Fearsome Farmer

Chapter five hundred and twenty-fifth about the idea of ​​self-built forest pure land

In the warm sunshine, Li Siwen was walking on the embankment of the Tiezuo Canal, followed by Daha and Lao An a few hundred meters behind, and Dasha was standing on the top of Moon City in the distance. In addition, Da Ha and Lao An simply ran errands for the sake of running errands and enjoyed it. The so-called walking with the lord, the feeling of happiness has always been...

But their fighting power is indeed so strong that Li Siwen doesn't need other guards. With Dasha's speed combined with Lao An's strength and the regular spear in his hand, theoretically, he can instantly kill or severely damage any half-step legend at any time, any place, It's so arrogant!

Because of the rules of the spear, it specializes in breaking the field, and the general attack is more powerful than Yunniang's thunder-rushing field skill.

So this can be regarded as allowing Li Siwen to find another way to strengthen his military equipment, which is to upgrade regular weapons, but so far, Guerrilla has only obtained three regular feather arrows, and each of the eight of them has obtained two regular feather arrows , Yun Niang took five regular crossbow arrows...

In this way, coupled with Qinglang's domain skill, howling wolf!

Well, Li Siwen named it carefully, because the effect of this domain skill is to cause a domain blow to up to five enemies in the fan-shaped area directly in front of it. A half-step legend will directly destroy or endanger the domain, and a non-half-step legend will directly hang!

It's so awesome.

In the last battle of Scum City, if it wasn't for Qinglang's domain skills, Lord Tiger and the others wouldn't have been able to break through Xuanwu's domain so smoothly.

Oh, Xuanwu's field is to give one's side twelve half-step legendary boost fields within 300 meters, the increase is about 50%, and it lasts for half an hour. Most importantly, as long as its physical strength is always at a high level of 80%, This domain skill can continue to be released, similar to Yun Niang!

In short, now Li Siwen's means of destroying the field has been enriched in an instant. In theory, he can completely destroy the 30+ half-step legends on the opposite side in a very short period of time, and theoretically he can destroy a legend in a very short period of time.

so strong~

But now that Li Siwen was walking in this spring field, he was not complacent and felt that he could relax invincible. He was thinking about another important thing, that is, the specific location of the self-built pure land.

Ever since he personally inspected the outer edge of the Glacier Continent yesterday and realized how dilapidated and desperate the world has become, he knew that he should build a pure land by himself, or at least make relevant preparations.

And what kind of pure land is most conducive to repairing the world?

What kind of pure land is most conducive to the development of the territory?

The first thing Li Siwen thought of was the bright sunshine,

Clean water, clean air, and then plenty of food.

When he was inspecting the Glacier Continent yesterday, he noticed a few details. The North Sea and the West Sea were both dark. Not only was the sea water dirty, but there was also a black mist floating above the sea water, as if even the sun was covered. .

Even, the more vegetation is lacking and the place is barren, the black mist is slightly larger, and even the sun above the head is like frosted glass.

On the other hand, when we return to the territory, the sun becomes extremely beautiful in an instant, because there is no black fog.

What is the reason?

Li Siwen thinks it has something to do with the vitality value, yes, it is the vitality value that seems to have the least presence among the six balls in the attribute column.

The specific logical relationship can't be straightened out, but it is a fact that the vegetation in the foggy place is all gone.

On the unnamed high ground in the north, even though Li Siwen smashed the Sky-Bending Pagoda, the black mist in the North Sea was still there, which showed that the Sky-Bending Pagoda could not restrain this fog.

In addition, it has nothing to do with the water source, only the vegetation!

This discovery made Li Siwen immediately vigilant, because he wanted to create a pure land that was conducive to farming (literally only), as long as it was within the scope of the pure land, he hoped that the output of rice would double.

But now it seems that he must make the self-built pure land into a pure land that is conducive to ecological maintenance and ecological expansion.

What kind of pure land is that?

Of course it is a pure land of the forest type.

By the way, the only remaining forest in the entire Glacier Continent is the Mochizuki Forest. Even the trees on the southwestern mountains are not considered forests, let alone the Yaksha Kingdom. The mountains are all bare.

Just to build the Forest Pure Land, there will be a conflict with the Yinshan Pure Land that is being expanded. Now Xueer has already acted in lightning and started the construction of the iceberg. From Wangyue City, there is a vast expanse of whiteness. In the future, as long as the Yinshan Pure Land is upgraded It is a medium-sized pure land, so at least the moon-watching forest north of the Ratman Canyon will not be able to live, or a small number of trees will evolve into cold-resistant trees, but the damage to the moon-watching forest is beyond doubt.

Even if Li Siwen planted a million trees last year, he could barely make up for it.

"So the location of this self-built pure land can't be centered on Mochizuki City. It has to be moved south to the north of the oak fortress, and the pocket plain is planted with trees to the west to form a small forest and connect with the mountains in the southwest."

"To the east, you have to cross Changgan Lake and plant trees on the ruins of the snow-capped mountains. This will form a huge forest that spans 2,500 miles from east to west and 1,000 miles from north to south. The more forests, the more vitality. Perhaps it will be able to curb the erosion of those black mist."

"But in this way, the defense of the pure land of the forest becomes a problem. It is simply close to the front line of the war, and the enemy has more directions to attack. Even a large number of forests are not conducive to the deployment of our army. However, compared to the benefits of obtaining , is still worth a try.”

"After all, once the forest pure land is completed, a group of forest pure land guards can be built and recruited, such as Hou Laosan. It can finally break through the half-step legend, and its talent and evolution direction are simply tailor-made for the forest pure land."

"In addition, there are bat warriors, this kind of melee unit that can fly in the air. It is also extremely advantageous in the forest environment. It flies silently and kills very fiercely. It is the enemy's target in the open area, but in the forest environment In the forest..."

"In addition to Bat Fifty, crow shooters also need to recruit some to become forest pure land guards, so that the internal defense of the forest pure land will be no problem. As for the march of the army, there is also a canal for transportation of luggage. Wait two days and they are in the oak Build a river dam to the west of the fortress, and at that time, the army and luggage can be quickly transported to the front line along the water flow, and it is not impossible to split 50-50 in accordance with the terrain of the cliff."

Thinking about this, Li Siwen immediately recruited Dasha, first looked back at Moon City, and took out fourteen pieces of regular jade from the City Lord's Mansion.

Two of these pieces were excavated in Dahei Mountain during the Western Expedition, and the remaining twelve pieces were dug out from the ruins of the Snow Mountain.

This is a really good thing. It contains earth energy. What does earth energy mean? Roughly speaking, it means what you plant and what you grow, which is of great benefit to the land.

Pairing the Sky-Bending Pagoda with this regular jade, it can directly become the Sky-Bending Pagoda. What do you mean, the land is fertile.

Of the fourteen pieces of regular jade, he only planned to keep two pieces as spares, two pieces were buried in Tianfu Plain, and the remaining ten pieces were all used to build the pure land by himself.

Yes, there is no need to build a pure land by yourself, it is too extravagant, but all fools know that the foundation determines everything. For example, if my father is the emperor, then I will be the crown prince with a little effort, and the hidden prince with a little effort...

So in theory, the self-built pure land can be built anywhere, even if Li Siwen goes to the occupied Kunlun Pure Land, he can still succeed in self-building, but the consequences...

Therefore, before building a pure land by yourself, it is most important to lay a solid foundation.

The jade of rules is the best foundation.

He buried two regular jades in Pocket Plain, five regular jades in the south of Mochiyue Forest, and three regular jades in Pocket Mountain and the east of the Southwest Mountains.

The reason why Mochizuki Forest is so important is because it will become the main body of the pure land of the forest. The more fertile the place, the better the foundation, and the greater the potential for obtaining the pure land after it is formed.

After getting the jade of the rules, Li Siwen even had an urge to build a pure land by himself immediately, but in the end he held back, a little intolerance would lead to a big conspiracy, and building a pure land by himself is a card in his hand, when will it be released? Can form the maximum effect, that is all particular about.

Afterwards, Li Siwen continued to fly around the world. On an average day, he was in Moon City in the morning, Scum City in the afternoon, Heishan City in the afternoon, and Oak Fortress in the evening. He supervised the progress of various affairs in the territory and dealt with some Only he can handle affairs.

For example, to expand the Black Mountain Legion.

The Montenegro Army will be expanded into two main armies and a garrison battalion.

Lord Xiong is still in command of the Black Mountain Legion, with the same name, including Niu Thirty, Sledgehammer, Xuanwu, Xiaoye, and Jushi. Their high-level combat effectiveness is no worse than Master Tiger's northern army.

As for the soldiers, it mainly includes 1,360 lord-level bear warriors, 800 lord-level black scorpion warriors, and 110 lord-level violent earth bears, (referring to those who can have a name, starting from Xiong Da to Xiong Baiyi 10) 350 lord-level tauren heavy cavalry. Since there are currently only 100 rudimentary earth bears as mounts, the remaining 250 tauren can only temporarily serve as heavy infantry, and 550 lord-level wild boar heavy infantry.

In addition, there are 1,000 human Sirius shooters, who can basically advance to the lord level after eating two rounds of dragon banquets. (The Dragon Slaying Banquet includes the earth-boring worm and the legendary giant beast that will defeat the Black City Demon Lord in the future)

In short, Lord Xiong's Black Mountain Legion has a total strength of 4176. Except for the 70 intelligent Earth Bears who are currently heroes, the rest are all Lords, but a heavy unit like the Earth Bear can be a hero. Hanging and beating the general lords, so Li Siwen arranged for them.

This number is 3,000 fewer than the Northern Legion, but their combat effectiveness is not weak at all. The Bear Warriors, Black Scorpion Warriors, Earth Bears, Tauren, and Wild Boars are all super powerful heavy units. When all the heavy armor weapons are in place, then You can just run wild.

In addition, Li Siwen also gave 500 sets of giant beast armor to the northern legion, and 500 sets of giant beast armor to the Montenegro legion, which caused the overall defense of the two legions to explode to several levels.

If one more legendary beast is killed in the future, 1,000 sets of giant beast armor can be created, and Li Siwen will still distribute them to the two legions.

Because these are the two strongest legions in his territory, regardless of equipment, weapons, and combat effectiveness, they must be the highest.

Only one person can be worthy of such a bold investment.

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