Extreme Pupil Teacher: Miss Peerless

Chapter 7023 Father and son break up

Chapter 7023 The breakup between father and son

But after waiting and waiting, there was no order from the elder. It seemed that Yulouhuang had escaped disaster again this time.

"This Yulouhuang is really a bit evil, and he escaped another disaster."

Everyone couldn't help but talk about it.

In front of Elder Mu Yuan, no one can easily escape his punishment.

He is very moody.

Under such circumstances, his punishment was also extremely harsh.

Anyone who offends him even slightly will trigger his thunderous wrath.

Yulouhuang and others had clearly angered Elder Muyuan several times before, and even failed to complete the tasks assigned by the other party, yet they were fine, which is quite impressive!

And when they were thinking this in their hearts, they looked at Yulouhuang with a sense of fear.

Yu Louhuang looked at them with a sarcastic look on his face.

This is the Devouring Yuan Sect, where people are worse than dogs.

Especially a useless person.

And he would never end up in such a situation.

Yulouhuang knew very well that he could do this little trick again and again in front of Elder Muyuan, but not again and again!

Otherwise, he would be contemptuous of Elder Mu Yuan's authority. At that time, no matter how many reasons he had, Elder Mu Yuan would not give him any chance to speak and would directly torture him to death.

Therefore, he must find a way to improve his strength as soon as possible.

With the existence of that skeleton man, he is bound to win!

Yu Louhuang thought so and strode away immediately.

As for Yu Louxing and others, before he came back, they were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

"Huang'er, how are you?"

"Elder, has he forgive us?"

Yulouxing felt very uneasy.

After he finished speaking, Yulouhuang looked at him deeply, and then said: "Dad, sometimes I really hope that Yulouhuang will be his father."

At least the other party was devoted to Yu Sihuang and never left her for so many years. Even though Yu Sihuang was very likely to have died, he did not give up, and finally got Yun Kai Sunrise.

But Yu Louxing and others were different. They treated him like a tool and exploited him.

When something happens, you can only ask him.

Yulouhuang is responsible for the development of the second room of Yulou. He is already a little tired now.

He looked at Yulouxing who looked shocked, and then said in a deep voice: "Master asked us to go to the mouth of the valley with them, and then we will go to the Land of Chance together."

"But he won't send anyone to protect us."

"Dad, you will protect each other when the time comes."

"I can't care about you anymore!"

As soon as Yu Louhuang's words came out of his mouth, Yu Louxing's face looked as if he had been struck by lightning.

How can this be? !

Are they not protecting us anymore?

Then aren’t we doomed? !

When he finished speaking, Yulouhuang couldn't help but look at him and said, "Yululong and the others don't have any protection either."

"But they got a boost in exchange."

"Father, shouldn't you think about what happened that led to what we are doing now?"

"Is it because our skills are inferior to others?"

"No, it's because we are not as sincere as Goro Taki and others!"

"You laugh at Goro Taki and the others for being pedantic every day, but it is their pedantry that has brought them good luck today."

"Without their persistence, would Yu Sihuang and others help them?"

"Will Yulou Taki and others be here today?"

“When will you be able to see things from a developmental perspective?”

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