Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 2003: 1 forward

Originally, the Emperor was a person earlier than Jiuxiao.

Moreover, he had already proven his sanctity very early.

However, Jiu Xiao has confessed that he has surpassed his demons.

This made the Emperor's heart uneasy.

Now that Xiao Yun has suffered the first knife, his heart is inevitable.

Mozu is very indifferent.

The penalty is nine, this is the first one.

Soon, the God of Heaven punished again.

Heaven punishes the second sword, kills the soul!

A deep voice sounded.


The sky knife fell and cut people down!

With this sword, all sentient beings are embarrassed, and even the gods of the divine realm feel a breathtaking sky power.

"What happened?" Some spirit creatures looked up, faintly feeling what happened in those nine days.

"Cut the soul!" When the sword fell, Xiao Yun immediately felt an imposing momentum to be cut, and his spirit was completely locked.

This knife cannot be avoided.

"Spiritual soul, wherever the intention comes, if people have no intention, like walking away with their bodies ..." Xiao Yun murmured, "The world is like a human being, heaven is like a spiritual soul, it is the will of the world, where the meaning is, and the world can run. Heaven, my hybrid, I am the world, my soul, and the will of heaven. "

The flash of the sword shattered Xiao Yun's spirit.

However, at this moment, his spirit was integrated into the world and turned into the heaven of the world.


At this moment, the mixed Yuan Tianjie is still falling.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun's evolved mixed-yuan world seemed to merge with this mixed-yuan Tianjie and merge with this world.

However, it seems that he has become an independent mixed-yuan world, and the spirit has become a part of the world.

A knife fell and dissipated quickly.

This is a very targeted attack. The attack on the spirits will not affect the world.

When the knife is gone, the rule of the cut mixed world evolves, and the restoration of order quickly becomes a complete world.

The next moment, Xiao Yun's body emerged.

He was dangled with mixed patterns, and his eyes were dazzling.

Now, his breath is strong again.

Today, his spirit is truly transformed into the heavenly ways of his own mixed world.

The mixed world has become more complete.

Although the mixed world was controlled by him before.

However, he did not have a clear concept.

Realizing now, the whole world seems to have been sublimated.

"This knife was also resisted."

"This guy is no worse than his father!" Seeing Xiao Yun's momentum rising, the power of all races was full of emotion.

This pair of father and son is really not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Heaven punishes nine swords!

Next, the sky knife dropped here.

Cut love!

The fall of the sky knife, the mystery of the evolutionary avenue, it is necessary to outline the seven emotions of people and make people addicted.

In this way, when you are lax, it is when the sky knife destroys you.

Many people can hardly resist this knife!

Avenue is relentless!

If you want to preach, you must be ruthless!

"The avenue is ruthless, but sentient beings are affectionate. I am the avenue and all sentient beings, ruthless and affectionate, all in one thought." Xiao Yun blinked his eyes.

Then, he blasted with a big hand and slammed the knife that day.


Daoguang collapsed, that uprising could not drag Xiao Yun's heart.

Heavenly punishment of nine swords!

God punished the Lord to continue shooting.

In the same way, Xiao Yun shook the sky knife hard, that avenue uprightness could not shake his Tao heart.

"This person has a strong Tao heart." Seeing this, many mighty faces were dignified.

Today, Xiao Yun has a firm heart, and even Tiandao cannot affect his slightest.

It seems that he really turned into a avenue, into a heavenly way, and with his own way, others could not interfere.

Kill Demon!

Cut off!



God punishes the Lord constantly.

Every shot is stronger than the last.

As soon as the Devil Sword came out, another Xiao Yun shot.

Everyone has a demon, but it is hidden deep inside.

If inspired, they will be at the mercy of the sky knife.

Xiao Yundao was so iron-hearted that he was totally immobile and killed the demon body directly.

Cut off!

This is a direct blow to cut humane foundation.

How can Daoji be beheaded if Daoji is beheaded?

This time, Xiao Yun flashed his eyes and evolved the yin and yang treasures, shaking his sword to that day.

In this attack, Yin-Yang Baojian was Zhenfei and Xiao Yun blew his blood.

The pattern was like a knife, cutting his body and cutting his foundation.

"I'm heavenly, you a saint, how do you cut off my Daoji, you are not worthy!"

At this moment, Xiao Yun's mixed-yuan world bloomed with magnificence.

Zunyuan Daowen burst into bursts, shaking the blade of the sword that day.

Xiao Yun hand-changed his long sword, but instead slashed at the void heaven punishment saint.

This knife is infinitely powerful. It is really like the sword of heaven. Even the Emperor feels his hair tingling.

You know, he has been proving for a long time, but at this time was shocked by the momentum released by a guy who just proved.

Wouldn't he want to be crushed if he wanted to take this epigenetic one step further?

"If this son succeeds, he will be a great enemy." The Emperor felt pressure.

"This son is actually so fierce, but he attacked the Heavenly Punishment Lord." Other powers were also shocked.

You know, the Heavenly Punishment saint shot, although each knife corresponds to the corresponding rules.

However, the divine Lord, his random stab is not ordinary saints to resist, let alone targeted attacks?

Xiao Yun had the strength to fight back, exceeding everyone's expectations.

This is shocking. If this epigenetic grows up, it will be really scary and become a giant among saints.

The Heavenly Punishment Lord was very bland. A big hand moved Xiao Yun's blow.

Then he continued to shoot.


This strike is to cut people's lives, and to get people out of heaven and earth.

A knife fell, and the sword was as bright as a sea, drowning Xiao Yun.

The whole nine days, as shrouded in this light, the breath of terror filled all directions.

In the secret world, Ling Xi and others were tense.


Yi Yi is light and worried about Xiao Yun.

"I'm a mixed element, I'm a heavenly person, and my destiny is dominated by me." Xiao Yun's eyes condensed, and Yin and Yang Baojian was held in his hand.


Suddenly, Yin-Yang Baojian circulated Yin-Yang, rebelling against the heavens and earth, and engulfing the sword.

At the same time, the yin and yang poles screamed out, directly shaking the heavenly punishment.


Xiao Yun shot, Yin Yang reversed the world.

However, he was still badly hit, and the sword light source kept flowing and chopped on him.

His world shattered, and the lines were torn.

His body was cracked, and blood was pouring down like rain.

At this moment, Xiao Yun was really injured.

Fortunately, Yin and Yang Baojian shot, engulfing a lot of knife light.

At the same time, Hao Sun's furnace protected him.

Finally, Daoguang collapsed and Xiao Yun took it down.

But this time, it was clear that he was a little out of touch.

"It can resist seven swords, and it's against the sky."

"Not many people can resist the Seven Swords in ancient times!" In the distance, many powerful whispers.

It's too scary to punish nine knives, Xiao Yun is very difficult to do this step.


This time, the sky knife fell again.

The sky knife fell ~ ~ towering, it was a killing sword, hundreds of millions of lights fell, there are road rules to lock Xiao Yun, blocked the world.

This sword is said to be reincarnation, but it is better to be broken.

Under a single knife, if you fall down, the spirit is dead and you cannot enter the cycle again.

At that time, he will really snarl.

Therefore, this blow is too horrible. Many people will give up resisting when they cannot support it. In this way, the saint of heaven punishment will leave a trace of vitality instead.

However, there are opportunities for reincarnation.

But Xiao Yun would give up?

"I have already proved the Holy, I want to be detached, why do I have to reincarnate?" Xiao Yun held the indomitable heart and ran the Yuanyuan Avenue with full force, urging the Yin and Yang Baojian.

The Bihai Shenzhu also appeared and resisted forward.

The Haori Sun Furnace evolved into a heaven and earth oven, covering Xiao Yun.

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