Joy, joy, joy in the afterlife. And... strong contempt for the fallen undocumented knight.

Not many people cared about the undocumented knight, a hero who shouldn't have faced ghost-level monsters, resolutely stood up to stop the enemy, and few people cared about those heroes who died at the hands of the King of the Deep Sea.

Stupid, short-sighted, mean, lenient towards oneself but strict with others, these are the human beings, and this is what the heroes desperately protect...

Kyosuke let out a sigh of relief, he tried his best not to use the ability of the apostle's heart wall to pry into the psychology of these people.

He knows that people are complicated, with both a good side and a bad side, but most of the time, the complicated thoughts that pervade the walls of his heart make him feel strongly disgusted.

But he didn't come here to save these people, he just came to save his sister.

But at this moment, a long shadow pulled the vacuum that was torn apart in the rain curtain due to its rapidity. The nightmare-like figure, the king of deep divers wearing a crown, suddenly rushed out and punched Kyousuke.

"It's interesting."

The King of the Deep Sea watched his fist that could easily destroy the protective wall of the refuge be blocked by the invisible barrier in front of Kyosuke, and the bloody mouth full of sharp teeth smiled happily

"Then how many punches can you take from me?"

Heavy fists like cannonballs fell like raindrops, and the wall of heart in front of Kyosuke was shattered like glass that was constantly being attacked.

The AT position is not an invincible defense. The so-called AT position can only be used to neutralize the AT position is just a tricky statement. In fact, as long as it is strong enough, even the AT position of a complete apostle can be broken, or enough A strong energy field can also tear through the protection of the AT position.

The moment the matter is blocked, it is equal to the interference between the two. As long as there is an interactive interference, there is a possibility of breaking it.

He, Takaban Kyosuke is not a real apostle, he is just a human being, injected with an apostle's embryo, and by coincidence and luck, his soul can be transformed into an apostle, but he is still an incompetent 'larva' without the fruit of life.

But he would never sit still like this. Just as the Deep Sea King’s fists were raining down on his position, one of his arms also smashed at the Deep Sea King, but at the moment of contact, he alienated into a chitinous carapace insect. human arm.

A heavy punch hit the deep sea king's solid skin, knocking him back a few steps, and watching Kyosuke gain the upper hand, the people in the refuge cheered again.

"You really aren't human."

The King of the Deep Sea patted the place where he was beaten, it did hurt him a bit, but that was all.

He looked at Kyosuke with a smirk, and the change of posture at that moment made the King of the Deep Sea more convinced that the other party was a "weird" mutated by these human beings.

His current appearance as a human being is just a mask he puts on.

"Look at those humans who support you so much, what will their attitude be if they find out what you really look like?"

The King of the Deep Sea crossed his arms and said with great interest

"I don't know where you came from and what your purpose is, but since you are not human, you and I have no reason to fight."

He looked at the crowd, his dark red snake eyes swept over everyone, locked on the two girls, and smiled at Kyosuke with great interest

"How about this, I can allow you to take three people away, and then we won't mess with each other. I can't see any strong will from you to protect those people. You are the opposite of that idiot next to you."

One is a fool who has a strong will to protect human beings but has no strength.

One is a monster with great power but no idea of ​​protecting people.

It is just a small part of the tiny human beings who have been classified into so many interesting categories, and the King of the Deep Sea also finds it quite interesting.

But he doesn't have time to continue working here. After killing these humans, he must return to the deep sea before trouble comes, bringing news and...more troops of the deep sea tribe.

This guy is no match for his Deep Sea King. That troublesome barrier obviously consumes a lot of his physical strength and other resources, and even if the Deep Sea King is only in the rainstorm, his physical strength will continue to recover.

Kyosuke was silent for a moment, he raised his head and glanced at the people in the shelter, including Ayase and Kirino.

The King of the Deep Sea was right, after experiencing so much, Kyosuke, in fact, did not have such a strong idea of ​​protecting others.

He is just an ordinary person, and before he became the current virtue, he was not a saint who was willing to give.

Not to mention, to a large extent, he became this virtue because of protecting others, so that now he can't go back home, and the family members have become extremely miserable.

Repaying blame with kindness is really something that only a few abnormal people can do...even those who didn't cause themselves to get to where they are today.

The Deep Sea King clapped his hands with a smile, turned his head and laughed loudly to those people in the refuge

"Be grateful, you lowly humans! Because of the magnanimity of this warrior, I allow him to take the three of you and leave here!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar in the shelter.

"Are you kidding? Three people, how is it possible!"

Condemnation, anger, roaring, questioning, all kinds of voices can be heard endlessly.

Kyosuke looked at those people darkly, their thoughts, their emotions, everything was exposed under the vision of the wall of heart.

Sheng Mien fights Mi Qiu is probably nothing more than that, and it is probably the same meaning not to worry about the few but to worry about the inequality.

"Go ahead, choose ten people, I won't do anything."

King Deep Sea patted Kyosuke on the shoulder kindly, and made way for him. And the apostolic Kyosuke also walked into the refuge silently, and walked to the side of the undocumented knight under the countless pairs of angry eyes.

This hero is worth saving. His pure heart is filled with the character of a true hero.

He helped the undocumented knight and walked in front of Kirino and Ayase. The Deep Sea King gave three options, and he seemed to have no other choice.

But on his way there, he was surrounded by countless voices of questioning and angry accusations.

"Aren't you a hero? Why did you give up on us!!!" A young man jumped out and accused angrily

"Go and deal with that monster and cover us from here!"

"That's right, what kind of hero are you when you run away from battle?"

Amidst the countless noisy voices, Jingsuke just glanced coldly at the young man who jumped out, and the pushing AT position directly sent him flying, hitting the ceiling heavily and falling down.

All the accusations and abuse stopped instantly.

These people dare to insult their heroes, but they dare not show a single fang to the weirdo.

"I'm not a hero." Kyosuke said coldly, looking at those people with fearful faces

"Now, get out!"

The crowd was pushed away by an invisible stand, and Kyosuke walked over silently, amidst the vortex of countless emotional attention.

"Please, take my child away, he is only three years old!"

A mother suddenly stopped in front of Kyousuke, knelt on the ground and begged him to take away the ignorant child in her arms. Kyousuke looked at that innocent little face full of fear, and was speechless for a long time.

"Please take me away, I'll give you 10 million—no, I'll give you 100 million!"

"Take me away! I am the editor-in-chief of XX Weekly, and we will vigorously publicize your heroic deeds!"

"Take me, I can..."

The mother's selfless devotion is like igniting a dynamite, but what the dynamite explodes is an ugly picture called the desire to survive.

Seeing those who were begging loudly, whether they were true or false, who were telling their tragic stories, Kyosuke paused in his footsteps.

"Let me go..." the undocumented knight whispered in Kyousuke's ear

"I'm fine, just save others..."

Kyosuke didn't speak, but just tightened the undocumented knight on his back, and came to Ayase and Kirino under the despairing eyes of the mother and others.

"Let's go." Kyosuke didn't even dare to look at the face of another girl who looks like a younger sister, and just said in a low voice

I can't save everyone, I'm not a god, I don't have this ability.

The expressions of Kirino and Ayase were moved for a while, they looked at the young children in silence, took a step back, and gave the answer with actions.

The undocumented knight also used his last bit of strength to break free from Kyosuke's back. There are people who need his rescue more, they can't do it, and empathy prevents them from giving up on everyone like this.

"Why are you forcing me?" Kyosuke clenched his fists and said in a suppressed angry voice

"Why do you want me to do unnecessary things! I... Kirino, haven't you experienced enough of my fate as a hero?"

"I don't need to ask your opinions! I can take you away!"

"You are not a hero... No one will force you to do anything, I don't want to kidnap anyone morally." The undocumented knight shook his head and said in a weak voice

"Just do what you want to do, be who you want to be."

"Have you made your choice?" The Deep Sea King urged in a protracted and joyful voice.

Kyosuke's face changed again and again, he gritted his teeth, lowered his head, his face darkened, and stood alone outside the shelter.

Be who he wants to be... He can't be a hero, but he can't be a cold-blooded animal who can sit and watch others die without doing anything.

It is the mentality of ordinary people to be entangled in good deeds and bad deeds. Only a very small number of people can achieve absolute good and bad.

"You made a... stupid decision."

The Deep Sea King looked at Kyosuke who was silently standing in front of the refuge, shook his head, and suddenly showed an extremely malicious smile.

"Calculate the's almost here."


ps: ask for tickets every day!

Chapter 205 46. Heroes Always Sacrifice

The butterfly flapping its wings in the Amazon jungle in South America will cause a tornado in Texas under a series of incredible coincidences and operations. This is the so-called butterfly effect.

In essence, this is a theory of chaos, the uncertainties that occur in deterministic events, which is closer to philosophy than science.

The general trend of the world cannot be easily rewritten by doing one or two things. Even if you can know the future, it is not so easy to make a huge change in the direction of a future.

In the world of One Piece, Mu Feng, who is familiar with the plot, also intervened in a large number of plot turning points, planted the deepest explosives at the most critical time, and finally completed the huge changes to the world with the blessing of external factors provided by the system.

So don't think that the traverser will definitely be able to change the general trend of the world. In many cases, it is the times that make the heroes, not the heroes.

Mu Feng didn't expect that the cooperation between himself and the Weird Association would eventually lead to an earth-shaking change in the insignificant event of the Deep Sea Clan's invasion.

Although the original deep-sea invasion was not small, it only attacked two coastal cities, and from the beginning to the end, the deep-sea tribe only dispatched a ghost-level deep sea king.

In the comic plot, such a "low" king is qualified as a semi-funny plot, but in reality, things are worth deriving.

First of all, the deep-sea people with high intelligence must have their civilization and social structure in the ocean, and in the sea rich in resources, it is impossible for the civilization born to be smaller than a land country.

And the army of the deep-sea race that appeared in the original work... is not even qualified to be called an army.

The King of the Deep Sea is also more like a scout and a vanguard than a king, rather than the king of the ethnic group.

Facts have proved that Mu Feng's guess is correct.

The three weirdos standing in front of the hungry wolf are obviously ghost-level weirdos from the Deep Sea Clan.

It looks like a huge conch, with countless secluded conchs with terrifying mouthpieces at the end, suspended in the rainstorm like a giant manta ray, and shoots a storm attendant with miserable green crystals, and holds a trident, like the king of the deep sea. A seahorse king with a crown on his head!

These three weirdos are all ghost-level existences!

They stopped the hungry wolf, and then fought with it. Mu Feng, who was hiding in the dark, did not interfere because a 'guest' came by his side.

"They are all the vanguard of the deep sea tribe, and they were originally used to intercept sexy prisoners."

An avatar with big embarrassing eyes flapped its bat wings and stopped beside Mu Feng, and Sykes' charming voice happily explained:

"The King of the Deep Sea in City J is just a vanguard of the Deep Sea Clan, and those are too. Their purpose is to measure the combat power on the surface, so as to formulate the real invasion plan of the Deep Sea Clan."

"How do you know so clearly?" Mu Feng raised his eyebrows and asked curiously

"Before our Monster Association moved into the underground of City Z, that large underground city used to be the territory of a group of guys who called themselves underground."

Sykes said lightly

"I don't know why, but their king seems to have disappeared. We took advantage of the situation to kill them all and occupied the place. However, we obtained very interesting information from those underground tribes."

"The whole story is too long to tell. To put it simply, in addition to humans, there are three hidden sub-human races on this planet, the Underground Race, the Deep Sea Race, and the Sky Race. Wall Obiwo, the state of the abyss, they each have powerful

The civilization of the ancients was originally hidden under the history of mankind, until after the last world war, they accepted the assignment from the will of the planet to replace human beings and become the new primates. "

"It sounds like a magical plot." Mu Feng complained

"...These things do exist. They spy on the human world and want to occupy it. And this time, it is the vanguard of the Deep Sea Race that besieged several coastal cities."

Sykes' tone became a little cold

"I don't know how strong or weak they are. They spy on the human world, that's not okay."

"It sounds like you are a human supremacist." Mu Feng sneered and said

"Weirds are people too." Sykes said lightly.

"We are just humans who have evolved more perfectly and thoroughly, and have endured the gifts of the gods. We are destined to rule this world-but no matter what, these aliens deserve to die!"

"But you still contacted them." Mu Feng narrowed his eyes, and there was a dangerous light in them

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