He had received Umbrella's money, that's why he decisively carried out the duties of the chief of this military base after the problem in Raccoon City, and used a ballistic missile to remove all evidence in Raccoon City.

And he didn't take one share—he took two!

One from Umbrella and the other from Spencer, the man behind Umbrella!

One asked him to launch an intercontinental missile when necessary, and the other brought a nuclear warhead that he did not know where he got it, and asked him to replace the warhead of that intercontinental missile.

He was going to make up his mind and quit after this matter was over. Anyway, if the situation in Raccoon City is so serious, his nuclear warhead will also make him a "hero" to solve the problem. Can't push it over his head.

After all, there is no nuclear warhead reserve in the military base. If you want to blame, you can only blame the bastard who brought the intercontinental missile for installing the wrong warhead.

Even if he took ten thousand steps back, at worst, he would just discard this identity and run away, change places, change families, change faces, and start his new life again!

This huge sum of money, which he will never earn in his life, has already entered his Swiss bank account. Before he could imagine his life as a rich man in the future, the reality gave him a heavy slap in the face.

An intercontinental missile equipped with a nuclear warhead was lost, and a nuclear bomb capable of ascending into low-earth orbit, which theoretically does not have a 100% interception and strike capability in the world, was stolen.

If this matter is revealed, it is impossible to get promoted and get rich. I guess I will have to spend the rest of my life in a federal prison!

The colonel really wanted to run away like this, but when he passed out and just woke up, he received a call from his superior.

The other party told him very "tactfully" that his parents and family members had been controlled by the CIA, and that he himself was now suspected of being suspected of being a terrorist and former Soviet spy, so let him wait where he was and prepare to be taken away.

The principal opened his mouth wide, and as soon as he turned his head, two CIA personnel hiding in the military base had already entered.

This matter cannot be concealed for sure.

An intercontinental missile with a nuclear warhead was lost. This crazy bad news swept the White House, Pentagon, CIA and FBI like a tornado.

This is definitely the biggest crisis for the bald eagle since the collapse of the Soviet Union - bigger than when the Twin Towers were hit!

What does it mean that an intercontinental ballistic missile that can theoretically strike any region of the world has been lost? It means that the murderer has the ability to provoke a world war at any time.

This Minuteman-3, whether it is thrown in New York, or Moscow, or Lin'an, or Paris, or Di...or London...well, the last one doesn't count.

As long as it falls on the territory of a nuclear power, everyone can prepare for the third world war at that moment!

At this time, the bald eagle would rather have the mushroom fall on top of his head!

After all, if it falls on the heads of other major powers, the nuclear counterattack agreement and the dead hand system will ensure that all countries in the world will enter a wartime state in an instant, and truly achieve the destruction of one country and the end of the world.

The red-necked president of the White House subconsciously wanted to say that this was fake news, and then push the blame, but after thinking about it, this seemed to be an opportunity.

If it is declared that the bald eagle is now in a state of emergency, or even a state of war, then wouldn't he, the general who is about to be ousted, be able to continue for the previous term?

So the red-necked commander immediately changed his face

"This matter must be made public! We cannot allow the public, our allies, or even our opponents to suffer such a dire crisis at any time!"

The red-necked commander was impassioned and said righteously

"As the commander of the bald eagle, I must declare a state of martial law across the country! Even... a state of wartime!"

Although what was said was very just, the order of the commander-in-chief was still not carried out.

After all, he is about to step down now, and there are basically not many of his own people around, and this matter obviously cannot be announced so hastily.

The reason is simple, if you tell the whole world that our bald eagle has been stolen an intercontinental ballistic missile, then whether the missile falls or not, you, the bald eagle, will be responsible!

Not to mention the international public opinion, if this kind of joke is made, their global financial markets will suffer heavy losses, and there is a high probability that the two countries of yellow race across the sea will use this reason to join forces to destroy all their military bases in the Asia-Pacific region. Get kicked out.

They can't afford this loss, so...they can't admit it! You can't admit it even if you kill it!

But paper cannot contain fire, especially for such a big event, especially for the Pentagon and White House that have been infiltrated like a sieve.

This matter soon reached the ears of the big shots.

"Pfft!!! What did you say?!"

Angers, who was leisurely lying on the beach chair by the pool and admiring the big waves, opened his mouth and sprayed all the whiskey out of his mouth

"I mean, an ICBM with a nuclear warhead was stolen."

The vice-principal night watchman unceremoniously snatched the whiskey from Angers' hand, took a big gulp for himself, hiccupped, and lay down on the beach chair next to him.

"I wonder if some awakened Dragon King did this."

"Dragon King? Dragon King...it's not impossible."

Anger pondered for a moment, thinking carefully, it is not impossible for those dragon kings awakened in modern times to do such a big thing.

Using a human's own toy to let humans fight by themselves is definitely beneficial to the Dragon King. And as far as the two dragon kings killed today, there must be one of the twins who is good at using his brain!

So far, they have killed the dragon king who was either a premature baby or a baby with cerebral palsy. None of them really sneaked into their hearts to calculate human beings.

"What does the secret party say?"

"Europe is about to explode." The night watchman lit his cigar and said with a gleeful smile

"Especially the Gattuso family, that idiot Frost. He has a large amount of Umbrella stock in his hand and is eager to sell it now. But the problem is that this idiot invested these Umbrella stocks given by others in a hedge fund. It’s hard to sell now.”

"Wait, what does this have to do with Umbrella?" Angers frowned.

"Because of secret tricks, this intercontinental ballistic missile that shouldn't have appeared in the state of San Ana, is Umbrella."

The night watchman lay flat and lazily said

"Didn't the news that Umbrella conducted human experiments in Raccoon City was always circulating on the Internet these days? The executive department judged that it was 80% true, and Raccoon City may have fallen into an irreversible catastrophe."

"Umbrella wanted to use this nuclear bomb to eliminate all evidence, but he didn't expect someone to steal it—hehe, now that they won't die, I'll write their names upside down!"

"How can you be so leisurely!" Ange roared

"An intercontinental nuclear bomb was snatched by the Dragon King - aren't you afraid that it will fall from your head in the next second!"

They, Kassel, have prepared all the preparations to meet the Dragon King, but they are not prepared to meet the nuclear attack.

Although the power of that thing is not as powerful as the Dragon King's speech power, the problem is that there is no way to guard against it! If it is dropped on you thousands of kilometers away, you will have nowhere to run!

No matter how awesome Kassel is, it is impossible to blatantly deploy an anti-missile system near Chicago.

"Sprinkle water, is it useful to worry about this matter? Can I still order that nuclear bomb to turn around and go back?"

The night watchman squinted his eyes to admire the big girl in the swimming pool, smiled and waved his hands

"Encountering this kind of force majeure, I suggest that we should eat and drink. It is the government that should worry about such things. Why should we join in the fun?"

Anger's expression softened a little. The night watchman was right. This kind of "international event" should not be a problem that they, a group of mixed races, should consider anyway.

Even if some awakened Dragon King really stole this thing, it's not their mixed race's problem, it's the government's problem. What's more, Angers never felt that his group of mixed races could fight better than the government.

"I'm going to make a call...someone who might know exactly what's going on."


ps: ask for tickets every day!

Chapter 275 23. Operation Raccoon City Continued

"...Someone came here not long ago."

Leon looked at the corpses of several 'fry' lying in the sewer sewage, his face was a little dignified

"And it's definitely not long ago... Apart from the bullet holes, there are obvious cut marks on the body... It doesn't look like an ordinary army."

"Maybe it's a special soldier with two samurai swords." Franklin pinched his nose in disgust and said softly

"Or some kind of monster with a knife and a gun that comes after us," Mike interjected.

"I don't know if I'm the only one who noticed...we're in a fucking cesspit now!" Old Cui roared hysterically

"Our shit is now in a pit full of feces and urine, you still have time to chat here!"

"Don't worry, we have to find their traces." Claire, who was observing the footprints on the ground, rolled her eyes and said angrily

The forward footprints stretched all the way to a rusty door, Claire hesitated, and slowly pushed the door open.

Accompanied by the creaking and tooth-piercing sound, the heavy door with a folding fan was pushed open, revealing the downward escalator behind

"Below... is Umbrella's secret base?"

"I think there must be something wrong with the brain of the person who would build the secret laboratory under the cesspit."

Trevor complained

"There are a lot of SHI on the top of the head, so they still have time to study..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's speed up and hurry down, I have a bad feeling."

Mike looked around with some hesitation. As an old robber who had committed many robbery cases, he had always had a very accurate premonition of danger.

So in a sense, this talent can also be called... Crow's Mouth.


The familiar, nightmarish low voice resounded through the sewer, and the next moment, the top above their heads suddenly collapsed, and the tall tracker jumped down directly!

The straitjacket and equipment on his body were all damaged, and his ugly body was completely exposed, like countless disgusting corpses stitched together, making people feel strong physical discomfort when they saw it!

"This thing is still not dead?!"

Mike screamed, and Leon, with quick eyesight and quick hands, immediately took out the assault rifle he picked up on the road and pulled the trigger on the face of the pursuer.

Da da da da da! ! ! !

One after another gunshots echoed in the sewer, but the pursuer seemed to have no sense, even though his head was shot by various steel core bullets, he still walked quickly without changing his speed.

It is evolving.

As a semi-experimental tracker, it can be said to be an alienated version of the Tyrant. It can be said to be a T103 implanted with Prada parasites, but because of this, this thing has acquired the ability to adapt and evolve that the original Tyrant did not have. .

He is gradually strengthening the defense ability of the head. If the original tracker is already immune to small-caliber bullets, the current tracker can already ignore the large-caliber bullets of the assault rifle.

And judging from the sharp claws growing out of his hands, he is gradually returning to the thinking mode that a tyrant should have. And, he was probably eaten by that unlucky T103 tyrant to recover from his injuries.

"Go down, go down! Stop dawdling!"

Lao Tui was urging violently while shooting, Franklin jumped down without looking at it, Claire followed closely, and Mike jumped down immediately.

Leon, who bravely chose the broken back, shot and retreated. However, when he threw the gun at the pursuer and turned around and was about to jump off, he felt a burning pain in his back.

Leon fell down the passage in a head-down position, but was caught by Mike when he was about to hit the ground.

"Damn it, you are so heavy..." Mike put Leon down with a grin, but Claire exclaimed

"Leon! You...you were injured?"

Only then did everyone realize that there was an obvious scar on Leon's back. There was no doubt that the moment Leon turned around just now, the pursuer slapped him severely with the whip in his hand.

The atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

Mike moved a little away from Leon unobservably, and Leon, who realized what happened to him, smiled wryly, and handed the gun in his hand to Claire.

"I'm... fine for now. But I'm not sure if I'll be fine in the future."

"You're infected, kid." Old Cui revealed the scars of the incident indifferently.

"You're going to be one of those hippies with cerebral palsy—but you're not going to bite me yet, are you? So I'm not going to blow your head off."

The words are not rough, and besides, this juncture is obviously not a suitable rhythm for internal fighting. It was appropriate for Lao Cui to spread the matter out.

"That's it, give me a pistol for self-defense. If something goes wrong with me, just blow my head off."

Leon gritted his teeth and was helped by Claire, and glanced at Trevor gratefully.


Accompanied by the low roaring sound outside the room, waves of heavy hammering came from above.

Undoubtedly, the tracker is trying to carve out a path, which is an impossible task for ordinary people, but for the tracker, it may really be possible.

"Damn it, let's get out of here!"

Mike pressed the old and huge elevator in front of him, complaining incessantly

"I thought the first few years of my life were miserable enough, but I didn't expect it to be like this. There shouldn't be anything worse..."

"Oh, shut up, brother!" Franklin rolled his eyes and complained angrily.

"Mike, every time you complain, nothing happens! Do you want to call us a new monster?"

The slowly ascending elevator stopped slowly, and the noisy trio and Claire who supported Leon walked into the elevator

But at this moment, a black shadow suddenly fell from above the elevator, attacking everyone like a phantom!

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