Five Elements Heaven

Volume 1 Chapter 23 Bare Back Armor

Duanmu's roar at dusk was blown away by the wind, and Ai Hui couldn't hear it at all. If he still has any remaining memories of what happened just now, it's probably just a reminder that this is not a wilderness.

Outside the Hanging Gold Pagoda, custom-made utensils were scattered on the ground, and Ai Hui picked them up one by one and put them on. This is his custom-made "armor". It is all made of steel. Due to the rush for time, it can only be regarded as crude in appearance. Without any patterns, the helmet is like an upside-down bucket, leaving only two thin slits for the eyes. Other parts of the body are even more so. The chest is just a piece of iron sheet, and other parts are also rough. On the contrary, the joints are very dexterous, showing that the blacksmith has good skills.

The most peculiar part of the whole set of "armor" is on the back. There is no armor on the entire back. This is the bare-back armor that Ai Hui specially prepared for training in the Hanging Gold Tower.

After putting it on, Ai Hui tried to move around a bit and felt pretty good. Since Ai Hui told the blacksmith to be strong and reliable, the armor was also made very thick. The entire set of bare-backed armor weighed about two hundred kilograms. Although Ai Hui had always carried heavy loads in the wilderness, he was exhausted from dragging this suit of armor to the Hanging Gold Tower.

Fortunately, Ai Hui's body has been doing heavy work for a long time, so he can be considered strong. But wearing a full set of armor, you can still feel that your body's movements are affected.

Ai Hui, who was chained and dressed neatly, entered the Hanging Gold Tower again.

Bang bang bang!

The collision between Ai Hui's armor and the wall was much more spectacular than before. Sparks flew out every time the collision occurred. The sound of the collision was countless times louder than before, and his head was buzzing.

After a while, Ai Hui gradually adapted to the deafening sound and began to appreciate the benefits of wearing bare-back armor.

The golden energy in the golden wind could not penetrate Ai Hui's armor, and the pain from the needles all gathered on his back. Ai Hui was refreshed. The bare-backed iron armor cost him a lot of brainpower. He got the inspiration from the unharmed iron rope. Since the golden wind cannot destroy the iron rope, it certainly cannot destroy the iron armor.

It turned out that his idea was right, and nothing encouraged Ai Hui more than this.

Feeling the stinging pain in his back reaching his limit, Ai Hui grabbed the iron rope and climbed out. Ai Hui, who climbed out, didn't bother to take off his armor, and just practiced [Fish Back Arch] facing the outer wall as usual.


Ai Hui felt something different the first time he hit it, and his back almost shook. He rested for a full five minutes before he regained his composure, and couldn't help but reveal a wry smile on his face. The effect of dispersing the gold, yuan, and silver was actually very good, even better than before. However, due to the weight of the armor, the force of the fish arching its back was much greater than before, causing some minor injuries to the muscles in his back.

Although the strength of the fish arching its back is great, this is caused by the iron armor. In terms of completion, it has dropped a lot. Because of the weight of the armor, Ai Hui's power was skewed. He was strong enough, but his power was not concentrated enough and was scattered.

Ai Hui, who felt that he had regained his strength, pondered for a while, then adjusted his stance and tried [Fish Arch Back] again.


This time, Ai Hui was directly ejected, with a loud bang, sending up dust all over the sky.

After the smoke and dust cleared, Ai Hui struggled to get up, spit out the dirt in his mouth, and strode toward the Hanging Gold Pagoda with a heart filled with anger.

Bang bang bang!

A tin can hits the iron tower tirelessly.

As night falls, the stars climb up to the dome, and the beads of sweat raised in the night wind are like a cloud of bright stars. The sky turned green, the clouds gradually dyed, and the rising morning light passed through the eaves of the tower and fell on the tin cans sleeping soundly against the wall, with crystal dewdrops. The scorching sun was high, the sweat was burning and steaming in the tin can, and my throat was like burning, and I was silent amidst the clanging sound.

Time passes day by day.

Continuous, boring, and high-intensity practice is a great test for one's nerves.

Bang, Ai Hui sat down on the ground. He didn't bother to take off the iron armor on his body. He just took off his helmet. It was a bit boring after wearing it for a long time. Since putting on the bare-back armor, he has never taken it off, whether eating or sleeping. His expression was a little dazed, which is what happens when his practice is close to its limit.

After sitting for about twenty minutes, his dull face regained some life and he recovered from his trance. After Ai Hui regained his composure, he was immediately swept away by a strong sense of hunger. Ai Hui took out a piece of pancake from the cloth bag. However, Ai Hui didn't care about the dry and hard pancake at all. He destroyed one piece in three strokes, five divided by two.

When he reached for the bag again, he found nothing.


He was stunned for a moment, then took the bag over and turned it over. There was nothing inside.

How long have you stayed? He couldn't remember clearly, but he knew it was time to go back. He was about to rush back, but after thinking about it, he took off his armor and found a place to hide nearby. Anyway, this thing is not worth much, and no one values ​​it. After replenishing the dry food by yourself, you will be back soon. You can bring more dry food without wearing iron armor.

After taking off the iron armor, Ai Hui felt as if he was as light as a swallow, as if he were stepping on a pile of cotton.

Ai Hui became more interested and rushed forward. He was shocked by his speed. Ai Hui's eyes immediately lit up. It turned out that practicing in bare-back armor had such benefits.

Without saying a word, he rushed towards Songjian City.

Li Wei is not tall and wears a very simple green shirt. Unlike Zhou Xiaoxi, who is strong and strong, he looks a bit frail, and his temperament is very similar to that of the master in the school. He was wandering around happily, and few people knew that fifteen years ago, he was studying in Songjian City. When he has nothing to do, he likes to revisit his old places.

Seeing familiar and unfamiliar scenery, he will think of his best time in the past, and many vague memories will surface.

As he strolled around, the scenery around him changed and he felt a little familiar. He knew that he must have been here before, but for a moment he was not sure of the specific location. After all, he had not been here for fifteen years.

It wasn't until a towering spire came into his sight that he suddenly realized it.

It turns out to be the Hanging Gold Pagoda!

Levi immediately became excited and even accelerated his steps involuntarily. Xuanjin Pagoda was a place where he often practiced before. He remembered that he seemed to have written a special article about his experience in practicing in Xuanjin Pagoda.

There are still so few people here!

He couldn't help but express the same emotion as he had fifteen years ago.

Xuanjin Pagoda has never been a popular place for training. Back then, he chose Xuanjin Pagoda as his main training place because it was relatively quiet.

When I come back fifteen years later, the Hanging Gold Pagoda is still the same as before, with no changes. He knew that as long as the golden wind continued, the hanging gold tower would not fall down.

He walked up the steps, and he was extremely familiar with every plant and tree here.

As he moved forward, he stroked the wall of the tower. Countless days and nights passed through his heart like a revolving door, with a nostalgic smile on his lips.

His hand suddenly stopped.

He woke up suddenly, noticed where his palm touched, and couldn't help but let out a light sigh.


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