Four Skills for All

Chapter 143 The Second Leader

One thing is very strange, the royal family, who is the strongest fighting force in the alliance, has not moved for a long time.

No one expected this. Logically speaking, the imperial family disliked hot weapons the least. At this time, as long as he made a move, Zhou Qiuwu couldn't do anything at all.

At this time, Yancheng put all its focus on Zhou Qiuwu, the culprit, and the large force of the law enforcement team was on the way to catch Zhou Qiuwu.

Zhou Qiuwu was still on the rooftop at this time, looking at his watch from time to time, as if waiting for something, full of confidence, but a little bored.

Finally, the law enforcement team came to the rooftop and found Zhou Qiuwu.

Zhou Qiuwu stood on the edge of the roof and said: "It's too slow, your efficiency is too slow, is there only the law enforcement team? Does the Yancheng Army need to be slower?"

The members of the law enforcement team did not speak, and approached Zhou Qiuwu step by step. It would not be too much to deal with such a dangerous person directly.

According to the investigation, Zhou Qiuwu had no flying skills, so the law enforcement team took the safest method and blocked all the way out.

Unless Zhou Qiuwu jumped off the tallest building in Yancheng, there was no possibility of escape.

Facing the desperate situation, Zhou Qiuwu took out his mobile phone to connect to the signal again, and said a word.

After Zhou Qiuwu finished speaking, he really jumped off the rooftop.

Members of the law enforcement team immediately went up to check.

Just as Zhou Qiuwu fell downwards, a huge figure passed by and caught him.

If you look closely, it's a magic eagle!

Those with flying skills in the law enforcement team immediately activated their skills to prepare for pursuit.

But he was shocked by what he saw next.

Magic Eagle!

Magic eagles filled the sky, countless magic eagles circled in the air, covering Zhou Qiuwu to leave.

When Zhou Qiuwu's figure disappeared, the magic eagles scattered.

One of the investigators of the law enforcement team yelled: "No, there is something on the magic eagle's feet, there is a big package!"

All the members of the law enforcement team present felt a chill in their hearts.

Oops, it must be a hot weapon!

As expected, the magic eagle flew all over Yancheng, and then disappeared, probably flying above the clouds.

In order to catch Zhou Qiuwu, the law enforcement team mobilized almost all personnel, and they were all on the rooftop at this time.

The headquarters sent a message, come down immediately, all personnel come down, don't waste time on the rooftop.

But when everyone was about to go downstairs, they found that all the elevators had broken down.

This is the tallest building in Yancheng, and it will take a lot of time to go downstairs without an elevator.

"Headquarters, the elevator is broken, please help."

The commander-in-chief cursed: "What kind of support are you asking for? There is still support. Climb the stairs for me, hurry up!"

The members of the law enforcement team were stunned. How long would it take to get down such a tall building?

Law enforcement headquarters.

The commander-in-chief collapsed on the chair helplessly, this move was too ruthless.

Zhou Qiuwu deliberately let the law enforcement team know his whereabouts, and led the large army to pass before cutting off his retreat.

Then use the magic eagle to escape, not only trapping the law enforcement team, but also proving Zhou Qiuwu's strength!

Mistake, the commander-in-chief knew that he had made a mistake, and was played around by others.

The whole process only takes half an hour, and in this half hour, everything is enough.

The commander-in-chief patted the table and said, "Where's the Yancheng Army? Where's the people from the Yancheng Army? Why haven't they shown up until now?"

"Report, I don't know, Yancheng Army's phone is completely disconnected now!"

"I don't know? What about the major forces?"

"I don't know, there is no action, I can't get in touch!"

The commander-in-chief is going crazy. In this situation, who else can save, who can come to rescue, no one can count on it.

At this critical moment, no one came to help.

Han Chengye walked out of the store excitedly, and saw a different world, as if everything was different.

I can finally end the boring and poor life before, thinking that I will be rich, and I can play casually, so I am happy.

"Hahaha, I, Han Chengye, am also a strong man, no one can bully me!"


"I Han..."

Han Chengye was hit and fell to the ground with his eyes still open.

All kinds of voices were mixed for a while, but all the voices were covered by the sound of hot weapons.

In the end, Han Chengye didn't know who did it.

Now there is a one-sided situation, not how powerful the thermal weapons are. Many people can fight if they use their skills, but many people are afraid and cannot fight with all their strength, which leads to a one-sided situation.

The reason for this is the video that is still playing until now.

The young man in white held a hot weapon and knocked down the people who laughed at him one by one. The scene was too shocking.

Most people have never seen thermal weapons and don't understand thermal weapons. Just looking at them this way will create the illusion that thermal weapons are very strong and there is no way to resist them.

In fact, it is Bai Fan who is really strong, not hot weapons. All of Bai Fan's skills are suitable for hot weapons.

The role of the video, in addition to its original purpose, is to deify the thermal weapon in a short period of time, so that such a situation can be created.

This is not done in a day or a month.

Zhou Qiuwu had premeditated a long time ago, and made arrangements in Yancheng for more than five months.

In the past, the phantom transported hot weapons to Yancheng, where did they go after transporting them?

No one thought about this problem, and Zhou Qiuwu and Xu Moxin conspired to hide them in the Moxin Building.

That's right, Xu Moxin belongs to Zhou Qiuwu, and the two of them on the rooftop just now were just performing a play.

But Xu Moxin didn't survive, Zhou Qiuwu didn't follow the plan and switched the screen at the moment of attacking Xu Moxin, but switched the screen after attacking Xu Moxin.

The reason for doing this was that Zhou Qiuwu wanted to make the whole thing look more real, and also, he couldn't leave Xu Moxin as an excuse. Once someone found out that Xu Moxin was still alive, Zhou Qiuwu's image would collapse instantly.

Zhou Qiuwu always strives for stability and wants to do everything right.

Then this month, various groups headed by Ma Yongci delivered a lot of supplies in Shuncheng, including some magic eagles.

Coupled with Bai Fan's video and all kinds of technical support, this laid the foundation for this incident.

The original plan was to wait until Zhou Qiuwu was on the famous side of Yanda before doing it. By then, more people would know him, and the effect would be better.

Moxiu was to blame for all of this, not only defeated Zhou Qiuwu, stabilized Zhou Qiuwu's reputation, but also punctured the key to the whole plan, the magic eagle.

Zhou Qiuwu knew that he couldn't wait any longer, and that if he delayed it, he might lose everything, so he launched the plan with a thunderbolt.

Sitting on the magic eagle, Zhou Qiuwu looked at the masterpiece he was satisfied with on the ground, and said to himself: "Moxiu, where are you? Just come to me!"


The second leader is Zhou Qiuwu. If Bai Fan is the spiritual leader, Zhou Qiuwu is the real leader, the leader who announces the start of the game. National Four Skills

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