Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 237 CEO Mancuso is about to have a heart attack

"Very good, it seems that it is feasible to let the actors adjust the camera in the air." The fighter had just stopped on the runway, Ronald took off the oxygen mask, and the pilot in the front seat of the F-14A "idiot" (Bozo)" said.

In order to shoot the footage in the cockpit, Ronald himself first sat in the Tomcat's radar officer seat, turned on the camera in the air, and came to his face for a while. He wanted to determine whether the actors could remain calm at high altitudes, complete the operations of hitting the board and switching the camera on and off.

"You are different, those weak chickens who are airsick are not necessarily", "Idiot" replied with a smile.

"Don't be too hard on them... The rent to the Navy isn't cheap when I'm filming here." Ronald also smiled.

"Ronald, Ronald," Nisita ran over anxiously as soon as he got off the boarding ladder, "Quick, come with me."

"I'll come when I go," Ronald calmly said goodbye to the pilot and got into the BMW sedan parked next to Nisita.

"What's wrong?" Ronald asked.

"Paramount's CEO, Mancuso, suddenly called a meeting of all the key players in the crew."

"What is he going to do? Val Kilmer sued again?"

"Not sure, producer Don Simpson, Bruckheimer, VP of production Ned Tanning, were all called to a meeting by him. We suspect he has some secret plan, otherwise it is unlikely to call all the key Character, this time I will accompany you to hold this meeting, if there is any problem, look at me and act."

Ronald still had confidence in Nisita's experience, and the two quickly reached the executive meeting room at Paramount's highest level.

A small projector is assumed to be in the conference room, and a small screen is arranged on the other wall of the room.

Ronald slid into the back seat of the conference table and nodded to Simpson and Bruckheimer, who were already seated. He found Paula and Val Kilmer's agent also sitting impressively.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start."

Frank Mancuso and Ned Tanin pushed open the door from the adjacent CEO's office and announced the start of the screening of "Top Gun" samples.

On the screen, there are scenes of female instructor Charlie giving lectures in the airport class, her date with Tom and so on. Seeing Ronald's deliberately low shot of McGillis's leg, the men present smiled knowingly.

Then on the screen are four strong men, Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, Anthony Edwards, and Rossovich, playing beach volleyball topless. The body covered with olive oil emits a radiance of male hormones in the sun, which is impressive.

Ronald found Mancuso's secretary, a middle-aged woman, looking at it with gusto, her mouth opening and closing as if applauding.

Finally, some footage of F-14 fighter jets taking off and landing in the sunset on the aircraft carrier. Ronald hummed Top in his heart

Gun's theme music, dubbing these shots in my head, a very strong sound and picture combination.

The film was finished, leaving a white patch on the screen. After seeing these selected samples, Ronald liked them very much. From the picture, these films have achieved his intention. He turned to look at the CEO Mancuso who called the meeting. What did he say?

Mancuso leaned forward,

With both hands on the conference table, like a bird trying to spread its wings to frighten its own kind, he opened his mouth and said:

"What kind of rubbish did you shoot?"

"Huh?" Ronald also sat up straight, his eyes fixed on Mancuso, seeing what reason he could say. Why is it rubbish? Let me see if you take a picture of such "rubbish".

"Look, here's McGillis, with this makeup, this stance, this high heels and stockings, is she a Navy flight expert, or a street girl on Hollywood Boulevard?"

"How the hell do I know what the girls on Hollywood Boulevard look like? You seem to be familiar with them?" Ronald stood up abruptly, wanting to scold back like that.

Nisita tugged his sleeve hard from below, knowing that the client was going to be on fire, an old-fashioned man like Mancuso couldn't handle it, and that would make the relationship completely dead.

Ronald glanced at Nisita, saw that his mouth seemed to say "calm", and then sat down slowly.

"And these four male actors, beach volleyball, is it necessary to make low-cost soft porn? Or a male and male-only version, do you only make low-cost exploitative films?"

This time Ronald stopped cursing. He ignored Mancuso and turned to look at the agents of the two actors. Paula was shocked, and Fang Kimmer's agent seemed to be prepared.

Ronald turned to producer Don Simpson, and Bruckheimer. The eyes of the two of them answered with shock. They didn't expect that Mancuso would completely degrade the samples taken this time. Is this a trick to get the upper tier of their crew to be replaced together?

"And these, all the shots are shot against the sun in the sunset, what is this? Is it an MV? Or an advertisement?" Finally, Mancuso began to criticize the shots on the aircraft carrier.

"You are so good at shooting commercials and MVs, why don't you specialize in those in the future? Big Hollywood productions require a complete plot, performances that promote the growth of characters, and the samples you shot, so far, all I have seen is a large MV. "

"And you," Mancuso turned his fire on the two producers.

"You told me when you were going to shoot that it was a legacy of the Golden Age, it was patriotism, it was an aerial re-enactment of the spirit of John Wayne's great Western. Now look, what is this?

Director John Ford made a documentary for the US military on Midway Island in World War II. He took the picture of the aircraft carrier being attacked in the face of the Japanese air raid. It's a western, not western porn. "

Ronald looked at Ned Tanin next to Mancuso, at this time he should have come out to defend himself. He gave the film the green light, and if Mancuso was allowed to deny it, he would also be responsible as the production director.

Tanin shook his head invisibly at him, signaling Ronald not to attack on the spot.

Ronald frowned, he was puzzled, what did Mancuso get? Tanin didn't even say a word?

"The aircraft carrier, beach volleyball, and some of the heroine's heavy scenes must all be reshot." Mancuso circled back again, pointing at Ronald.

"Mr. Mancuso, this movie is PG rated, and there won't be excessive eroticism and violence..." Ronald couldn't help standing up and defended himself.

"Sit down!" Mancuso yelled.

"This is a glorious tradition of Paramount. If you don't want to shoot, you can change people. Paramount has a lot of mature directors here who can shoot these scenes. They will know how to use the classic Hollywood protagonist like Val Kilmer as the role. The film at the center is really shot.”

Ronald sat down angrily and glanced at Fang Kilmer's agent who was sitting next to him. The other party glanced at himself a little triumphantly.

Ronald looked at the opposite Ned Tanin again and motioned him to speak with his eyes. You are his person, shouldn't you say something at this time?

Seeing that he avoided his gaze, Ronald decided to go on his own and stood up again to argue.

"Union, two-thirds."

Nisita pulled Ronald desperately and whispered two words.


Ronald held back his anger, he understood what Nisita meant.

The main parts of the film have been filmed, and the rest are some aerial combat scenes. Ronald has already completed the technical aspects. Next, he does not necessarily need a director with special talents, and he can shoot the gourd in the same way.

If Mancuso gets another director to do those scenes, kick him out. Then re-shoot some heavy scenes, and keep the difficult aircraft carrier scenes that I shot. This makes it easy for a new director to shoot more than two-thirds of the overall scene shot count.

At that time, he can justifiably remove his name from the director column. Even the shooting techniques, shooting logic, and the most difficult opponent scenes of the entire movie are all done by myself.

At this time, Don Simpson spoke up, defending Ronald and defending himself.

"I don't agree with some of your points, Mr. Mancuso. Now, a new generation of viewers don't like old-fashioned preaching, and they like the fast-paced clips that come with videos and commercials.

Ronald's shot scheduling is in line with the light used in classical oil paintings, and is also the tone and temperament that a new generation of audiences like. This is exactly what is typical of a John Ford Western. "

Ned Tanin breathed a sigh of relief, and someone put the conversation into the rhythm of a normal technical discussion, and he could speak.

"Frank, Don is right, Hollywood is not the golden age now. It doesn't necessarily have to rely on the actors to advance the story and develop the characters. It's a high-concept blockbuster, like Spielberg's ET. Aliens, and great white sharks, the audience is more like seeing a big scene, a big spectacle."

Don Simpson continued, "Yes, now the audience can watch TV series at home, where there are dramas. They go to the cinema to see those aircraft carrier takeoffs and landings, flight and air battles, etc., which have never been seen before."

Mancuso interrupted them, "Of course I know this, but are we hiring Spielberg or George Lucas? Who else in Hollywood can make this kind of movie besides them?"

Mancuso returned to the subject again, accusing Ronald of his directorial work for going off track. He raised his hand and looked at his watch, the time was just right:

"I remind you that the commander will soon have the latest keynote speech on the current state of Hollywood, just right, it's almost time."

With that, he turned on the TV and tuned in to NBC's live broadcast with the remote.

"Is this planned?" Ronald looked at the TV, the commander had just seen him, what could he say?

The commander-in-chief was on a rostrum and was about to start his speech. On the wall behind him was a wooden title of "Conservative Political Action Conference". This is America's conservative force, an annual event. This year's grand leaders were invited to deliver keynote speeches.

"...I believe that the people in Nicaragua who are trying to overthrow the current government are morally equal to our Founding Fathers. I reiterate my call for Congress to pass their $14 million appropriation..."

"Conservative values ​​are the foundation of the United States, and they are now back as mainstream values ​​in hundreds of millions of families. We have a responsibility to them, and we cherish those conservative values."

The commander-in-chief had much to say about the resurgence of conservatism in America, and he stopped to take a sip of water, remembering the commission of his old friend Sinatra.

"We are American, our movies are our epics, and I've noticed that violence and pornography have become easier in recent Hollywood, and our average American family is worried about their children being influenced by Hollywood movies. .

We need to have more smart movies like ET Alien, Star Wars before it. Hollywood should be making more of this genre, not the more controversial, violent or adult-themed ones. "

Mancuso heard this passage and looked back triumphantly at the group of people below, especially Ned Tanin. With the leader's conservative values ​​speech, his actions to clear Eisner's bad influence at Paramount are more just.

"Speaking of this, it reminds me of one thing. Two days ago, Nancy and I watched a film made by Suwell. This is one of our little friends. He and I are also named Ronald. He is very discerning. The introduction." The commander continued his speech.

Mancuso found that the two producers, Simpson and Bruckheimer, as well as Ned Tanning, were all focused on Ronald.

The young over-the-top director looked at himself with a grin, pointed at his nose, and his mouth seemed to say, "Yes, it's me."

"Nancy and I both loved the movie, and I regret that he wasn't made in Hollywood.

The kid is directing a Paramount-funded film about naval aviation. We need more of these Hollywood-made on-screen heroes to relive the best of America, leadership, heroism, and sacrifice. "

Mancuso's face quickly collapsed, and his face turned red with excitement, quickly turned into angry livid, and quickly turned into a dead white color. He touched his heart, and a faint colic came, and he felt like he was about to have a heart attack.

The Grand Commander continued his speech on television, "My dear friends of the Conservative Union, remember that we Americans are born to lead the world, and the sky — not the street — is our limit."

"Nancy and I are already looking forward to that little kid's movie, and there has never been a more exciting time, a moment that inspires wonder and heroic achievement. Our space shuttles are sending ordinary people into space, and we're going sky, we don't need roads."

The commander-in-chief personally appointed Ronald to direct "Top Gun" and was to watch it at the White House.

Mancuso shivered and took out a tablet from his pocket, picked up the water glass and swallowed it.

Everyone, everyone except Mancuso, it's been so hard.

Tanin said, "Mr. Mancuso, Ronald and the others have more shots to complete, why don't we call it quits now."

"Pfft, hahaha," Ronald and two producers were laughing wildly at the gate of Paramount.

"It's really yours, when did you go to the White House? Is Nancy your aunt? Hahaha." Don Simpson couldn't stop laughing and slammed the front of his new Ferrari, "No way, I'm in tears. Come out, look at Mancuso's face."

Nisita pulled Ronald into the car, "Don't laugh at the Paramount gate, Ronald. This is a little bit of our experience as an agent, and someone will pass the word. We have to respect the Paramount CEO...Pfft Hahahahaha...get in the car."


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