"Lord Long, this place doesn't look like there is a treasure." Hei Fengtian walked around in a circle. Apart from sighing at the exquisite casting of this place, he couldn't find anything with spiritual power, which made him feel a little disappointed. .

As for Long Xiaopang, he sat on the sofa and watched Tianzong and others busy around like a young master.

"Little stupid bird, what are you sniffing about?"

When Little Fatty Long saw Huo Ling coming in, he didn't say a word and was just wandering around, so he couldn't help but muttered something.

"Don't talk, don't talk." Huo Ling waved his hand to Little Fatty Long impatiently, and kept raising his head to smell the smell in the air.

Ye Yuxi was still standing in front of the window in a daze, looking out the window, but in her heart she was trying to recall the scene before she traveled through time.

Because of the special status of himself, Yingxue and others, everyone is extremely careful not to leave too much personal information on weekdays. Even on their own planes, they do not leave any photos or videos.

There should be nothing that can directly reveal his relationship with this plane...

Ye Yuxi thought to herself, but was interrupted by a childish voice.

"Master, little ginseng, there is food here!" Huo Ling pointed to a cabinet in the corner, his little face was full of excitement, and he swallowed as he spoke.


Everyone's eyes were stunned again, and they all looked in the direction of Huo Ling.

Ye Yuxi didn't worry too much this time. What Huo Ling found was a refrigerator for storing food. Except for some food and drink, there was nothing else in it.

"Little stupid bird, don't move!" Long Xiaopang turned over and sat up from the sofa, his little eyes wary.

Huo Ling had already stood on tiptoes and reached for the refrigerator door above. Hearing Xiaopang Long's voice, he was stunned for a moment and subconsciously turned his head to the side.

"What's wrong?" Huo Ling responded with a cute look on his face. He turned his head too much, pointed his toes and was a little unsteady, and his upper body almost fell on the refrigerator.

Fatty Long didn't say anything. He jumped a few steps to the refrigerator and looked up and down at the refrigerator door.

"The baby discovered this." Huo Ling glanced at Little Fatty Long warily, that means, even if you like it, you can't steal it from me!

"Tch." Fatty Long rolled his eyes at Huo Ling, fumbled with the freezer door with his little hands, and suddenly pulled it out.


A burst of cold air rushed towards him, and Long Xiaopang, who was standing in front of him, took a step back and looked at the scene inside with vigilant eyes.

There was no danger, just a few small drawer-like compartments with a cold air on them.

Bai Jinyi, the Great Elder and others next to them were also startled when they saw this. This place is already close to the range of the Eternal Fire. The temperature outside is hot, how can there be cold air here?

More importantly, everyone has used spiritual power to explore it before, and almost nothing in this room contains spiritual power.

If the Heavenly Spirit Earth Treasure with the cold attribute was placed in this "cabinet", the low temperature would not be surprising. But now when the cabinet door is opened, no one feels the fluctuation of spiritual power, which instantly attracted the attention of several people.

After Huo Ling felt the cold air, he ran behind Ye Yuxi even more vigilantly. His white and tender hands tightly grasped Ye Yuxi's skirt and looked around.

Fatty Long frowned, feeling that the cold air in front of him quickly dissipated and no new cold air came out. There was a little surprise in his eyes. Did I guess wrong?

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