Star-Lord screamed in astonishment, because the appearance of the man in front of him was actually the same as the protagonist played by Sam Jones in the children's TV series he watched when he was a child!

"We can always only see what we want to see." He smiled and put a copy of his Walkman on the ground, turned around and left.

"Peter Quill, you have special eyes. You can see the reality that others cannot see, so you can see me when I don't want to show up, but unfortunately this is meaningless."

"When 10,000 people think something is false, even if you think it is true, it is also false. When 10,000 people think something is true, then what is false will become true."

"Happy prison life, and - your father asked me to say hello to you."

Man smiles and takes off his hat

“Why does this prison cereal box have Sam Jones’ face on it?”

Star-Lord asked Rocket Raccoon, who was his roommate, while holding a cereal box with a "fucking" look on his face.

"Sam Jones? Are you blind? That one above is obviously Sloth." Rocket Raccoon said while spitting out the fragrance.

"Okay, let's just pretend he's called Sloth here - what the hell is that?"

"How long have you been away from mainstream social aesthetics? Sloth is now the most popular star on Xandar!" Raccoon picked up the cereal box and said

"He is a champion who rose from the arena of Sakaar. He bombed one of Ronan's ships with the Kree on their home planet. He went to the High Star to take nude photos of the high priest. Of course, I only heard about it. That's all. People say this, so he should be so powerful."

"Then why is he an Earth... Terran like me?"

"Tela people?" The raccoon looked at Star-Lord with a mocking look and laughed.

"A skinny monkey like you wants to compete with Sloth! Look at his fluttering hair and straight nose, he's just a little bit worse than me!"

Star-Lord seemed to realize something and frowned.

"You mean you look like a raccoon in the picture on the cereal box?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, it's definitely not your poor behavior."

"I am Groot!!!"

Star-Lord put down the cereal box. For some reason, he felt a little bit of fear in his heart, because everything seemed very strange.

He had never heard of the sudden addition of such a star to Xandar. Although he rarely came here, all this suddenness made him feel very strange.

Also, he was particularly concerned about what the weirdo said before.

Father? Does he still have such a thing? Could he be talking about Yondu again? That bastard has no right to say he is his father!

"Forget it - speaking of Gamora, I mean she is a ruthless character, right?"

"Ha, you are indeed a novice." Rocket looked at Star-Lord with contempt and complained.

"If you don't know her, you must know Ronan. That guy is the number one executioner under Ronan. He has killed more people than you have ever seen. Ninety percent of the people in this prison have a grudge against her. I advise you to leave her. Stay away, otherwise your penis will be cut off by her when she goes out to collect the bounty from you."

"She won't survive tonight."

The familiar voice sounded in Star-Lord's ears again. He turned his head sharply and saw the 'Flying Man' standing next to the prison at some point, playing with a knife in his hand with great interest.

"If you don't go, she will die here, and Thanos's closest daughter dies. Well, I look forward to Xandar ushering in its destruction early, of course, provided that Thanos still loves his daughter. "

"Hey! Rocket, there's a raccoon over there!"

Star-Lord decisively stopped the raccoon man who was rubbing his balls. He looked in the direction Star-Lord was pointing, and then breathed fragrance at him.

"If you make such silly jokes again, I will unseal your eyes and give them to others as a meeting gift!"

"I said that people who don't recognize my existence can't see me."

The phantom-like person who made Star-Lord's skin crawl all over came over, picked up the cereal box, and smiled at him.

"You can call me lazy. In fact, if you show this box to the Kree, they will see a person similar to Ronan the Accuser. If you show it to the Xandarians, they may see Roman... Dai, if you showed it to the High Stars, they would see someone as perfect as High Priest Ayesha.”

"So, you are actually a changeable monster who will become a person that everyone in the universe likes?"

"This statement is very general and not very accurate." Lazy put down the box and sat next to Star-Lord and shrugged.

"I am a piece of information, a meme, and my essence exists in the amorphous world of nothingness and thought - or, as I prefer to call it, the subspace."

"The subspace of this universe is very empty and calm, as if this universe is an uninhabited dead zone. Of course, this may be because the dead souls have been taken to the unknown end of death, and the beating thoughts The Hand of Control and Annihilation, so no true psyker can be produced.”

"Well, it doesn't matter. I can't achieve my most direct experimental purpose in this absolutely empty subspace, so I changed my goal to shape the thinking and thinking by spreading my memes in the physical universe. The source of soul power.”

Star-Lord looked at him with an expression as if he was talking nonsense. He sighed lazily and shook his head.

"You should really read more. Although people like you are basically second-generation ancestors who rely on blood for their livelihood, it will not hurt you to read more."

"You don't need to tell others about me anymore, because no matter whether they use simple visual senses or soul perception, they can't know my existence. I am a combination of objective materialism and subjective idealism. At first, I was just a quantum ghost. But after gathering the 4.38642694 cognitions and thoughts in the universe, I am already... Okay, you still don't understand what I'm saying? "

"I don't care what you said, I care why you told me this."

"Because you're a funny guy, Quill."

Sloth looked at Quill with a smile, and his face and posture were constantly changing in an instant.

He seemed to have turned into every face that Star-Lord had ever seen in his memory on Earth, constantly changing, and he even saw his mother's face, which he had vague memories of.

"You have an interesting father, a unique individual in the universe."

"Everyone in this universe is unique!" Star-Lord turned his head away, not daring to look at this creepy guy again.

"Yes, yes, you are right, no one in the universe can step into the same river twice."

Sloth smiled

"But your father is indeed special, Quill. You have a very important mission. And I will take you to where your father is and guide you to your destiny."

Star-Lord wanted to say something more, but when he turned his head, what he saw was Gruul's wooden face.

"I am Gruul!!!"

"He means don't disturb the bastard, and don't disturb him until he sleeps if you get crazy."

Star-Lord opened his mouth, then decisively closed his eyes and lay down, but his messed up heart could never calm down.

In the cold and empty universe, aboard the Necromancer heading towards Qien's high-security prison, Ronan couldn't calm down for a long time as he looked at the ancient scroll in his hand.

He is about to complete his ultimate ideal - the destruction of Xandar.

There is not much to say about his past and there is no need to elaborate. There is nothing wrong with a Kree's desire to destroy Xandar. The two interstellar countries have been at war for thousands of years and it is impossible to tell who is right and who is wrong.

As a member of the Accused Corps, the highest governing body of the Kree Empire, and the supreme commander of the Kree Empire personally appointed by the Supreme Intelligence, all Ronan's motives for wanting to destroy Xandar are reasonable.

But in the entire Kree Empire, only Ronan himself knew that what he succumbed to was not the supreme intelligence and the Kree Empire, but another, a terrifying and despairing dark overlord of the universe.


Ronan slowly clenched his right fist and his eyes became extremely fierce.

Ronan is undoubtedly an extremely proud person. In this way, he is unwilling to succumb to anyone. Even the supreme intelligence is just a computer in Ronan's view.

Ronan surrendered to Thanos' powerful power and was willing to get everything with his support, but he was always suffering from such humiliation.

"When I get the Power Stone, everything will be rewritten... Thanos, you will succumb to my feet!"

Ronan looked at the scroll in his hand and muttered, lost in thought

What was painted on the scroll was an ancient picture. A supreme god of the universe was holding a purple gem and destroying a planet with one blow!

As long as he obtains this supreme power, Ronan will no longer be afraid of the Mad Titan and the forces behind him.

He will dominate all things with absolute power!

"Ronan, your ambition is still so inconsistent with your ability."

A cold and familiar voice sounded behind his head. Ronan grabbed the omnipotent weapon next to him, and standing behind him was Thanos' daughter Nebula.

"The unfavored daughter of Thanos... No, you're Ebony Maw?"

Ronan originally wanted to laugh at Nebula's life experience, but when he saw the twinkling light in the mechanical eyes, he suddenly changed his mind.

As far as he knew, the only person beside Thanos who had this power that could transcend the stars and control others was Ebony Maw, the herald of Thanos among the Five Obsidian Generals.

"Ronan, father is very dissatisfied with your incompetence."

Ebony Throat controlled Nebula's body and said in that lazy and arrogant voice full of aristocratic charm.

"He can tolerate your ambitions, such as your foolish attempt to monopolize the power stone. But he can't tolerate your incompetence. He asked you to take a stone, and you messed up."

"I will solve all this!" Ronan stood up with a roar, trying to hide his guilt with anger.

"That was just a stupid lucky boy who took a stone that belonged to me. I will get it back!"

"Then? You want to stupidly challenge the great Thanos?" Ebony Throat sneered.

"A fool like you will never be able to understand his grand plans, and a weak person like you is destined to be just countless bones under his throne."

Ronan was silent for a moment, as he weighed whether to betray him or not.

There is no doubt that since Nebula has been implanted with hints of control by Ebony Maw in advance, it is obvious that his behavior has probably fallen into the eyes of the Mad Titan.

Although the Mad Titan seems to be brewing a big plan, Ronan doesn't think... Thanos will be able to do nothing to him.

Although Ronan is cruel and brave, he is not brainless.

"……What should I do?"

"Get the power gem back." Ebony Throat said contemptuously.

"If you can't get it, go to Earth, there's a gem there too that needs to be brought back. But if you die, Nebula will take your place and head to Earth with more Kree fleets."

"There is no room for failure!"

Nebula's figure disappeared into the darkness, and Ronan, who was holding the omnipotent weapon tightly, let out a crazy and angry roar after being silent for a long time.


86. The lustful Star-Lord

"So what exactly is the Power Stone?"

After accidentally saving Gamora's life, Star-Lord simply threw Rocket's warning aside and asked the question he was most concerned about.

Of course, what he is more concerned about is how much money this thing can sell. The reason for saving Gamora was partly out of pity, and partly because he wanted to sell the hot potato at a good price.

"...I don't know how you know this, you don't need to know this."

Gamora gave Star-Lord a stern warning, although she also wondered how this fool could know such a secret of the universe.

"Also, shut your mouth! That thing is a cosmic spirit ball, and it can only be one! If you go out and talk nonsense... I promise to kill you first!"

"Wowowo, this is your attitude towards your savior. If I had known I would have let that bald man tear your hands apart." Star-Lord curled his lips in displeasure.

"Okay, I don't care about that. Tell me where to contact the boss behind you. I promised the raccoon and the tree, sell the thing for a big price and split it equally."

"...My employer is in the land of nothingness." Gamora pondered for a moment and said.

She had no choice now. Unlike Star-Lord, an ignorant, stupid and cheerful idiot, Gamora, who had just betrayed Ronan, knew that her accuser was looking for the whereabouts of the Power Stone everywhere.

The news of his arrest must have been hidden from him, or this fool was simply the cosmic spirit ball that was taken away just before Ronan made his move. The accuser is probably heading here in his Necromancer, and it will be too late if he doesn't escape!

Although... although following these idiots doesn't give her any sense of security.

"Ah, Gamora, Thanos' most beloved and partial daughter."

Sloth suddenly appeared next to Star-Lord like a lingering ghost, and continued to speak in that playful and cheerful voice.

Time seemed to have suddenly pressed the pause button.

"You fell in love with her, right? A very beautiful alien beauty, but it's a pity that she followed her father who killed half of her people... Quill, can you hear the screams lingering around her body?"

"The voices of the resentful spirits who died in her hands, or died indirectly in her hands."

Lazy gently snapped his fingers, and Star-Lord suddenly saw countless corpses wrapped around Gamora.

He was decapitated, his blood was drained, and he was blown into powder. His limbs and broken arms were scattered everywhere, and scarlet blood splashed all over the space!

Star-Lord felt short of breath for a moment. He really saw these deaths, as if he saw Gamora's posture when she killed these lives!

The wailing soul, the painful struggle, the crazy scream!

"Quil, you may not be a good person, but Gamora must be damned."

Lazy patted Gamora on the shoulder and smiled playfully.

"Her adoptive father is Thanos. I believe even a rookie like you must have heard of his name."

Yes, how many people in the entire universe don't know the name of the Mad Titan?

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