Five Elements Heaven

Chapter 714: Human Head Tree

Ai Hui sat down on the ground. At his feet was the corpse of the monster chopped into two pieces. Tiredness came over him like a tide, and he wanted to fall asleep. Entering this strange space, it was the first time I felt so tired.

Looking down at the palm of his hand, which was filled with mist, Ai Hui inexplicably thought of the hot pig's trotters that had just come out of the oven.

After swallowing, the long-lost hunger suddenly came to him, and he remembered that he hadn't eaten for a long time. Well, in the spiritual world, there is no need to eat, although this is human instinct.

My thinking seems to be becoming a little erratic.

When Ai Hui saw that his body had become a little more transparent, he realized that this was not an illusion. It seemed that the battle just now had caused more damage to him than imagined. Even the ghost swords that were wandering around him were much dimmed.

He didn't dare to fall asleep. He didn't know if he would be unable to wake up if he fell asleep in this place.

With a thought in his mind, a ghost sword flew in front of him. The smooth sword body was like a mirror, and Ai Hui could see himself clearly. I look weird now, my body is translucent, like a jellyfish. On the forehead, a black spot can be vaguely seen.

Ai Hui was startled.

When he looked closer, he saw a drop of black blood.

What's even more terrifying is that around the black blood, strands of black energy are like strange tentacles, eroding away bit by bit.

Damn evil thoughts!

Ai Hui opened his eyes wide, and his mind was buzzing like a thunderous explosion.

He tried various actions, but no matter what, the black blood droplets on his forehead remained motionless. And when his consciousness fell on a black air, a cold and evil breath of death rushed towards his face, as if he was staring into the abyss.

Ai Hui's heart couldn't help but sink.

Unexpectedly, before Chitong died, in addition to manipulating his body, he also left a hand in the evil thoughts of death. Sure enough, he is worthy of being an ancient demon god, but he is still too young compared to himself.

Well, it is not a shame to lose against the ancient demon god.

Ai Hui could only comfort himself in this way.

The corpse of the monster at his feet caught his attention, melting. Like an ice sculpture hit by the sun, the corpse turns into a puddle of colored liquid, like a naughty child pouring different paints onto the ground.

Before Ai Hui had time to figure out what was going on, the colored liquid seeped into the ground and disappeared.

After a while, a touch of tender green sprouted from the soil and began to grow at an alarming rate.

This is……

At this moment, a faint wisp of colorful mist floated from the buds, and Ai Hui's spirits were lifted. Inexplicably, Ai Hui felt indescribably comfortable, and his soul that was dissipating seemed to be a little less.

This is!

He immediately realized that he had encountered something good. The ghost swords that were flying around him swarmed around the sprouts, like a swarm of bees patrolling their territory. Whenever the breath of the green sprout escapes, the ghost swordsmen will dexterously surround it and inhale the sword body.

Soon, the ghost sword regained its luster and became cheerful.

Ai Hui knew that this thing was of great benefit to him, so he simply sat down.

The sprouts grew at an astonishing rate, and they grew into a small sapling in a short time. At this time, its dissipating breath becomes more intense, and faint colored mist is released from the leaves from time to time, like a rainbow.

Part of the colorful mist was inhaled by Ai Hui, and his body immediately solidified a lot. Ai Hui is certain that the colored mist is of great benefit to the soul and can strengthen the soul.

After a few days, the small tree has grown into a towering tree, with a trunk of more than 20 feet, majestic and majestic. The huge and elegant tree crown is like a mountain peak in mid-air. The lush and lush leaves are shining, and the rich colorful mist is lingering, which is really beautiful.

Ai Hui suddenly felt something familiar.

This tree looks like...where have you seen it?

He couldn't help but frown and looked at it carefully. The more he looked at it, the more familiar it seemed. Yes, he must have seen it, he became more and more sure.


This...isn't this my own message tree?

Ai Hui's eyes widened and he could hardly believe his own eyes. He walked around the towering tree in front of him a few times, becoming more and more sure that he was right.

The giant tree in front of me is exactly the same as my first-generation message tree, only taller, just like an enlarged version.

The first generation message tree...

After breaking away from the initial shock, Ai Hui felt a little confused and lost in thought.

The first generation message tree was discovered by Ai Hui in the old house where he worked while he was in Songjian City. It is said to be the place where a guy named Heng Bingfeng once lived. It was also there that Ai Hui met Lou Lan.

Thinking of Loulan, Ai Hui's expression softened a lot. Hey, I don't know how Loulan is doing now. She must be very worried about him.

At first, Ai Hui only thought it was an ordinary message tree, but later he realized that it was actually the first generation message tree.

What's even stranger is that he was able to receive messages from an old man named Prisoner. If the old prisoner hadn't warned in advance of the bloody disaster, it's hard to say whether Ai Hui would have escaped.

The old prisoner is very mysterious. Until now, Ai Hui still doesn't know his name or where he is being held. The old prisoner's contact with him was also intermittent. When leaving Songjian City, Ai Hui specially took the first-generation message tree with him.

However, with the fall of Huoliaoyuan and Huangshajiao, the circulation of energy within Five Elements Sky was interrupted, and the contact between Ai Hui and the old prisoner became even less.

Moreover, Ai Hui could feel that the consciousness of the old prisoner seemed to have become much blurred, and it could be seen from the messages he received that it had become very messy. Ai Hui guessed that the old prisoner was probably nearing the end of his life.

He once sent a message to the other party, hoping to find out where the old man was being held so that he could rescue him.

Unfortunately, he did not get a reply from the old man, and later his contact with the old man was also interrupted.

Seeing the "Message Tree" magnified many times in front of him, Ai Hui suddenly thought of the mysterious old man, the years in Songjian City, and his master and his wife. For a moment, he was in a daze.

Ai Hui was awakened by a rustling sound, and he became alert.

Something is approaching.

The pure state of soul is far more sensitive than the real state. There was no sound, no picture, and Ai Hui could detect even a hint of hostility.

He stood up, and the ghost sword sucking colorful mist around the giant tree flew to his side, getting ready for battle.

After a while, when Ai Hui saw it clearly, he couldn't help but gasped and his scalp felt numb.

A large number of monsters were slowly approaching him from different directions.

A giant dark green python was flying sand and rocks wherever it passed. Its body was several times thicker than the tree trunk in front of Ai Hui. On the head of the triangular python was a human face, and the eyes alone were bigger than Ai Hui's body. It grinned at Ai Hui, revealing a scarlet snake letter.

A group of blue jellyfish floating in the air emit blue fluorescence, like blue light bulbs. It looks like spiked tentacles, floating like water plants, but the azure light floating on them is like blue lightning wrapped around it. They make a whimpering sound, like a baby murmuring.

An elk has a light step, tick-tock-tock. The elk's head is not antlers, but a cluster of fresh branches, with delicate green leaves and pink flowers blooming among them, elegant and charming. Under the branches, there were two empty eye sockets, with black mist swirling inside. Its body doesn't have a trace of flesh and blood, but is filled with white bones.

Ai Hui felt like he was facing a formidable enemy.

He could feel the covetousness and greed of these strange creatures for the giant tree next to him.

The colorful mist of the giant tree is indeed extraordinary. In just one day, Ai Hui's somewhat scattered soul not only became as condensed as before, but also became stronger. Also benefiting a lot is the Ghost Sword, whose power has skyrocketed.

This also gave him some confidence.

Even though he was surrounded by these monsters, Ai Hui had no intention of giving up. In addition to the nourishment of the soul by the colorful mist, the giant tree and the message tree look exactly the same. Is there any connection?

In this weird world, there is no use in escaping.

All the monsters suddenly stopped at the same time.

Hey, Ai Hui was a little surprised. He found that these monsters seemed to have some concerns and fears. There was a thought in his mind. Was he afraid of himself? Or...are you afraid of this giant tree?

Ai Hui became even more alert. Is there any danger to this giant tree?

He tried to stay away from the giant tree, but the monsters were indifferent. Ai Hui immediately understood that they were afraid of this giant tree!

There must still be danger!

These monsters are the "natives" of this world, and they know this ghost place better than themselves.

Suddenly, a slight crackling sound came from behind, and Ai Hui's body froze.

He turned around and found that the giant tree behind him was filled with fruits at some unknown time.

Ai Hui gasped.

The fruit hanging all over the branches turned out to be a human head. Densely packed human brains came into view, and the impact it brought could be imagined. Even though Ai Hui crawled out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, his scalp was numb at this moment.

These people have different heads, some have white hair, some have black hair, but without exception, they have no face or facial features. But for some reason, Ai Hui could tell the difference between them at a glance. He could even tell whether they were male or female.

A chill rose from the bottom of his heart, and an inexplicable fear enveloped him.

At the same time, he felt the fear of the monsters behind him becoming stronger, and they all retreated in unison.

Without saying a word, Ai Hui immediately retreated, trying to distance himself from the giant tree.


The human heads hanging on the branches turned around in unison.

Faces with smooth features and no features were like apples with half cut off by a knife, facing Ai Hui. I don't know when a gust of wind blew, and hair of various colors fluttered.

Heads trembled in the wind.

As if he was laughing uncontrollably, or as if he was enduring great pain, ripples appeared on his smooth face.

Ai Hui's body stiffened, and he felt invisible pressure surge from all directions, tightly confining him. Countless sounds, murmurs, screams, cries, and laughter were like countless awls swarming into his head.

Ai Hui held his head in his hands and screamed.

At this moment, the heads hanging on the giant tree exploded at the same time with a bang.

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