Kaiyuan Mansion, as the front line of the Song-Mongolian front,

There are only over 80,000 registered households in the 17 cities and counties under its jurisdiction.

Calculated, there are less than 300,000 living people under the control of a single state in Nuo Da!


Judging from the situation in Jiachuan County, the number of people in Kaiyuan Mansion should double.

Even so, there are only more than 600,000 people.

Lin Chen frowned slightly and took a rough look at the decrees issued by the Southern Song Dynasty to the Kaiyuan government in recent years.

In addition to recruiting Xiang troops, there is also an increase in taxes.

Calculated, the taxes paid by ordinary people in Kaiyuan Prefecture every year are twice as much as their annual farm surplus!

No wonder a large number of people under the rule of Kaiyuan Mansion fled and became refugees.


It is unknown how many layers of Southern Song officials were involved in this.

For Lin Chen, he did not expect that there would be unexpected surprises on his way north.

He doesn't mind expanding his power in the secret realm.

According to the original history.

At this stage, the Southern Song Dynasty court had reached a period where it had no time to take care of itself.

After losing the important city of Jingxiang, there is no obstacle for the north to go south.

I think all the princes in the Southern Song Dynasty were worried about how to resist the Mongols who were about to move south.

Or maybe there are people who have second thoughts and are looking for a way out.

They did nothing more than surrender to the Mongols and continue to serve as Han officials under Kublai Khan.

As for Song Duzong, he naturally continued playing music and dancing, not caring about these trivial matters at all.

Therefore, Mongolia decided to attack in two directions, swallowing Sichuan and Shu all the way, and approaching Lin'an all the way.

There was not much strong resistance in Sichuan and Sichuan.

It is obvious that the Southern Song Dynasty had almost given up on the important towns of Sichuan and Shu at this time.

Anyone can see that the Southern Song Dynasty is about to collapse.

As for Cao Ling, it seemed more like a dream.

He did not expect that in just one month, he would become a prisoner from the county magistrate.

That day, when Zhang Shun led three hundred navy soldiers to break through the gate of Kaiyuan Mansion, he and the prefect were at the top of the city and could see clearly!

These extremely brave soldiers could not possibly be Xiang soldiers.

Cao Ling's mind was quick and he reacted immediately.

This is not a bandit rebellion. Someone is rebelling!

Cao Ling was horrified when he thought of this, fearing that he would be beheaded by the rebels.

However, when he discovered that the rebels didn't care about him and the others, Cao Ling's mind became aroused.

In order to make peace with the situation, why not surrender to the rebels?

It's better than waiting to die in this dark prison!

So Qiao Xuan heard the report from the police officer that someone was clamoring to see him.

This aroused the interest of Qiao Xuan, who had already begun to take over Kaiyuan Mansion.

have to say.

The officials of the Southern Song Dynasty in Kaiyuan Mansion were rotten to the core.

Qiao Xuan just led two thousand newly recruited soldiers and effortlessly captured all the counties in Kaiyuan Prefecture without any resistance.

These county magistrates thought it was the Mongolian army coming, so they basically surrendered directly to the city without saying anything.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Xuan became even more disdainful of the scholars in this blessed land of immortality.

He has no moral integrity at all, and he doesn’t know what he has learned from the sages!


Throughout the Southern Song Dynasty.

If Wen Tianxiang hadn't saved the respect of the Confucian scholars, I'm afraid it would have become a joke.

"You are the one who is clamoring to see me?"

Qiao Xuan looked at the embarrassed Cao Ling and said in a cold tone.

When Cao Ling saw Qiao Xuan, his eyes lit up with joy.

He could tell that the person in front of him was a high-ranking person, even if he was not the leader of the rebels.

"My Lord, Cao Ling, is the magistrate of Jiachuan County. I am willing to serve you and do your best!"

Cao Ling said loudly without feeling embarrassed at all.

When Qiao Xuan heard this, he was amused by his words.

"You don't have the ability to defend the country, and you don't have the slightest bit of literati. Tell me, what can you do for a certain family?"

Qiao Xuan smiled.

These words barely made it clear that you are a waste and I can’t stand you anymore.

After hearing these words, Cao Ling was dumbfounded.

When Qiao Xuan arranged for someone to take him away, he was still confused.

Cao Ling's lack of wisdom must be attributed to the Song Dynasty's hundreds of years of kindness and support for scholars.

As the saying goes, a doctor cannot be punished.

As long as a Confucian scholar has a good reputation, he will basically be demoted and go home unless he commits a serious crime.

This has caused countless scholars to develop a superior mentality.


This idea was quickly wiped out under the Mongolian butcher's knife.

These foreigners are not willing to listen to what the saint says.

Qiao Xuan was also unwilling to say anything more to these Southern Song Dynasty Confucian scholars.

With his ability, it is easy to govern a place.

As for how to recruit talents to manage the place later, that is something that the adults need to consider.

But for now.

Lin Chen's focus was not on this.

Naturally, the movement of the fleet heading north could not cover up the eyes of Song and Meng.

Both sides were quite surprised when they saw this army with the black flag.

Could this be the newly formed imperial army? But why didn't I hear any news?

Therefore, Lin Chen was not questioned at all when he left the area controlled by the Southern Song Dynasty.

This saved him a lot of trouble.

In the main cabin of the sail battleship, Lin Chen looked at the map with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

He left Sichuan and Shu along the Jialing River, and everywhere he went further was territory controlled by Mongolian and Han princes.

Report according to the spies.

Fengxiang Mansion has three Han marquises and two Mongolian captains of ten thousand men, with an army of more than 80,000.

And the number of people is still increasing.


In order to cope with Kublai Khan's plan to destroy the Song Dynasty, all places were preparing their troops.

Only the Southern Song Dynasty court acted like an ostrich and pretended not to know anything.

Follow the map.

If the fleet led by Lin Chen continues to move forward, it will collide head-on with a Mongolian troop of ten thousand people.


There are also ways to avoid it.

However, Lin Chen had no intention of taking a detour.

It just so happened that he intended to borrow this Mongolian cavalry to see how the "Whip of God" performed.

"Give the order, the infantry disembark from the boat and walk along the river!"


Yang Zhi and other generals brought in from Li Tang by Lin Chen were all excited.

They are not the generals of the Southern Song Dynasty, and they are timid when they hear the battle.

Aren't they just aliens? They followed Lin Chen and killed many people in Liaodong.

The other end.

As the commander-in-chief, Atta Timur was also a member of the noble bloodline of the Golden Family.

Although the blood relationship is far apart, he is still proud of it.

Therefore, Atta Timur, who was less than thirty years old, became a captain of ten thousand men and was ordered to garrison here.

It's just that Ata Timur didn't like the life in Han Dynasty very much.

In his opinion, the eagle should soar in the grassland instead of living with these cowardly Han people.

Therefore, Atta Timur often led his bodyguards to use Han people as prey and hunted them, euphemistically known as tempering the bloody nature of the grassland.

When he learned that a Han army from Sichuan and Sichuan was approaching, Atta Timur was not surprised but overjoyed!

Atta Timur had seen the combat effectiveness of the Southern Song Dynasty army.

After learning that the opponent had less than 30,000 to 40,000 troops, Atta Timur became even more contemptuous.

It is no exaggeration to say that a thousand Mongolian soldiers can drive away tens of thousands of Southern Song troops!

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