Lin Shi was sitting in the living room, holding Huahua in his arms.

Next to him lay the Demon King, who had not come out for air for a long time.

"Sure enough, none of the children who survive the apocalypse will be simple."

Lin Shi stroked the gentle Huahua and whispered.

"Master, will that child come back?"

The Demon King stretched out his claws and scratched the ground a few times.

"Yes, he is so deliberate in staying by my side, how could he not come back?"

Lin Shi laughed to himself.

Even he was almost deceived by Lin Siyuan.

It was Lin Shi who drove Tris out of the small foreign building.

But it was Lin Siyuan's idea.

After listening to Lin Siyuan's story, Lin Shi asked him if he would like to leave with Tris.

Lin Siyuan's answer was: unwilling.

But Lin Siyuan said that after all, she was his adoptive mother who raised him, and he could not let her die.

Both of them knew that if Tris was driven out of here, she would soon be unable to survive.

Lin Siyuan made an agreement with Lin Shi.

During Lin Shi's stay at the base, Lin Siyuan wanted to leave Lin Shi's side and live with Tris.

Lin Siyuan wanted to know if this woman was worthy of him treating her like a mother.

Lin Shi agreed to Lin Siyuan's request.

He cooperated with him in a scene and drove Triss out of Area B.

The reason why Lin Shi agreed so happily.

It was because he found something interesting about Lin Siyuan.

This little boy who always seemed innocent and kind-hearted actually had a lot of things to hide about himself.

From the very beginning, Lin Shi had an intuition that it was definitely not easy for Lin Siyuan to survive in the survivor base that ate people without spitting out their bones.

But Lin Siyuan used his special ability to dispel Lin Shi's doubts.

In addition, Lin Siyuan's acting skills are really good. He has always been too harmless in front of Lin Shi, and he has performed the innocence of a child to the extreme.

Lin Shi gradually let down his guard.

Of course, the most important thing was that Lin Siyuan did not show any ill will toward him, otherwise Lin Shi would have discovered Lin Siyuan's disguise at the first opportunity.

When did Lin Shi discover the abnormality?

It was when I found the home where Lin Siyuan originally lived a few days ago.

Lin Siyuan showed obvious nervousness and fear at that time.

Lin Shi preconceptionally believed that Lin Siyuan was worried about his parents' safety and had such emotions.

Until I discovered a lot of details in that room that had long been empty.

Lin Siyuan is actually an adopted child.

Lin Siyuan never mentioned that there was a fourth person in his family.

Moreover, Lin Shi found three rooms with beds in that house.

He could tell at a glance that one of them was the couple's master bedroom, and the other was a children's room. From the photos left in the room, Lin Shi knew that it was not Lin Siyuan's room.

Then the remaining room, which was as messy as a warehouse and contained a small bed, was most likely Lin Siyuan's room.

It seems that Lin Siyuan is not living well in this family.

But why would he want to come back?

Why do you act so concerned about the safety of this family?

Why was Lin Siyuan discovered in a foreign country?

How did such a young child leave his parents?

All these questions came to Lin Shi's mind.

From that moment on, Lin Shi began to re-examine Lin Siyuan.

Lin Shi was not angry at being deceived.

On the contrary, Lin Siyuan's status as an actor rather than a pure and harmless white rabbit was more conducive to Lin Shi's use of him.

Maybe Lin Siyuan didn't expect that Lin Shi would help him find his original residence so quickly.

Perhaps when Lin Siyuan first asked Lin Shi to take him home, he started planning to stay with Lin Shi.

Including showing his abilities in front of Lin Shi, and the part where he overdrafted his body and almost resurrected the wild wolf, Lin Siyuan deliberately let Lin Shi know his true value.

So after finding Lin Siyuan's original residence that day, his nervousness and fear were directed at Lin Shi.

And not for parents who are missing.

This also explains why Lin Siyuan's first reaction was shock rather than surprise when he woke up and revealed the existence of Tris.

Later, Lin Siyuan wanted to cover up this slight flaw and started telling stories about his past.

But the more you talk, the easier it is to make mistakes.

No matter how smart Lin Siyuan is, he is still a child of only ten years old.

After listening to Lin Siyuan's story, Lin Shi felt that most of what Lin Siyuan said was true, but in some places, Lin Siyuan lied.

For example, he didn't want to hear any more news about his adoptive mother and younger brother.

Lin Shi was worried that Lin Siyuan would leave with his adoptive mother at first, but he was overly worried.

Lin Shi had to admit that he really underestimated Lin Siyuan.

There is a reason why children cannot survive in the apocalypse.

And there's a reason why the little kid survived.

"Master, do you want to keep him by your side?"

The Demon King said.

Lin Shi curled his lips, the meaning in his eyes unclear:

“Of course, although he lied to me, I prefer to deal with smart people than simple and kind-hearted little white rabbits.

He has value in staying with me. But I'm going to find another way to get along with him. "

As for how to get along, Lin Shi didn't say clearly.

The Demon King, who knew Lin Shi, moved his head away and sympathized with the little guy Lin Siyuan for a second.

The master is a cunning, ah no, smart and wise human being.


The day after Lin Siyuan and Tris left.

An unexpected guest came to the door.

Lin Shi opened the door and looked at the man standing outside carrying supplies, raised his eyebrows and said:

"Is something wrong?"

"Hello, dear sir."

Castrot bowed slightly.

"My name is Castrot. I wonder if I can talk to you?"

Today, Castrot put on a pair of glasses and looked elegant.

He had a lot of things in his hands and looked like he was visiting with an open mind.


Lin Shi ran through the name in his mind, and powerful mental power swept over Casrot.

Castrot felt the pressure, looked stern, and bent down lower.

"come in."

Lin Shi walked into the house and motioned for Castrot to take a seat.

Castrot looked very reserved.

Put your things down before sitting down.

"What do you want from me?"

Lin Shi said directly.

"You should have heard my name from others. Let me introduce myself to you first."

"No, I don't want to know, just tell me why you're here."

Lin Shi interrupted him.

The polite smile on Castrot's face froze slightly, but he quickly adjusted it.

He pushed up his glasses and said:

"Then I will explain my purpose directly. That's it, I have a cooperation that I would like to discuss with you in detail."

Kasrot said as he spread out his mental power, trying to cover this area to avoid being overheard.

However, as soon as his mental power was released, it was suppressed by Lin Shi's mental power.

"Here, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Lin Shi's rude attitude made Casrot's cultivation almost unsustainable.

But he still had a smile on his face and said:

"I took the liberty. But I hope you understand that you and I are not enemies. I hope you don't regard us as enemies either.

Let me put it bluntly, I hope you will not interfere with my affairs and the Chen family's affairs while you are in the base. It's best to be on our side if you can. What the Chen family can give you, we can do the same, and we are more sincere. "


Lin Shi smiled.

"Are you planning to attack the Chen family?"

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