Four Skills for All

Chapter 484 Three battlefields, each different

One month! A month has passed.

During this period, both the central, southern and northern regions, as well as the southeastern and northern regions of the beast, were all preparing intensely for war, with the exception of one place, which was the Western Region.

The beast in the Western Region is the starting gun of the war. If he does not move for a day, the beasts in other regions can only wait, and humans will have one more day to prepare.

Fox 1 is in the city.

Yuan asked anxiously: "What should we do now? The beasts from other domains have been urging us, asking why we haven't started a war yet. There is no news from Tang Wanhua. We still don't know whether Supreme is true or not. There are uncertain factors now. There are too many to start a war.”

Hu smiled and said: "Ape, you have changed. Originally you wanted to try the layout, but at heart you are impulsive. If you can fight, you will never delay. Now you know that you have to consider so many things."

"Does this mean you are foolhardy? Don't forget that our apes are the most intelligent beasts."

Hu glanced at him with unnoticeable disdain.

The ape said again: "Are we continuing to wait now? Then humans have long and sufficient preparation time, which will be detrimental to us launching a war."

Hu said disdainfully: "I always believe that human beings are not the most powerful opponent. Supreme matters are not certain and we cannot act rashly. If we are the ones who initiate the war, Supreme will not let us go if he is alive. We can... ····”

Beasts of the East.

The last time Old Snake went to see the Sky-devouring Beast, he ran into a wall. As he had guessed, the Sky-devouring Beast didn't show any kindness, but he didn't expect to reject it so happily.

Judging from the appearance of the Sky-Eating Beast, it is very interested in human civilization. This is not good news. If the Sky-Eating Beast sides with humans, the balance of victory may change.

Fortunately, a month has passed, and there has been no movement in the Western Region. The people sent to communicate brought back the news.

The two guys, Fox and Ape, said that their control over intelligence is relatively weak now and they cannot grasp the real situation, so they let each domain act according to their own circumstances.

Others don’t know, but Old Snake knows best.

The two races in the Western Region are the most intelligent races among the beasts, and the arrangements for spies have been carried out a hundred years ago.

It was impossible to suddenly lose control of the intelligence in the central region. It was probably something else that happened that caused the Western Region, which had always been actively preparing for war, to slow down this month.

Once a war begins, the Eastern Region and the Western Region need to cooperate, and their opponents will be the Central Region.

The current situation of the Snake Clan is that the Cat Clan in the Eastern Region does not want to participate in the war, and those two guys in the Western Region have no idea what their plans are.

The old snake has lived for so long, how can he not understand anything, let alone such a simple thing.

As the region with the strongest intelligence, the Western Region has no problem firing the first shot. If the Snake Clan comes forward at this time, it will not only attract the attention of humans, but the beasts in other regions may also be dissatisfied.

So the old snake issued an order: The Western Region should not move, but the Eastern Region would not understand and join the war! But deal with it conservatively.


Beast Southland.

The two races in the Southern Territory are the Phoenix tribe and the Xiang tribe. They are the two most complementary races. The elephant is the strong one on land, and the phoenix is ​​the absolute overlord in the sky.

Therefore, the relationship between the two clans is very good, and the two beast kings often discuss things together.

The Elephant King said: "Feng King, something is a little strange this time!"

King Feng nodded in agreement and said: "Indeed, it is the Western Regions that tear up the treaty and launch an attack on mankind. They say that the top power of mankind is withering and it is a good time for war. However, it has been almost half a year now, and there is nothing in the Western Regions." movement."

King Xiang handed a letter to King Feng and said: "The Western Region is immobile, but let us act according to the opportunity."

King Feng thought for a while and said: "Those two guys in the Western Region are too shady. I can't completely believe what they say. However, we correspond to the southern part of the Human Alliance, which is relatively weak. We can test the meaning of human beings."

The two kings hit it off immediately!


Beasts of the North.

The two races in the north are bears and turtles, and they don't have a good relationship.

In the peaceful era of mankind, the two races have been at constant disputes. Even when word came from the Western Region that they were going to start a war with mankind, the two races did not stop fighting.

This may be the best news for the Northern Alliance, the two enemies are at odds.

But there is also bad news. The two races in the north, the bear and the turtle, are very strong and have bad tempers.

Both have great strength and refuse to give in to each other, which is why the two tribes have been at war for many years.

The news of the war against humans is also of some use. The war between the Bear Clan and the Turtle Clan has calmed down a bit. However, there has been no news from the Western Region in the past month, and the fight between the two tribes has begun to intensify again.

The beast kings of both sides are also very distressed. They understand the seriousness and sequence of the matter. It is impossible to resolve the conflict between the two tribes, but the top priority is to deal with the humans first, and then the two tribes can fight as they want.

If the Western Region doesn't take action now, the two races are consuming themselves. If it drags on any longer, the two races will uncontrollably enter the stage of decisive battle, and then humans will have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

News came from the Western Region, and the two beast kings from the Northern Region reached a consensus for the first time. Since we are allowed to act according to the situation, let's attack humans first.


In this way, the pattern of the three main battlefields was set, and the Beast Northern Territory launched a full-scale attack on the northern part of the Human Alliance.

Chaos reigns in the north, and the Holy City resists the beast's attack with all its strength.

Feng and Xiang in the Southern Territory adopted a compromise and tentative approach. They did not attack in an all-out manner, but they did not sit idle either. They always sent small teams to wander around the border, and occasionally there were frictions and small-scale battles.

To this end, the south is on the highest alert and mobilizes all its forces to the border to prepare for a full-scale attack by the beast.

But since then, the beast seems to have calmed down a lot, and there are still occasional small-scale trials, but it has not launched a general attack.

The strangest thing is the middle part.

The center is the strongest and faces the most powerful enemies. There are four races and four beast kings in total.

After receiving news from the south and north, the central government was on alert and prepared to fight.

But neither the foxes and apes in the Western Region nor the snakes and cats in the Eastern Region made any movement.

Just like what happens in the south and north has nothing to do with them.

The most worried person at this time was Xi Bei. The expected scene of the beasts all-out attacking together did not appear, and the situations on the three main battlefields were different.

The central area is the central area. At this time, some support should be provided to the south and north. However, once the support is sent out, the beasts suddenly attack the east and west regions, and the power in the central area is empty.

If people are not sent to support, the pressure from the south and north will be great.

Especially in the north, it faces a full-scale attack by the Bear Clan and the Turtle Clan, which is a real war.

The central part of the country cannot survive alone. Once the north falls, the central part of the country will be attacked from two sides to three.

Just when Xi Bei didn't know what to do, Mo Xiu came out!

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