Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 268: The Year of the Dragon Released

"Did you get Cher's autograph?" Ronald asked Tom Cruise as he left the wedding reception.

"Ah...Yeah, I got (her phone number)." Tom showed the good boy smile in "Good boy is crazy too" again.

"Have fun," Ronald glanced at a few members of the "Boy Gang". They drank some alcoholic beverages and returned to their normal state. They began to wander, looking for beautiful girls on the scene to ask for their phone numbers.

"Nature revealed again," Ronald shook his head and got into the car, none of his business.

Back at the apartment, Ronald found that the living room light was still on, and his accountant, Lawrence, was waiting for him.

"Are you coming from Chinatown?" Ronald remembered that Lawrence also went to welcome the state guests, and said that he would go to the premiere of a movie with some friends from Chinatown to promote the Chinese zodiac culture.

"Oh, Ronald, I'm very angry... They actually..." Lawrence saw Ronald back, hugged him, and began to hurriedly curse the movie "Year of the Dragon" in Cantonese, with Director Cimino scolded it over and over again.

"What's the matter?" Ronald found that Lawrence's face had turned red, obviously angry, and he scolded in his native language because he disliked scolding in English.

Well, but I love to hear it.

Who made director Cimino get on with him, and producer Dino de Laurentiis also took advantage of the danger and wanted to force himself to sign multiple film contracts and prevent himself from directing this Chinese-American film that happened in Chinatown. story.

"The movie premieres tonight, and as long as it is shown on the weekend, our Chinatown will suffer again, how many families will lose their jobs, how many travel agencies will fail, and everything will be like 1974.

Lawrence said, his eyes were actually red.

"Don't be angry. If there is any problem with this movie, you can say it slowly. If there is a problem, we will find a way to solve it."

Ronald took a jump, how did it involve the economy of Chinatown, and quickly brought a cup of black tea to the accountant to calm him down.

"When I was young, I worked in Chinatown. In 1974, the 'Chinatown' portrayed Chinatown as a dirty place where no police dared to go. As a result, I traveled to Chinatown. The project went bankrupt by more than half, and many old Americans dare not come to Chinatown for special tourism.

There are other normal souvenirs, retail business of special products, also plummeted. I had no choice but to go out of Chinatown against my parents' wishes, found a job at an accounting firm in Manhattan, and finally moved out of Chinatown. Didn't expect all of this, and this nasty movie has to do it all over again. "

"Nicita," Ronald, after hearing Lawrence's complaint, knew that he was worried about the impact of the movie on Chinatown, so he picked up the phone and called his agent.

"Did the Year of the Dragon shoot badly? My accountant said it would cause the Great Depression in Chinatown."

"Almost, I didn't watch it, but I heard that Mickey Rourke is like a bull in heat, and the female reporter in Chinatown is going to chase him. It's the young man who plays the boss of Chinatown, very explosive... …”

"No no no, I'm not asking about the artistic value of the film, but whether it will make ordinary American people's impression of Chinatown worse, and even affect Chinatown's economy."…

"To be honest, there is a possibility. In 1974, the Chinatown filmed once. But the audience's reaction to this film is unclear. The actor who played the Chinese-American boss Joey Tai has a good temperament, and there may be an audience. You might fall in love with him, just like after The Godfather was filmed, many people worshipped the family-respecting culture of Italian-American gangsters instead."

"Get ready and go see a game with me tomorrow."

"Is Ronald of Chinese descent?" Nisita asked his wife Paula Wagner.

"Haven't heard of it? But he likes to use Chinese-American actors and subordinates. The fast-paced heroine, Phoebe Cates, has Chinese-American blood. His accountant is also Chinese. And he shot' Longwei kid' is also..."

"Is that Japanese?" Nisita corrected that many people don't really know what the three ethnic groups in East Asia look like.

"It's really racist."

The next day, I watched Michael with Nisita.

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