Fearsome Farmer

Chapter 668: Taoyuan Pure Land and Sword Civilization

"Taoyuan Pure Land? This big gray is lucky!"

When Li Siwen, who was in Kunlun City, got the exact news, it was already three days later that Da Hui and Lao Qiao had confirmed the exact location of the ruins of Taoyuan Pure Land. This was very good news, and it also represented The pioneering plan he started more than ten months ago has now reached a fruitful harvest period.

Pioneering and pioneering means that this is a technical job, which cannot be done by brute force.

At present, except for the area covered by Li Siwen's kingdom, other areas of the world are either shrouded in black mist, various extreme weather, or various unknown dangers.

In short, it is like the mess left by the demon kings after their wanton carnival.

If these areas are not indivisible, they are also part of the world.

If Li Siwen hadn't had to pay a large amount of world rules every month to maintain these areas, he wouldn't be willing to spend a lot of effort to develop them.

But so far, pioneering is the only way out.

Fortunately, the kingdom's development plan is now on the right track.

As of today, various development teams have discovered many very valuable areas, or pure land ruins.

Although these pure land ruins were of little value on the surface, in fact, only Li Siwen could recover the real value.

After giving Dasha an order, Li Siwen closed his eyes and rested his mind, then opened his full view, entered the body of the world, and then he saw a large area of ​​light and dense darkness.

These rays of light are naturally the major pure lands. When combined, they can completely radiate an area with a diameter of 100,000 miles, and also play a considerable role in suppressing the surrounding darkness.

To bring these rays of light closer, Li Siwen needed to sense carefully, and it took several seconds to find the small spots of light hidden under the brighter rays of light, which was the so-called mobile pure land.

The largest of these small spots of light is equivalent to the brightness of a match in Li Siwen's current view of the whole picture. It is currently 300,000 miles away from Kunlun City, but it is heading towards the ruins of Nanzhou Pure Land The advancing Red Eagle pioneering squadron.

They have set off for half a month, and this is by far the most powerful pioneering squadron in the kingdom, a level 3 pioneering pure land, plus nine legends, more than 200 half-step legends, and 300 carrier-based battle eagles , and carried 100 points of world rules, nearly 1,500 tons of supplies.

this time,

They are going to build a pioneering bridgehead in the ruins of Nanzhou Pure Land.

By the way, the straight-line distance between Nanzhou Pure Land and Glacier Pure Land is about 800,000 miles, or about 400,000 kilometers, which is equivalent to the distance between the earth and the moon.

However, since this world is not spherical and belongs to a world with a round sky, although it is 400,000 kilometers from the pure land of glaciers to the pure land of Nanzhou, it is actually not difficult to travel between the two, especially when the sea water is covered with water. When most of them are exhausted and the Demon Lord's army has basically retreated, at the daily cruising speed of the Red Eagle Squadron, it will take about a month to reach the Pure Land of Nanzhou from Kunlun City.

Of course, it must be stated here that the reason why it took the little yellow birds all the way from the Nanzhou Pure Land to the Glacier Pure Land for three years was because the Ocean Demon King was still there, and the distance was not the biggest obstacle, otherwise Tens of thousands of little yellow birds migrate northward, and they will not be reduced to only eight in the end.

But now, the little yellow bird family has expanded and multiplied to thirty-six...

Originally, Li Siwen wanted to go with Nanzhou Pure Land to develop this time, but in the end he hesitated before leaving. After all, he still had a lot of important things to do.

In addition, he can also communicate with the Red Eagle Squadron briefly every day through the full-view mode to determine their progress.

At this time, after a brief contact with the Red Eagle Squadron, Li Siwen's attention was withdrawn, and he fell on a slightly weaker spot of light. This was Dahui's small mobile to open up the pure land. The location they were in was the former Ruins of Taoyuan Pure Land.

There was no need to contact Dahui and the others, Li Siwen slowly mobilized the world rules, and in five minutes, a temporary world rule login portal was formed on the pioneering pure land on Dahui's back.

Because even if the development of the pure land is to move the pure land, its nature will not change, that is, the carrying device + storage point of the world rules.

It's just that the storage capacity of the mobile open up pure land is not as large as that of the fixed pure land.

A small snow-capped pure land can store up to 150 points of world rules, but a small open-up pure land can only store up to 30 points.

But that's enough.

In an instant, a colorful ray of light rose into the sky, and a moment later, a huge vortex force field vaguely formed above the sky and slowly fell down, which meant that this place was temporarily merged into Li Siwen's world rule network.

At the same time, the big ash fell slowly, and the rest of the pioneers, including Old Qiao's Troubadour Squadron and Xu Cheng's Four Seas Fleet, began to carry out guard and defense missions, because what happened next would be very important and could not be easily ignored. interrupt.

"Extract the pure land inheritance."

At this moment, Li Siwen recited a sentence in his heart, the world's "body" emerged with a series of vast avenues and long rivers. He is no stranger to these things. They are the soft assets of this world. They have lived in this world for countless years. The memory and experience left by the living body.

To exaggerate, it is the code of life,

In a word of civilization, it is the inheritance library.

In layman's terms, it is the road.

They are related to the advancement of professions, the continuation of civilization, and whether the Holy Ruins can be established.

This is why Li Siwen sent pioneering squadrons around.

There used to be a large number of pure lands in this world, but they were all destroyed by the sons of the demon king, and all material things were plundered and destroyed, but the inheritance of nothingness was still there. Then, as long as Li Siwen found it, he didn't even need any archaeologists. These inheritances can be recycled one by one.

This process is very simple, but it lasts for a long time. What other people can see is colorful lights, but what Li Siwen sees is countless knowledge and experience, which flow into different paths like fireflies. In the long river of avenues, these long rivers of avenues are like conveyor belts, sorting them into categories.

Reflected in the property bar, it is a data flow like this——

Farmer (100%) - Landlord (100%) - Aristocrat (100%) - Prince (100%) - Emperor (100%) -?

Farmer (100%)——Soldier (100%)——General (100%)——Commander (100%)——?

Farmer (100%) - Apprentice (100%) - Craftsman (100%) - Master (100%) - ?

Farmer (100%) - bandit (100%) - giant bandit (100%) - hero (100%) -?

Farmer (100%)——Scholar (100%)——Scholar (100%)——Grandmaster (100%)——?

Farmer (100%) - Hawker (100%) - Merchant (100%) - Rich Businessman (100%) - ?


The above are just the major branches of the profession of farmers. In addition, there are branches of fishermen, herdsmen, and hunters, which basically cover the four major industries of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery. This is also the life civilization that once existed in Taoyuan Pure Land. inherited.

But these only belong to the individual life, and then there are broader ones, such as the core inheritance of Taoyuan Pure Land.

Reef Pure Land (100%) - Island Pure Land (100%) - Archipelago Pure Land + Forest Pure Land + Holy Market Pure Land + Lake Pure Land (100%) - Taoyuan Pure Land (62%)

This inheritance is what Li Siwen wants most, and it is also the most valuable. Even though the Taoyuan Pure Land inheritance he has collected at this moment is only 62%, he still feels quite happy when this inheritance is integrated with the rules of the world.

The incomplete inheritance of Taoyuan Pure Land provided Li Siwen with a total of 358 occupations, from the first to the second rank, to the third rank, and even to the fourth rank.

Although most of the occupations here are already mastered by him, there are still a few occupations that he has seen for the first time.

Such as musicians and sword bearers.

Among them, musicians can advance to luthier/singer/dancer with one turn, confidant/listener/phantom dancer with two turns, and piano demon/liarist/vanisher with three turns. Four turn unknown.

As for the sword holder, one turn can advance to swordsman/ranger/heavy swordsman, two turns can advance to swordsman/earth ranger/heavy armor swordsman, three turns can advance to swordsman/sky ranger/wild hunt swordsman , four turns can advance to Juggernaut/Hermit/Sword Demon.

This is the first time Li Siwen has seen the fourth turn of the combat profession, well, the one he researched by himself doesn't count.

In short, this is very good. With this inheritance, some soldiers in the kingdom can follow this inheritance route in the future instead of groping in the dark.

In the end, he also unearthed the six pure land supernatural powers of the Taoyuan Pure Land. From these supernatural powers, it can be seen that the Taoyuan Pure Land is clearly a composite pure land.

It is a little bit more advanced than the non-core pure land that Li Siwen has now.

In short, it is between the non-core pure land and the core pure land, and can be significantly close to the core pure land.

In addition, the functionality is very strong, such as Taoyuan Pure Land, its core function is to highlight a hidden.

This is also why the basic profession of swordsman can be developed to rank four in Taoyuan Pure Land inheritance, because there are hermits of rank four.

Even among the six supernatural powers, two are related to concealment.

One is purification, which is fine.

The second is to watch the rain with a sword, which is similar to the magical power of ice dragon punishment, but the specific power needs to be tested;

The third is Yujian Tinglei, a defensive supernatural power that I don't understand or explain.

The fourth is divine concealment, which can hide the entire pure land and avoid being locked by the enemy from the level of world rules.

The fifth is the fog cage, which is also a hidden supernatural power, but it is used for personal use.

The sixth is Guixu, this is similar to the spiritual power of the glacier pure land, because this thing can generate a sword soul...

Anyway, Taoyuan Pure Land is a sword civilization through and through.

"It seems that after we go back, we need to have an in-depth exchange with that female Yasha. In the Pure Land of Taoyuan, even Lao Tang, Lao Qi, and Yunniang only know some details. If there is anyone who knows the best, it must be this female Yasha. "

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