Although it looked ferocious, the right fin on its head had been cut off close to its scalp, and its right eye had been opened with a sword.

There was only a black hole left in the scarlet eye, and the shocking scars around it.

Ye Yuxi and Bai Jinyi looked at the dragon dragon and were stunned when they saw the latter's scene.

Neither of them expected that seeing the dragon dragon in person would be like this.

However, judging from the healed injury of the dragon dragon and the new scales around the wound, its injury should have been an old injury for many years.

It's even possible for hundreds or thousands of years!


The dragon dragon's huge body twisted and crawled out of the crack. Its thousand-meter-long body occupied almost half of the mountain peak!

After the dragon dragon arched out of the ground, the vibrations in the surrounding mountains did not completely disappear, and there was still a muffled sound.

Ye Yuxi and Bai Jinyi's expressions changed immediately when they heard the voice. Their eyes moved slightly and looked at the black peaks not far away.

The huge muffled sound came from there!

The dragon dragon's scarlet left eye stared at the two tiny figures in the sky, and with a strong sweep of its thick snake tail, it swung directly towards several mountain peaks beside it!

The huge spiritual power brought up a black shadow in the air and directly hit several nearby mountains.

Suddenly, the earth shook, and cracks appeared in the nearby mountains. Some huge rocks were swept by the spiritual power and smashed directly into the distance, sinking into the primeval forest.

With this smash, it is estimated that hundreds of them were buried under the boulder.

Boom boom boom, after the snake tail swung once, the dragon dragon waved the snake tail several times in succession. Each time, it hit the nearby black mountain and did not attack Ye Yuxi and the two in the air.

"Hiss, hiss—"

As soon as cracks appeared in the surrounding mountains, a hissing snake voice came from inside, as if they were talking to a dragon.

Immediately after, three giant pythons crawled out of several surrounding mountains, two black and one red. The two black giant pythons were very similar to the one that Ye Yuxi killed in the belly of the mountain before, except that these two giant pythons climbed out. The python is bigger than the Xuanling Snake King.

As for the smaller red python, it looks a little weirder. The python's body is slightly smaller than the other two. Its entire body seems to have been infected with blood, and its eyes are golden-red. .

The red body twists randomly on the hillside. Whether it touches trees or rocks, it will immediately make a hissing sound of corrosion.

"Very poisonous!" Ye Yuxi's pupils contracted slightly and she secretly sent a message to Bai Jinyi in her heart, "I will deal with this red snake. You use the evil-eyed white tiger to hold the black python on the left, and give the other one to Zi Ling."

"Okay." Bai Jinyi responded in his heart. The spiritual power in his body was already running at full speed, and the Starry Sky Taixuyan had already been wrapped in his right hand.

"Kill them." The dragon dragon below stared at Ye Yuxi and Ye Yuxi in the sky, and let out a low roar.

It was in human language, and it seemed to be mainly meant for Ye Yuxi and the others!

The dragon dragon gave him the order, but its body did not attack. The three escorting giant pythons around it curled up.

Then the snake's body, filled with spiritual power, flicked upward with force, and the giant python dozens of meters long flew into the air and headed straight for Ye Yuxi and the two of them!

The winding body dances in the air, coupled with the cold air emanating from it, at first glance it looks like a real dragon flying in the air!

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