Chapter 107 Nuclear Strike Detected Ahead!!

The third episode of Holy Grail War is very tightly paced.

This Servant battle is not over.

The audience is already too good to be true!

They love each character very much.

Whether it is the strength of Uncle B, Saber’s heroic posture, and the red A ultra-long-range shooting, everyone is amazed.

The movie-going experience was fantastic.

They all knelt down!

At this moment, Yang Mi, Di Li Reba, Liu Yifei and other actors who participated in the “Holy Grail War” all felt particularly honored!

They are glad that they can appear in this kind of drama, and their roles can leave such a deep impression on the audience.

Other actors or stars in the film and television industry and the entertainment industry also envy the actors in “Holy Grail War”.

They also want to participate in such a popular drama!

After all, such a drama, even if it is a supporting role in it, can make the audience remember it for a long time!

The excitement of the third episode continues.

Inside the cemetery.

Saber wanders flexibly, dodging Uncle B’s attacks.

In the cemetery with more obstacles, Uncle B’s huge size has become a weakness, unable to retract freely, and the speed of movement is also limited.

In this way, Saber continues to leave scars on his body.

After a round of fighting, the two men pulled apart again.

Saber raised his invisible sword, pointed it at Uncle B, and said majestically, “There is no will to exchange words, and there is no freedom to report your real name.” ”

“You and I can only fight with white blades and fight for our lives.”

“That’s why I answered with an all-out blow!”

“Come on!”

Saber held the sword in both hands, and the air around her converged on the long sword in her hand, “This is where you are buried, Berserker!! ”

The excitement of the battle has escalated again!

Saber’s figure flashed, disappeared in place, and rushed towards Uncle B.

Uncle B roared furiously, raised the machete in his hand, and slammed the ground in front of him!


The ground is as fragile as paper, it has been lifted up, and the rocks are scattered! Saber had blood on his face, but still charged desperately. She emerged from the smoke, and the sword carried the wind pressure “and poked Uncle B’s face door.”

Uncle B took a step back and grabbed the invisible sword body with his hand.

With his other hand, he raised his long knife and slashed at Saber!

Saber exploded with full force, drinking heavily, his golden hair flying wildly, and the sword in his hand lit up with golden light!

The invisible sword finally showed its true form! Sharp!

Pierced Uncle B’s upper body!

The wind pressure concentrated a little, then exploded, and Uncle B cracked on the spot! The sound of hurricanes is incredibly harsh.

The soundtrack of the bloody Pengbai, the special effects that are flying all over the sky, and the fierce burning funds shocked the audience to stunned!

“My King!!”

“Wind King Hammer!”

“So handsome, Saber!!!”

“Uncle B’s strong body has been pierced and exploded, cow!”

“Kneeling down, my dog was so excited that he wanted to jump downstairs and duel with someone else’s dog!”

“Aaaah, my Secondary Soul is burning, My Holy Sword!”

“Wait, my favorite Uncle B won’t just be gone…”

“Saber: I heard you can fight, you’re going to have a fart.”

Seeing that Uncle B has lost his life.

Wei Gong walked up, “Saber! ”

After Rin breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly heard Archer’s words, “Huh? Archer, far away… What’s going on? ”

The shot cuts to the top of the tallest building in the city.

Red A posed as a bow puller, raised a hand, and the palm of his hand gradually condensed into a spiral sword.


“But that’s not enough.”

The lens cuts back.

Saber was surprised to find that Uncle B’s body was recovering at an alarming rate.

“Self-regeneration?! No, this is close to a reversal of time, the curse of resurrection, the treasure that unleashed at the moment of death! ”

She hurriedly shouted, “Shiro, don’t come here!” ”

Wei Gong stopped his steps, the projected picture flashed by, and he suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Red A, sensing something, “That guy! ”

Red A’s exclusive handsome soundtrack sounds.

Above the tall buildings.

He used the spiral sword as a bow and arrow, pulling the bow like a full moon, and condensing the terror around him with a posture of imminent nuclear strike!

The center of the battlefield.

Wei Gong pulled Saber and ran into the distance.

The spiral sword came with the blue breath of destruction and earth, cutting through the night sky of the city!

Uncle B has just been resurrected, and the sky above his head has turned blue, bright as day!

A sword hits the bullseye! Boom.

The shocking image of a small nuclear explosion appeared in front of the audience.

With Uncle B as the center, everything around him is reduced to ruins.

In the distance, the mushroom cloud rises!

This arrow is much more powerful than the previous arrows.

All the audience was stunned again, and everyone who saw here couldn’t help but want to explode a foul mouth!

The fight scene filmed by Lin Nian once again refreshed their cognition.

What is a play? Shoot an arrow and shoot a nuclear explosion, just ask if you are convinced!

Anyway all the audience is completely conquered.

That’s so handsome!

“I rub!!”

“Nuclear explosion, intercontinental missiles?”

“Red A can be a little more handsome, nuclear explosion strike, my imagination is completely insufficient.”

“Are you an archer or an artilleryman?”

“I’m numb, the funds for “Holy Grail War” are really enough, is it not that all the money earned by “Chao Hua Xi Xiang” has been taken out and burned here!”

“Spiral sword, obedient!”

There were too many bullet screens, and some viewers who liked to watch videos with bullet screens on them hurriedly closed the bullet screens.

Otherwise, the phone will get stuck.

But then, what shocked the audience even more was the strength of Uncle B! He’s not dead yet!

Yes, even after suffering such a terrible arrow as a nuclear strike, Uncle B still resisted.

He was bathed in ruins and flames, just like no one else!

Through this battle, the audience once again has a new understanding of the power of Servant.

Rin sighed helplessly, “After being hit by the A-grade treasure, I was able to leave it unharmed…”

On the other side, the hilt of the spiral sword fell in front of Saber and the Guardian Palace, and then dissipated.

Saber asked, “Shiro, what is this?” ”

Wei Gong replied, “Archer’s arrow, I don’t know anything else.” ”

The audience perceives that Red A and Wei Palace seem to have some connection.

Because Wei Gong was actually able to realize that Red A was going to shoot this amazing arrow, and then fled with Saber.

That’s weird!

But they just guessed and didn’t come up with any conclusions.

Ilya’s soft voice rang out, “Hmm… It’s really impressive to you, Rin, pretty capable, your Archer. ”

“Well, come back, Berserker, who had planned to put an end to this boring thing quickly, but now the plans have changed slightly.”

Rin shouted disapprovingly, “What, do you want to escape?” ”

Ilia admitted, “Hmm… Yes, I changed my mind, although Saber is not needed, but I am a little interested in your Archer. ”

“So let you live a little longer.”

At the other end of the Flame Ruins, Ilia took Uncle B and drifted away, “Then bye bye, have time to play together, big brother.” ”

After listening to Ilya’s words, the audience wanted to vomit blood.

You call this playing?!

They are more and more fond of this white-haired Lolita.

The audience just wanted to vomit blood, and P Palace was followed by real Ye Ca.

He originally touched Saber’s small hand and did not want to let go, and looked at the audience with laughter, but the next second he vomited blood and fainted.

The third episode ends here.

One suspense remained.

Although today’s main film is over, the online discussion about the plot of “Holy Grail War” has just begun!

Today’s third episode of the battle has once again refreshed everyone’s cognition.

The strength of Uncle B, Red A and Saber successively showed was breathtaking.

This kind of script is only Lin Nian who dares to write and dare to shoot.

The follow-up plot is even more attractive to netizens who do not think about tea and dinner, and they want to see it! For example, who is that mysterious blonde man?

What exactly is the connection between Red A and Wei Palace?

Now that there are four Servants, what kind of servants will be left?

Before the positive film came out, they could only guess…

With the explosion of “Holy Grail War”, more and more people in the super dimensional assembly exhibition want to cosplay its role.

Take Saber and Rin, for example.

To this end, they urged the super dimensional official to quickly produce the fandom costume in “Holy Grail War”.

No matter what the price, they are willing to buy!

Chen Xiaoguo immediately made the major manufacturers step up their production, and the fandom items were also a very considerable income.

It allows them to replenish a lot of money…

The long-term project of “Naruto” has tightened the strings of employees throughout the company.

After all, it takes an episode a week, and there’s a lot of pre-work to prepare for the never-ending serial.

In terms of auditing alone, we must first communicate with the above.

Fortunately, the status of super-dimensional film and television is now transcendent in the domestic film and television circle, and the problem of review speed can be easily solved.

Lin began to let the actors try on makeup one after another, and the roles in Naruto were being fixed one by one.

It didn’t take long for them to start shooting officially.

This matter should have been something that their company should be worried about, but netizens have not finished watching “Holy Grail War”, and they have already urged it under the official account.

Shoot a new movie!

They want to see the new works of the super dimension after the Holy Grail War, without a vacuum!

Lin Nian cried and laughed.

This year’s netizens are eating in the bowl and watching the display in the pot to the fullest. Big.

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