Mu Feng opened his arms, and against the backdrop of Wan Lai's lights, he smiled at the three of them.

"Welcome to Night City."

————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ――――――

Nebula M78

ps: ask for tickets every day!

Chapter 36. Tea Tasting Discussion

Headquarters of the Eight Houses of Sheqi

Masamune Tachibana had a cup of steaming boiling water under his feet, and he was slowly grinding the tea leaves in the tea bowl with the tea brush in his hand.

His movements are impeccable, and his manner perfectly embodies the essence of the tea ceremony.

Even if he's not a neon man.

Tachibana Masamune, or Herzog, never liked the tea ceremony. He hates sitting, he hates tatami, he hates sushi, he hates tea ceremony, he... hates everything in this country.

He is a German, an NZ member, a "guest" who was poached by the Soviets after the defeat of the Third Reich, and finally wandered to this small island country

He's a standard racist, and that hasn't changed. It's just that he used to believe in the supremacy of the Germanic race, but now he believes in the supremacy of dragon's blood.

Even though he hates all of the above, as Tachibana Masamune, he also made himself like these things.

In other words, he had to make himself like these things.

The head of the Sheqi Bajia must be a standard neon person, sitting on the tatami mat with cushions, grinding the tea ceremony, stroking the sharp edge of the rib, and then throwing it to the subordinate who made a mistake to make him commit seppuku.

For more than ten years, he had put a false shell on top of his real appearance. He could hardly breathe, and felt a suffocating pain all the time, and the tyranny of the screaming beast hidden in his heart. .

Only by killing Dr. Herzog can Masamune Tachibana, the patriarch of the Saki Hachi Family, be brought back to life.

He hated this feeling so much, even if he tortured those women every day to vent his pain, tearing off their scalps along with their hair, he couldn't really alleviate this pain at all.

Only when he puts on the Noh mask of the Osho can he breathe for a moment, but the essence of the Osho is just a masked Tachibana Masamune.

Only by tearing off Tachibana Masamune's coat can Herzog come to this world openly. Only in this way can he calm the endless hunger and thirst in his heart...

No matter how wild the storm and tsunami in his heart were, Tachibana Masamune remained as motionless as a mountain on the surface, moving the brewed tea forward as calm as the surface of a lake.

“We can’t just be at the mercy of people like this forever.”

Yuan Zhisheng picked up the cup of clear tea and said seriously

"That man, that Huaguo man, he has a contemptuous attitude towards the Sheqi Bajia, and even the entire mixed race... Moreover, he is too deeply rooted in the neon. If he is not treated in time, he may become terminally ill. .”

"Disease cannot be done, above blindness, under ointment, attack is impossible, reach is not enough, medicine is not enough, there is nothing to do."

Tachibana Masamune read out the content of this "Zuo Zhuan" in the most standard Mandarin, held up the teacup in front of him and said lightly

"Bian Que treated Cai Huangong three times. The first time he used ironing to heal the skin, the second time he used acupuncture in the blood, the third time he used decoctions in the stomach, and the fourth time he went deep into the bone marrow. Salvageable."

"Zhisheng, how many times do you think Anbao Arasaka and that man are the country's 'sickness'?"

Yuan Zhisheng was silent for a moment, then said softly

"The third time... And, it is about to be incurable."

"Our iron-fisted Prime Minister is very capable. He defeated the four big chaebols, let their corpses fill the people, and revived the country with new vitality and hope."

Tachibana Masamune took a sip of green tea, sighed lightly, and said lightly

"But it's just a kind of internal struggle after all... breaking up the resources of a whole, filling the majority of resources held by a few people and filling the majority of people who occupy a small part of the resources, is like sand in an hourglass. He If you turn it upside down, you can see the prosperity, but the sand itself will not grow, and sooner or later the hourglass will only return to its original shape."

Tachibana Masamune took another sip of tea and sighed

"Zhisheng, do you know the recent international situation? Swords are on the verge, and one faction is on the verge of danger. The alliance between Australia and Song Dynasty and Huaguo has brought in the hairy bears of half of the allies. And the bald eagle has pulled up his Anglo-Saxon alliance, which has driven other Western countries. Nations turned against each other..."

"The second cold war is not about to start, but has already begun. And after Australia, Song and Huaguo ushered in a technological take-off, this cold war has become more and more dangerous... Do you know? I have already smelled the smell that was pervasive in Cuba. The smell of gunpowder."

"Zhisheng, what do you think of our country's situation in the international community?"

"... There are enemies on all sides." Yuan Zhisheng said in a deep voice

"Yeah, our enemies are everywhere." Tachibana Masamune sighed

"Almost all of the strongest countries in the world have trouble with us. Which of the countries with the most nuclear bombs doesn't want to wipe the neon off the map? Think we should thank those of the Snake Bajia" Seniors'. It was this group of people who kept going up and down in the military department that made us get out of control."

He paused, said lightly

"Children, all the citizens of this country were born with original sin. No matter what we think or how we clean up, the fact is that in the eyes of those countries that have been invaded, we are far from redeeming our past sins."

"The situation of the Cold War is already extremely bad for our country. The stagnation and decline of the economy will sooner or later make this country beyond redemption. The deterioration of the diplomatic environment, these... you rarely get in touch with."

"Hexiu is a powerful guy. The corpses of the four great chaebols have indeed revived our country. However, the external environment will not change because of the collapse of the four great chaebols, and it will even be... worse."

"This prosperity is like a raging fire cooking oil, just like the eve of signing the Plaza Agreement decades ago." Tachibana Masamune put down his teacup and said lightly

"As for the hot war, you don't really believe the naive remarks of those idiots who want to spread propaganda abroad, do you?"

Japan, South Korea, or most of the small countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America believe that the opportunity for their development will be after the Sino-US war. They will become competitors for the next "world hegemony" just like the United States that rose during World War I and China after the Cold War.

Oh, this kind of thinking is simply stupid, full of ignorant opportunism.

It is precisely because Huaguo and Bald Eagle have gone from being weak to the top, so they will not allow it, and they will never tolerate the result of a third party coming out to pick up the leaks.

Not to mention how little the chance of a formal war between hooligans is, even if there is a real war, both sides will very tacitly involve everyone in the flames of war.

And if a full-scale war really breaks out, the battlefield will never happen on the territory of either side. And the most suitable places to use as battlefields are places like Neon and Bang Country?

As long as there is a hot war, they are already losers. No sovereignty, no complete industrial system, not even the power to form a formal army-extravagant hope of rising? What a joke.

"Arasaka security guard, Mu Feng, that man and his company are a strong medicine that penetrates into the neon."

Tachibana Masamune folded his hands into his sleeves and said lightly

"That man has world-leading technology, weapon technology, energy technology, and biotechnology... Those are all forbidden technologies of Australia, Song and Hua, and it is absolutely impossible for them to flow into our country through any normal means."

"Then you mean..." Yuan Zhisheng frowned

"Yes, the entry of Arasaka Anbao and Yongsheng Pharmaceutical itself represents the olive branch of those two big countries." Tachibana Masamune said solemnly

"New technologies are the only means by which neon can temporarily get out of the trap of development and keep our economy running in a relatively normal way without collapsing. So even those two countries have the same or even better Technology, they will not be released before us."

"We will become an international leader in these technologies, and our economy will prosper - at the cost of us surrendering our power."

There are no free lunches in this world, and there are no permanent enemies. Perhaps Hua Guo really wanted to kill Neon, but before killing the bald eagle, there was no need to get himself into a small trouble.

"Hexiu and Mufeng are in the same group, that's because he has to stand with him." Tachibana Masamune looked at the steam rising from the teacup, and sighed

"To Nehong, that man is a medicine for tigers and wolves that goes straight to the marrow. But without this medicine, we would die immediately. If we had this medicine, we could at least survive now..."

"Anyway, this is not the first time we have handed over the initiative to others."

Yuan Zhisheng remained silent, he understood everything his adoptive father said, although he was unwilling, this was the reality.

The neon government has danced in the palm of that man, and his power has already surpassed the level of the four big chaebols. Even if he is now blatantly breaking the law and the crowd is excited, no one can do anything to him.

As long as he leaves the country, withdraws his own technology, takes away all the economy - and then mercilessly represents the two big countries behind him to carry out an economic liquidation against Neon.

Then the time after the Plaza Accord will be staged with this country again, and this time it will be truly apocalyptic.

Just for a moment of anger that caused countless deaths and injuries... irrational and stupid.

"Zhisheng, although our mixed race speaks loudly, we have never been the protagonists of this world." Tachibana Masamune looked at Yuan Zhisheng who bowed his head and said in a lonely way

"The real contenders in the world are humans and dragons. We hybrids are nothing more than weapons made by humans. We are part of humans, aliens and weapons, but...we have never qualified to call ourselves noble."

That man is the best proof. He is not a hybrid, but he possesses the power, strength, wealth, and fame that surpass all hybrids.

"People from the secret party laughed at our noble descendants for degenerating into secret gangsters, but they didn't know that this is the soil and method for us to continue to survive." Tachibana Masamune laughed and said

"And childishly, that man is not necessarily an enemy or opponent to us. With him, we may be able to completely escape the grasp of the secret party."

"I see... goodbye."

Yuan Zhisheng stood up and bowed politely, picked up the boy Qie Angang and left.

Tachibana Masamune looked at Yuan Zhisheng's leaving back, and a cold light spread in his eyes.

Yes, what he just said is true, but so what? When he gets that power, any country, any wealth, will be turned into dust before his eyes...

Only the supreme power that belongs to the giant dragon can sweep away all these monsters!

"It looks as if you're temporarily dissuading him."

A voice full of interest sounded in front of Tachibana Masamune, he raised his head, Kazama Ruri sat on Minamoto's original place at some point, the blood red color flowed down the sleeves of his kimono.

That figure is like a dream, not only because of its beauty, but also because of the brilliant and changeable colors outside the sky, which made Masamune Tachibana even more sure that it was indeed in a 'dream'

A look of fear appeared in Tachibana Masamune's eyes

"Your 'Nightmare Tapir'... is getting more and more powerful."

"To each other." He stretched lazily and smiled happily

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to introduce you to a new ally." Kazama Liuli tilted her lips slightly, her smile was youthful and charming

"An ally eager to make the world a hotter place."


Nebula M78

ps: ask for tickets every day!

Nebula M78

ps2: In fact, the idea of ​​most devils on the Internet is that they can rise after we start a war with the bald eagle, and it is not only the group of netizens who have this idea. In 2016, the Nanhai almost fought because of a book The guard officer planned to do it first without telling his father, and he was talking, tsk tsk tsk.

Chapter 37. Reaching a consensus with the little devil

The icy moonlight is like a gauze falling from the window

On the big bed in the bedroom, with messy sheets and a thin quilt cover, the two entangled figures returned to silence temporarily after the joy and joy of reuniting after a long absence.

Mu Feng sat up with his upper body bare, covered his face with his hands and fell into a kind of sage time.

For him, sex is now just an unimportant side asset.

He turned his head, looked tenderly at the peaceful sleeping face of the girl on the bed, stroked the creamy cheek with his fingers, and sighed softly.

The love for Yan Ye is probably the last thing he has left, and he can maintain almost the same emotions as in the past when he was in this world.

To be honest, love is actually a kind of negative equity for him, adding such an unstable weakness to his body and mind, which is unstable in various senses.

I want to be the number one man in the world, women are getting in the way.jpg

He didn't cut off his own weakness, maybe he also wanted to keep some more proof that he was still a human being.

Just when he was thinking wildly, the warm and soft thing stuck to his back, and his arms gently wrapped around his neck.

"Get some sleep, it's been such a long flight."

Mu Feng patted Yan Ye's palm and said softly

"No~~~Sleep together~~~~"

Yan Ye hugged his body tightly like a kitten, the plump fruit kept rubbing against him, coquettishly coquettish

"I've been with you since I picked you up yesterday. I still have something to deal with. I'll be right back, good boy."

Mu Feng smiled and pinched Yan Ye's cheek, and left with his girlfriend's cute pouting mouth.

Although the gentle township is beautiful, the matter at hand must not be delayed.

After getting dressed and coming to his office, Mu Feng put a silver timer on the table, and with the shaking of the hands, time seemed to slow down.

He poured two glasses of good red wine and put them on the table. With his hands crossed and his face sinking like water, he quietly waited for the guests to come to his door.

Finally, the sound of the sea came to his ears.

The waves beat against the beach and black rocks, the air was filled with the faint fishy smell of sea water, and the cold sea breeze blew along the floor-to-ceiling windows that were opened at unknown times.

Looking out, the bustling city of Tokyo disappeared without a trace. There is only an endless black sea and a bright white moon hanging high above the sea.

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