"Second goods, how do you say this cake is eaten?"

Han Fei turned his head to look at Wu Jinghao, the cake was ready.

The finished product looks very good-looking, and it is full of meaning, two people leaning together.

It was printed on the cake as if it had been photographed.

But when Han Fei went under the knife, she discovered the seriousness of the problem.

That is, if you cut it vertically, the two cream figures will be separated.

If you cut it horizontally, the heads of the two people will be together, but if you cut it, it will be like cutting your head.

Horizontal and vertical can't work, Han Fei suddenly has no idea.

Wu Jinghao took the knife helplessly, but he didn't expect Han Fei to have a sense of ceremony.

But isn't this kind of problem easy to solve?

At this time, Wu Jinghao shoveled up one of the cream villains' cream.

When Han Fei saw his movements, he was stunned, and said in a deep voice: "Second goods, what are you going to do?"

And Wu Jinghao was at this time, directly slapped this piece of cream on another piece of cream.

The two cream villains seemed to be close together, Han Fei looked at Wu Jinghao and then at the cake.

Only Wu Jinghao could think of this method, and she couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"The cream is kissed, aren't we?"

Before Han Fei could react, Wu Jinghao had already hugged Han Fei's waist and kissed him.

While the cake was kissing, the two of them were kissing.

The two were entangled together for nearly five minutes before Wu Jinghao separated.

It used to be a dragonfly, but now the time has changed dramatically.

After Wu Jinghao and Han Fei let go, Han Fei's face turned red, and the roots of his ears turned red.

It's really that her head is dizzy, and her brain is a little deprived of oxygen.

Wu Jinghao took Han Fei into his arms and cut it on the cake with a knife.

After eating the cake, he cleaned up all the things in Han Fei's house.

Wu Jinghao tutored Han Fei again, and today's day will pass.

However, Han Wei didn't see him come back today, and he probably drank too much again.

For Han Wei, entertainment is really a kind of negotiation ceremony in the mall that cannot be easily pushed off.

"Mom, why haven't you slept yet?"

Wu Jinghao couldn't help but ask when he saw his mother in pajamas and in the living room.

It's already twelve o'clock in the evening, and my mother hasn't slept yet.

Usually after the square dance, my mother goes back to sleep, why is it like a different person today?

When my mother saw Wu Jinghao coming back, she beckoned him over and gave him a cup of tea: "Jinghao, Mom asks you something, you have to answer truthfully!"

Wu Jinghao nodded, picked up a cup of tea, and drank it, he was indeed a little thirsty.

"I've seen you go to the opposite building a lot lately, what's going on?"

Mom naturally sensed that something was wrong with Wu Jinghao, and she could often see him coming down from the building opposite recently.

Then I went home, as a mother, and as a woman, the natural sixth sense is quite strong.

She always felt that there must be something wrong here, Wu Jinghao said helplessly: "I'm going to help my classmates with their homework!"

Wu Jinghao knew that after his mother found out, she would definitely come over to gossip.

But recently, my mother doesn't always have to work, and when he goes to Han Fei's house, he always comes back for dinner first.

At that time, my mother had already gone to square dance, how did she know?

The only possibility is that Wu Yiyi exposed this matter, and the big mouth of the old lady can't be cured!

"Is it really that easy to go to counseling?"

The old mother obviously looked at Wu Jinghao with a look of disbelief, and the woman's intuition told her that it was not so simple.

And before Wu Jinghao could speak, his mother stepped forward and whispered, "How did I hear that it was a female classmate?"

After my mother said this, her face was serious, and Wu Jinghao secretly criticized Wu Yiyi several times in his heart.

I actually shook all these things to my mother.

"It's really a female classmate, but occasionally I teach a male classmate!"

Wu Jinghao said in a deep voice, he would have excused himself, otherwise, I am afraid that there will be no chance.

However, my mother didn't mean this, knowing that Wu Jinghao seemed to be tutoring a female classmate, her face instantly smiled.

"I didn't expect my family Jinghao to have girls to be friends with!"

Mom patted Wu Jinghao's hand, said with a smile, and then grabbed Wu Jinghao and said, "Bring it home another day and let Mom know him!"

When my mother said a word, Wu Jinghao spit out a sip of tea when she heard it.

This is not what he imagined, it stands to reason that his mother should not have come out to stop him?

So what's the deal with her serious expression?

"Next time, when she comes, I'll introduce her!"

Wu Jinghao replied casually, but his mother was unrelenting.

After all, she must be happy to see that Wu Jinghao has made new friends.

"Isn't there a parent-teacher conference next week?

My mother decided this matter by herself, and Wu Jinghao looked dazed.

He didn't know what it was, but when he remembered it, he remembered the parent-teacher conference.

Wu Jinghao only remembered at this time that he would have a parent-teacher conference next weekend.

At that time, it will definitely be busy again, and the most important thing is that Meituan's affairs have been getting bigger and bigger recently.

Many people have begun to pay attention, and Wang Xin's approach is too radical.

Meituan's affairs need to be resolved, and then there will be parent-teacher conferences.

And there's a mapping exam next week, and everything is squeezed into the same time.

Wu Jinghao realized at this time that he seemed to be quite busy.

Seeing that he didn't have any reaction, his mother shook him and said, "Jing Hao, is it okay or not?"

After Wu Jinghao vaguely agreed to his mother, he told his mother to go back to sleep quickly, and then returned to the bedroom.

Today, Han Fei took out the diary again, and Han Fei has been in a very good mood recently.

"The operation was a success, and a decent meal was made today under the guidance of the second cargo!"

"The taste is still very good, and I have learned to make cakes, Xiaobei must like it after receiving it!"

Han Fei has been in a very good mood recently, and Wu Jinghao looked at the trend of Han Fei's diary.

He also nodded, his efforts were not in vain. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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