At this moment, a voice filled with suppressed anger and helplessness sounded from behind 'Sharon'. She turned around, and it was Carol who was slowly falling.

And Sharon didn't hide herself. She quickly tore off her disguise, and the face underneath was that of a Skrull!

"Carol Danvers?!"

This Skrull did not hide his hostility and vigilance at all. Carol looked at this green guy, was silent for a long time, and said in a deep voice

"Where is Talos?"

"You won't find him!" hissed the Skrull.

"We promised to make the earth a place of refuge for you, and you repaid us in this way."

Carol looked at the Skrulls sadly. It was she and Nick Fury who let these Skrull refugees enter the earth, but look at them now.

"We are defending ourselves, it was you who went back on your word first!" the Skrull sneered.

"And, all of this is with permission. Otherwise, why do you think I can pretend to be Sharon Carter?"

Carol was silent for a moment, grabbed the Skrull and said

"Then let me confront Nick."

147. God can also bleed

"...Stark did not take his side, which is good news for us."

After hearing the reports from Natasha and Coulson, Nick Fury was silent for a moment, shook his head and said

"We are not given many opportunities, so we have to prepare to take action in the next few days."

"Are we...really going to assassinate President Steve?"

Coulson hesitated for a moment, looked at Nick Fury and said softly

"We may have other solutions, but there is no need to be so extreme."

"He has already begun to build his own pyramid. If he continues like this, he will become the eternal pharaoh of the United States."

Nick Fury tapped his fingers on the table, looked at Coulson seriously and said loudly

"He was already hopeless when he hooked up with Hydra! Coulson, he is no longer Captain America, he is just a dictatorial tyrant!"

"Then who are we?" Natasha suddenly interrupted. She looked at Nick Fury and repeated her question.

"If Steve's cooperation with Hydra is a heinous crime, then aren't we also cooperating with Hydra now?"

"This is just driving away wolves and devouring tigers." Nick Fury waved his hand and said

"As long as Steve is defeated, we will immediately start dealing with Hydra! Natasha, you should understand that the overall situation is the most important thing!"

"All I saw was a villain seeking power."

Natasha said calmly, she took off the micro walkie-talkie on her clothes and threw it in front of Nick Fury, and said easily

"No matter what you think, Director Fury. I quit, just like Clint."

"...Don't you want to believe me?" Nick Fury looked at Natasha and said in a deep voice

"Forget it Clint, he has a wife and daughter, he has to worry about it, but Natasha, why did you even choose to back down?"

"Why can't I back down? Just because I am a swallow from the former Soviet Union? Just because I have no husband, no children, no family?"

When Nick Fury said this, Natasha seemed to have been hit by a sore point, staring at Nick Fury and saying

"Yes, you did give me a legal identity and a motivation to live. But everything I have paid for SHIELD is enough in return."

Black Widow is not a believer in SHIELD's philosophy. After all, in reality, her origin may be closer to Hydra.

Rather than saying that she is working for SHIELD again, it is better to say that she is working for Nick Fury.

The agent who came out of the "Red Room" only became the Black Widow for a new identity and a better life, but this does not mean that she will be willing to become a puppet in the hands of Nick Fury!

"I'm sorry I said it too harshly, but Natasha, if you leave now, it would be tantamount to betraying us."

Nick Fury was silent for a moment, and then said in a slightly slower tone.

"Steve's brutal reign must be ended, and to do that we need all kinds of help. Natasha, if you want to be free, then you will have no more restraints after this time."

"...I think you have changed more, Director. I won't tell Steve what you want to do, but don't expect me to help you!"

Natasha looked at Nick Fury, sighed in disappointment, and then turned and left without hesitation.

Nick Fury looked at Natasha's back with a gloomy expression, while Coulson on the side was silent.

The good old agent's silent attitude was an unspoken protest, and he was obviously more on Natasha's side.

"Go May, go find Hill, she will fill in what Natasha is missing."

Nick Fury quickly returned to his original state, and Coulson nodded and turned away.

Nick Fury exhaled softly, took out a piece of paper from the drawer, crossed out a name on it, was silent for a moment, and put it aside.

"I need an explanation, Nick!"

At this moment, Carol broke into his office in a very rude manner, threw the Skrull in his hand on the ground, and said coldly to Nick Fury

"Explain? Explain what?"

Nick looked at the embarrassed Skrulls on the ground and said lightly

"Carol, our country and even the world are about to have an unprecedented tyrant, and I'm just trying to prevent this bad situation from happening!"

"I don't expect you to help, but I only hope that you will stand on a neutral position and be truly impartial."

Carol is undoubtedly a neutral. Even though she is Nick's friend, Carol still stands impartially when it comes to issues between him and Steve.

She won't help Nick deal with Steve, and if Nick wants to attack Steve and be killed, Carol won't take action either.

Carol, who has maintained peace in the universe for more than ten years, is all too familiar with this dirty political game - the biggest feature of this kind of political struggle is that you can't find right or wrong at all.

"I don't care about this, but I do care that you put a Skrull disguise in place of a twenty-three year old woman!"

Carol looked at Nick, with anger in her eyes that she couldn't hide no matter what.

"I warned you, but you still insist on playing with fire!"

It is true that Carol once fought side by side with the Skrulls, and she even advocated letting the Skrulls on Earth be brought in in the first place.

But during these more than ten years of traveling across the sea of ​​​​stars, Carol has a clearer understanding of what kind of race the Skrulls are.

To use an inappropriate metaphor, the Skrulls are like the Jews. They are a group of out-and-out cosmic parasites, a disgusting race that everyone on almost every planet calls out for beatings.

When they were strong, they abused other planets, and when they were weak, they relied on their ability to shape-shift to sneak into other civilizations and wreak havoc. These guys are born, disgusting amoebas!

What's even more disgusting is that the genes of these Skrulls are powerfully aggressive, and the offspring born after they reproduce with local species are almost all Skrulls.

"You actually let the Skrulls disguise themselves as Earthlings! Nick, this is never allowed!"

"Carol, I thought you would become more open-minded after traveling in the universe for more than ten years."

Nick Fury helped the Skrull up, looked at Carol and whispered

"But now you've turned into a narrow-minded racist."

"Just because I have seen more, I understand the root of the matter better." Carroll said solemnly

"We can accept Skrull refugees, and I can understand our kindness. But you allow the Skrulls to pretend to be us, which is never allowed!"

Carol's hands ignited the flames of the secret energy of the universe, and it seemed that with just one word, he would beat Nick Fury to death here!

"...There won't be a next time, Carol, I promise."

Nick Fury was silent for a moment, looked at Carol and whispered

"As long as this time passes, as long as Steve is eradicated..."

"...What's the difference between you now and the person you hate?"

Carol looked at Nick Fury in disappointment, sighed and flew away in a flash of red light. Nick Fury narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched Carol disappear.

"The Rubik's Cube has been obtained."

The Skrull whispered in Nick Fury's ear that the Cosmic Cube was secretly kept in a secret chamber that could only be opened by Tony, Steve and Nick Fury's joint eye mask scan - and that secret chamber was in In the basement of Agent Carter's house.

"Very well, let's execute the last step of the plan." Nick Fury whispered.

"Steve Rogers...must die!"

Carter's death made Steve feel very confused.

Even with a steely body and heart, he still can't escape his identity as Steve Rogers.

The chaotic past is like earthworms. When you peel away the soil and stones, they will crawl out and entangle themselves in your body.

Even though his mind is as hard as steel, Steve can't help but feel confused and irritated by Carter's death.

In fact, aside from his abnormal patriotism, Steve, who was cut out by Mu Feng as another part of his personality, is not much different from ordinary people.

But just like most people will only look at the powerful power of Superman and the omnipotent greatness of God on Earth, they will not notice the embarrassment of Clark Kent as a reporter.

The title "God of the World" is always just a name given to him by others. It is just a worship of the illusion of powerful power.

What they worship is not Steve Rogers, but the God on earth, the omnipotent, perfect Superman.

Steve also clearly plays this role - if his people need him to be the perfect god, then just play it.

A perfect God should not show weakness, at least in front of his own people.

Like a missile, Steve flew into the high clouds. His extreme speed made it impossible for satellites in the sky to capture it.

At this average speed, Steve was cruising up and down the stratosphere across the Western Hemisphere to examine a serious problem.

"It shouldn't be, what is the reason..."

Steve frowned. The clouds in front of him gathered a lot of cold air, and water molecules condensed into small ice crystals and snowflakes, eventually forming snow.

This is a normal physical phenomenon, but the problem is that this snow... has been falling for too long.

It has been snowing continuously for nearly half a month. Even if the scale is not large, it is already considered a major climate disaster.

What's more, the temperature and the scale of the snow are gradually increasing, and the Meteorological Bureau is unable to provide any explanation for this abnormal weather.

And what’s even weirder is that not only the temperature in the Western Hemisphere, but also at the equator is gradually decreasing.

Temperatures are falling in all regions of the world.

The Meteorological Bureau explained that this was just a simple climate problem, but Steve always felt that something was wrong.

He was certain that this was not Wakanda's celestial storm weapon, because there were no high-frequency energy rays artificially disturbing the atmosphere. What Steve couldn't understand the most was the global ice and snow problem.

If it was just the temperature, it could be explained, but even in places like Kuwait, it suddenly snowed, which is hard to explain.

Even a super weapon like a weather controller must at least follow basic conservation of mass, right?

If even the saturation of the most basic water molecules in the air cannot be satisfied, why does ice and snow weather form?

Steve's eyes burst out with burning gaze, instantly shattering the icy clouds in front of him.

However... something strange happened.

The water vapor that was instantly evaporated by the scorching heat sight completed the cycle reaction in an instant, and enough hydrogen and oxygen molecules were supplied from somewhere, and a cloud of condensed ice and snow was instantly formed!

Steve's expression changed, there was indeed a big problem!

And from the looks of it, it may not be something that simple science can explain. At this point, Steve suddenly regretted sending Thor and the others away.

If the Asgardians were here, they could at least make a judgment from the perspective of myth and magic.

We can't just let this matter go, we must figure out why.

Steve made up his mind to let Tony come and see what was going on, and when he had the idea, he immediately acted on it.

Steve, who set off a sonic boom in the sky and traced a long trail of clouds, flew to New York. However, when passing by San Francisco, he sensed commotion and calls for help below.

Steve does not have Superman's ability to perfectly monitor the world, otherwise he would not be able to use Tony's mechanical AI. But perceiving information about a city is not a problem for him.

He flew downwards without hesitation, and sure enough, on the Golden Gate Bridge, a huge and terrifying dark yellow monster was bullying everything!

It was a monster made purely of dark yellow energy, as if it had been summoned from the most terrifying nightmare, and was mixed with the physical characteristics of countless monsters.

It then wreaks wanton and crazy destruction, using the purest violence to create death to provide fear to the master of fear who summoned him.

The entire Golden Gate Bridge was crumbling under the ravages of the monster, as if it might break into two pieces at any time, but Steve dived down without hesitation and penetrated the monster's head like a missile!

The monster shaped by the dark yellow energy was shattered with a harsh whine, but the countless broken yellow energy turned into various small monsters and spread in the air.

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