Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1971: Gap between ancient and modern

? In ancient times, Haotian also visited Haotian God Realm to protect Haotian.

However, after crossing the sea of ​​Shenyang, he failed to ascend the Hao Ri Shenshan.

All of this is that he has accumulated too little, and he has not enough understanding of the heavens and the earth and the avenue.

I also have a relationship with the times.

After all, this kind of treasure is not easily controlled.

Even few people have been able to control the Hunyuan Treasure since ancient times.

Xiao Xiao Zhantian that was excluded.

As for the dark dzi that Wutian had previously controlled, it is also because he is hurt by the will of Dadao.

All of this requires opportunity.

"If I control the Hao Sun God Furnace, I can use it to defend the Hao Heaven Realm." Xiao Yun secretly thought.

As a result, his confidence in protecting this world will be a little bit more.

After a while, he strode forward and headed for the Shenyang Daohai ahead.

"Are Emperor Yu going to Shenyang Daohai?"

"If Emperor Yuyu controls the Hao Sun God furnace, I am Hao Tianjie, and I really have no fear of others." The people in Haotian Starfield are full of expectations.

Ye Hao Sun Sea.

Here is Daohai, which contains the supreme mystery of Shenyang Avenue.

Xiao Xiaoyun stepped in, and let the fire of Shenyang sweep over.

"Shenyang is one of the heavens and earth, Shenyang Avenue is one of thousands of avenues. My avenue should include Shenyang, everything."

Xiao Yun's eyes were faint, his body was trembling, as if he was transformed into the mixed world, he strode forward, seemed to be integrated into the Shenyang Daohai, and it seemed that the Shenyang Daohai was included in his mixed Yuan world, he It kept on advancing, but just momentarily appeared on the coast of Shenyang Road.

At such a speed, countless gods have made mistakes.

You know, Chu Yunfei also realized it carefully. It took a lot of time to set foot on the shore of Shenyang Road!

"My emperor is invincible." The gods secretly murmured.

"Hao Ri Shen Shan!" Came to the shore, set foot on the wide square, in front of it is a giant mountain straight into the sky.

Laoshan has steps for climbing.

However, Xiao Yun's lifetime did not even reach the first stage.

This makes him extremely sorry.

I now come back to this mountain, and he booed.

After a while, he set foot on the mountain again and stepped up the steps.


Only when Xiao Yun stepped on the foot of the mountain, a mighty Daowei oppressed immediately.

道 This kind of prestige is unbearable, just like the oppression of the avenue. It must crush everything and prevent people from climbing.

"What a familiar breath!" Xiao Yun's eyes froze, looking back.

He was unable to cope with this prestige in past lives.

At this moment, Dao Wei oppressed, but Xiao Yun was indifferent.

He strode forward and went straight forward, regardless of that prestige.


The mighty Daowei overturned, Shenyang was like the sea, and everything was to be burned.

Under this horrible way, His Holiness will be burned.

However, when this mighty Shenyang fire touched Xiao Yun, his body rippled, and then he engulfed the entire pattern of Shenyang Taoism.

Immediately, Xiao Yun stepped forward, entered the mountainside, and entered the endless road pattern.

"Just got in?" Mu Tianlian stunned, "His talent now surpasses the previous life!" She was shocked inside.

"The emperor is invincible, the emperor is invincible!" The gods of the Haotian cried.

Uh ...

time flies.

Xiao Xiaoyun has already climbed Hao Ri Shen Mountain.

At this moment, he is on the top of the mountain.

In front of his eyes, as the sky topped the sky, there were endless twirling daoyuan patterns.

A huge sacred furnace was right in front of him.

神 This **** furnace blooms with a scorching atmosphere, the fire of the furnace mouth soars into the sky, and a round of Shenyang has evolved.

Suddenly the terrible atmosphere, even Xiao Yun frowned slightly.

Not to mention momentum, this **** furnace is not much worse than Yin and Yang Baojian.

"Deserves to be a mixed yuan treasure!" Xiao Yun secretly murmured.

This is only the second Yuanyuan treasure of the eight congenital Yuanyuan Shengbao.

Immediately, Xiao Yun crossed her knees under the Hao Sun's furnace, and began to realize the treasure.

"Haori God Furnace, Zhiyang's Treasure, Zhiyang Avenue ..." A movement of mind, permeated in all directions, and merged with the Avenue.

Xiao Xiaoyun immediately sensed the mystery of Hao Sun's furnace.

But this avenue is very esoteric and requires constant enlightenment, verification, and control.

Time passed quietly.

One month, two months, three months.

Over time, many people began to leave Haotian God Realm.

There are also people here who use Daohai to realize the avenue.

Twenty-four months later, Changshengye went out and began to cross the lord.

A day later, he succeeded in the calamity and became a lord.

After that, Ming Ziyu crossed over and became a respected man.

Devour the Supreme ...

Everyone broke through one after another.

On the top of the Hao Ri Mountain, Xiao Yun felt the avenue permeated by the Hao Ri God Furnace.

He has long been enlightened by the way of Shenyang Haori.

Nowadays, his mixed-yuan avenue is more complete, and he points to the emperor's upright meaning, and he also understands it very well.

积累 What he has accumulated is also more and more vigorous.

It's just that it's not so easy to control Hao Ri Shen Lun.

This mighty road is shocking and seems to be repelling everything.

Even though Xiao Yun did everything he could, he couldn't get in touch with it and control it.

Today, he is still comprehending, and the mind keeps trying to contact Hao Ri Shen Lun.


There was a ripple of ripples.

This time, Xiao Yun's mind moved into the pattern of the hoisting furnace of the Hao Sun God Furnace.

"Success!" Xiao Yun moved inside.

Nowadays, his avenue of renyuan is constantly fulfilling. When the roads flow, like yunyuan, he is very close to the scent of Tao released by Haori's God furnace.

After all, he finally got in touch with Hao Sun's furnace.

As soon as the heart melted into the pattern, Xiao Yun immediately came to a vast world.

First of all, what came to him was a world of red gold.

I'm here, the flames roll, like the world of fire.

"This is in Hao Ri's furnace?" Xiao Yun's heart moved.


At that moment, the world changed and it turned into a chaos.

"Chaos!" When chaos appeared, Xiao Yun's eyes moved.

The sky is hazy, like chaos.

After a while, the world began to change, and chaos gradually turned into a mixed element, like a kind of qi.

Finally, Yin and Yang are derived, creating all things.

This is the process of world evolution ~ ~ Xiao Yun's mind is completely absorbed, and he realizes it carefully.

Because this is too important for him, every time he realizes, he can elevate his realm.

Although these pictures have been seen by Xiao Yun.

But this time, he is still very shocked.

At the same time, as soon as he was at a loss, the deity could not help but evolve from the Yuanyuan Avenue, and was trying to evolve everything.

Open up the chaotic world, yin and yang are five elements, create all things.

The hazy, dark world began to have stars, moons, and suns.

When the sun was born, it was accompanied by a treasure.

That holy treasure is the holy sun furnace.

"Mixed Yuan treasure is born like this?" When this Hao Ri **** furnace was born, Xiao Yun was shocked inside.

Suddenly, he realized something.

"Everything in the heavens and the earth is derived from heaven and earth. This mixed Yuan is precious and not exclusive." Xiao Yun muttered to himself. , Can also be integrated, and can be controlled. "Suddenly, Xiao Yun's charm flowed.

The mixed Yuanyuan uprising permeated and penetrated into the Haori Sun Furnace.

I don't know why, this time Yuanyuan Avenue was smoothly integrated into the Hao Ri Shen furnace, and was not rejected.

This is the difference between Wudao.

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