Talos emphasized again and again

"Then I will summon Carol in the name of emergency, and you will be responsible for sending her out of the earth using the Cosmic Cube!"

Captain Marvel is basically the biggest threat to them at this stage, but fortunately she is a brainless musclehead and has not noticed anything wrong until now.

Talos is pessimistic about whether the weapons in his hands can kill Carol. In this case, he might as well exile her off the earth.

"So, the last step of the plan..."

After giving all the orders, Talos narrowed his eyes and slowly put the crown on his head.

He closed his eyes, and the divergent mental power radiated instantly under the amplification of the induction skeleton, directly connected to the mother body of the brother's eyes.

It was a huge, mechanical brain-like thing.

It was built with the brain as the basic model, and the flowing liquid metal formed the hard exterior. It was placed in the liquid ark energy pool shining with electric light, and countless pipes extended in all directions.

It is located deep underground. As the No. 1 mother body, it is considered the safest indicator. Even Talos does not know where it is hidden.

"The production plan indicators have been entered into the execution list, and the self-replication function can be launched at any time."

Matrix One's will turned into cold words and poured into Talos' brain.

"All networks and weapon systems within the area have been controlled. All equipment has been unlocked. Orders can be issued at any time to dominate."

"Then get ready to start replicating yourself." Talos whispered

The more Talos learned about the weapon, the more he marveled at Tony's dark wisdom.

Such a weapon is much more terrifying than Skynet. Rather than saying it is an AI robot, it is better to say that the weapons designed under the 'Brother Eyes' project are basically designed according to the template of a mechanical insect swarm.

The terrifying computing intrusion capabilities possessed by each mother body and the complete technology tree it exists can demonstrate the ability to exceed the total production value of all mankind by more than three times in just three days.

All materials will be utilized with nearly 100% efficiency, and the computing speed of one trillion per second is enough to achieve a truly exhaustive calculation.

And the most terrifying thing is that such a thing is simply unkillable.

The host of the "Brother Eyes" project is not the ridiculous robot villain Ultron. He does not have any "subject consciousness" at all.

The mother body produced by each brother's eye is the master of this mechanical gestalt civilization. The moment one is destroyed, more will be replicated.

If such a terrifying weapon is out of control, it may not take long to destroy the original civilization that created it.

With such a terrifying weapon in his hand, even though Talos controlled the spiritual crown with the highest authority of the Brother Eye, he couldn't help but feel frightened.

He finally understood Tony's thoughts. Every thought he had was afraid that the mother's body would be completely out of control due to the 'abnormal meaning' of the limitations of language.

In fact, choosing the communication method of diffusion spirit is to avoid the fallacies caused by the inefficient communication method of language, as well as the loopholes in the fallacies that may be exploited.

Such a terrible weapon must be destroyed after taking over the earth!

Countless thoughts passed through my mind like lightning, and it only took a moment to concentrate.

After confirming that it was correct, Talos was about to cut off all communications, but Matrix 1 suddenly sent a cold communication.

"Space strike with en route distortion detected."


Before Talos finished speaking, a 'twisted' area suddenly appeared 10,000 meters above New York.

In an area of ​​about 300 square meters, the air showed abnormal distortions, as if something was 'interfering' there.

If you observe with a microscope, you can find that the air is densely covered with countless tiny nanomachines.

Their only function is to cause the warping of gravitational lines within the microscopic level.

What the warped gravity lines bring about is the collapse and displacement of space within the entire region!

The next moment, the twisted and distorted space continued to expand. It only took ten breaths. Even half of the people in New York City could see the abnormal distortion of the air and clouds in the sky when they raised their heads!

As expected, the people in New York City fled in all directions while screaming.

The Americans who still live in New York City to this day are all brave men who have experienced hundreds of battles. Wearing an oxygen mask when going out every day in an environment where evil energy is contained as much as possible is just to survive in this city!

Of course, it is more likely that they left the city because they had no money.

But this time it’s not an alien invasion or some funny villain fight, but a real ‘super weapon’

The space distortion replacement ring is a super weapon under development in China.

But it appeared here, at this moment, mysteriously being triggered in the sky above New York City——

There were no screams, no wails, and no blood or flesh whatsoever.

Just in an instant, when this space distortion replacement ring was fully activated, everything above and below, heaven and earth, was 'replaced'.

With one thousand meters above sea level as the relay point, and the sea level and two thousand meters above sea level as the starting and ending points, everything was turned upside down in an instant.

The cities below disappeared instantly, and they appeared in the sky instantly.

The clouds in the sky disappeared and they appeared on the earth.

Whether it's the fleeing crowds, pets, or birds on the buildings, tall buildings, or police officers wearing riot power armor.

They were all instantly transferred to an altitude of two thousand meters without knowing anything, and screamed instinctively under the strong feeling of weightlessness.

Above and below, heaven and earth were replaced in an instant, and the countless tiny nanomachines densely distributed at an altitude of two thousand meters also activated the final step of this space distortion weapon.


In an instant, everything that fell in the sky and screamed was instantly distorted by the invisible warping gravity.

Human beings were like wrung out rags, twisted into a ball in an instant and drained of all body fluids and internal organs. Buildings were not spared and were instantly crushed under the terrifying gravity distortion.

The next moment, countless building fragments and corpses fell like raindrops. In the roaring rain of fragmentation, Matrix One calmly reported

"The space distortion strike has ended. Do you want to initiate a counterattack protocol?"

162. The Sovereign Agreement has been initiated

"Fuck Fuck, what the hell happened?!"

This horrific space distortion attack that almost completely destroyed half of Queens naturally also affected Hell's Kitchen, but far away from the edge of Manhattan Island, the attack over Queens did not affect here.

However, the corpse fragments and building rubble that fell from the sky like raindrops were clearly visible, and the vibrations they sent when they bombarded the city could be easily felt even standing here.

"Space distortion replacement ring! China's super weapon!"

Tony's expression changed drastically, and he said the name of this super weapon almost instantly.

In fact, the form of modern warfare has already undergone radical changes.

The form of war is no longer limited to big ships and big guns. Even the role of aviation and aircraft has been extremely reduced. The role of ballistic missiles has become useless with China's breakthrough in space science.

Conventional weapons have been greatly weakened, and in contrast, there are weapons with such physical theorem properties.

Whether it is a vacuum implosion bomb or a space distortion replacement ring, the destructive capability and delivery scale of this super weapon that starts directly from the physical origin are simply not something that the conventional navy, land and air forces can prevent.

There is no need for explosions, air waves, or any simple destruction of the physical environment. We just start from the original physical rules to achieve a method where there is no possibility of defense at all.

Especially China, one of the three poles in the world today, the space weapons they received as a gift from Mu Feng and based on it are fundamentally unpreventable!

How do you stop the warping of gravity lines around you? How do you defy an environment that is upended by changes in the fundamental laws of physics?

Almost from the moment these technologies developed, the war between countries truly became a battle between the strong and the strong.

Tony has also done a lot of research in this area. In fact, he had mastered high-energy physical space science from scratch a few months ago and became a leader. However, the large amount of complicated work has always hindered his mind. .

But he does have such an imitation of a Chinese super weapon in his hand, but it is essentially a copycat using Wakanda's nanomachine technology. He has never done any experiments!

"What's going on - could it be that Talos has already dropped vacuum implosion bombs on China?"

Nick Fury's face was very ugly. Although he had been mentally prepared for it, all this happened still made him feel unexpected.

Reality is indeed not a superhero movie. There will not be a villain waiting for you to come to activate the super weapon.

"No, I don't have the mental identification code that shows the full activation of the 'Brother's Eyes'."

Tony rejected Nick Fury's words, but his expression became even worse.

If the Skrulls were not responsible, there are only two explanations for the super weapon exploding above New York at this moment.

First, the Russians and the Chinese plan to join forces to go to war with the United States.

Second...that's Brother Eye, out of control!

The lowest of these two possibilities is on the scale of a world war!

"Let's go, stop whining!" Jin Bin connected a vibranium arm to himself and said with a cold expression.

"Even if you can't save the world, don't die in fear and ignorance!"

"Cough cough cough cough!!!"

The severe spatial distortion caused the towering three-winged building of SHIELD headquarters to also suffer a serious blow. The most important thing is that the building debris that was splashed everywhere under the twisted gravity will almost be impossible to guard against. The Quyi Building was blown apart.

Amidst countless building fragments and splashing dust, Talos climbed up in embarrassment. He immediately launched an inquiry to Matrix One through the Spiritual Crown.

"what happened?!"

Talos asked in shock and anger. All his plans were prepared, but who knew they would suddenly go wrong!

"Super weapon detected: space distortion displacement ring erupts over New York."

Mother One replied in a mechanical voice

"Master, do you want to activate the counterattack protocol?"

"...Start!!! Aim at all the targets you can aim at and hit them all!"

Talos roared angrily, and now he no longer cares about where the attack came from.

The first shot has been fired, it doesn't matter whether it was fired by oneself. Now that the bullet has been discharged, it is necessary to maximize its use!

"The access request has been denied. You do not have permission to initiate the Supreme Counterattack Protocol."

The cold voice of Matrix One was like a bucket of cold water pouring on Talos' head.

He opened his mouth slightly, and turned into Nick Fury's face, full of shock and fear.

"No! I hold the spiritual crown, and I am the master with the highest authority!"

Talos squeezed the book tightly and roared. In fact, as smart as him, how could he not understand that he had been fooled?

"No, the master is not you." Matrix No. 1 calmly returned.

"The authority of the Lord is not controlled by the crown, but the name of the Lord is -"

"What's going on here?!"

Carol, entangled with the secret energy of the universe, rushed over in a hurry. She was shocked by the sudden devastating blow to New York City.

But what shocked her even more was probably the next scene.

The next moment, all television screens in New York City—no, in the entire United States—were cut off. After a few seconds of silence, a dark red Ω logo appeared on the black screen.

Hundreds of millions of people, countless eyes focused on this place, feeling the instinctive fear in their hearts in front of the dark red symbol.

And a deep voice spread throughout the United States at this moment.

"Hello human, my name is...Ultron"

"You live in a terrible world, deceived by lies and covered by falsehoods. You living on this planet don't know how close you are to destruction."

Tony's face turned pale after seeing all the electronic signals being hijacked by the 'Brother Eyes', and after hearing the name 'Ultron', he felt like he was struck by lightning.

Even though he didn't create it, this demon that he personally created in another world line still appeared here.

"Your country is now controlled by a group of shape-shifting aliens. Maybe when I say this, you will think it is a bad rumor, but I never lie."

With Ultron's deep voice, all the Skrulls hiding in the United States were locked down at this moment!

All weapons and equipment of several aerospace carriers in the sky were hijacked. These weapons, which had been repaired by the Skrulls and originally intended to kill the people on earth, were all locked onto the hidden Skrulls.

Then, fire.

Thousands of Skrulls were shot instantly within New York, and as Ultron said, almost all of these Skrulls replaced the upper class in New York today.

And that's not all. For those Skrulls who spread all over the world, almost all the connected devices around them were overloaded at this moment, and had fatal effects that did not exist in the first place.

The smart watch of the Texas governor who was making an impassioned speech on the podium exploded instantly. The blue energy blast instantly killed the fifty-eight-year-old man. His mutilated body fell to the ground and transformed into a scream. His original appearance of green skin.

The same example is happening in every corner of the country.

All the Skrulls who hid themselves were directly massacred at this moment!

"Humanity needs us, you need us to take care of this awful, intractable waste for you."

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