"The Reality Stone requires a lot of energy to be drained before it can be activated. A small body like yours will be drained out in an instant."

As he spoke, he grabbed the empty place next to him with his left hand, and Loki was immediately pulled out of his disguise with an embarrassed look on his face.

"I saw through you the second time, brother." Thor, the fat man, laughed.

"You should try to develop new ways to punish people. It's like this every time. I trust you and you betray me. Then I trust you again and you lie to me again. It's time for you to develop new methods."

"Damn it - but it seems you're not that smart either."

Loki rolled his eyes, but could only hand over the ether particles honestly and said angrily.

He didn't take away the ether particles to dedicate them to Thanos. To be honest, Loki, who knew what Thanos had done from his brother's mouth, had already decided to make a clean break with this guy.

Although he is an extremely despicable and selfish guy, he is not crazy enough to cooperate with Thanos, an even bigger lunatic.

"Learning to be smart is not that pleasant."

Thor shrugged, looked at the endless starry sky pointed by the Rainbow Bridge in the distance, and suddenly sighed.

"Sure enough... the stars in Asgard are the most beautiful."

No matter how beautiful other people's homes are, they are still other people's places. In his world, after three years of decadence and the pain of living under someone else's roof, Thor's proud heart could not be dampened.

Looking at everything here, the familiar scene that almost made him vomit made him feel a kind of illusory beauty and nostalgia.

Maybe... it's good to just stay here.

Thor's eyes were a little dazed, but they soon returned to normal. He knew that there were more important responsibilities waiting for him in his world.

While thinking in a trance, Thor, the fat man, raised his hand and staggered Loki, who was trying to cover up his stolen ether particles again.

"I said, what can you do even if you take away the ether particles?" Thor, the fat man, frowned.

"You don't still want to sacrifice him to Thanos, do you?"

"...Of course I am more than this bitch."

Seeing that he couldn't take away the Infinity Stones from this brother who was infinitely stronger than before, Loki curled his lips angrily and shook his head.

"You and I are not on the same side. After you take back this stone, it's time for me to escape - I don't want to be locked up here."

"Your personality has been so awkward since you were a child."

The two brothers looked at each other and quarreled with each other, and soon they returned to the Golden Palace.

The scene here being ravaged by cursed warriors is extremely miserable, but Frigga is safe and sound. Thor and Loki both breathed a sigh of relief, and Thor immediately sent the ether particles up.

"Mother, can you help me separate the Reality Stone from this."

"The ultimate treasure of the dark elves...I'm sorry Thor, I can't separate it." Frigga shook her head and said softly

"I'm afraid only your father can perfectly separate the ether particles, but Thor..."

Frigga was hesitant to speak. She really didn't know how to tell Thor about Odin.

Will Odin help his children save his world? Yes, he will definitely go, but will Odin now make other choices due to fate...

Frigga herself wasn't sure.

"So the problem is solved like this? Is the family finale coming next?" Loki opened his arms and said with an exaggerated and sarcastic expression.


The distant and ancient horn sound once again spread throughout Asgard.

Only this time, the sound of the horn is no longer the doomsday horn in Heimdall's hand. The sound of the horn is desolate and full of sorrow, like the voice of the dead coming from the cemetery.

Countless Asgardian people raised their heads in confusion. They looked at the sky blankly, looking at the sky that was suddenly covered by a miserable green sky!

On the earth, frost spreads, and the dead god returns from the abyss of death again, lonely and silently leading the frosty corpses to trample everything.

Frost covers the earth, and the corpses of death walk on the land of the Golden Palace.

The ancient ship that sailed from the source of death, forged with the bones and nails of the dead, returned with the desolate horn on the deck!

"That's that?" Thor suddenly raised his head and looked at the ancient warship like the incarnation of death in astonishment!

"That's Nagfar." Frigga said quietly.

"Death is back, Hela...is back."

"The death knell that brings twilight doom to the world of Asgard."

132. The epic lantern group

The ring that exuded an unsettling bright yellow color stayed in front of Carol, as if exuding a speechless charm, attracting her to wear the ring.

But Carol decisively rejected this gift of unknown origin - the iron fist burning with the secret energy of the universe shattered the ring, but the shattered moment turned into the ring of fearful divine power and once again condensed and flew to the rest of the city. corner!

"Bruce Banner from Earth, you have the ability to instill great fear in others, welcome to the Yellow Lantern Corps!"

"William Stryker from Earth, you have the ability to instill great fear in others, welcome to the Yellow Lantern Corps!"

"Wilson Fisk from Earth, you have the ability to instill great fear in others, welcome to the Yellow Lantern Corps!"

"Ronan from the Kree Empire, you have the ability to instill great fear in others. Welcome to the Yellow Lantern Corps!"

Suddenly, the entire New York—no, it should be said the entire United States, even radiated to the entire world! Countless yellow light rings flew to all parts of the world, landing in front of those 'qualified' people one after another!

Whether they are humans, aliens, or even demons from the Burning Legion, as long as they meet the conditions, they will get a 'ring'!

"What is this?"

Dr. Green, who was hiding, looked at the yellow light ring surrounding himself. He was not happy about this gift from the bad self of this world!

"I just think we might have to change our target..."

Old Tony looked at the increasingly complicated situation and frowned.

He is still very powerful. With their current configuration, if they face Captain Marvel + Thor + a deified Hulk head-on, the situation will definitely be a dead end!

Although the Pym particles on their bodies hardly support them and they waste a few more times, there is really nothing they can do about the targets they cannot get.

They can only find the whereabouts of the Mind Stone - but where the scepter fell, who knows?

Everything in this world was too weird, so abnormal that he didn't even think there was any chance that it could be their past!

This can only be another parallel world, a bad, weird parallel world...

"what have you done?!"

Thor looked at the fearful power flying out in all directions, tightened his grip on Thor's hammer, and roared at Hulk.

“I just gave their stuff back to them.”

Hulk said with a tired look on his face. The dragon-snake-like scales on his body fell off, and even the Hulk's appearance continued to shrink.

After quickly changing back to Banner and a mortal, he sat helplessly on the ground.

"They shaped me into a monster, put me on a pedestal, and turned me into a container to hold fear... But they didn't want to create a big monster to cause destruction."

Banner laughed at himself and looked at Thor with a mocking look.

"Their purpose is not to cause destruction. They put me on a pedestal just to spread a concept to the entire world."

Banner smiled desolately, but loudly, singing an oath in a cadence-like tone!

“The day is dark and the night is bright.

Traitors and evil party, fear my divine light!

Buried in fearful fire, those who rebel against me will perish!

Fear is the source, the yellow light is authoritative! "

"This world is not just about reality."

Mu Feng suddenly appeared next to Banner and said softly

"The return of the ancient gods will always be accompanied by blood and fire, because the subversion of order must be destroyed before it can be rebuilt. But this is not the most important point. Spreading the hard-won power of the new gods, Just to plant a seed in people’s hearts.”

A seed called ‘faith’.

The birth of new gods requires blood sacrifices and even more faith. But for modern people, they have long lost the ignorant attitude that satisfies the birth of a large number of new gods.

The yellow light rings carry the power of the God of Fear, and they are seeds. Anyone who gets these seeds will become a 'Fear Walker'

They will gain extraordinary power, and at the same time they will understand that only by exerting fear on others, and only by gaining more fear, can they continue this infinite power.

Greed and desire are even more powerful, and even the propulsion of immortality will make those who obtain this power eager to spread fear.

In fact, as Banner said, the source of fear does not and should not be concentrated on one individual. Fear is a contagious group emotion. A specific fear can be defeated, but the fear that spreads like a plague among countless people cannot be defeated.

"Every person who is infected with this power will perform a kind of 'sacrifice'." Zeus played with the thunder in his palm and smiled softly.

"It's just that the target of this sacrifice will not be a certain god but themselves, so the soil for the rebirth of new gods exists."

The power of a thunderstorm that could easily destroy a city was compressed in the palm of Zeus's hand. The leaping thunder and the dancing thunder snakes collapsed into the basic divine power in his palm, and in turn created a dark green light. !

When many people mention Zeus, their first reaction is thunder. It is true that that is Zeus's most powerful divine power. But the King of Olympus has never been a reckless man who only knows how to wield lightning.

He knows many things, and in a sense it can even be said to be 'omnipotent'. He once personally crafted the divine sword Hepal given to Perseus, even though this skill cannot be compared with that of Hephaestus. , but it is also a powerful ability.

The green light turned into a green light ring in the palm of Zeus, which was the same as the yellow light ring, but the symbol changed.

"Then this ring must be based on willpower."

Zeus smiled and raised his hand, and the green light ring instantly flew out of the sky and disappeared at the end of the sky.

This green light ring will become the opposite of the yellow light ring.

All those who get this ring will activate the power called "will". Firm faith and will, as well as the beliefs of others, will make the holder stronger!

Zeus did not sign his name on this ring, and he did not even intend for it to be associated with Olympus.

Because Zeus never needed the power of these new gods.

In the eyes of the King of Gods, that power is small and needs to be restrained. The King of the Gods has neither coveted power nor pursued power a long time ago.

This gift is just like Hulk sharing the 'fear' in his body, scattering the world just to bring back the Gods of Midgard!

Countless people who have received such gifts will come to the stage, and their power, which is essentially a new god, will make this world whose mystery and worship fade away return to the past era of gods.

And in such a land full of faith and gods, the return of the gods will be unstoppable!

And Olympus will be the first batch of myths to return to the world!

Gu Yi looked at the countless rings scattered and remained silent.

This ending was naturally not a good plan for her, but the result... was actually not bad.

The future world may bring back the gods, but as a price, mankind will gain a new kind of power - the power of the new gods.

A system jointly designed and emanated by the two heavenly fathers, and more gods eager to return will join it in the future, this system is called the Emotional Spectrum.

Humanity will embark on another path that is completely different from technology, and their future will not return to a state of being manipulated and dominated by the gods - after tasting the authority of the new gods, how can they be willing to surrender to the old gods?

Among countless bad endings, the Ancient One still worked for Kama Taj after being calculated, and won an acceptable ending for the earth.

This world has fallen into complete chaos, and it is no longer possible to use the Eye of Agamotto to observe the optional future. So what Ancient One should do most now is to let humans have more power to deal with the chaotic future!

From this perspective, Kamal Taj...is not considered a loser!

Mu Feng looked at the scattered light of the ring and smiled from ear to ear.

As one of the participants in this plan, he was already invincible. After the change happened, he was already a winner.

But this is not enough, far from it!

Therefore, he contributed the technology from the DC universe, where the Guardians of the Universe use the emotional spectrum to create light rings.

For the new god system that is based on faith, the system of lamp rings is the most suitable.

And every ring that spreads out will become a new 'meme' of laziness.

The shapes, weights, colors, and all the essence of those rings are derived from the ‘design’ of sloth.

The soul gem is the prototype and the laziness that is essentially a meme will become a 'message' rooted in the souls of countless new gods in the future through these light rings that emanate.

The voice when the lamp ring is called is his voice.

For Mu Feng, the greatest significance of this move is to turn the entire future group of ring bearers on the earth into a different kind of 'life box' for himself.

Tying his own safety to the earth means that he will no longer worry about his safety and survival in the future.

From this perspective, is he the biggest winner...?

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