ps: ask for tickets every day!

Chapter 56. Freya's victory

In Orario, the war between the family and the family cannot be started casually. Either apply to the guild for a war, or you must start a war for a reason.

Killing or provoking the families of other gods for no reason will be punished by Uranus, labeled as a dark faction leader, and then besieged by the entire Orario.

But there is still the possibility of war.

Taking action against God O itself is the greatest crime.

For the mortals in the lower world, killing the god o is a treasonous and indescribable act. Let alone doing this behavior, it is difficult to do it even with such an idea popping up in their minds.

And for god o, killing another god o is also unlikely. Actively killing other gods is equivalent to killing another player for the sake of the game. Although it is not impossible, it will obviously be directly 'titled'.

But God o can also disguise himself as a mortal.

The goddess of beauty, Freya, is such a guy. Should she be said to be boring? Or should it be said that she wants to use an ordinary identity to find a suitable family member for herself?

She found a family member 'Helen' who had interesting abilities, and asked her to use her abilities to disguise herself as a goddess on weekdays, while she herself started the disguise and drove the 'trumpet' to use the identity of Seele to hang out with the rich hostess.

By the way, most of the elite members of Mia and Freya's family knew about this.

That's why none of the rich hostesses has dared to make trouble so far, and the last thing to be messed with in that store is Xi'er, who looks harmless to humans and animals.

Mu Feng knew this very well, so he kept testing Xi'er when he brought the rabbit. He didn't know if the woman was pretending or if she really didn't see it, and she had no reaction to him and Bell.

Of course, Mu Feng wanted to make use of this interesting information.

Pretending to pursue Xi'er from the rich mistress was just a casual move he made, and Istar, the idiot goddess, just stepped on the biggest bomb in a daze.

She kidnapped Seele and threatened her personally. In other words, she is in 'real person PK'

Good guy, it is reasonable for Freya to kill Happy Street and bleed into rivers.

"How is it possible, how is this possible?!"

Ista screamed in hysterical fear, she couldn't accept this, the enemy she had been preparing for so long to deal with, ended up losing everything because of her wrong step!

"Miss Ashayi, my demand for your recruitment remains unchanged. If you want to, get rid of this sinking ship as soon as possible."

Mu Feng bowed slightly to Aisha, opened a portal with psionic energy and stepped into it

The goddess has also tasted it, and the goal has been achieved. Next, it is time to meet the Lord.

Although it is considered a 'mistake', compared to Freya being used by him like this, I am afraid that he will not be so happy.

Teleported outside, Joy Street seemed to be transformed into Abi Hell, surrounded by screams.

"Oh la la la la la la!!!"

The screams of the battle whore resounded through the sky, and the blood-stained spear pierced her body. The black-haired cat man drove a stormy chariot in the sky, and the speed and centrifugal force of the gallop drove the Amazons on the spear point Blood drained.

There is no doubt that it was a massacre. The enraged Freya family used undisguised violence and blood to demonstrate their strength and inviolability as the first family of Olali.

Mu Feng strolled through the bloody battlefield, the more thoroughly destroyed Happy Street was, the happier he was, after all, it saved him the effort of demolition, the more completely destroyed, the easier it is to rebuild.

Soon, he came to the end of the Temple of Prostitution, and found the rightful owner in a basement full of weird and sexy 'props'.

Ota was silently half-kneeling in front of the girl, and beside him lay the corpses of dozens of men.

But none of these men were killed by Ota, they... all committed suicide with happy smiles.

There is no doubt that it was the charm of the gods that made them willingly end their lives, and did not hesitate to use the last dirty flowers of their lives to please the goddess, so from the beginning, this woman would not be in any danger.

"I really didn't expect to meet you here, Miss Seele?"

With a slow and malicious smile, Mu Feng clapped his hands and looked at the girl in the main seat. It was still the dress and face of the waitress, but the expression was completely different.

"How do you know?" Freya, who was wearing Xier's appearance, asked with great interest.

"Probably... the smell." Mu Feng shrugged.

"The taste of gods and mortals is still very obvious. The most important thing is your 'overflowing' nature that you try to disguise, or you have never been willing to cover up..."

"Then you really have a keen sense." Freya sighed

"But because of you, this identity may not be so useful in the future. You used me to destroy Istar, do you think I should deal with you?"

Seele's identity is neither important nor important to Freya, this is equivalent to the 'vest' she set up to achieve her goal. Having some is best, and not having one is not a big loss, but for Freya who is playing in the world, once Xier's identity is exposed, many of her usual "fun" will be completely gone.

The problem is that the leak of identity makes this vest not very useful. With such a commotion today, the god friends who know the inside story, especially Loki, must have guessed his identity.

Being ridiculed by that tasteless and rude flat-chested goddess is still secondary, and more importantly, if that big mouth spreads everywhere, then Xier's identity will be completely useless.

Freya is a magnanimous god, but Xier is not a magnanimous woman.

Mu Feng squinted his eyes slightly, he didn't know when he was surrounded by the four Yanjin warriors, the black and white fairies, and the goddess chariot, all of them were murderous figures.

For the lunatics who took advantage of their goddesses, the believers of these goddesses broke out with vigorous killing intent.

However, Mu Feng just smiled lightly, raised his hand happily and said

"Don't worry, Your Majesty Freya. I don't know how you negotiated with Your Majesty Loki, but although I used your hands to eradicate Happy Street, I believe you will gain more than you lost."

"Oh? For example?" Freya, who was facing Xier's face, put her hands on her chin and asked with great interest.

"I thought you had seen him." Mu Feng said thoughtfully

" his soul still not up to the 'standard' you think?"

"You're after a pure white soul, though I don't understand the joy of that quality. But I think I have what you need, don't I?"

Freya was silent for a moment, then smiled softly.

"What if I say no?"

"I will destroy everything about him." Mu Feng replied without hesitation

"That brat's soul doesn't have much value in my opinion. I don't understand your obsession, Mrs. Freya, but he is my bargaining chip and pawn. Also, you don't really think that you This group of miscellaneous fish under my command can keep me."

After all, he released his psionic phantom without hesitation, and suddenly there seemed to be an amorphous and constantly changing azure shadow emerging behind him.

It is ever-changing colors, burning blue flames, indescribable shapes, endless changes and confusion swirling on it, the moment you look at it, you feel as if your soul has penetrated into an endless maze.

The faces of the Freya's family, who were still aggressive just now, immediately changed so much that they couldn't move. They couldn't even look directly at Mu Feng's psychic phantom. Just looking at it for a while, they felt that their souls were burning!

"This is what your soul looks like..." Freya looked at the psychic phantom swaying behind Mu Feng, and said with a sigh, whether it was ridicule or sigh

"In terms of specificity, it is absolutely unique in the world. It is not an ordinary soul at all, changeable, deceitful, like a mass of colors that cannot be finalized..."

"I guess, under such a change, it is quite hard work for you to maintain your current relationship and personality? Even until now, the you you have shown... Maybe it's just your disguise?"

"So, I'm here to find a way to go further." Mu Feng said lightly

What Freya said is correct, with the exploration on the path of spiritual energy, Mu Feng's soul shape has long been completely contrary to that of human beings.

But this is also a matter of course. Every step on the path of spiritual ascension will definitely distance you from your former ethnic group, which is the path of change and ascension. It's like changing from an ant to a human in the end, looking down at the group of ants I used to be, but it's hard to go back to the thinking at that time.

But Mu Feng didn't want to simply change himself into another appearance, the gods of this world were his learning goals.

Even though he is a transcendent species, he has a way to restrain and change his ever-changing thoughts, so that he can maintain the posture of a mortal.

Even putting aside their own powerful divine power, this skill must be learned by Mu Feng.

"Where is that child?" Freya frowned slightly.

Bell Clowney was her chosen pure white hero who was qualified to exist as her 'partner'. But to be honest, his soul has not bloomed enough brilliance.

The color and meaning of the soul are not eternal, experiences and actions will change the color of the soul. Only the weather-beaten Belcroni is Freya's favorite partner, so she will choose to stay on the sidelines.

But now the young apples are hidden by passing outsiders before they are ripe. Freya wouldn't want to lose Belle, and she didn't know how crazy she would be without him.

"In another world." Mu Feng said indifferently

"There he will get better adventures and experiences. It's a dangerous world, but that's why it's possible to grow. As for safety, don't worry, they'll be safe."

"Let Ota go too!" Freya said without hesitation

"That avatar of yours also gave Ota the qualification to travel through different worlds, and sent him to that child's world!"

Mu Feng narrowed his eyes. With Ota's current LV8 strength, it is actually far enough to be sent to Azeroth.

In terms of strength, Ota is already equivalent to a five-star top reincarnation, which means that he can face Gul'dan in Azeroth. Although it is not a big deal in the general background, self-protection is definitely more than enough.

It's just that Ota definitely can't be stuffed in as a member of the reincarnation team.

He could only be thrown in as a stowaway, a black family reincarnation who was not within the monitoring range of the main god. To be honest, the degree of safety needs to be considered. It is a bit wasteful to use such a powerful and easy-to-use chess piece as Ota in the experiment.

"Let's talk about it first, God Freya. It will be very dangerous, very dangerous."

"For Lady Freya, I am ready to sacrifice everything." Ota slowly got up and said without fear

"Okay, do as you like." Mu Feng shrugged, and unlocked the call-up authority of Horta's reincarnation watch.

Otta's figure disappeared here in an instant, and there was no one beside Freya. The goddess held her chin with one hand and smiled amusedly.

"So, when are you going to finish that story?"

Eliminating Ista is not a very happy thing for Freya, after all, she is different from Ista, she has never regarded Ista as her opponent. Of course, she will have to deal with Ishtar later, and she will feel refreshed after removing an annoying dirt.

What she finds interesting is what Mufeng is about to build. In that glimpse of the future, she seems to see an incomparably gorgeous golden city of joy that stands tall in Olalie.

"If you are talking about the story of Kratos, then the next few films may take time to be released." Mu Feng said lightly

"I have already prepared the cash flow for buying Happy Street from the guild, and I believe the guild will sell it to me."

Although the Happy Street and the Ista family were taken by Freya, it doesn't mean that they can take over this large area logically. In the case of the family members being expelled, this area will become a 'land of no one'.

In the auction of the big order, it was divided up by other family members, but Mu Feng is not worried. The cash flow of Farley in his hand guarantees that as long as Hephaestus and Freya do not compete with him, no one will be able to snatch it. he.

"Are you so sure that the guild will sell the land to you? As far as I know, the guild has been taking back the land they sold recently."

"They will sell, unless they want to completely destroy the reputation of the guild and make them all unemployed." Mu Feng said confidently

"A confident soul is fascinating, ever-changing raven, don't you really want to be my child?"

"Excuse me for my insensitivity."


Nebula M78

ps: ask for tickets every day

Nebula M78

ps2: Mild fatty liver and suspected chronic hepatitis were detected yesterday. In short... I will eat less oily food in the future.

Chapter 57. An Unpleasant ‘Fun Fact’ in the Dungeon


Amidst a burst of screams, a big goblin holding a sharp sword slowly pulled the weapon out of the chest of a Minotaur, and the sticky blood covered the sharp Scottish sword. The big sword, and the huge tauren screamed and turned into fly ash, leaving only the blue magic stone in place.

This goblin, which is about one person tall, deftly threw the magic stone into its mouth, and the power of magic element slowly permeated and strengthened its body. understood words

But only he himself understands that the meaning of this sentence is

"Enough is enough, this garbage game."

Someone on the road muttered and wiped off the blood on the long sword. This was his seventh day of the game, and it had to be said that it was a bad seven-day game experience.

The bad experience of the only game in the second world has already been complained on the Internet countless times in the past seven days - but his developer doesn't care at all, after all, this is an absolute monopoly, Only they ravage customers, and customers have absolutely no capital to resist.

The overly realistic environment and the poor service comparable to the Earth OL have made people complain about it many times. They cannot communicate and have no experience of playing online games, but what is even worse for Lu is the psychedelic feeling. .

He couldn't tell whether it was reality or fiction.

It should be said that the second world is so real that it is difficult for a person like him who has experienced many battles to distinguish the difference from reality, or he is too sensitive. It feels like I am in a second world.

But there is no doubt that the over-simulated game experience of the second world has aroused a large amount of public opinion. Many 'experts' have called for the closure of the second world's Barabara, but more people have sprayed it back.

There are also many people who think that this "garbage game" on Palm World Technology cannot play human beings to ensure that players will not get lost in the virtual and reality. In short, who knows?

At least he can ensure that this is not the creation of dragon alchemy.

Those bastards from the secret party have been watching someone playing games for seven days, and they can basically confirm that this "virtual world" is not a product of dragon technology, which should be regarded as good news.

But when he asked someone to apply not to continue playing the game, the bastard from the secret party and equipment department directly rejected it for him. And sent him a lot of "strategies" to force him to learn and use them skillfully.

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