Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 795: Trying to turn the tide

Just at this moment, Xiao Yun flashed in front of Xiao Yun's eyes, and the infinite force of condemnation poured in.

The vast sky was like a torrent, and Xiao Yun frowned slightly, and a little resoluteness appeared in those eyes.

Immediately, he set up his arrows and began to pull the bow.

The bowstring opened, with the rune flashing on it, and began to absorb the original source of Xiao Yun's body frantically.

Siyuan's bow was continuously pulled apart, and every time the bowstring was pulled apart, Xiao Yun felt that he had been drawn away from Siyuan's air. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

When the bowstring was pulled into a full moon, he felt that his energy had been drawn away a lot.

"This Siyuan Gong actually needs so much energy." Xiao Yun was surprised.

The bowstrings opened, and there was a blazing rune blooming. When the sound of air broke out, an arrow would leave the string, even if the arrow passed away, the light seemed to Annihilate the heavens and the earth, and disperse all the condemnations.

call out!

Then an arrow shot from the array.

At this moment Xiao Yun's heart seemed to follow the arrows.

He saw everything outside.

The arrow blended with his mind.

The moment the arrow appeared, the eye of the condemned beast who was preparing to shoot Yuanyuan's grandfather shot violently.


As soon as that day the condemned beast's giant claws moved, they shot at the arrow.

This giant claw is so big that it can fall into the sky.

The mighty coercion pervaded enough to annihilate the Quartet.

Even with the fusion of mind and Siyuan Arrow, Xiao Yun still felt frightened.

"This beast of condemnation is really powerful." Xiao Yun was shocked inside, but soon, a faint smile evoked in the corner of his mouth, "but compared to this source bow, the condemned beast looks worse this day, then, this time Just use you to operate. "

At the moment, as soon as his mind moved, the light of the original source of the arrow, Guanghua, flashed, and he shot at this beast of condemnation.


The arrow flickered, a big explosion occurred in the void, and the vast waves swept away, making the mountain wall tremble.

The boulders rolled down and the mountains cracked.

But when the aftermath weakened, the condemnation of the beast that day turned into dust.

A powerful man who can claim to be king among the condemned beasts scorns.

The next moment, Xiao Yun's mind moved, an arrow turned into streamer, and returned to the palm of his hand.

"That condemned beast that day?" Seeing this, the hearts of the Siyuan people were shocked.

"What's going on?" Xiao Yuanyuan's grandpa's eyes were wrong.

How powerful is Zīdào to condemn the beast this day!

But this existence is dead?

"It was shot and killed by a bow and arrow!" Not far away, an elder muttered.

"Does such a strong man exist in my family?"

With a little suspicion, the crowd looked towards the entrance of the formation with a look of wonder.

At the entrance, a young man was walking up the steps with a bow and arrow.

In the end, Xiao Yun appeared in the sight of everyone.

When he appeared, the hearts of the Siyuan practitioners jumped suddenly.

"Is he?" Xiao Yuanyuan was shocked in her grandpa's heart.

"It's this youth." The elders of the Siyuan clan were also surprised.

Xiao Yun came to Siyuan for half a month.

The children of the royal family at the top of the mountain are all Zhīdào Xiao Yun.

It's just that few people think he will be the one the ancestors said.

So this time, they condemned Xiao Yun for nothing, and so were the talents who would let him hide in the battlefield.

But now this young man is out.

Look at this, it was apparently he shot it!

"That bow?" After a little shock, everyone's eyes fell on the ancient bow held by Xiao Yun.

"This is Siyuan Bow!" The sound of surprise rang through the void.

"Oh, Shiyuan Bow, someone finally took out Siyuan Bow!" Some old men laughed wildly and coughed up a few blood.

However, even if he vomits blood, he still cannot hide his excitement.

"Yes, it should be Shiyuan Bow. In addition to Shiyuan Bow, what other artifacts can kill the Heaven Condemn Beast?"

"Did my family be saved?"

After seeing the ancient bow in Xiao Yun's hands, the elders of the Siyuan clan were all excited.

"Is this the ancient ancestor who was able to save my clan in water and fire?" Even the old patriarch holding a cane was excited at this time, and there were mists in those old eyes. After waiting for so many years, finally It's until this day!

Especially at this moment just now, this young man took a shot, which made people feel hard-working.

To Zhīdào, if Xiao Yun had not resisted the condemnation of that day, those children inside would not know how much to die.

Xiao Yun stepped out of the formation and appeared in the wide ground on the mountainside.

He was holding Shiyuan Bow, and every step out of the mountain was trembling. The weight of this ancient bow was that Xiao Yun felt struggling.

Unless Gu Gong was communicated, otherwise he would not be able to move the Siyuan Bow with his strength at this time.

It is not difficult to imagine how terrible this Shiyuan bow is.

After killing a condemned animal, Xiao Yun also increased his confidence.

"With Siyuan Bow, I'm good enough to fight against these condemned beasts."

Xiao Yun's heart was dark.

"It just takes too much energy to motivate this bow. With my current strength, I'm afraid I can't use this bow for a long time."

Just one arrow consumed one fifth of Si Yuan's energy in Xiao Yun's body.

The consumption of Qiyuan's energy caused Xiao Yun's spirit and spirit to weaken somewhat.

However, at this time he stepped forward, looked up, and frowned slightly behind the curtain of the heavenly condemnation light that looked like the sky.

Boom, boom!

At this time, the light curtain squirmed and kept falling with the condemnation of condemnation.

Each thunderbolt will have a blood source from the Siyuan people.

These people are totally resisting the force of condemnation at this time. If they cannot survive, then waiting for their end is ridicule.

Through these pictures, you can imagine how terrible a period of time the people of the Siyuan people lived here.

It's no wonder that Xiao Yuanyuan would be so anxious that Xiao Yun was the one her ancient ancestors predicted.

Xiao Yun looked up at the void, and he was a little bit uneasy. At least the Shiyuan people he contacted were very kind and an honest clan.

If not, would those people still allow him, an outsider, to hide in this crisis?

If not, would Xiaoyuanyuan's grandfather hesitate to stop the condemned beast from breaking through the front door that day?

In the face of crisis, these people are not afraid of life and death, standing one by one on the front line.

Almost no adult man hid in battle.

Even if they will face ridicule when Zhīdào is out.

What he saw and heard made Xiao Yun feel good about this clan.

Apart from that feeling, I also have some sympathy.

"Heavenly condemnation, even if the ancestor of this clan committed a major crime, it is not as sinful as future generations, it should be over now!"

When Xiao Yun's eyes lighted, the bow and arrow set up and began to pull the bowstring.

When the bowstring was pulled up, the runes on it bloomed, like a cyclone absorbing the source of Qiyuan's body in Xiao Yun's body, and every point of Qiyuan's gas was pulled away, then the source of Qiyuan's bow was pulled After opening a point, the runes on the bows and arrows are also able to shine brightly.

The bowstrings opened, with a long scream like a dragon and a tiger.

The sound wave shook Jiuxiao, making the void tremble.

When the bowstrings pulled up, even those condemned beasts in the void made a roar of uneasiness.

The slightly beastly scourge of the King of Heaven condemned the wings quickly, and rolled up a horrible storm towards Xiao Yun.

They want to stop Xiao Yun from shooting.

call out!

The bowstring became loose, the long arrow broke through, and a clear low humming sounded, and then the arrow bloomed endlessly and broke through the void, and passed through the evolving sky curtain of light that day on the dome. It seems that it can destroy the world.

All the storms brought by those condemned beasts turned into nothingness.

Among them, a giant wing of the condemned beast was directly blasted, and it was flying thousands of meters away by a horrible wave.

The other heads were also directly shaken by the fly.

Then the arrow burrowed through the void, and struck at the beast that formed a battlefield and evolved into a curtain of light.


The arrows passed by, shining a dazzling light, and there were vast waves sweeping through.

Those beasts of condemnation were horrified.

They felt a terrifying breath, which was from ancient times.

Then the light flashed, and the arrows passed through.


There was a big explosion in the void, a loud noise shook the sky, and Siyuan arrows passed, and the horrible wave directly crushed several condemned beasts.

The vast aftermath swept away, and nearby condemned beasts were flying.

The original formation was broken up.

The light curtain covering the sky was also dissipated a little bit, and finally turned into thousands of days to condemn the beast to float in the air.

When the light curtain dissipated, the condemnation that day ceased to exist, and the thunder in the void began to dissipate.

Those sinners of the Siyuan family began to hide in their bodies, and the condemnation from heaven also disappeared suddenly.

"Is the condemnation dissipated?" At that moment when Tianwei dissipated, all the people of the Siyuan family were secretly relieved.

"Oh, God bless my clan, God bless my clan!" The elders of the Siyuan clan are all very excited.


Thousands of condemned beasts circled in the void, and roars kept coming.

The powerful beasts of sacred condemn snarled and led the condemned beasts into battle again!

"Do you still want to fight?" Seeing this, Xiao Yun looked cold.

"Shoot people first and horses first, capture the thief first, and the king. In that case, shoot these few heavenly condemnations first."

Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, locking those savage beasts that turned on their intelligence.

The ancient bow pulled, Xiao Yun was locked in front.

call out!

In the void, the light flashed, and Siyuan Arrow carried a vast hole of divine power through the void.

The giant bow opened and radiated a ray of light, as if pulling the world.

Even the rune flickered as if it had evolved into a field.

This field will lock several condemned beasts, making them inevitable.


A loud noise came out, and the arrow of Siyuan flickered ~ ~ directly pierced through a condemned beastmaster.

The vast aftermath shook and wounded several others.

"Come again!" Xiao Yun's mind moved, and Siyuan Arrow turned, and he pulled the bow again.

call out! call out!

Xiao Yun shot continuously, killing three condemned beasts.

At this point, all those kings and beasts fell down.

When these kings and beasts fell, those condemned beasts were panicked.

This sudden change made them overwhelmed.

Once upon a time, have they been condemned to this point these days?

They are punishing instead of this world!

But now he has been shot and killed several king beasts.

This has never happened before.

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