Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 773: Exit Takezon

"At that time, my people died in the war. In the end, the young ancestors who were comparable to the ancient ancestors also died in the war, which caused you to fail. It was just that I happened to leave the clan when I was young, and the clan was already **** when I returned. I also have only exile. "

"Finally, I came to the southern border of this day and settled in Wuzong. I thought I could live a peaceful life."

Ren Zongzhu's face sighed, and the words seemed to be spoken to the people in the shadow gate, as if he were telling Wu Zong people his past. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"It turns out that the suzerain still has this past!"

Many people were surprised.

This is the first time that I have heard about a suzerain.

"But when Xin'er was born, I felt a slight anxiety." Ren Zong frowned slightly, murmured, "Because she also inherited all the blood of the ancestors, and has a complete source of the eyes, it is destined to become Being on par with the power of antiquity. "

"Miss Xiner has a constitution comparable to that of ancient times?" Hearing the words, the elders of Wu Zong were shocked inside.

In this life, it is an absolute genius to obtain a heritage value close to the nineties of the ancestors.

Above, every extra point will make it stronger.

However, Ren Tiandu is vast, but the person who has obtained the complete blood source is as rare as an horn, and ordinary people cannot see it at all.

For any clan with ancient blood, if such a genius comes out, it is destined to reappear ancient glory. Even if this genius grows up, this clan can become a royal family. When it is above the ranks of heaven, Above the power.

It can be said that this is a big happy event, enough to shock the world.

But for Ren's vein, this is the beginning of a tragedy.

The clan that Ren Tianyuan belongs to is only a **** of counter-insurgency, with a strong background, but not among the top forces.

Because after many years of inheritance, the blood of that people has gradually weakened.

Only after nearly a century, geniuses began to emerge.

However, the emergence of the shocking genius just let this vein be destroyed, only Ren Tianyuan survived.

"When Xiner was born, I had a hunch that maybe it would repeat the same mistakes and lead to the scourge of death. For this reason, I purposely added a seal to her to prevent the origin of her blood, but this seal is ultimately useless. As her cultivation progressed. "

Ren Zongzhu sighed quietly.

The same is true. He never restrains Ren Kexin, and always lets her go.

He even hoped that the daughter would never fully awaken the origin.

Unfortunately, this is destiny and cannot be disobeyed.

Some things cannot be avoided after all.

Especially for those who have the eye of God, they can peek into the days and predict that Wèilái will not dare to disobey the destiny, otherwise it will only bring greater variables and make the lives completely out of control. Did not interfere too much with Ren Kexin's development.

"No wonder the prince would be so fond of Xiner, but he was almost indifferent to Miss Yinger." The elder nodded slightly.

At this moment he finally understood the reason.

From an early age, Ren Keying was given extremely high expectations. Ren Zong was very demanding of him. Everyone thought that this young lady was talented, so she had higher expectations for her. , It turned out that Xiner talent was higher.

"Maybe it is the day when the suzerain is expected. I am afraid that the young lady can't protect herself before letting her practice hard?" Many elders sighed a little. At this time, they also understood the painstaking intentions of the suzerain, but at this time Miss Ren He has already left Zongmen.

At this moment, the elder is also Zhīdào, why did the former monarch send the young lady and those geniuses out.

"What's the use of saying so much, don't you think we'll be soft-hearted and let you go?" Master Huduo hummed.

His voice was cold and extremely ruthless, like a messenger from hell, he could not hear any emotion.

"If you don't surrender that girl, the old man will do it." He began to look a little impatient.

"This is the end of the matter, I have nothing to say, I have to confess my fate!" Ren Zongzhu concealed his eyes and gazed at the elders behind him. "Wu Zong has given me decades of tranquility, and I have not been able to bring them for years. It was my fault to go to the top. "

Ren Zongzhu sighed faintly. He was also full of feelings for this sectarian door, and he regarded it as his own home.

"Today, I took over Tianzong's post as Emperor Wuzong. From then on, Wuzong has nothing to do with me, and I am not a Wuzong person."

"Me, that's it!"

The low words were powerful and resounding all around.

Suddenly his eyes sank, a flash of light flashed between the waist and abdomen, and a waist tag engraved with the word Wu flickered and floated away.

I'm leaving Wuzong!

The sound of Ren Tianyuan's voice rang out in all directions, echoing in the mountains, making this sky rumbling.

Seeing this, Wu Zong's people were completely dumbfounded.

"What is the suzerain doing?" Many people stared at Ren Tianyuan with misgivings.

"This?" The elder looked at the waist card floating to himself, and his mood was up and down.

"Now that I am no longer Wu Zong, let's resolve our grievances outside!" Ren Zongzhu's eyes were stern, and if there was a twinkling glance, his hands were on his back, like a king, and he would coldly take that rudder master Stare.

"Go outside to fix it?" The main eyes of Xun Ruo flashed.

"Does this guy want to preserve Wu Zong?" Qin Wanli frowned. If so, his plan would be completely lost. If the master of the rudder is wrong with Wu Zong, it is not so difficult to destroy Wu Zong with his Sirius Mountain Easy!

"Bùcuò, I'm no longer Wu Zong. How dare you go to fight with me outside?" Ren Tianyuan said with a thunderous voice. The blue rays in his blue eyes and pupils were intertwined. An old breath is condensing.

"Exiting Buddhism?" However, the people in Buddhism were filled with emotion after hearing this statement.

"The suzerain wants to preserve my suze!" Many elders were sad and sighed.

"I'm a martial artist, once known as Tiandu, and now I can't keep the suzerain. Can he be abdicated for the safety of the suzerain?"

The elder pressed his chest and stamped his feet, showing a sad face, but he did not have a solution to this matter.

In the face of the shadow gate's strong man, he had no battle.

"Sect Lord, how can you withdraw from Wuzong, what should I do without you?" Erchang sighed, looking sad.

This result made him somewhat unacceptable.

The same is true of other elders.

"Sovereign, don't!" The whole void was filled with sadness.

If there is a sectarian gate, if their own lords are to fall to this point, what is the way out for them?

What face should they live in the future?

"Do you want to withdraw from Wuzong and prepare to die with yourselves?" Master Luo Duo said coldly, "You are too naive to think of this, right? After you think that you are alone, I will let go of your daughter, let this go Are the people of Takezon? They have to die as well. "

"People in Wuzong, if you don't want to die, don't you hand over that girl?" At this time, Ju Shi also took a deep step.

"My daughter has gone to the end of the world, not in the case, if you want to move, just move me!" Ren Zongzhu's eyes flashed in a deep voice.

At this moment he was also dignified and sad.

Looking at the stern attitude of the people in this shadow gate, it seems that his thought of protecting Wu Zong from being affected by a trace will be shattered.

"Your daughter goes to the end of the earth?" Master Zhuo sneered, "Do you think this will be a letter?"

"The girl must be within the Zongmen, Master Zhuduo. I don't need to talk nonsense. When you immediately shot, where it is, otherwise if the girl really escaped this place with a teleportation array, then things will be out of control."

Qin Wanli was deep in thought, so said.

He couldn't wait to hit Wu Zong at this moment.

Otherwise, if the head of the helm lord Zhīdào is still in the south, things will be broken.

"Since you're so stubborn ~ ~ then let's go!" The flash of light from the main eyes of the rudder, and then the palm of the palm fluttered coldly and quietly. , Must be alive, to ensure that the original mark can be condensed. "

"Yes!" When the words of the master of the rudder fell, the torchbearer and the other powerful men in the palace realm spoke.

The other four men, dressed in black, also permeated the killing.

When the killing sentiment spread, the elders behind Ren Zongzhu felt the pores creep.

These people are so imposing that they are far from being able to resist them.

Just this momentum made many people frightened and lost the meaning of World War I.

"Want to wash me Wu Zong, you have to ask the old man me first!" A low voice suddenly sounded.

I saw the figure flickering in the depths of Wu Zong, and a white-haired elder came in the air.

The elder crane looks like a child, his clothes are fluttering, like an immortal.

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