As for the United States...they are now in the midst of an unprecedented and embarrassing civil war.

An internal battle between machines versus humans and AI versus brains.

After the iron-hearted tyrant Stark forcibly took over and became the 46th president of the United States, he forcibly recovered 21 surrounding continents, drove away all AIs with the most arrogant and unreasonable dictatorial attitude, and killed all those who expressed resistance. This guy has formulated the most cruel and efficient laws and enforced them with high intensity, completely abandoning the four big words of freedom and democracy, which is in sharp contrast to the twenty-nine southern continents controlled by AI.

The United States has become a country divided between the north and the south, and no matter which side they are on, they have tried their best to maintain the lives of the people in this crazy iceberg.

And then...which is the worst country in the world?

It's...a European country.

Especially in several small countries in Northern Europe, the Finbul Winter was not obvious in the first few months. Now, at this point, those Nordic countries with particularly high welfare systems have become the first victims.

In fact, even if their climate became less extreme, they would not be able to survive.

When major countries have to tighten their spheres of influence and completely cut off external trade, these small countries have no capital to survive.

Countries that focus on the so-called concept of "protecting the environment" while abandoning the development of internal technology are completely out of touch with this crazy world.

The only result of being thrown off this moving train is to be smashed to pieces.

Several notable countries in Europe perished faster than imagined. The United Kingdom was the first to be destroyed prematurely by DOOM, followed closely by Italy, then Germany, then Poland, and then France.

They quickly entered a state of complete anarchy, and the national system completely collapsed when the energy supply system failed!

What is it that keeps a country and a people together? Bloodline and ideals are like lofts in the sky. If we can't survive, we can only break up!

What's ridiculous is that the best-living countries in Europe are actually the abandoned small Eastern European countries.

With Latvinia as the center, several countries ruled by DOOM at least had the qualifications to survive during this natural disaster. The combination of magic and technology allowed them to survive the mass extinction of the Finbul Winter. Come down.

Many of the original "European aristocrats" are flocking like crazy to the poor countries of Eastern Europe that they despise. This dreamlike immigration wave is really ironic.

It’s not like no one wants to address the source of the problem.

But the source... where is it?

Perhaps with Mu Feng's help and intervention, Marvel Earth's technology has flourished, but unfortunately they still have no achievements in the field of magic.

Moreover, Finbul Winter is a disaster for the entire World Tree. If you want to end this disaster, the only way is to cut off the link to Midgard on the World Tree.

The difficulty of this matter is unimaginable. At least Strange, who succeeded the Supreme Mage, was completely helpless.

There is no doubt that the entire earth will undergo an earth-shaking reshuffle after this crazy glacier.

After this natural disaster that is almost certain to be the end of the world, the entire planet will undergo a huge transformation.

Green light cut through the sky, flying over the city of Rome like two sharp arrows.

The Italian capital is now filled with buildings covered by blizzards, and even if there are a few people moving, they are just hanging on.

The government and military have completely collapsed, or they have nothing to do but survive with the energy and heat produced by the few remaining Ark nuclear reactors provided by the United States.

Rome was completely abandoned, and nearly all dignitaries and troops were concentrated near the Vatican.

"Such a country can be said to have been destroyed."

The Green Lantern named Hal, who is also the leader of the Green Lantern Corps today, looked at the world-destroying Rome, was silent for a long time, and said softly:

"Why don't we go down and save them?"

Another Green Lantern asked in confusion.

They are all strong men who uphold their absolute self. Those who can be selected by the green light are not weak cowards. And because of the preferences chosen by Zeus and others when setting the conditions, almost every Green Lantern is a righteous person.

"Because your will cannot withstand this natural disaster."

A plain voice sounded in the hearts of the two lanterns

"The source of this natural disaster is not any weather problem, but a more profound disaster... You can save those civilians, but how long can your will burn?"

"But... aren't the Yellow Lantern Corps in Latvia maintaining their protection?"

Hal asked confusedly and unwillingly to the guardian in his heart who acted as the leader of the legion.

"Because the yellow light is different from us." The guardian explained patiently

"What provides the source of the green light's power is your will, pure and firm will. So you don't need to rely on external things, and the worship of mortals is too thin for your individuals."

"But Yellow Lantern is different. What he needs to burn is fear. His own and other people's. In the face of this world-destroying disaster, fear is too easy to collect."

This is the biggest difference between the yellow light and the green light in this world. One relies on external things and the other relies on itself.

In fact, from a fundamental point of view, the quality of the yellow lantern of fear that flew out purely from Banner's self-destruction is not as good as the green lantern ring made by Zeus himself, but it is undoubtedly a quick power, and the selection conditions are relatively low.

"Sooner or later we will have a battle with the Yellow Lantern of Fear, but not now." The guardian said softly.

"Go, take away those survivors, bring them to the Aegean Sea, to this place blessed by the light of will."

Hal nodded gently, and followed the green light to fall on the snow-covered land. He raised the light ring, and the soft light green light shot out instantly, covering every survivor in the city. On the body.

They were either frightened or uneasy, but soon they also discovered that under this green light, their coldness disappeared without a trace.

"I'm a member of the Green Lantern Corps and I'm here to save you."

"Come with us to...the kingdom of faith."

The people in desperate situation looked at the green light descending from the sky, and looked at the figure falling under the light.

What is born out of despair is a purer faith.

185. New Gods and Tyrants

greece mount olympus

At a time when almost the entire world has been replaced by crazy blizzards, the Aegean Sea is like a paradise, immersed in the eternal spring time.

The green light emitted from the top of Mount Olympus enveloped the entire Aegean Sea, the entire Greece, and even part of Turkey. The former Macedonian territory was enveloped by the light from Mount Olympus.

Here, the cold is gone, here, crops grow, here, there are days and nights, here, there is well-preserved life.

In this doomsday situation on Earth that is like a desperate hell, Greece at this moment is undoubtedly synonymous with ‘paradise’.

The transfer of power between Greece and all surrounding countries is also the most 'peaceful'.

Regardless of whether those politicians are willing to let go, when the god-like Green Lanterns fly out of the green light in the Olympus sky, when they repel the oppressors, when they bring the survivors to This happy time in heaven.

All positions of power and bloodline claims have become so ridiculous.

There is no need for any publicity or any high-profile announcement - that is the gods, they are the gods, Green Lantern is the spokesperson of the gods, and those who live on the top of the mountains are the gods.

Just, not the Olympus gods.

“The spread of faith is very well established.”

At the pinnacle of Mount Olympus, in the hidden Pantheon, Zeus looked at the twelve former gods lingering around him and said in a plain and non-negotiable tone.

"So, it's time for a new myth to be reborn in this world."

“It’s time for our myth to be reborn.”

The light green light of will covered the body of Zeus, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a humanoid life with light blue skin and ancient robes. It was always lingering with thunder, with eyes that could only shine. It turned into a pair of pupils emitting light green light.

Although he still exudes an ancient, wise, and powerful aura, he no longer looks like Zeus at all. It looks more like... an alien.

"I don't understand, Zeus, why we..."

Aphrodite obviously couldn't accept the new image chosen by Zeus. She hoped that the goddess of love and beauty had maintained her current posture for too long and was unwilling to make such huge sacrifices and changes - and the little blue man or something, It is really an aesthetic gesture that is beyond the scope of the earth.

The goddess of love and beauty is the goddess most easily kidnapped by beliefs and trends.

"Because the old myths should not return to the earth." Zeus said calmly

"We must come to the earth with a new identity and a new myth. Our essence will not change, and the new myth will move forward with humanity."

"With the past attitude, returning to the earth will be nothing more than a delusion and a bubble. We need a new attitude that is closer to them."

This is the new path chosen by Zeus for the Olympus pantheon - they abandoned their previous name and appearance and existed in the form of a new 'myth'.

They will appear in front of the world as the "Guardians", the source of power of the Green Lantern Corps, and they will give mankind the power of will. The acting Green Lanterns will carry out their will, and mortals will pay pure worship to the new gods of pure will, instead of the so-called worship brought about by their fear and ignorance of nature.

This is a progressive way to live in symbiosis with humanity, no longer the one-sided take. This is also the result of discussions between Zeus and the Ancient One, and the Supreme Mage can accept such an Olympus.

For Zeus, this is also a more suitable model after he thought about it. Humanity's previous worship beliefs were too complex. If they were simply classified as worship of will and belief, relatively pure beliefs would become the new cornerstone of Olympus. That relatively simple worship beliefs could also be exploited. force.

At that time, faith is no longer poison, but the key that makes them stronger and closer to immortality. It is also a mirror that proves their great existence.

And with Green Lantern as the carrier of more faith, they don't have to be at the forefront of everything.

Zeus has increasingly felt that the current universe is particularly dangerous. He can feel that the world is about to undergo an unimaginable drastic change.

If Olympus wants to survive such drastic changes, it must make changes in its thinking.

It doesn't matter to them to change the names and postures of gods. They are born gods, and their names and postures are just acquired codes.

And...for Olympus, this is not the first time that they have collectively changed their names.

If Zeus can turn himself into Jupiter, he can also turn himself into a guardian. Greek gods could transform themselves into Roman gods and guardians of the universe.

"……I see."

Aphrodite sighed, no matter how unwilling she was, she did not dare to disobey Zeus's order - it was not the first time anyway, her name of Venus was even more widely spread than her real name.

"What about Steve?"

Athena, who was silent, suddenly asked

"He will also be one of us." Zeus said lightly

"He has that qualification, doesn't he? He has the power to carry faith, and he is not a mortal. His will is far beyond mortals, and we also need a link to connect divinity and humanity."

Steve is the original Guardian and the one directly in charge of the Green Lantern Corps.

The reason why he does not directly rule the Green Lantern Corps as a god is because Zeus is worried about the spread of the 'poison of faith' again.

He doesn't want the Green Lanterns to know that they are actually serving a group of 'gods'

Because such behavior will undoubtedly encourage their 'dependence', and perhaps Olympus will gain a group of devout believers, but undoubtedly what they need now are determined warriors.

Let Steve take charge, not only for the sake of excess, but also for the self-assertion of these green lights.

Anyway, they will never be afraid of the rebellion of these Green Lanterns, because the worship of Green Lanterns is collective, and their faith cannot increase them too much. And Zeus and the others can recycle their lamp rings at any time to ensure that the Legion is always in their hands.

"So, where's Steve?"

"Probably to persuade his old friends."

Nick Fury looked at the dim green light ring in his palm, remained silent for a long time, and slowly closed his eyes.

In fact, he was the first person to get this ring in the beginning.

But unfortunately, he only had a short period of time to activate the ring. After that, the green light ring became unresponsive in his hand like a plastic toy.

Perhaps it was because of his lack of will, or perhaps because he had lost the kind of ‘heart’ that made him chosen by the ring in the first place.

Nick Fury considers himself a shameless 'excellent agent' with little conscience, but the secret invasion of the Skrulls still opened a hole in his soul.

He never thought he was righteous, but since then, he has even begun to doubt whether he is right.

Perhaps this is the main reason why the green lantern ring lost its light in his hand - people who doubt themselves are not worthy of holding the power of will!

But all this doesn't matter anymore.

Nick Fury is no longer sure whether he is taking the right path. What they do is no longer 'justice', but just to survive.

It's hard to survive in this doomsday.

"I never thought that you would be chosen by the Green Lantern Ring."

A low and familiar voice sounded behind Nick Fury, and he was stunned for a moment and turned his head sharply.

He was extremely familiar with Steve Rogers standing behind him and looking at him quietly, but he was no longer wearing a star-spangled uniform, but a complicated and ancient robe.

Even his temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes, from a heroic warrior in ancient Greek legends to a prophetic priest.

"Are you really Steve? Or just another Skrull?"

Nick Fury did not show any joy or excitement, but put his hand on the handle and said warily

Steve didn't speak, but his eyes flickered slightly, and the light ring in Nick Fury's hand flew into his hand.

Nick Fury lowered his hand. It's not that he believed in the 'Steve' in front of him now, but since he couldn't resist, he could only acquiesce.

"Take me to see Tony, I have something to say." Steve said calmly

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