Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 780: How can you step back? [No. 1 ...

At this time in the void of the South Youcheng, the battle was shocking, beside Xiao Yun, but two monks in the quasi palace palace guarded.

As for those iron guards in Yuanying Realm, in front of the practitioners in the half-step palace, they are not so good!

"Some of these people, I'm bound to get the shadow gate!" A shadow gate quasi- palace palace repairer strolled out, said.

"Xiao Yun can't be killed, otherwise you don't even want to leave safely." The messenger Yin snorted, his whole body flashed, he hesitated to urge a trace of the power of the origin, urged the palace, and repelled the torch, even when he left Fly Qin Wanli, who is about to shoot.

Soon he walked.

"Okay, we will not kill Xiao Yun, but the young girl must surrender." Ju Shi made a quick stroll and said.

At this point he also made concessions.

After the war just now, he also knew that the angel of this palace was intractable, that palace was too powerful.

This object seems to be able to pull a momentum in this large area, so it is difficult for practitioners in the general palace environment to compete with it.

If it continues to entangle, it will only cause unnecessary losses.

"Xiao Yun, let go of that girl!" The messenger of Yin flashed, and sighed to Xiao Yun, with a little sigh.

At this moment, Xiao Yun held the hand of that sister tightly, and never gave up.

Can not abandon the doormen in this crisis, we can see that Xiao Yun is doing well.

It ’s just a pity that in the face of the shadow gate, the messenger Yin ca n’t resist forever. If he continues to fight, exhausting too many sources will only be worth the loss, so he does n’t want to keep Ren Kexin, it ’s not worth it for this girl. .

It is likely that even Xiao Yun will scorn.

"Let him go?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun's eyes moved slightly, and the corners of his mouth were a little bitter.

He knew that the messenger Yin had done his best, and now he didn't want to exhaust too much energy.

For a stranger, this step is already good.

Xiao Yun is not easy to force anything.

It was just to let him watch the little teacher scorn.

He can't do it!

"No, I can't surrender the little sister." Xiao Yun shook her head. At this moment, how can he surrender the little sister?

"Xiao Yun, give up this girl!" Said the angel of the heavenly palace. "As a warrior, you should be dedicated to martial arts, and your life will only begin. If you ruin your future, you will regret it, and rely on your talent. Enough to be famous in the sky. "

Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "No, even if I die, I won't just watch Xiao Shimei being captured."

He vaguely remembered that the girl was injured by Qin Tianzhao and the corners of her mouth were bloody. At that time, the little sister was very stubborn and said: Little brother, sister can only do this step, I can't protect you! This sentence makes Xiao Yun hard to forget forever, and feels fond of this girl.

At that time, he had also said that whoever dared to touch this little girl would have his blood splashed.

But now he wants him back?

A magnificent seven-foot man, if he has said something, he should just say something.

So Xiao Yun's attitude is very firm.

"Now I can control the situation, but the time is delayed, so I can't delay." The messenger Yin frowned, and then she sank.

At this moment, the torch waited, watching, but not yet shot.

"Bringer Yin, are you really powerless?" See you

The messenger Yin had a long heart, and Xiao Yun took a deep breath and asked.

"You are my disciple of Tiangong, I can protect you, but I can do nothing about these people!" The messenger Yin sighed.

At this moment, if Bao Ren Kexin is bound to have a **** battle, he is also unbearable.

"Is this really the case?" Wen Yan said that Xiaozong from the distance all looked at Xiao Yun.

"Master Xiao will give up." Guo Ziwen sighed, and seemed to see Xiao Shimei's end.

Others have speculated what Xiao Yun will choose.

Today, Xiao Yun and Ren Kexin are being forced into the Jedi.

He also faces a difficult choice.

Give up Ren Kexin, Tiangong can protect him.

If he insists on this, I am afraid that this messenger of Yin will also be incompetent and will only let Xiao Yun himself into the Jedi.

Therefore, at this moment the practitioners in Wuzong are staring at the void ahead.

"How will Xiao Yun choose?"

Not only Wu Zong, but even the other ten practitioners are also curious.

This is indeed a difficult choice for many people.

One side has a bright future, and once it gives up protecting Ren Kexin, it can stay alive, and it is destined to become famous in the future.

Another result will be ridicule in the war, such as a flash in the pan, and never heard of it.

Sister Yan Shifei also put her heart in her throat.

They know that this decision will have a bearing on Xiao Yun's life.

"If I can't keep my little sister, I would rather not join the Heavenly Palace." Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and he didn't consider how long, then Shen Chen said: "For Yun's love, Xiao Yun can only say sorry." Face regret.

Just living in the world, if you can't protect anyone you want to protect, what's the point of living?

"Why are you suffering?" The messenger Yin sighed.

"I am Wu Zong, how can I abandon the gatekeeper at this critical moment? In this case, I am willing to live and die with them!"

Xiao Yun said, unwilling to leave.

This decision made many people think it was reckless, but in retrospect many years later, Xiao Yun still had no trace of regret.

"Same life and death!" Wen Yan said that those disciples of Wu Zong in the distance were shocked.

Many people burst into tears.

At this time of crisis, the first man of the contemporary Wu Zong did not abandon them!

"This Xiao Yun actually gave up the opportunity to join Tiangong?"

"This guy is stupid!"

Of course, more people are surprised, and some people are ironic.

The prospect of entering the Tiangong Palace is golden, leaving nowhere to be killed.

But this guy is going to die with Zongmen?

Isn't this a fool?

"This Xiao Yun is a hard-hearted man!" However, many elders from each faction nodded slightly.

Such characters are rare.

Especially Xiao Yun is a peerless genius.

"This Wuzong got a good disciple, but unfortunately they all want to die here." Although admiring Xiao Yun's move, there are still people who whispered that in this world, living is more important than anything, you are dead and everything is brilliant Will be a thing of the past.

What if you are considered a hero?

So someone sneered.

"Brother Xiao Yun!" After listening to this, Yan Shiyan was anxious, and her pace moved quickly, trying to stop Xiao Yun.

Just behind her, an elder of the Five Elements was bound by her.

"Now the battle ahead is that I can't do anything. What use do you have?" The elder said lightly.

"Well." Many people sighed.

Wanxingshan, Chen Haolong and others are not in the taste.

It was completely beyond their imagination.

Yesterday they also said that they would become famous in Tiandu together.

But now?

"Well, it's worthy of being my disciple, when I have this courage!" After Xiao Yun's voice came out, Ren Tianyuan was excited.

"Emissary Yin, I hope you can temporarily resist one or two. In this regard, I will remember Ren Tianyuan." Ren Tianyuan said.

Immediately, his eyes flashed, the original runes in the body were burning, and the ancient momentum kept condensing on him.

The runes flashed in his pupils, as if heaven and earth were falling apart.

Apparently, he was burning the power of his own original eyes.

For practitioners, this is the method of self-harm.


A light drink came out of Ren Tianyuan's mouth, and then only his eyes flashed, and the void in front of him squirmed.

It looked like it would crumble in the void.

This momentum is shocking.

It was just a glance, and the sky and the sky seemed to be disordered.

Looking from a distance, you can see that void is distorted.

call out!

A blue eye hole pierced through the void and headed towards Jiuyou Tianhe, the master of the rudder.

The eyes glanced across, the void was twisting wherever it was, the sky and earth were in disorder, and the giant river that evolved from the master of the rudder began to twist. None of the strong in the market can control it.

The strong man in the half-step infant market state burned the origin of World War I, and that kind of combat power was daunting.

You shield!

The master of the rudder was a little surprised, his palms flipped, and a giant shield appeared, blocking the eyes.

But the giant shield trembled and was shaken by the air. His body retreated and his mind was affected.

As soon as he repelled the enemy, Ren Tianyuan turned around and walked towards the area where Xiao Yun and others were.

At this time, Torch and others were aggressive, Xiao Yun and Ren Kexin were in danger, and he did not dare to delay.

The same is true, Ren Zongzhu will hesitate to burn the source.

Such a move would not only exhaust his life, but even the foundation would be affected.

I can imagine what situation he was forced into at this time. .

"I want to save people, there is no way!" Leng Ruzhuo snorted and stepped forward.


The master of the rudder seemed like a river of heaven, covering the void where Ren Tianyuan was.

The left eye is chaotic, the right eye is broken!

Ren Tianyuan's eyes flickered, and he tried his best to get rid of this person.

"Not good, that guy burned a lot of the power of the origin." Seeing Ren Zongzhu's imposing manner, the torch frowned.

"You need to make a quick decision to get started." Another strong palace man nodded.


The two shot strongly and killed the messenger Yin.

"Your Excellency is better to withdraw sooner!" Ju Shi tried his best, at the same time threatening.

The two palace palace strong shots showed the strongest means.

One appeared in front of a chasm of fire, like purgatory, to burn heaven and earth.

The glimmer of light on one body shook the sky, as if to cut the sky.

The two palace strongmen shot, even if the messenger Yin was somewhat difficult to resist.

At the same time, once such a character uses the lore card, it will also be a trouble for him.

So he has scruples in his heart.


At this time, Qin Longtian and those practitioners in the quasi- palace palace shot and killed Xiao Yun and others.

The angel of the heaven palace shot.

Unfortunately, they were a small number and soon became entangled.

"You run away!" Wu Dianzhu already shot ~ ~ but was entangled by the repair of the shadow gate, he had to speak to Xiao Yun.

At this time, Xiao Yun and Ren Kexin were not around.

A powerful air lock locked the two men.

"You kill my people, beheaded!"

In the void, Qin Longtian's eyes flashed and Xiao Yun's eyes locked.

"What a powerful air machine!" Xiao Yun frowned slightly when the air machine locked itself.

This Qin Longtian is a half-step palace.

For Xiao Yun, who is one of Yuan Ying's most important places, this is already powerful.

"Xiao Shimei, hurry up and urge the array!" Xiao Yun blinked his eyes and dragged Ren Kexin into the distance.

There, there is a teleportation array.

Before the people in Tiangong had already started the matrix method, they almost injected the spar. ()

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