Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 288 Can You Add More Love Scenes?

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The soundtrack of "Longwei Kid Part II" is still handed over to Bill Conti of the first part. He turned down Stallone's invitation, opting instead for Ronald and Weintraub.

"Here, when Daniel and Kumiko kissed for the first time, I wanted a pan flute, that ethereal Ryukyu style."

As with the first, Ronald pulled out an edited working copy and discussed in detail with Conti the soundtrack he needed. This method is more suitable for rendering the atmosphere of the film than the method of making interludes and soundtracks that are common in the industry.

Conti sat with Ronald for a day to get his intentions completely clear, and the two made coffee and chatted for a while.

It's not that Bill Conti didn't want to go to Stallone's "Rocky 4", but the situation on Stallone's side was extremely bad.

That girlfriend, Brigitte Nelson, was in the editing room with Stallone the whole time, hoping to keep her time and close-up. Stallone also left her alone, completely ignoring industry conventions and contract issues, making director John Iverson so mad that he almost turned against him.

"Ordinarily, Stallone wouldn't be so obsessed with an actor who turned from a female model?" Ronald also felt unbelievable when he heard it. The woman's daily expenses were also very high, and Stallone paid for it. Stallone was still happy and didn't care.

"You don't know us Italians, Ronald," Bill Conti asked him. "What do you think of Italians?"

"Huh? Good food, good girls, and many gangsters are Italian." Ronald replied. After the "Godfather" two films were sold, American people saw Italians and felt that they were family members.

"Perhaps the Italians in Italy are exactly what you say," Conti replied, "but the Italians in America, who have often been two or three generations immigrated, in the Italian communities in New York, where the winters are harsh, and without them in southern Europe The unrestrained geographical environment at that time.

In addition, we believe in Catholicism and are controlled by our mothers. In fact, many Italians are not very good at picking up girls. Our parents still cook traditional food, but in our generation, many people, like you, only use heating and quick-frozen food and order takeaway.

In addition, most Italians are engaged in low-level jobs, such as opening grocery stores and laundromats. There are actually very few real gangsters. "

"Oh," Ronald suddenly realized.

Stallone, who was also born in Hell's Kitchen in Manhattan, New York, is not the romantic Italian in the movie. After becoming famous, he is not the kind of man who fascinates women. There is such a Nordic blonde model who takes the initiative to embrace, and Stallone is also in the land of tenderness.

Soon, the production of the second part of Longwei Kid was preliminarily completed. After seeing the demo, Weintraub recognized it very much. He organized Columbia and his company's employees to watch a preview while preparing to send it to MPAA for rating.

Ronald was on the loose for a few days and was caught on the phone by his agent Richard.

"Ronald, MPAA's rating is going well, but the producers feel that after the introduction of the PG13 rating, the PG rating has a little more room for scale. They hope you can add some ambiguous scenes between the male and female protagonists."

"Richard, you must be out of your mind? Long Wei is talking about teenagers. How can you make a particularly ambiguous scene?" Ronald was discussing acting with Helen Slater when he suddenly heard this request. Almost sprayed out.

"Blame me, I didn't make it clear. I'm not talking about Longwei Kid 2, but Top Gun."

"Huh? How about a reshoot? It's been almost six months since Top Gun was packed, and Tom Cruise is now filming 'The oney' of my teacher Martin Scorsese."

"Come on, producers Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer are looking for you all over the world, and they're insistent."

"Well, I'll go to your office."


I'm sorry, my producer asked me to reshoot. Look, they don't respect me at all, and there is no need to make up shots after half a year of filming. "

Ronald actually wished that someone would find him. Helen was preparing for the next episode of "There Are Evil Husbands". I heard that Ronald was free now and went to Messner's acting training class, and also came over to sign up for the class.

It just so happened that Ronald didn't have the class with Michelle Pfeiffer because of the scandal. It would be nice to have a familiar new partner.

However, Helen's acting skills are really a headache. She always considers Messner's acting training from the perspective of Shakespeare's plays. The two art categories of drama and film actually have very different requirements for acting skills.

Ronald and her had "rehearsed" their acting skills for two days in their vacation villa by the sea in Malibu, and had collapsed to the point where they didn't want to act with Helen anymore. Richard's call just allowed him to leave without any burden.

"You go to the movie first, that's very important. I heard that Hollywood is now waiting for your Top Gun to be released. I'll go back here and find my classmates in the training class to rehearse."

Helen came up and kissed Ronald. In fact, she was gentle in character, outstanding in appearance, and had a very good figure. She was a first-class candidate as a partner. As long as she doesn't talk to you about acting.

"I also rented this villa for a weekend. You can come and play with your best friend Helen Hunt." Ronald put on his clothes and went to the bathroom to tidy up and prepare to leave.

"Okay, she's taking a training class with me, so I'll practice acting with her." Helen lay down, put the blanket over her, picked up the remote, turned down the voice, and started calling her best friend Helen Hunt. .

"Huh?" With his hair combed, Ronald came out and saw Orson Welles being interviewed on TV.

The film master who I haven't seen for a long time now has a gray beard and a lot of weight. Talking is a little out of breath.

Ronald felt sorry for him. No one in Hollywood is willing to invest in his movies because of a tough reputation. He was in poor health in his later years, and he had no one to accompany him. At the age of 24, he made the genius of "Citizen Kane", and he should have left more classic works.

"I'll go first." Ronald and Helen kissed goodbye.

"Well," Helen recovered from the long kiss, and then continued to call her best friend, "Ah, it's Ronald. What's wrong? I don't care about that much now, as long as I'm happy. I can still play the leading role in the movie. , thanks to him. You know both of my films failed at the box office..."


"So why do you want to add drama all of a sudden?"

Ronald arrived at CAA's office and saw Don and Jerry, two bearded men, waiting for him.

"Ronald, we did a few more test screenings, in Chicago in the middle, Detroit, and Houston and Atlanta in the south, and the audience there was as good as New York and Los Angeles. But they had a little bit of the same feedback."

Bruckheimer took out an audience feedback scale and handed it to Ronald.

"They generally believe that the romantic scenes between the hero Lone Ranger and the heroine instructor Charlie are not enough, and they hope to add some ambiguous, kissing, and slightly erotic sex scenes."

"I don't quite get it? Why doesn't the audience in New York and Los Angeles have this kind of feedback?"

Ronald read the excerpts from the audience comments, and there are indeed many people who said that the Lone Ranger and Charlie did not have an earth-shattering scene, which was not enjoyable and not enough. "

"Remember Oklahoma Dad and Mom?" Don Simpson exclaimed.

"Of course," Ronald remembered a saying that the two producers liked very much. They represented the aesthetics of parents in America's largest small town. If you want to get the biggest box office, the aesthetic taste of the film is best to be in the form of their basis.

"Ronald, the 'truth' I know, if you treat America's audience as idiots, you can make a fortune."

"Ah?" Ronald was used to hearing Don Simpson's amazing words, but he didn't have much reaction. "How do you say that?"

Don Simpson explained to him slowly.

The east and west coasts are relatively free and open, with relatively high levels of education. The vast majority of America's population actually lives in the Midwest where values ​​are conservative and the education level is relatively low (the Great Lakes, Illinois, where Chicago is located, and Indiana, Kentucky, and Missouri, which are west relative to the East Coast), and the South ( Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas).

Compared with the opening of the two coasts, people in these two regions have strong religious sentiments, prefer conservative values, and prefer straight-forward love between men and women.

While Ronald shot the Lone Ranger and Charlie, they kissed on the motorcycle, and Charlie also imitated the lines of the dumb goose wife and asked the Lone Ranger to take her home. Teenagers in New York and Los Angeles, who have been immersed in movies and novels for a long time, express in this slightly ambiguous way that they understand the mutual attraction of male and female protagonists.

But those teens in the Midwest, and the Deep South, who don't have a passionate kiss and a sex scene don't count as affection for each other.

"It's very insightful, but why didn't you say it sooner? Now that Tom is filming 'The Color of Money', my teacher Scorsese is known for being strict.

The two producers also smiled awkwardly.

In the past six months, America's film rating standards have undergone relatively big changes.

Last year, for an adventure movie like "Indiana Jones," which had some PG-rated footage, it did well.

Spielberg, along with Lucas, pushed the MPAA to introduce a PG13 rating, which sits between PG and R.

This level of definition is a strong reminder that parents are given special guidance on the attendance of children under the age of 13, and that some materials may not be appropriate for children.

However, as soon as PG-13 was born, it was used by seven major studios, and some originally R-rated movies were rated as PG-13.

Even John Milius' "Red Dawn," about teens fighting guerrillas in America and the Soviet Union and Cuban troops, was rated PG-13.

This year, more movies have been classified as "PG13", which is equivalent to shifting the original R-rated here, and the R-rated has accommodated more footage that can only be watched by adults.

In the second half of the year, the MPAA revised the definition of PG13 and changed it to "Parents, please note that some materials may not be suitable for those under the age of 13", and the sentence for special guidance was removed.

As the overall content is loose, the original PG has become less strict, and the studio is more able to squeeze more ambiguous shots into it.

The more direct erotic scenes that were inconvenient in the past can now be divided into PGs in a grand manner.

"Hey, okay." Ronald understood the cause and effect, and of course he would not refuse to have a higher box office.

"I flew to Chicago specifically to ask my teacher Scorsese for mercy. I hope to lend Tom Cruise to make up."

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