Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 2008: Power of destruction

The Promise Lord shot and the Promise Clock shrouded for nine days.

Then he held the Promise knife and shot at the Lord of Order.

It was cut with a single knife, and there was so much cold light that when the knife light came out, it filled the whole nine days.

On the sky, the remaining stars are exploding, turning into dust.

This sword really has the power of extinction.

"Shoot and deal with Wuji!"

"If you let Wu Ji do the same, the world will be silent, and I will be ridiculed."

At this moment, the Emperor opened his mouth and the sound wave rang through Jiuxiao.

The eternal Lord also shouted.

Xiao Zhantian held the Yuanyuan coffin and smashed towards the Promise Lord.

"If the order is ridiculous, the Emperor Emperor is ridiculed, Jiu Xiao is ridiculed, I'm afraid that it will be us at that time." Demon Emperor sent a message to the demon ancestor.

"Shoot together." Mozu groaned slightly, then nodded.

"Today, if we don't, we will all be fish." Mingzu nodded.

Because at this time the Promise Lord is too powerful.

He seemed to be detached, not as simple as the Lord.

At the moment, all the saints shot together, and the sacrifices were sacrificed by all ethnic groups to kill Wuji.

"Haha, under the detachment, all are ants. Although this seat is not detached, it is already a half-step detachment. How can you rush forward?" Seeing the All Saints shot, the Promise Lord sneered. Now, the Promise Clock above his head The humming, the sound of the avenue, the ripples like the sea, like the world, repressed towards the Saints.

Under the ripples of this road, the nine days collapsed, and the laws evolved by the Saints were all broken.

These saints cannot compete with the Promise.

On the other side, the Promise of the Promise fell, and had already cut to the Lord of Order.

The Lord of Order tried his best to pull the order of heaven and earth.

"Heavenly order, unite me!" He burned the source and communicated the heavenly order.


Heaven is buzzing, and the pattern of order emerges, submerged in the order of the Lord of order.

The pen of order flashed and point forward.

Suddenly, the ripples of order were like a giant net, which blocked all roads.

"Immortal sword, cut all ways." The Promise of the Promise shot, the sword fell, breaking the net of order.


Then, the sword fell, and wherever it passed, the world was cracked and irresistible.

Under the gaze of the eyes, the Lord of Order fell down.

"My father!" Ming Ziyu lamented.

He was in the Holy Land at this time.

However, he did not dare to go out, because outside the vastness of St. Wei, he would have to die if he could go out.

At that moment, the holy place was shaking, and the lines were about to burst.

This is just the aftermath. If Promise shoots out, these holy places will be destroyed in no time.

At the same time, he strode forward, killing Hengdi, Xiao Zhantian, the Lord of Longevity, and others.

"Eternal reincarnation, against the sky!" Emperor Heng tried his best.

Behind him, a gate of mixed yuan appeared.

This is the gate of reincarnation, his holy soldier.

There are six reincarnation evolutions in the gate of reincarnation, one saint, one step out of it.

Those sages who came in and scorned, all carried an obsession and would not come out to kill.

For example, Lord of time, Lord of space ...



One saint appeared and killed the past!


Xiao Zhantian held the mixed Yuantian coffin, the origin of which was burning, and he also shot with all strength.


The Lord of Eternal Life evolved the Eternal Life Sword, cutting to the void.

"Burn my origin!" Mozu also had to try his best.

At this point, they must be desperate.

However, the Promise is too strong.

"Under half-step detachment, all are ants." Wuji Lord Lengheng.

Then he strode forward.

Right now, in this void, the figure flickers, and a Promise Lord appears.

Among them are the Lord of Destiny, the Lord of Vientiane, and the Lord of Creation!

Like the Lord of Vientiane, he evolved Vientiane.

However, his fighting power surpassed the Saints.

This is destined to be a huge showdown.

One saint scolded!

Hengdi's reincarnation door was broken!

Then, a god's seal fell, blasting the Emperor.

A large knife fell, hitting the mixed Yuantian coffin, and then a flash of light struck Xiao Zhantian.

"No!" Seeing the saints ridiculed, among those forbidden places, Zhunsheng was crying in sorrow.

There was tears in Yao Qingyue's eyes.

Even those who made the Holy Land were chilling and despairing.


The sword fell, and the demon was cut!

Another big hand fell, and the Lord of Longevity fell.


In the ninth day, the light and shadow flickered, the void shattered, and the Promise Lord shot strongly, and the saints fell down.

When the light and shadow dissipated, those saints were long gone.

"Ah! Ah!" Ming Ziyu grieved.

"No! How can it be so!" Changshengye Changxiao, the hair was like a blade, to tear the void.

However, he was more powerless at this time.

Ling Xi and others are already numb.

"Tiandao, why didn't Tiandao do anything?" Someone shouted.

"Haha, your heavenly way has already been damaged, and there are enemies, he has no time to take care of himself." Wuji Lord hummed.

"How is it possible that there are still enemies in heaven?" Some people looked surprised, unwilling to believe this.

"What is impossible? The vastness of the universe, this heaven and earth, is nothing at all. There are many things you don't know, but today, you are all going to scoff." The Promise of the Promise flashed, and then he was at ease. A move, urging the Promise Clock suspended above his head.


A deep voice came out of the mouth of the Promise.

Then, a wave of rippling roads shook the Promise Bell.

Then, the holy places were broken and annihilated by the ripples of the avenue.

In the area of ​​Jiuxiao Mi, the lines of the road were shattered, and the force of terror fell down like sea water.

Suddenly, everyone inside felt suffocated.

"This ..." Looking at the broken and secret void, feeling the horror of the avenue power, all the people in the secret region were still.

Then a breath of death came to mind.


The ripples of the road pass, annihilating everything.


A scream sounded.

"Yeah!" Yi Yi was affected, Qian Kun Ding was shocked, and it was annihilated directly.

A large hand passed through the void, taking Qian Kunding away.

"Do not!"

Bang, bang!

Throughout the nine days, the secrets were broken down one by one, and the powers were annihilated.

After the ripples passed, the calm was restored for nine days.

However, throughout the nine days, the stars were absent, and the secret place was not.

Here, there is just a silent void.

The Promise Lord stands proudly in the air, and his eyes are filled with ruthlessness.

"The gods of the nine days are all ridiculed." Wuji ’s eyes flashed, "God!"

Then he felt away.

Divine Realm is still working today.

"If the living beings of the gods are destroyed, although the heavens and the earth will be destroyed, the heavens and the heavens will be damaged, but without the restraints of the heavens and the earth, the power of the heavens and the world will be recovered. "The Promise of the Promise reveals the light of wisdom, and now it leaves the realm of gods and humans.

The functioning of the world requires the power of heaven.

Although this is in order.

However, the operation of the heavens and the earth still needs its origin.

This will limit heaven.

"Om." Suddenly, there was a ripple in Wuji's ear.

"It's time to start?" Wuji's main eyes flashed, and it seemed that he had received any information.


At this time, above the ninth day, there was a vast ripple in the hazy place of mixed Yuan.

Heaven is buzzing, it seems to be fighting something.

It seems that there was an intrusion just now.

However, the waves quickly subsided.

The Promise of the Promise moved the big sea pearl and Hao Sun God furnace with a big move.

Yinyang Baojian is also being dragged in ~ ~ humming!

The yin and yang baojian roared and seemed to resist.

The Hao Ri God Furnace is also the same. The Bihai God Bead shook, and the Dzi Bead evolved into a terrible mixed Yuan water.

This water is very powerful, it can corrode the world, a drop will make the stars dead.

This is the ultimate counterattack of the Supreme treasure, not wanting to be controlled by the Promise.

"A jealous treasure, want to fight against me?" The Promise of the Promise Leng Heng, the ripples of the road trembled and suppressed.

Soon, those precious treasures were suppressed, and none of them could resist.

"It's time to go there." Then he strode forward, dissipating.

When he appeared, there was a mixed place in front of him.

"Khan, I haven't finished writing yet, continue to write, everyone's monthly pass is up!"

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