Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 731: Instrument Hall

Here are three big words flashing with gloom.

Although it is a word, at first glance it looks like an abyss, which can swallow people's souls.

"Is this the Nanyou Temple?" Only feeling these characters, Xiao Yun was full of respect for the Nanyou King.

In this word, he felt the existence of the avenue.

The main hall is quiet, and the gate of the hall is dazzling with light lines, and there are lines.

After Xiao Yun sensed Daoyun among those large characters outside the hall, he set his sight on the front door of the hall.

At this moment, a light pattern flickered outside the hall, and several figures appeared one after another.

They are the Yan sisters and Ren Kexin.

"Brother Xiao Yun."

Seeing that Xiao Yun was safe and sound, Yan Shiyan was so happy that she greeted her quickly.

"Always brother, brother, are you afraid that others don't know your relationship?" Xiao Shimei's mouth was sullen and unhappy.

At this time Ren Kexin regretted a bit.

If you don't compete with Xiao Yun's name, can you still call it now?

After a while, Chen Yanfeng appeared.

Liu Chaoyan and Duan Yu also appeared here.

Zhou Qing and Liu Chunyang are also here.

But Zhao Zheng and others failed to pass.

Only Wu Zong came to this Nanyou Temple.

"This is the South Hall."

When he came outside the temple, Zhou Qing's eyes flashed and he said, "It is said that there are many treasures left by King Nan You."

"There are lines in it, but I don't know if it is dangerous?" Chen Yanfeng murmured, staring at the door of the hall.

"According to the information, there are various prohibitions in the temple, and everything you want to get treasure must be determined by your own fortune."

Zhou Qing said.

"Whenever you come, you will be safe." Xiao Yun was a little calm.

As soon as his eyes moved, he stepped forward.

Stepping forward, the forbidden pattern on the front door flashed, and Xiao Yun entered.

Yan Shifei and others followed.

The next moment the light flashed, and in front of their eyes there was a hall of the forest.

The hall was dark, with light lines all over the feet, like star patterns, emitting obscure waves.

In the distance, there are some glimmers of gloom, floating like ghost fire.

It is only within these glooms that occasionally an elixir can be seen.

"This is the elixir?" After entering, Zhou Qing and others' eyes were all bright.

This is the elixir left by the king of Nanyou is by no means comparable.

If you get one, it will be more precious than getting ten medicinal herbs in the pharmacy.

"Don't act rashly, there are forbidden lines below." Xiao Yun reminded, seeing Chen Yanfeng and others' eyes glowing.

"Um." At that time, that section of Yu was about to take a step, and when he heard that he quickly took his steps, his face was timid.

If you step out at this time, it is likely that you will fall here.

Ren Kexin's face was calm and silent, her blue runes flashed in her eyes, and she began to sense the Quartet.

"Everyone follows me." With a slight induction, Ren Kexin said quickly.

"Um." Zhou Qing and others nodded.

Ren Kexin walked forward, avoiding some forbidden runes, and came to the area in front of which the elixir was suspended.

Here glimmers of light, from time to time you can see medicine bottles or elixir.

Ren Kexin did not rush.

Because some of them are caused by forbidden patterns, once ingested, they will cause matrix attacks.

After observing for a while, she took a flick of her hand and began to take the medicine bottle in it.

At this time, someone appeared in this hall.

That's the soul cult.

There are five elements, Hei Yunzhang.

The most people who come here are soul sects. There are thirteen in total, and each one is extremely powerful.

Five sects six.

Heiyun has four.

"This Xiao Yun and others have really arrived here." After seeing Xiao Yun and others in front, everyone's eyes flashed.

However, these people were very careful and began to observe the formations in the hall carefully.

"It's a bone-strengthening bone!" Ren Kexin's eyes moved and she glanced towards the gloomy front.

Immediately, her jade hand lifted and she took the elixir into her palm.

Starting with the elixir, the gloom disappeared.

"Success!" Seeing Ren Kexin's elixir, Zhou Qing's eyes next to him were glowing.

This little girl is too bad.

The movement of the god's eyes really had the power to see through imagination.

"A bottle of elixir!" Later, Ren Kexin continued his shot, ingesting a bottle of elixir.

Just a moment later, she had succeeded three times.

When she took her fourth shot, the glimmer flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

"Failed?" Xiao Yun made a slight sign.

Only the next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Because when Ren Kexin's jade hand passed, the space was dim.

Inside, there is a bottle of elixir.

"Everyone can only get the elixir three times." At this point, Zhou Qing murmured, "It seems that this is indeed true."

"Only three times?" Chen Yanfeng frowned.

"I forgot that there are rules."

Someone in Wuzong once entered here, leaving such a message to Zongmen.

"Anyway, tell me what elixir you need." Ren Kexin said to her.

Today's girls have demonstrated their strength, and there is a strong breath in the tone.

The spitting words were full of confidence.

"it is good."

"I'm about to cross the robbery, and I need a Tiandan." Zhou Qing and others were also polite, saying all kinds of elixir they wanted.

Feed Tiandan!

This is an extremely rare elixir.

If this is present, even if the ferocity has exhausted Jingyuan, it can be replenished in the first time.

"I need a Tianyan Tianyan Dan!" Chen Yanfeng said.


Ren Kexin wrote down the elixir needed by everyone, then searched for them, and then let these people take the elixir.

It's all very simple.

As long as the right elixir is found and no prohibition exists, it can be obtained.

"This girl has a very powerful eye." The soul sect also walked towards this place. After seeing Ren Kexin helping the people in the door to obtain the elixir, they were all surprised. From the medicine garden, the girl's performance It's shocking.

"If this goes on, Wu Zong's disciples will surely get the most resources." On the other hand, the eyes of the four Heiyunyan disciples were cold and murmured, "Would we like to ..." Emergence of ideas.

This person has crossed the robbery and reached the Yuanying Realm.

In addition, there is also a Yuanying Realm.

The other two are the existence of Zhunyuan infant realm.

"This Wuzong has killed my Heiyunyu disciple." A prospective Yuanyuan monk blinked his eyes coldly.

They had learned about the original soul Yuan Lake.

In addition, the Soul Sect ’s practitioners are also gloomy.

Cheng Youming waited for no news. After investigation, he found that he had been stunned.

But Xiao Yun and others appeared safely.

According to judgement, those people should be ridiculed.

"There is a prohibition here, it's not appropriate to do it." Leng Jiuxiao said.

In his heart, he did not want to confront Xiao Yun.

"Then let him live a little longer." Said a man with deep eyes in Soul Sect.

It was the five elements of Jin Yun who seemed calm.

These people are carefully sensing the fluctuations of the forbidden pattern, and they are observing the Quartet to get the elixir.

"Elixir is in hand, it's time to get to the next stop." After the elixir started, Xiao Yun and others had a fiery appearance.

"Next, it will be the Instrument Hall!"

Zhou Qing's eyes were hot.

The weapons left by King Nan You should be extraordinary?

It's so secluded here that it's hard to see the hall.

But there are still traces to follow.

The Fu culture inside is a road leading to the second floor, which is the instrument hall.

If the match is not good.

Or the soul power is not enough to get through this place at all.

Xiao Yun has some understanding of the battlefield, if you observe more, you should find your way.

But now there is Ren Kexin, with the power of that eye, she can easily see the clues of those lines.

Then, everyone followed her into the second floor of the Nanyou Hall.

That is the instrument hall.

The instrument hall is very wide.

Xiao Yun and others walked in and felt like they had come to a vast galaxy.

It's not a murky place here, but there is a flash of bright light.

Only when they stepped in, Xiao Yun and others saw a piece of weapons floating in front of them.

There are long swords, short shuttles, broad knives, war halberds, and armors ...

Various artifacts are spread out.

There are also many soul soldiers, permeating a strong soul.

But at this time these spirits were suspended in the air and difficult to capture.

"These weapons are very high-level, and some even have a touch of spirituality, and you must rely on yourself to get them."

Ren Kexin said.

When the artifact reaches a level, it is no longer easy to merge.

In particular, in this hall of the instrument, forbidden patterns are placed on those spiritual instruments, and they cannot be taken forcibly.

"You can see the weapon you like." Xiao Yun said to Sister Yan Shifei.

"Um." Yan Shifei nodded, and looked forward.

Ren Kexin pursed her lips with some grievances.

Obviously he brought everyone here, but this guy didn't praise him.

"Huh." Ren Kexin murmured secretly and began to walk towards the void ahead.

There are many soldiers there, but it's not easy to just get the soldiers' approval.

"Ordinary spirit soldiers, cold spirit soldiers, fire spirit soldiers, knives, guns, that's a halberd!" Xiao Yun's eyes glanced at those spirit soldiers, and his sight fell on one. On the war halberd, this war halberd is seven feet long, shining with a striking light.

Xiao Yun, who used to use the halberd to see it, was very excited.

The Yan Hal was extraordinary that day, but it was just a top-level spiritual soldier, and he had not reached the level of the heaven-level spiritual soldier.

At his point, it's time to change another weapon.

After determining the weapon, Xiao Yun released his mind and sensed it.

At this time, Zhou Qing and others also released their minds.

Time passed quietly, and the instrument hall seemed extremely quiet.

Xiao Yun released his mind ~ ~ But before he touched the war halberd, there was a breath of rejection in it.


A light pattern bloomed to shake Xiao Yun's mind back.

"Sure enough, it will be rejected."

Xiao Yun frowned, but was not discouraged and still let go of his mind.

"Taking the heart, I am a soldier." Xiao Yun secretly whispered, adjusting his state of mind to the best state.

An inexplicable style of rhyme permeated, making his whole personality change.

In vain, the rejection of the spirit soldier began to decrease.

In the end, Xiao Yun's mind reached the spirit soldier through the forbidden pattern.

"What a powerful breath!" Xiao Yun's mind touched the spirit soldier and felt an extraordinary breath fluctuation immediately.

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