Colson reminded me in a friendly way.

"You are right, what SHIELD should do now is to recuperate..." Nick Fury sighed and said helplessly

Although the Asgardians intimidated the Congressmen in exchange for a large amount of funds, S.H.I.E.L.D. is actually half reopened now.

"How's it going over there Stark?"

Nick Fury quickly changed the topic to the blue man he 'cared for' the most.

"Stark is actively working with Dr. Pym to expand the Ultron program."

"They said the results would be available soon."

259.The scattered heroes

"Ma'am, take your wallet and get off this street, the police station is around the corner."

Daredevil, who was dressed like a Halloween trick-or-treater, handed his wallet to the frightened woman in front of him in a friendly manner. After watching her escape, he looked again at the few gangsters next to him.

"Are you from the Maggia Gang? Then you should know the whereabouts of Kingpin."

Lawyer Ma asked in a very stern tone, but the two gangsters who looked less than sixteen years old were so frightened that they peed their pants.

These local gangsters in Chicago never imagined that one day they would be caught by the legendary Night Stalker in New York.

"Forget it, get out of here! Also, it won't be that simple next time!"

Seeing these two guys pulling their pants like this, Lawyer Ma also felt that they could not be Jin Bin's men, so he could only sigh and let them go.

He, Daredevil Matt Murdock, is now starting the second phase of his career in Chicago.

After returning home from a business trip and discovering that the entire New York City had been bombed to the sky, Lawyer Ma's first reaction was to contact several of his friends.

But very miraculously and fortunately, everyone is okay.

Everyone in the Defenders, even Frank the Punisher, left before the Battle of New York for various reasons.

Although it is very mysterious and suspicious, it is still a good thing in the end.

Then, another problem that needs to be solved arises.

After leaving New York, where can they go?

Superheroes should stay in New York - this kind of convention that I don't know when it started is basically what most superheroes are used to.

After all, most of them are New York natives, and a small number of them have to stay in New York permanently for "various" reasons.

For example, Danny Iron Fist came to New York to find out the truth about his father's death and seek revenge.

This thing is indeed very strange.

If you think about it carefully, most superheroes are always led to New York by fate for some reason, while there are almost no superheroes in other cities.

Even though the crime rate in Los Angeles and Chicago is higher than that in New York, there are just not a few heroes coming here to enforce justice.

The reason why people didn't notice this problem in the past was because their respective villains were very troublesome and couldn't get away.

But now everyone has pulled away, and the most important thing is that there is no way out.

New York was bombed. They couldn't continue to be heroes in such a huge hole, right?

As a result, the superheroes were like cockroaches under the refrigerator after removing it, and quickly fled away after being exposed to the sun.

Matt, his master Stickman and his girlfriend Erica decided to track down the whereabouts of the Hand and the Kingpin, and then they chased them all the way to Chicago.

Kingpin didn't seem to die in that disaster, which might be good news for them.

Although everyone dispersed, the entire United States did not bring greetings from heroes.

At least during this period, the national crime rate has indeed been reduced a lot by these scattered superheroes.

Of course, those scattered super villains also caused a lot of trouble for many locals.

Those living in other states discovered for the first time how miserable New Yorkers lived.

Every once in a while, a group of mafia or other things are planning a conspiracy to destroy the country and the world... This life is really hard for people to live.

So who is to blame for all this? They superheroes should let the culprit be punished and repent for their crimes!

Well, it’s better not to think about it. This is not a comic book universe, and there won't be... at least for the time being, there won't be any street boxing heroes going to the universe to beat up the emperor of the universe.

Matt took off his shirt and stuffed it back into his suitcase, took out his blind stick and prepared to report to the new office.

However, he didn't walk long before he turned back sharply.

"……Who are you?"

Matt listened carefully to the 'person' in front of him. He was deprived of his eyes, but was given superhuman levels of hearing and smell.

It was obvious that the guy standing in front of him was not a normal person at all, or he might not even be considered a human being.

Matt was not aware of his heartbeat, footsteps, or even the sound of blood flowing in his veins.

There was no smell of human hormones coming from his body. If it weren't for the sound of footsteps and the sound of four people rubbing together, Matt would never have been able to feel the guy behind him!

"...Shouldn't you express your gratitude to your savior?"

A low grinding sound sounded in Matt's ears

He jumped out in surprise at first, but quickly realized what he was doing

"Did you do it?"

"You can think so." The voice said calmly

"It's not an easy task to send all your 'superheroes' out. I need to mobilize a lot of resources and manpower to ensure that you can leave that hellish place in New York smoothly."

"So you know what's going to happen in New York?"

"You could say that."

Matt fell into silence all of a sudden - for reasons, he should probably blame the guy in front of him for not saving him, but for reasons, the essence was that he and his friends were saved.

"...Why are you doing this?"

Matt asked, but the 'person' in front of him had disappeared.

"Fatalism is such a fucking thing..." The man in the long trench coat looked condescendingly at Matt who was leaving below and said unhappily.

He is naturally Ultron and will only be Ultron.

After being sent to the sub-universe by his future self, Ultron quickly understood what was happening here, and then he understood something strangely.

He may have been born in this universe.

This is very inappropriate, because in Ultron's memory, he is clearly the work of Hank Pym. He has seen many superheroes that are not in the universe of 19999, so he should be from other universes.

But after arriving here, Ultron found that many things had gone wrong.

The first is his own creator. Who knows what force prompted Stark to get together with Pim, who had always had a disagreement with him, and began to develop his existence.

Now that I think about it carefully, although my creation is Pym's old domestic violence man, his code data clearly has a large part of Stark's involvement.

As for the superheroes...that never seemed to be a problem.

In this world that looks like a ghost, superheroes are not just leeks in the field. If you don't pay attention, a lot of them will grow, and you can't pull them out.

But the choice before Ultron is also very straightforward. He can ignore the anomalies in the Battle of New York and sit back and watch everything change.

But he still couldn't do this, not because he wasn't sure whether he would disappear after doing this, but because he was afraid of creating a group of unknown split universes because of his actions.

Never try to challenge your destiny, because it is very likely that what you do is the biggest factor that promotes your destiny.

Countless tyrants throughout the ages who did not believe this have paid the price for their stupidity and arbitrariness. Those fools who shout against heaven all day long most likely cannot even see through their own destiny.

As a result, Ultron asked all the superheroes in New York and most of their associates to leave New York for various reasons before the worst happened.

This is not difficult for Ultron, it is just a suitable reason. It is easy to get hundreds of people to leave New York reasonably.

This incident made Ultron feel very conflicted, and even had a very bad experience.

After all, to be fair, he still feels that he hates these superheroes, but now he actually has to fight for their existence...

Ultron sighed deeply. This time, he was ready to choose to exist as a bystander.

After all, he still had yet to figure out the source of the problem.

If he replaced Gao Tianzun ten thousand years ago in another universe, then what opportunity and reason did he have to arrive in another world ten thousand years ago?

Just wait and you will know the answer to the question.

260. A short trip home

snap, snap

Mufeng fiddled with the lid of the lighter in his hand, his eyes looking far away, staring at the scene of the outer earth at the top of this interstellar elevator suspended in space.

He is not in the Marvel Universe now, but in his own parallel universe No. 0013.

Things got out of control for him, so naturally he cowardly chose to let the main body hide in the safest base camp.

But in essence, how safe it is is relative.

If the trouble he caused killed Arrogance, Sloth, and Fury, then the existence behind them would most likely follow the three of them to find Mu Feng.

It would be best if they could survive, but who knows if there is something unspeakable?

Mu Feng felt his head hurt when he thought of this.

However, high risk also means high reward. At least based on the current control situation, this reward is obviously worthy of Mu Feng's risk.

He fiddled with the ring on his finger, meaningfully.

"What bad ideas are you thinking about?"

A gentle voice sounded in the ears, and then the soft and jade-like body squeezed into Mu Feng's arms.

"There are no bad ideas, and the humans in this world can't stand my bad ideas."

Mu Feng held Yan Ye in his arms and said softly

The earth in this world has been unified in a practical sense by him. There is no doubt that there is no need to elaborate on this.

However, he still retained those countries and did not convert them all into a unified whole, although he could do this at any time.

He didn't do this because he didn't want to do it. He once thought that he was eager to unify the world and lead these humans into the stars, but now he discovered-

Too small and too boring.

Compared to what he is planning now, everything here seems so insignificant. Even compared to the value of the world as his own resource reserve after unification, the greater value of this world may not be as good as a place where he can relax.

So, am I still a human being who loves this world?

Mu Feng fell into thinking. He lowered his head and looked at Yan Ye, who was nestling in his arms like a deer, and closed his eyes.

Forget's pointless to think about such a question.

He can let himself love everything in this world at any time, or he can not love any of them. Love or not, emotion or not is just a dynamic that can change at any time.

When his thinking and perspective reached this level, everything in the past became something that no longer needed to be cherished and considered.

"Yan Ye, have you ever thought about wanting to live forever?" Mu Feng suddenly said

"You, Xiaosaki, or anyone else, I can let you gain true eternity at any time... transcend everything now, transcend the status of a mortal."

This is not difficult for Mu Feng now, especially in this universe that does not have a real dead entity. Mu Feng, as the manager of this world, can do all this.

"Eternal life...then I will become just like you." Yan Ye blinked and leaned into his arms and whispered softly

"I don't understand what you're saying, and I don't understand what you've been through, but I know that maintaining the me I am now can help you relax more than me being the same as you."

"I can't speak for other people, but if I speak for myself, I just hope you can be more like... a normal person when you're around me."

"If you are willing." Mu Feng smiled.

"I don't hate this feeling. Yes, Yan Ye... I can always be an ordinary person when I'm by your side."

For a truly sublimated life, re-experiencing the 'ordinary' feeling is not a degeneration or evil act, it is just a return to the previous life form.

The Buddha told people that they should learn to pick up and put down, but the so-called enlightened people are actually just people who pick up but cannot put down. And a truly transcendent person picks it up when he wants to, and puts it down when he wants to.

Mufeng will not become decadent or refuse to move forward because of anything.

But he will not refuse to be willing to stop temporarily to appreciate the passing scenery because of someone.

You may be destined to be just a passerby in my life.

But I will remember this fleeting moment.

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