Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1957: Respect

Within the Haotian clan. Bayi Fiction Net≯ <≤ < ≦ ≤ < ≦ <﹤ ≤≤

At this time Xiao Yun still stood in the void.

The rhyme flowed on him.

In addition, the Supreme Lord, Wang Lao and others are also enlightening.

Seeing this, the Haotian people did not bother.

Instead, people came from all over the Haotian Starfield to meet the ancient emperor.

Among them, there are many ancient characters who have lived for tens of thousands of years.

Some people have met Yu Huang, once a veteran, and some people grew up listening to the name of Yu Huang, so they determined to go up.

In short, those ancient characters were quite excited and came here.

By counting down, there are more than 100 deities.

In addition, there are many descendants who also came to meet Yu Huang.

Almost half of the gods of the entire Haotian clan came.

"Is this Yuhuang?" When they came to the Haotian clan, those younger generations looked up at Xiao Yun from a distance.

"My emperor, I didn't expect that in the twilight of my life, I could still see Yuhuang. Cangtian finally lived up to my Haotian clan!"

Those old gods are old tears.

Time passed quietly.

Three days, seven days passed in a blink.

"The avenue is ruthless, but the sentient beings are ruthless. The avenue is long, the world is reborn, the plants are withered, and they are born again ... time, time and space, reincarnation, reincarnation, including time, including time and space ..." In the void, Xiao Yun's eyes were closed, His mind seemed to be integrated into the heavens and earth, as if he had returned to ancient times.

Since Haotianjie I, the past has come to mind.

The past emerged, Xiao Yun's perception of the avenue became deeper.

Standing at different heights, the Tao you see is naturally different.

Unconsciously, Xiao Yun's understanding of time and space has become deeper.

His way is gradually completing.

The more complete the Yuanyuan Road in Xiao Yun's body.

A vast breath permeated from him.

The breath, like a flood, swept in all directions, covering hundreds of millions of miles, shivering the souls of distant souls.

"This ... Is this the power of the Lord?" Exclaimed.

Individual retreats were alarmed.


At this time, in the sky above the Haotian clan, there was a sense of cohesion.

The creatures in this world felt suffocated.

It seems that the avenue is just above the head, and everything is crushed.

"This is His Holiness, is my Emperor going to cross His Holiness?"

"God bless my people!"

The people of the Haotian tribe cheered, with tears in the eyes of nearly a thousand gods.

The ten billion people are shouting.

At this moment, there was also a vast breath permeating the Wang Lao next to him.

He is about to hit the Supreme.

"Protect him first." However, Wang Lao suppressed his own charm, and first defended Xiao Yun beside him.

Wang Lao has accumulated for a long time.

He also lived endless years and was an old monster.

Just because of the bottleneck encountered, there has been no breakthrough.

However, after the longevity **** gave the eternal life scripture to Wang Lao, he gradually realized that he was very close to the supreme state.

Now, under the lead of Xiao Yun, he also has some insights, and can completely impact the supreme state.

The Changshengye and Mingziyu next to each other unknowingly reached the quasi-god perfection.

They are also very close to His Holiness.

That Ren Kexin and Sister Yan's would all lead to the robber of the gods.

Even the Phantom is making progress.

However, when Xiao Yun attracted Tianjie, they also opened their eyes and began to realize Tianwei.

This kind of prestige contains Daoyun, and if they feel well, they will also have many benefits.

"Holy Master!" Xiao Yun's eyes lightened.

Then, as soon as he moved, he broke through the sky and appeared in the depths of the void, such as entering outside the realm.

This kind of calamity is too terrifying. If you cross the calamity in the Haotian clan, it will certainly destroy the clan's territory and let 10 billion people fall for it.


The sky is falling, Daowei is like rain, and it is like the sea, turning into a sky-thunder snake, and the sky ’s mad dragon capsizes towards Xiao Yun.

In the end, these road patterns are like rules and order, and they will cut Xiao Yun.

However, Xiao Yun is like a avenue, leaving those roads to cut.

In the eyes of an outsider, his body was torn and blood was dripping.

However, the evolution of Yunyuan Avenue has absorbed those principles.

Xiao Yun's body also began to reunite.

Repeatedly and continuously.

The calamity that day was really terrifying. The calamity passed by, but everything could be wiped out. On several occasions, Xiao Yun seemed to have disappeared into nothingness.

However, soon, Xiao Yun reappeared, becoming more powerful and constantly coping with the calamity.

The day of devastation lasted all day and night.

"The Haotian clan seems to have crossed over!"

"What's going on, how can someone from the Haotian tribe cross this calamity?" Some gods were alarmed.

These are the gods who went to the Hao Tianyang Sea but failed the bridge.

Now they are panicking.

If the Haotian clan is honored, the trouble will be great!

"Afraid of nothing, only a sage." There is also no fear of the great deities.

The other day, Chu Yunfei showed the power of the world.

There seemed to be more than one His Holiness under him.

With this, it is entirely possible to suppress Haotian clan.

However, some people passed the news to Haotian Yanghai.

At this moment, there is a saint sitting by the sea.

It's too far away from the Haotian.

However, this Venerable can also sense the vastness of Tianwei, and it seems that someone is crossing the road.

However, because I guarded this place, I didn't know that the gods of the Haotian tribe were crossing the robbery. At first, I didn't care too much about it. After all, a new respecter was not a concern.

"What! Is the **** of the Haotian tribe crossing the robbery?" After hearing the news, the lord's face changed.

"Why are there such characters in the Haotian clan?" Some gods frowned, feeling a little surprised.

If the Haotian tribe can be honored, it is natural that the emperor has the greatest chance.

Ke Zhihuang has now become a captive and entered the Haotian God Realm!

"It is said that it was Yuhuang. It was the return of Yuhuang's reincarnation, and now he is crossing the robbery!" You Shen said.

"What!" When the news came out, the gods of Haotian Yanghai all panicked.

These people, all crossing the bridge failure, are now returning, waiting for the clan.

Some of the old **** kings have heard the name of Yuhuang.

So his face changed suddenly.

"Yu Huang?" The Supreme Frown, Mulu asked.

"Master, this emperor is the ancient emperor of Haotian Realm. He was shocked to become brilliant. He became a **** at the age of sixteen ~ ~ If he is not a war student in ancient times, he is estimated to have become supreme It ’s just that, in ancient times, he had already died in battle, and he didn't expect that he could return. "The **** king was surprised.

Who would have thought that an emperor in ancient times would reappear after falling.

And when he appeared, he brought the Lord.

"If he is allowed to practice successfully, most of this life will become supreme." Some people worry.

This is the quasi-god of the Tianyang tribe.

"It's a trouble, but he is still crossing the robbery. He is just a little man. He was encountered by the old man. Then I will send you a ride." The lord's eyes were cold, and then his eyebrows flickered and there was a source. It has evolved, and a person who is exactly like it has appeared.

This is a spiritual body, but it also has the power of His Holiness.

When the spirit body appeared, he strode forward toward the void in the distance.

Look at that, he is obviously going to kill Xiao Yun, so that he cannot grow up.

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