Extraordinary Sailing

Chapter 199 Madness?

Aiwen defended this small space with his superb "White Sail Swordsmanship".

Not only was a corner of the clothes not injured, but pieces of rock-like roots fell to the ground with a clang.

However, these astonishingly hard roots seemed to be endless, constantly gushing out from the depths of the darkness. Aiwen, who knew that it would be unreasonable to keep for a long time, naturally couldn't just stand in a stalemate with them like this.

Although the attack ability of a single target is not strong, if you are entangled by them and continue to attack, even with the strong physique of a formal knight, you can't stand it at all!

Obviously, in the previous two halls, the ordinary pirates who were suspected of being strangled died at the hands of these weird plants.

However, during the previous observation, Ivan found that these roots were centered on the cracks in the corridor, and only extended to the door of the "brilliant" original hall.

There are no such weird plants inside the hall and on the other side. It is guessed that this kind of thing should also have geographical restrictions.

Aiwen waved and threw a "Silver Amulet" to Gary and shouted:

"Pass through this hall at the fastest speed, protected by amulets, and it shouldn't be a big problem to simply be exposed to this blue light.

Go through the door in the middle, which leads to the Hall of Victory of the seventh essence. "

Milan and Gary heard that they didn't try to be aggressive on purpose, and they knew very well the gap in swordsmanship between themselves and Aiwen. Even if they replaced him at this time, it would only add chaos and disrupt Aiwen's defensive rhythm.

Gary had the talisman given by Ivan, so it goes without saying that the wealthy Milan, the two rushed into the open gate one after the other with their feet, and rushed to the exit on the other side like a whirlwind.

Under the azure blue light, a faint layer of extraordinary aura floated on each of the two of them, blocking most of the light from intruding. With the inhuman speed of a formal knight, he has already reached the other end of the hall after only a few seconds of being exposed to the light.

"Boss/Aiwen, hurry up!"

Because Skuk's exploration just ended here, the exit was not opened. The two struggled to push open the heavy stone door of the exit, calling for Ivan to come over quickly.

Seeing that the passage was opened, Aiwen no longer persisted.

Like a dexterous boat across the water, it has already flashed back and entered the "Glory" hall, without even looking at the magnificent orb in the middle of the hall, it quickly rushed to the other side.

Although it is said that treasure hunting in the expedition is a must-have repertoire.

But knowing that this thing may be the culprit that caused Skuk to be cursed and turned into a monster, and the actual use is unknown, although Aiwen is greedy for money, he is not so hungry.


Just a few ups and downs have come to two people.

Perhaps it is really because of the restriction of the roots, or it may be restricted by the azure blue light. The roaring and twisted roots almost piled up into a wall at the open gate, and there was not even the tiniest root. Enter the lobby.

It may be that the stress response has passed, and after a while, countless roots retreated into the darkness.

"These plants are a bit strange, aren't they?

We didn't do anything when we passed by, but when we reached the entrance of the hall, they suddenly rushed out, not like blocking us from entering, but rather driving us forward.

And the result of the divination is the same as before, it is still dangerous but not fatal, which is really weird. "

Milan also noticed something was wrong at this time. It stands to reason that if these roots are used as a guarding force, they should explode when a few of them just approach, and it should never be like this.

"And such a large underground building must have its purpose when it was built. It may be a mausoleum, a treasure house, or a secret stronghold

But we have come all the way, this underground relic neither conforms to the construction pattern of the mausoleum, nor does it have any supporting living facilities.

And if it is a treasure house, is it really good to put a "treasure" in the middle of each hall? "

The deeper he went into the ruins, the more Aiwen felt that there were all kinds of weirdness in this place, but the premonition in his spirituality became stronger and stronger. Even Ivan's curiosity about the secrets of the ruins itself at this time has been completely replaced by the thing that attracts him.

Desperately want to uncover the mysterious and veiled cover!

Close the stone door to completely block the blue light from outside.

Under the light of the "Illumination Technique", there is also a corridor behind the gate, but it is soaked in the stagnant water that can submerge the calf. Obviously, the sound of water just heard outside the "Glory" hall comes from here.

The arrival of several people seemed to have broken the long-standing peace of this place. The sound of "squeaking" water and "croaking" sounded like frogs in the depths of the passage.

Hearing this movement, the three of Aiwen breathed a sigh of relief. It is better to run out of a living creature openly than to an unknown attack.

Without keeping them waiting, the end of the line of sight illuminated by the "Illumination Art".

A group of tall frogs, no taller than an adult's waist, looked like giant frogs standing upright, but with fish scales, and small creatures full of sharp teeth screamed and rushed over.

Some of them are bare-handed, and some are grabbing stones, bone sticks, and wooden sticks with their webbed claws. Although they are wading through the stagnant water, they are moving very fast.

Race: unknown (frogmen?)

Attribute: Constitution 0.51-0.72

Strength 0.6-0.74

Dexterity 0.55-0.69

There is no need for direct contact, and the "digital vision" has already displayed the rough data of these "little monsters" by comparing the force of the accumulated water.

Although they are short, they are already much stronger than normal adult humans. To deal with this kind of monster, ordinary farmers may not be their opponents three to one.

This is the first time that Aiwen has seen some kind of intelligent creature in human form after he came to this extraordinary world. He can use tools, so he should be regarded as an intelligent creature, right?

However, no matter how strong a mortal is, as long as he has not reached the extraordinary, there is still a qualitative difference compared with the few of us.

Aiwen didn't pay much attention to them, and was about to rush up to deal with them at will, but was interrupted by heavy breathing from behind.

wheeze wheeze

"Gary? Gary? What's wrong with you?!"

Looking back, Gary, who was as tall as an iron tower, was bowing his head in silence, his shoulders heaving and his panting voice getting thicker and louder.

Keenly aware of Gary's state, Ivan and Milan did not rush forward to check, but took two steps back cautiously at the same time, just calling his name softly.

Their "enemies" didn't care if there was something wrong with them, when a group of "little monsters" approached less than ten meters away from the three of them.

"Quack quack quack quack"

Gary looked up suddenly!

Following this movement, his body was raised abruptly, his short hair stood up like spikes, the whites of his eyes became bigger and the pupils became smaller, as if they had turned into the eyes of some kind of fish monster.

He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of hot white mist.


With a loud shout, Gary lifted the long sword in his hand and danced it into a windmill, stepped on the ground with both feet, and turned into a fierce storm and rushed into the middle of a group of more than thirty little monsters.

In an instant, there was a bloodbath!

The stones were knocked into the air, and the bone and wooden sticks were chopped off. At this time, even the hardest skull was almost like a paper shell.

Remnants and internal organs flew in the air, even the strongest "little monster" couldn't stop Gary's light sword.

quack quack

beep beep

Soon, the annoying croaking turned into a high-pitched baby cry before disappearing completely in less than a minute.

Not a single "frogman" can escape


With the long sword leaning on the ground, Gary half-kneeled in the blood-stained stagnant water and continued to pant heavily.

Behind him, Ivan and Milan were shocked, and for a moment they completely forgot how to react. It wasn't until Gary solved all the enemies that they came back to their senses.

For extraordinary people, the power of knights who pay attention to the body is released, while the power of wizards who pay attention to spirit is restrained.

It is difficult for others to observe the ability of a wizard through spiritual vision, but it is easy to judge whether a person is a knight or even a knight level from his appearance.

At this time, in the spiritual vision of the two, the life force field on Gary's body was burning like a furnace, but although the fire of life was vigorous, it was very stable and there was no sign of rioting out of control.

"Gary? Can you hear me? Give me a reaction!"

Taking two steps forward, Ivan asked carefully again.

"Boss! I'm fine, I'm just a little tired." While talking, Gary turned his head.

In less than a minute, he had returned to his original form, including body shape, hair and eyes, as if everything that had just happened was just an illusion.

But the broken limbs and broken arms on the ground clearly told them that it was not an illusion.

In fact, at this time, Aiwen had already understood that there was a small flaw in his analysis of the blue orb just now.

There is really nothing wrong with a small amount of that dark blue "cursed" light, especially for formal knights with strong bodies like them.

But Gary is different!

He is completing an extraordinary transformation in this life of an extraordinary person, which is second only to "birth" in importance.

Gary, who was completing his transformation, had all the cells and tissues in his body in the most active state. At this time, he was irradiated by the culprit who caused the alienation curse of "White Shark Skuk".

Even under the protection of the "Silver Talisman", it was very small, but it still caused some changes in him at the cellular level. In the process of "madness", it has the characteristics of a small part of the source of extraordinary characteristics he used, "Spike Cracked Toothfish".

This is obviously a kind of berserk ability similar to what the white shark Skuk once used.

However, it can be recovered after becoming mad, which shows that this ability may be able to realize autonomous control after training. If it is used well, it may be a very powerful ability.

But with the dire precedent of "White Shark Skuk," it's hard to say what the potential side effects are.

In view of Gary's current state, Aiwen decided to suspend the exploration and return to the ground to confirm Gary's situation before talking about other things.

"But the question now is, should we go forward or backward?"

Thank you book friends for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets! Keep asking for support! Who predicted that Gary would follow the route of a berserker? ( ̄. ̄)

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