Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 254 Hollywood Boys Gang

Andie McDowell is soft-spoken, a former model, and has a good demeanor. Ronald liked the feeling of chatting with her.

However, the music here is a bit loud, and the two often have to get close to each other and talk in each other's ears, Ronald contemplates whether to change to a quiet place.

McDowell nodded in agreement, and the two stood up to go first.

Andy went to say goodbye to his friends on the set, Ronald stood where he was, he found a guy who looked a bit like Emilio Estevez, but taller and handsome, looking greedily at McDowell Will and other beauties.

"Charlie?" Ronald knew that Emilio had a younger brother, who had appeared in "Red Dawn" starring Leigh Thompson before. He is not as hypocritical as his brother. He does not use the stage name of his father Martin Sheen, but generously goes by the stage name Charlie Sheen, so that everyone in the circle knows his father-son relationship with Martin.

"It's me, Ronald. I love your movies. Don't forget to take me with you when you get a chance."

Ronald looked at Emilio who was yelling inside. He seemed to be the head of this group of young actors, where he could call the wind and call the rain. How could Charlie Sheen be courting himself?

"You don't think that I can maintain a stable mood when I see my brother and Tom Cruise and Rob Lowe every day for three years. , I am not afraid to play supporting roles for any role, my acting skills are not bad, there is any opportunity to chat with my agent."

"I remember you." Ronald was impressed by this maverick young man.

"Hey, don't run away early? I found a reporter from New York Magazine today to give you an exclusive interview. He was willing to interview all of you because he saw my face."

Emilio was dissatisfied when he saw Andie McDowell was leaving. How could the most beautiful girl always be seduced by Ronald willingly?

"Emilio, I just want a quiet place." McDowell shook his hand and let go of his tug, defending himself.

"Don't be silly, New York Magazine's story interview, if it wasn't for Emilio's generosity, how could it be our turn?" Ellie Siti was beside her, she wanted to be interviewed very much, and now the most important thing is The main thing is to coax Emilio Estevez well, if he is not happy, maybe the opportunity for an exclusive interview will be gone.

"Yeah, don't disappoint, thanks to Emilio's generosity..."

It was Lori Rodkin, the girlfriend of another actor Judd Nelson who appeared in both films, and his manager. Rodkin was a big beauty, and had a hot relationship with the lead singers of the rock band Eagles.

I heard that in the famous "Hotel California", "she has a lot of pretty boy 'friends'" lyrics written by Rod King.

Andie McDowell was kidnapped by his friend's "loyalty" and looked helplessly at Ronald.

"I'll go outside and make a call, you'll be waiting later." Ronald didn't want to force the other party to go with him right away, so he took a half step back and went out to wait for McDowell to sneak out when he had a good time.

The breeze in New York at night was very cool. Ronald bought a pack of cigarettes from the bartender and asked for a match to light it at the door of the club. He seldom smoked, but on this occasion, it seemed that it would be better to take a sip. Suitable.

"I'm here to interview Emilio Estevez and his friends and talk to him." Ronald noticed that there was a tall, thin man at the door of the club who was entangled with the doorman .

This spotlight club is now on the verge of overtaking Club 54 to become the hottest nightclub in New York. So there was also a long queue at the entrance. It was not because he was handsome or famous that he could not get in at all.

"I'm sorry, I can only call in and ask. Please wait a moment." The guard didn't believe any reporter's story. There are many people who want to sneak in under the guise of a star's name every night.

"Bah... the dog's eyes look low." The tall and thin man spit at the roadside, and began to mumble, "These little red guys, relying on having acted in two popular movies, can enjoy high-class people. life, I came to interview them, and I was insulted."

Ronald didn't expect this reporter to actually say such angry words. He felt that this reporter was nothing more than envy, jealousy and hatred. However, he thought about it again. He made an appointment for an interview, and the subject deliberately chose a place where he couldn't enter the door, and he didn't explain it in advance. Maybe he would scold people too.

Let him in earlier, and you can go with McDowell earlier.

Thinking of this, Ronald explained to the doorman, "Emilio is indeed waiting for a reporter, you ask his name."

"Okay, Ronald." The doorman saluted him humbly. "What's your name, Mr. Reporter?"

"David Bloom," the reporter gave his name, "I work for New York Magazine, and I used to write for the Wall Street Journal."

"Oh, let's go in with this Mr. Li." The doorman didn't even know the value of the reporters who wrote the articles for the Wall Street Journal.

"Thank you, can you get me one?" David Bloom took the initiative to ask for a cigarette.

"Give it to you, I still have it."

Ronald brought reporters into the club.

"David, why did you come so late?" Emilio saw David Bloom and immediately snatched him away from Ronald, as if afraid that the reporter would snatched him away after he knew Ronald's identity. his limelight.

"You're late, you should be fined." Emilio gave David Bloom a double whiskey and let him drink it.

"Um...ha..." David Bloom took a sip of his drink. "Can I interview you now? It's better to find a private box, a quieter place."

"Ow..." Emilio applauded the reporter.

Emilio and Rob Lowe, Judd Nelson was the center of the small group, and everyone circled around them, half-drunk and not very respectful to reporters. Pushing and shoving the ground, he pulled the reporter into the box.

Ronald stayed beside him, and he clearly saw the malicious gaze in the eyes of reporter David Bloom. Thinking of what he said outside just now, Ronald felt as if he was being stared at by a cobra, and got goosebumps.

Ronald looked around and found Demi Moore in the corner. There she was drinking stuffy wine, one drink at a time.

In front of his real girlfriend, Emilio even said that he molested the beauties in the bar. If it wasn't for the benefit, Demi still wanted to star in the new film written and directed by Emilio. She would have wanted to kick his ass. .

"Who is this guy? Why is Emilio with him? Why is the interview visiting all of you?" Ronald asked in Demi's ear.

"He's a reporter for New York Magazine, and he's always licking Emilio's ass, and Emilio sees him as one of his own, and that's why he's calling out all the 'Breakfast Club' and 'St Elmo's Fire' today. The accomplices of the two films, come to support him and accept his group interview." Demi Moore narrowed her eyes and said the truth in Ronald's ear.

"Don't look at Emilio's generosity now. In fact, among these people, only Rob Lowe and Judd Nelson have the opportunity to speak more to reporters. The three of them are the core of best friends and small groups."

Saying that Demi is also going in, it is also good to be able to rub a small paragraph of an exclusive interview, as Emilio's girlfriend.

"Demi, if you believe me, it's best not to be interviewed." Ronald pulled Demi hard, ignoring the confused look she cast, turned and walked to the private room.

"Tom, don't go in." Ronald said in the ear of Tom Cruise, who was hooking his shoulders with a beautiful woman.

"What's the matter, Ronald? It's funny, I haven't been interviewed by a magazine yet? Paula told me that she'll make arrangements when the two new films are released this time." Tom Cruise drank It's a bit too much, and I want to get in there.

"Did Paula tell you to listen to me?"

"Of course," Cruise looked back at Ronald, his expression serious and not joking, "Of course I'm on your side, Emilio wants to pry your girl?"

"Where did you go?" Ronald pulled the girl away and looked at Cruise. Seeing Cruise nodded, he motioned the girl to follow.

"Ronald", Andy McDowell, who took the opportunity to get rid of the entanglement of several big boys, also came up and took Ronald's hand.

"let's go."

"This..." Demi thought for a while, but decided to believe Ronald. Instead of going into the box to be with her boyfriend, she secretly hid at the bar, grabbed a cocktail, and started pretending to be drunk, not knowing what happened to the army. where to go.

Several people left the club, got into the Mercedes-Benz parked next to them, and walked away.

"Will there be trouble?" Andie McDowell looked at it all.

"It will be a little troublesome, but fortunately we left early." Ronald replied.

"I'm actually famous for being a model. Do you think I have the talent for acting?" Andy took off his hair, and his long dark brown curly hair swayed from side to side, very feminine.

Ronald was touched by this gentle and slightly wild style.

"You're a model? I think your performance in 'St. Elmo's Fire' is very natural." Ronald had actually only seen her movie, but in it she portrayed an older man who was swept away by a younger man. The boy is unrequited and the woman is unrequited.

"Yes, I used to endorse ads for Saint Laurent and Armani's perfumes before, but I was able to enter the film industry because of ck's jeans ads."

"Oh..." Ronald was silent, it turned out that he also gained popularity through the advertisement of ck jeans.

Seeing that Ronald didn't speak, Andy thought there was little hope:

"Can't you? Then I'll have to go back to the ranch and be a cowgirl." McDowell laughed. Her family has a small ranch and woodland in Southern California and often rides horses.

"No, you will be approached by Hollywood sooner or later." Ronald knew that Hollywood would not let go of such a female model with her own attention.

"That's great, I can safely spend money on acting training classes." McDowell hooked her curly hair behind her ears with her hands, and her eyes were charming.

"That's it, Paula. I took Tom away on my own initiative, and that reporter had a bit of a trick." Ronald called Cruise's agent Paula in the hotel room and told the story again.

"Thanks, Ronald. You've avoided a PR disaster, and I'll be setting up emergency PR coordination right away."

Paula answered the phone at Nisita's house, "I know this David Bloom, who was previously deputy editor-in-chief at esquire magazine, was fired for allegedly stealing the interviewee's valuable watch. of."

"It's Ronald?" Nisita was drinking Paula's carrot juice. "I'll have a word with him."

"Ronnie, you pulled Cruise away, Paula and I owe you one. Do you think there will be other troubles next?"

"It's hard to tell. I was at the door of the club and heard this reporter scold all the young actors with bitterness. This time Emilio was very stupid and invited him into his private life. He also introduced several actors who were also actors. My close friend, I don’t think there is any problem this time. If there is a problem, a large group of people will be involved.”

"Okay, I will discuss countermeasures with Paula in the evening. You tell Cruise, you will fly to Chicago tomorrow and concentrate on the preparation of the new film, don't have anything to do with Emilio and the others."

"You let Paula talk to him herself." Ronald remembered that Tom still had a little beauty there.

"Ding dong, ding dong..." After a while, the doorbell rang.

Ronald opened the door, and it was Cruise next door, "Ronnie, Paula told me that I'm going to Chicago tomorrow, thank you for today's affairs."

After Cruise sobered up, Paula scolded him and told him to stop interacting with Emilio in the future.

"It's okay, I'm lucky too."

"Then...don't bother..." Cruise looked around and didn't find the curly-haired beauty.

"See you tomorrow," Ronald felt that this matter would be a big deal. He lost his mind and asked Bard Jr. to send McDowell back. Of course, the two exchanged contact information before parting.


"This is Judd Nelson. He is Marlon Brando's acting coach Stella's disciple. This is Rob Lowe, isn't he very handsome?" Interviews went to Nelson and Rob Lowe.

"Yeah, you're like a new age rat pack, you're Sinatra, they want Dean Martin and Sammy Davis." Reporter David Bloom Flattery, writing hard in a small notebook.

"Hahaha..." The three young actors who were held high, laughed happily as they embraced the beauties in their arms.

"You know? Hollywood actors are the core of the production. Those directors can't really lead a movie at all."

"Hahaha, that's what happened. I really opened my eyes today." Reporter David Bloom looked at the beauties surrounding the three actors, feeling as uncomfortable as being bitten by a bug.

"Spoiled Hollywood stars...the real face of young actors who hope to succeed the stars of the previous generation..."

The reporter David Bloom became more and more resentful as he wrote. He wrote all the grievances he suffered from being looked down on by celebrities over the past few years into this report.

"These people, they have to give them a loud nickname, and the cover story has to have a cover title to attract readers' attention. Young stars, flirtatious, surrounded by beautiful women, disdain directors, and go their own way on the set. "

"It's called the New Rat Gang? New rat pack?"

David Bloom disliked the name being loud enough, "rat pack...brat pack." Call them the Hollywood Boys!

"You're right, Ronald. We got the manuscript ahead of time through a relationship." Paula and Nisita called Ronald a day later, "brat pack, that's a terrible name. brat is a sucker. The meaning of the boy can immediately remind people of the rat pack that had an affair with gangsters in the 1960s."

"Very well, who else is written in the manuscript?"

"Rob Lowe, Judd Nelson, they named the cast of a few of the 'Out of the World' shows, Patrick Thwaites, Ralph Mazio, and Tom. But we The name of Tom Cruise is completely PR out of the manuscript, and when the magazine goes public, it will make a statement that Tom does not belong to them."

"No Diane and Demi?"

"No, this article is mainly aimed at young male actors. The tricky and very bad name of the Hollywood Boys Gang looks like a gang of male stars."

"It's okay, that's it."

Ronald hung up the phone, it seems that this is a famously bad nickname that will sweep the public, and it will be swept up by this report, and there will be no good fruit to eat in the short term.

Fortunately, Demi was smart and didn't go in. Diane also escaped because it was a girl.


Ronald picked up the phone and dialed Weintraub, "Jerry, I heard news that someone is going to target Ralph Marzio, in New York Magazine, link him with some Hollywood bad boys in the Together. Our sequel to Longwei Kid still has Ralph as the protagonist, and we have to guard against them..."

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