he has a new physical body and has rid himself of his instrumental identity.

However, he has been hiding inside the Devouring God Tower.

Now he is finally born.

In the sky, the vastness of Tianwei covered the entire imperial city, and tens of millions of practitioners were shocked.

Those retreats also went out.

"Well terrifying Tianwei, who is going to rob?" Some people were surprised.

Because the prestige was really strong that day, it seems that the violent destruction of heaven and earth will destroy the world.


Sky robbery fell, and Supreme Devourer was bathed in thunder robbery.

He had long hair flying, and under that thunder, his people were constantly changing.

He started to look younger, with long hair, and his eyes became sharper.

When entering the real state of God, he is like a new born.

Such as the plunder of God today, let him transform here, the whole person's energy and spirit have become full.

After all, there was an indescribable Dawei shock on the Supreme Devourer that day.

That feeling seems to him like a boulevard.

"This guy is starting to cross the heavens." In the distance, the glance of the swallowing emperor's eyes flashed, with a sharp light flashing in it.

"Only God's Realm." Wu Tiangong smiled beside him. "However, the Tao he understands seems to be beyond the scope of Tuntian Avenue. It can be said that he understands the real Tiantian Avenue." , He saw the extraordinaryness of swallowing the Supreme.

"If I can fuse him, I will be the emperor, and even I can get the way he controls." The glance of the emperor swallowed his eyes.

He is alternative to get freshman.

Although there are memories of previous lives, practice exceeds ordinary people.

It's the same, he's so powerful that even Jiang Xuantian and others are inferior.

After all, his past life was truly supreme!

"If you fuse him, you can become king in the emperor." Wutiangong nodded slightly.

"It's just that Xiao Yun is defending the law by the side. It's difficult to move him!" Swallowed the prince, regretful.

"It's not appropriate to do so at this time," said Wu Tiangongzi, "but I will help you with this."

"Well, swallow the sky, thanked the son here." Wen Yan, swallowed the sky eyes.

"You are my person. To help you is to help me ~ ~ Why be polite?" Wu Tiangong waved his hands, his face was indifferent.

"That's, that's it." After hearing the words, the swallowing boy nodded again and again.

He was full of awe for the lawless boy.

The heavenly son nodded slightly, and then he turned towards the void ahead.

At this time, the Supreme Devourer was completely submerged in the thunder sea.

Xiao Yun was on the sidelines.

"Fortunately, they didn't take any action." Xiao Yun, while observing the Supreme Devourer, was also observing the lawless son in the distance.

From the beginning of the robbery, he was worried that this man would take the opportunity.

But at this moment, it seems that I have thought more.

In addition, Wang Yunhai also swept away.

"Go to Hengdian today. I will change the new and old books temporarily. When I am busy, I will try to resume the normal update in July, and I will finish the book normally if I die."

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