Extraordinary Sailing

Chapter 603 Autocratic Iron Fist


With the holy angel Belenus, after thousands of years of ups and downs, he has already had a calm state of mind. After hearing Aiwen's conclusion, he couldn't help breaking his power directly, wondering if he had auditory hallucinations.

The head was not even fully exposed when the baby was delivered, and you were discussing with me whether to be cremated or buried at sea?

It's also not up to Berenus to care about it and cause chaos.

For the gods whose main priesthood is [humanized priesthood], human society is one of their important sources of power.

For the extraordinary world, the spiritual world is connected to the spiritual world of all intelligent life. The more intelligent creatures are thriving (two dimensions of quantity and quality), the closer the connection with the spirit world, the more spiritual energy radiated from the spirit world, and the prosperity of the extraordinary world.

Although hundreds of millions of mortals live and die on the scale of the world, they are also the most basic and dynamic part of the world, and they are also the key to whether the world can be promoted as a whole.

A world without intelligent life has no future.

Even, if the gods can fully understand everything in the human world, why should they be afraid of trends?

Seeing the unbelievable expressions on the faces of the three of them, Aiwen, who took the lead, explained unhurriedly:

"It is true, because the operation of capital has its deep-rooted internal contradictions, which they cannot solve by themselves.

So I assert: first, capitalism is bound to perish; second, the process of capital development will destroy royal power? Not necessarily; third, can the 【Capital Priesthood】 be checked and balanced? Can. "

These are the questions that he has been thinking about since he became a glorious ruler of vast lands, and even many policies have been implemented in Georgia and Faragle.

If we talk about the understanding of the chaos in the Kingdom of Ilia, Aiwen is only on the second floor, and Belenus is already on the third floor. As for the understanding of [capital], the latter is still standing on the first floor, but the former has already stood as high as the seventh or eighth floor.

After all, Aiwen has been shaped by ideology in his previous life since he was a child, and he is determined to be the successor of Keke!

Hearing Aiwen's categorical assertion, the three people who were in great moods stared at him intently, as if they were grabbing a life-saving straw.

“[Capital] is not a new thing. In fact, as early as two hundred years ago when the kingdom first started the enclosure movement, the embryonic form of the bourgeoisie had already begun to appear.

To drive thousands of peasants off their land, to turn them into homeless vagabonds, beggars, wage earners, is the process of separating the direct producers from the means of production.

Merchants relied on large ranches and handicraft workshops to develop the wool textile industry and earned their first pot of gold. It was also called the "sheep cannibalism" movement by many scholars.

At that time, the so-called large-scale agriculture and large-scale animal husbandry were actually the process of agricultural bourgeoisie occupying land and other means of production, hiring workers, and carrying out large-scale war against the market. Enterprise agriculture and animal husbandry management process.”

When he said this, Aiwen looked at the queen who had a slightly unnatural expression after hearing "sheep eat people":

"However, in the previous agricultural era, limited by the total size of the land, it was difficult to reinvest the output into the industry and re-transform it into the capital of "using money to make money". Although this class existed, it was not too strong.

However, the emergence of the steam engine has achieved a leap in productivity and can create wealth with unprecedented efficiency. And continuously transform the output into new capital (more steam engines, production lines, factories), and then create more value.

This shows that it is 'productivity' that fundamentally determines the production relationship!

The development of "productivity" will bring about profound changes in the relations of production, and then continue to change society, rather than the so-called "capital". "

In the real sense, the invention of the modern steam engine and the beginning of the steam industry all happened after Queen Isabella succeeded to the throne. The ultimate source is the "School of Alchemy". contract.

As an excellent monarch, the queen who was reminded was thoughtful, and then followed Ivan's words and said:

"That is to say, the root of the existence of this emerging class is actually not the [capital] that is planning to gather, but the strong productive forces in our hands that are compatible with the production relationship!

[Capital] is downstream, and our [productivity] is upstream, so."

Aiwen nodded slightly. He believed that with this reminder, the combination of mature politicians and demigods would no longer be led by the nose.

They clapped their hands lightly, and watched the brilliance bloom on their faces again. The three listeners continued:

"Back to the original question, why capitalism is bound to perish, and the situation of the 'royal power' in this process are actually the same question."

Profit-seeking is the strongest source of power for [capital], and capital is always pursuing value-added. And its value-added will ultimately be implemented in the expansion of commodity production, but commodities must ultimately be consumed.

If the state power is in the hands of the bourgeoisie, it will inevitably be unable to effectively regulate its own behavior. When the production volume exceeds the total demand of the society to a certain extent, there will be a big recession caused by "overproduction" caused by factory closures and economic depression.

In fact, the ability of social self-regulation is not as strong as many people imagine. To put it bluntly, it is because when the bourgeois are the masters of the country, there will be structural dislocation of management.

Therefore, driven by the pursuit of profit, there must be an inherent contradiction between the expansion of production and the limitation of personal consumption, and this contradiction will erupt one day.

This is the source of the inevitable outbreak of the economic crisis of "capitalism".

"As long as you master this essence, don't say that you haven't condensed the priesthood of [Capital], even if you have already condensed it, you can use this mechanism to inflict heavy damage on him!

Before the bourgeois find a way out and adjust themselves, the tidal economic crisis is enough to make that existence want to die. I will come here once in ten years or decades, it's so sour, tsk tsk"


Hearing this, Bellenus couldn't help clapping his hands.

After being stripped away by Ai Wen, the fog in front of him gradually dissipated, and the scene of bourgeois bankrupts, factories abandoned, and people's livelihood dying in the economic crisis seemed to be in front of him.

And how can the "God of Black Wings", who is closely bound to the priesthood, be able to stand alone?

Not to mention a tidal economic crisis, just one encounter is enough for his side to seize the opportunity to give him a hard look.

The holy angel looked at this young man who carried the favor of the goddess and the favor of the world at the same time, and the appreciation in his eyes was undisguised. Also in the mortal world, it is rare to be able to penetrate the rules of social development from a detached perspective, as if I have really experienced such social changes.

'Let me think, what kind of reward should be given to him to be worthy of this extraordinary wisdom? '

On the other hand, Isabella and Rivina are more concerned about the issue of "royalty" that is directly related to them:

"Secretary Garriott, in this transformation, can [Royal Power] finally defeat [Capital]?"

Belenus also had a burning gaze. Aiwen had explained the origin and final outcome of [capital], but the development process in the middle was the most important, and it was also the torrent they were about to face.

"Your Majesty, although [capital] will eventually disappear, it will take a long period of time.

In terms of the current social process, at least in the entire era of the steam industry, the bourgeoisie cannot be eliminated. Even if a wave of people is wiped out, there will always be proletarians who will grow into a new bourgeois class.

Because "capitalism" really represents the production relations that are currently compatible with the productive forces, and it will never perish until all the productive forces it can accommodate are brought into play.

However, we have already discussed the possibility of putting an end to the implementation of full private ownership, and instead let the state control important sectors related to people's livelihood and carry out the top-level design of the macro economy."

It can also be said that whoever owns the means of production is a bourgeois.

It can be a powerful bourgeoisie, a collective bourgeoisie, or a national bourgeoisie, so even if it follows the historical development and the world trend, the royal power is not necessarily an obstacle that must be subverted.

According to the law of the evolution of capitalism with the development and continuous improvement of productive forces, it is a gradual maturing process from free capitalism (industrial slave society) to monopoly capitalism and then to state capitalism.

Even without external intervention, "state capitalism" is [capital's] own choice!

In this process, the role of the government or [royal power] is to intervene and transform the [free capitalism] that is difficult to self-improvement through the power of economy, administration, and justice, and finally establish a real [national capitalism].

And "direct distribution and redistribution" is one of the regulatory functions that the government should have.

The people are the cornerstone of the country, and any social change must unite the strength of the majority and benefit them.

Otherwise, even if weak mortals cannot overthrow the rule of the extraordinary, the sharp confrontation between the upper class and the lower class will cause chaos in the country, and it will certainly not be possible to create a first-rate world power.

So [capital] is not a scourge, nor is it incompatible with [royal power], it is the kind of completely laissez-faire liberalism. Whether a balance can be achieved, the most test is the ruler's governance methods.

Then Ivan made a final summary to the three people who had suddenly realized:

"Early detection and early treatment, no matter how hard the budding [capital] struggles, it will come to our bowl sooner or later. Contain it at the source, put shackles on it during development, and ring the bell when the productivity develops to a sufficient level death knell.

And the naked power is the eternal and most tenacious vitality of the 'royal power'! "

Ivan clenched his fist lightly, and the air exploded.

"However, everything has to be set off by peers. After the bourgeois seize power, they should soon reveal their true colors, so that the people at the bottom can see clearly their eating habits and the nature of "exploitation" and "plundering" of this class.

Then mobilize the power of the alliance to fight against the flames of usurping power, so that other bourgeois in the alliance and the great existence behind them who only think about good things can re-experience what it is: the iron fist of dictatorship! "


What Ivan didn't say is that in this set of logically consistent theories.

The dawn of socialism has almost arrived when "state capitalism" with the advancement of productive forces has reached its limit. After the complete demise of capitalism, the proletarian class may stand up instead of the bourgeois class at this time.

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