Stryker raised his finger high and pointed to the top of his head, and saw the light-transmitting reinforced glass suddenly shattering. Amidst the screams, the figure wearing the black star-spangled uniform and the scarlet cloak floated down.

He didn't say a word, but there was a sense of oppression that made people speechless. With dozens of guns pointed at him, he exuded a courage that made everyone present, even everyone in front of the TV, feel depressed.

His face and his name need no elaboration. Decades of propaganda, novels, and changes in movies have already made this character’s face a household name. Even if he does not carry the shield that is his symbol, people in front of the TV still know him. Most of them know his name.

Captain America Steve Rogers

“Victory will be ours and it will be God’s people.”

The fluttering Steve surrounded everyone. His tough face and cold aura made people seem to be looking up at a king, and his voice was like the wind blowing from the top of the cliff.

"We are the Eagles of God, we are the interpreters of the rules of the world, and we will surely win! Since the founding of the United States, we have failed and we have suffered humiliation, but we will always win!"

Steve slowly raised his right fist and said coldly

"Wakanda has no more available troops, and our victory is at hand!"

“God bless America!!!”

People's words have invisible magic power, and just like Steve, the words he said seemed to have the power of a command, arousing the excitement of everyone in the room, and also It aroused the enthusiasm of the audience in front of the TV!

“God bless America!!!”

Countless people roared excitedly and pumped their fists. Regardless of whether they were patriotic or not, the failure and humiliation they encountered in Wakanda made it necessary for them to fight back!

A leader in war does not need to be kind and gentle. He should be cold, authoritarian, efficient, and absolute.

It is more acceptable for a ruthless tyrant to take the lead in wars and crises than a weak politician.

At this point, a new war has begun again.

Mufeng pressed the high-spirited Steve, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, feeling happy that he had created another interesting creation.

Native Steve Rogers, President of the United States Steve Rogers, Tyrant Steve Rogers, Hydra Steve Rogers

This Steve is much more interesting than the Star-Spangled Banner man in the Super Boys League.

An idol who was put on a pedestal by patriotism has now used patriotism to propel himself into the position of a chess player.

Mu Feng is looking forward to what those self-righteous big shots will look like now.

83. Clean up the rotten past

Captain America's sudden return and appearance immediately defeated those plutocrats and political families.

The original plan also planned to re-grow power in this crisis, waiting for these politicians and plutocrats' connectors to pick peaches after the fact, but they were suddenly deceived by Steve.

They know better than anyone what kind of role Captain America is to the United States today.

Seventy years of publicity has completely elevated him to the altar. Seventy years of continuous fraud have allowed a human god to stand above everyone in the United States.

When he was just a sculpture, such publicity would bring them a huge profit in patriotism, but when the sculpture went off the stage, he became the biggest problem.

Although the tide of online entertainment in the 21st century has made Captain America less of a cult figure, when the war breaks out, the publicity given to him will be repaid a hundredfold with results!

People always have an almost blind obedience to trust and worship historical figures.

Because they have done something once, they think they can do it again or even countless times. A hero, a leader, a god.

The image of Captain America in the military is self-evident. So many super soldier serum projects are all competitions launched by the military to create their own idol.

Now, the original product stands in front of everyone.

Everyone will have to pay the price for bragging about Steve.

When Steve openly announced that he would join the Democratic Party to participate in the country's presidential election, his poll support rate once soared to a terrifying 97%, completely blowing away the 91% poll support rate he once had. President Truman!

Those plutocrats and political families panicked instantly, because Steve's joining was undoubtedly a huge disruption to their agreed-upon political games!

Although there are no aristocrats in the United States, political families and old money are the real aristocrats of this country, especially political families. Almost all of the U.S. presidents, especially after World War II, were born in political families or are inextricably linked to them.

Steve is definitely not one of them.

A young man born and raised in Brooklyn, who doesn't even have a wife, has nothing to do with these political families. It is undoubtedly unacceptable for such a "pariah" in the eyes of these people to ascend to the throne of the president. of.

However... no matter how reluctant they were, the situation was already settled.

The military represented by Stryker stood by his side, the military corporate giants headed by Mu Feng stood by his side, and even the media group controlled by Hydra stood by Steve's side.

These ‘old money’ people who claimed to be in control of this country suddenly discovered that they had lost their status as the detached masterminds in this country.

No need or worry, they won't have to worry about so many things soon.

"Mr. Rogers, on behalf of Mr. Morgan, I would like to speak with you."

When Steve returned to his home in Brooklyn, someone had been waiting there for a long time. They were a man and a woman, wearing decent handmade suits with extremely haughty expressions.

"Morgan? The one who opens the bank?"

Steve took out a bottle of beer from the closet, took off the cap and sat back on the sofa and said casually

"I don't care who Mr. Morgan is, if you want to talk to me, come see me yourself!"

"Mr. Morgan's time is precious and will not be wasted elsewhere." The man said arrogantly

"You can call me Twinkle. This is my partner Zhenbo. We are Mr. Morgan's spokesperson. They are the masters of this country's politics - Captain America. You were created by them." The woman took a step forward and smiled sweetly. said

"Really? I remember very clearly that the person who created me was Dr. Erkins, and... a yellow man."

Steve took a sip of beer and sneered.

"You don't realize how much potential you have." Twinkle patiently advised.

"You are not only the product of the super soldier serum, you are also an extremely special mutant! Mr. Morgan knows how powerful people like us are, and this awakened gene gives us great power!"

"We are the next standard of human evolution, but these are not as good as your identity - Captain America, your existence is the biggest political symbol, Mr. Morgan hopes to cooperate with you - I think the military and Hydra are not Not a suitable partner."

"It seems you already know about Hydra." Steve sighed

"Alexander is a waste, and Malik is also a waste. They claim to be the controller of the world, but in the end, a group of Jewish plutocrats failed to control them well."

"You can't run for President of the United States, but Mr. Morgan will make you an eternal American hero!"

Zhenbo took a step forward and said in a very harsh, giving tone unique to the white elite group.

"Don't be so stupid. You don't know how powerful Mr. Morgan is! So what if he is the President of the United States? He is not the first one to die in our hands."

"You know, I've always hated people like you, especially those who talk to me with this tone."

Steve threw the empty wine bottle into the trash can, looked at Zhenbo and said calmly

"You remind me of the young man from the factory owner's family who always liked to come here to go shopping when I lived here. He also talked to us in this tone and gave us alms from a high position."

"At that time, I was thinking, is our country's freedom like this? Now I understand one thing, if the labor of 300 million people in the United States and the trade deficit of the countries we harvest are used to support less than 10,000 people If so, then I think this is neither justice nor freedom, it is just a disguised form of slavery and aristocracy.”

"Captain America has also become a communist?" Zhenbo laughed.

"I told you, don't talk to me in this tone."

Steve suddenly flashed in front of Zhenbo, grabbed his neck and lifted him up directly

However, Zhenbo laughed loudly

"That's right! Keep working hard on me! You barbaric and uncultured mud-legged brat! My mutant ability is the best at restraining barbarians like you. The stronger you are, the greater the power I will give back!!!"

Flickering didn't stop him, but watched with interest. Mr. Morgan also said that a proper display of strength is also the way to regain Captain America.

Steve tilted his head, and the strength in his hand gradually deepened. Zhenbo looked at Steve fiercely, but his expression slowly changed.

"How, how is it possible!!!"

His face turned red because the power Steve emitted slowly exceeded the upper limit of his ability to transform - how is this possible? He is enough to transform an impact of more than 7,000 tons at a time!

"Yeah, I didn't study much, I didn't even graduate from high school properly." Steve sighed.

"I know that ignorance is not something worth advocating, but there are always people in this world who are not suitable for studying. What else do people like me have besides brute strength?"

He increased his power again, this time directly exceeding the upper limit of 7,000 tons. Zhenbo's face turned purple as he struggled to hit Steve's body.

However, he couldn't even release his own power, and the repercussions of the impact were diverted by an invisible force after contacting Steve's body.

"Controllers of wealth? What you control is nothing more than a bunch of useless data and machines used to print waste paper. You claim to control 80% of the world's wealth, but you only use so-called 'legality' to exploit others and use 'finance' Just come to harvest others.”

Steve said slowly

“You don’t produce a single screw, you’re really just a garbage collector with a pile of paper and data.”

"You have no idea how much trouble you've caused!" growled Twinkle.

"Really? When I go to your Mr. Morgan's house and tear off his skin bit by bit, I hope he can still cause some trouble for me." Steve grinned.

"You forced me to do this!"

Flicker was cruel and took out something like the flicker stick in the man in black from his back. He pressed it hard, and a sound wave spread in the room!

Blink endured the physical discomfort. This is a specially prepared weapon against mutants, far more advanced than the demons of SHIELD! This special wavelength can destroy the mental center of mutants using their abilities. Except for specially trained mutants like her and Zhenbo, no one can resist...

Flicker disappeared in an instant and jumped to Zhenbo's side. He was about to grab other activated abilities and escape, but was directly bounced away by the biological stance next to Steve.

"How is it possible..." She looked at Steve in shock, and the latter's eyes glowed scarlet.

"Who told you that I was that mutant?"

The heat vision of the lowest intensity emitted from his eyes cut off the pair of long and beautiful Shining legs directly at the waist. In the midst of her wailing, Steve casually strangled Zhenbo to death, looked at her boredly and said

"Let me guess what's next? A team of mutant soldiers like you? Or is he going to bomb me with missiles?"

He dropped the vibration wave in his hand and flew out of the window like a missile. In just three seconds, he came back with a bunch of heads and threw them in front of Flickering.

Seeing this woman's expression as if her entire family had died, Steve said calmly while suspended in the air.

"You don't understand true power at all."

"Plutocrats, a product that emerged a hundred years ago, should be the dust of history in today's era. My America does not need their place. At the very least, I don't need those who play with finance and manipulate information. It's okay. The exploiters of production.”

Having said that, Steve once again flew out of the window like a missile. Under the protection of the biological stance, he cut through the sky without causing any terrible physical impact or damage to anything.

How fast is Superman? How fast can a Kryptonian go?

Even if Steve is just a half-finished hybrid Kryptonian, even if he is at best a weakened version of General Zod.

But that's not something humans can touch casually.

In an instant, Steve flew out of New York. In three breaths, he flew out of New York State. In ten breaths, he flew out of America. In fifteen breaths, he arrived at a remote mountain villa in Europe.

Steve just ran straight into this ancient manor from the 20th century, destroying an unknown number of ancient cultural relics and works of art along the way.

Then, he came to the mastermind behind the scenes.

An old man who looked polite and polite, and his whole body was full of the pretentious meaning of 'noble' in the mouth of ordinary people.

He stood up with the gem scepter, seemingly not surprised by Steve's arrival, with a smile on his face, but his slightly trembling little finger and suppressed subtle facial muscles revealed the fact that he was afraid.

"Mr. Rogers, you are a very capable man. We really hope to be friends with you. If you become the President of the United States, we will definitely..."


Steve tore the old man in half from top to bottom with an expressionless expression. The scattered blood and flesh were scattered everywhere, but not even a single bit of the star-striped uniform was stained.

The old man still maintained his self-righteous arrogance until his death.

He looked to the other side. The holographic projection was holding a meeting not long ago, and even now, the hidden camera is broadcasting the footage of what happened here in real time.

Steve knew that there must be some big shots after that, such as Rockefeller, the Freemasons, and the Rothschild family—in short, Steve knew that they were all a group of wealthy people.

Steve showed a ferocious smile to them and lightly traced his neck with his fingers.

He could hear the fearful voices of those big men. They were well-dressed and polite. They must be sweating profusely and in a state of embarrassment.

"These idiots always think that they are irreplaceable, the eternal elite and necessity of mankind. But they are just cogs, just like street cleaners and restaurant waiters, they are just cogs that can be replaced at any time."

Mu Feng sighed quietly, feeling very bored by Steve's actions to kill these plutocrats.

He has done the same thing once, or even done it many times, but it doesn't feel exciting if he repeats it.

After all, they are both chaebols. The gap between Marvel and the chaebol giants next door to DC is as big as heaven and earth.

There is no sense of achievement in blowing up these financial giants, and I'm afraid the same is true for Steve.

"Give me five minutes."

Steve said a word and then flew out directly

Mu Feng sat down and slowly made himself a cup of black tea, then looked through the records.

The mouse still didn't take the bait. He set traps and cast nets on almost all the characters in the plot, but none of the reincarnators stepped on them.

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