Chapter 96 can not have been impudent impudent the

Cang hearing this looked deep Du old he said.

“It seems that Cheng Wei has taken up a post in your royal capital’s founding teachers’ union. For such a big event, I haven’t seen your king’s founding teachers’ union announce any news.”

Said quickly.

“Old Cheng only came to the capital to create the division of teachers’ union, and there is no plan to serve as Vice-President in the near future. When Old Cheng has plans, we will make an announcement.”

Cang bit of a surprise, as the four-star Cheng Peak creating division centipede even choose to create divisions as the king of all union Vice-President.

instead of a titular honor Elder, but a little thought, Cang understand.

“is, if we know that they have no chance to reach the five-star to create division, but also should be younger Cheng Family of a good plan, but it Cheng Rui genuinely talented, Cheng centipede how will drive Ruiqi about endogenous biological ridge insanity “

Cang Yue’s words were very cold, but hearing Du’s ears made Du Lao embarrassed.

I don’t know what to say for a while.

Lin Yuan Cang listening and talking to listen to the old Du stumbled.

But Lin Yuan, but also know the temerity to ask questions is very inappropriate.

Unexpectedly, Cang Yue looked towards Lin Yuan and asked at this time.

” Lin Yuan, you know what it is endogenous biological ridge insanity?”

Lin Yuan shook his head, looked at the Cang Lin Yuan curious eyes said.

“After this ridge poison derived biological contract does not close like other spiritual object, like in the spiritual space, the ridge is insanity after contract by contract, will send gather in the contract’s spine, borers empty nest length of the spine in the spine, the spinal insanity contractual nature of the damage potential is their life, and so the ridge insanity contract to create a division destined impossible to achieve five-star. “

Lin Yuan stunned to hear, even There are also source organisms like Spinal Gu.

But I want to come, my own red thorn is also very special, but the red thorn is special because it needs a blood contract, and it does not have a biological template, and it needs the contractor to specify the evolution.

special red thorn let Lin Yuan also quick to accept such a strange ridge insanity borne organisms.

Cang see Lin Yuan digested the contents of what he said, he continued.

“Although the ridge insanity would undermine the potential life of those contracts within a certain range, but for the division is to create a Supreme Treasure, because the poison can be quickly integrated ridge out a lot of spirit material host engulfed in within the body form a concentrated spiritual solution, when the ratio of spirit material, the ridge insanity can devour spirit material in within the body accumulate catalytic, greatest play the role of spirit material, but there are drawbacks, such fusion spirit material, to consume spinal fluid insanity within the spirit of the body, after the contract were to eat a lot of spirit material tonic, or ridge insanity if not flexible enough to absorb the liquid, it will feed on the spinal cord within the spinal column. “

Cang May this time changed the usual cold temper, do not know the Lin Yuan meticulous detail.

Lin Yuan finally now know what is land use of poison.

However, after the Lin Yuan know ridge hand impression of insanity becomes more bad.

Contract spiritual object is the spiritual object as a partner, rather than contract ridge insanity which would become their home spiritual object of the spine.

It is good to cut meat and feed the eagle, but it must be based on cutting the mutton. If you cut your own meat and feed the eagle, it is a very stupid thing in Lin Yuan’s view.

At this time, Cheng Rui had already activated the spinal gu, swallowing spirit material quickly, and the efficiency was immediately improved.

Just a few minutes of time had been about to catch up with the speed of the tea wash.

tea wash Menheng issued early in the future when the Swiss summon ridge insanity, it has been very dissatisfied looked towards Cheng Rui.

create division deployed spirit material bother most taboo, Cang has been the high tower, and separated the outside world with spirit strength as early as the beginning of a competition, fear of affecting a competition.

But even when Cheng Rui deployment spiritual object flagrant influence opponents.

wash the tea was about to say anything scold, you will see Cheng Rui ridge insanity summon out.

While washing the tea, she said helplessly.

“I did not originally intend to use the auxiliary means spiritual object, but since you use, that I use.”

tea wash also pushed spirit strength, summon the like a pitcher of the same plant.

I saw the fall will wash the tea has a good deployment, but no purification of the spirit that was poured into the shape of pitcher plants within the body.

and wash the tea will spirit strength continuously injected into this spiritual object inside.

some operation, almost at the same time while Cheng Rui and tea wash liquid formulations well spirit.

Cheng Rui just a spiritual solution is transformed out of the belly of the ridge insanity, but the spirit of tea wash liquid is poured directly from the pitcher plants within the body out.

They both fed the spiritual solution received severe head injuries in the violent blood Dire Wolf pups.

just a few minutes, two storm fear of blood Wolf simultaneously cured.

two violent blood Dire Wolf pups become immediately a good move up from time to time with the teeth of the cage ka ka sound.

The violent dire wolves are very grumpy even when they are cubs. After

the end of a competition, a draw seems like a no process has taken the lead Rui said.

“I won because of my fear of violent blood from the silver wolf raised to Level 3 silver order order Level 4.”

Having Cheng Rui will directly reach for that diamond Purple red blood of a spiritual object of order snakes.

But the hand did not touch the bottle-order diamond snakes Spirit Beast of blood, he suddenly heard a burst of mocking laughter.

“After the storm of blood cure fear of wolf pups, the silver-order Level 3 Level 4 upgrade to silver-order you win? You do not look at my blood violent Dire Wolf has evolved from the elite quality to the perfect quality. “

then, wash it towards tea Cang Shi a ceremony, then turned back to the corner of the four corners of the hall.

tea wash, then let Cheng Rui directly set at that face became a liver-colored.

Du capital came forward to comfort Cheng Rui, mended at this time Tao has taken the lead applauded, said with a big smile.

“really wonderful!”

Cheng Rui eyes were suddenly applause stimulated congestion, became blood red, glared Tao.

Tao did not mind, lift your feet, slapping the dust does not exist on the next two boots.

like a random Cheng Rui eyes will sweep away the same.

“Long Tao, I am not at odds with you!”

Long Tao ignored Cheng Rui’s anger, and directly ignored Cheng Rui’s cruel words.

Cheng Rui was having an attack, and a sudden burst of cold pressure almost froze Cheng Rui in place.

Let Cheng Rui suddenly have some stand still, we should knees.

Du Cheng Rui old quickly stepped forward to hold, facing Cang said.

“Cang month to make, did not mean to Cheng Rui Hui month in Dian impudent, Cheng Rui first time to understand the rules, please forgive me Cang make.”

Cang imposing manner instantly rising, cold voice said.

“can not have been impudent impudent, and in the month-hui sons overbearing, is when you come to do him? or do you bring him hui hui on the house, not even on the house rules have not taught he? “

Du old cold sweat streaming down suddenly.

Ten years later, the adults are keeping a low profile, and the bimonthly envoys are also meditating on Qingyue Mountain, and they rarely walk around.

But how to make yourself forget Cang temper.

Jing Shihou, one of the royal princes, was invincible fifteen years ago and was disrespectful to Cang Yue.

She was directly interrupted by Cang Yueshi’s legs and stayed in a wheelchair ever since.

that night, Jing Fu lion waiting frost thorough manner.

Houfu palace was a split in half, no one knows what happened in the end.

lion waiting to Jing Wang higher order level should have good leg strength, but it has dared to stand up from his wheelchair.

This wheelchair sit for fifteen years, after all why not self-evident.

seeking votes in seeking votes ~ ~ Thank you for comment

(End chapter)

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