Fox of France

Chapter 278 , Negotiation (1)

Although the "Constitution" suffered two rounds of shelling during the battle, the sails were not damaged, and the sailing ability was not greatly affected. The two boats continued to sail towards Santo Domingo, and at about ten o'clock the next morning, a huge island gradually floated out from below the sea level.

"Mr. Treville, that's Santo Domingo, we're here." Captain Zola pointed to the island and said to Victor.

This was the first time in Victor's life that he had been on a boat for such a long time. Looking at the island from a distance, a feeling of joy suddenly rose up, and the corners of Victor's mouth could not help but curl up.

"You miss the land, don't you?" Captain Zola noticed this situation and asked with a smile.

"Yes. I didn't notice it before, but as soon as I saw the island, I immediately felt that my legs were so eager to stand in a place that wouldn't shake." Victor also replied with a smile .

"In fact, everyone is the same. Whether it is a passenger or a sailor, after a long voyage, they all long to have their feet on the ground that will not shake. Everyone is the same. The only difference is that, like us Sailors, every time we go ashore, within two months, we will start to miss the blue sea and the rickety deck."

"Haha, that's how humans are." Victor also laughed.

Although the island can already be seen, the distance is still far away. It was not until about three o'clock in the afternoon that the "Free Trade" and the captured "Constitution" arrived outside Port-au-Prince, the largest port in Santo Domingo. .

Port-au-Prince is the largest port of Santo Domingo, as well as the largest city and political center. Most of the cane sugar, coffee and other products produced in Santo Domingo are shipped from here, and then shipped to Europe. So it's a very busy port.

The appearance of "Free Trade" and "Constitution" caused a commotion. After all, it is rare to see such a large ship in this area.

The "Free Trade" anchored near the channel outside the port and waited. After nearly an hour, a small boat with a French flag approached.

The sloop stopped not far from the "Free Trade", a small sampan was lowered, and two black men rowed the small sampan to send a black man in uniform over.

The "Free Trade" lowered the rope ladder, and the black man in uniform climbed up the rope ladder.

"I am Jacques, the pilot of the Port Authority of Port-au-Prince. What is the purpose of your visit? Do you want to enter the port? You may have to wait a while, we don't have enough berths for you at the moment." The black pilot asked .

"Hello, I'm the captain of this warship," Zola replied, "We came from France to escort the special envoy of the First Consulate to meet with Governor Dusan Louverture. If there is not enough space on the ship, we can temporarily Not into port. But..."

Having said that, he turned his head and proudly pointed his finger at the "Constitution" behind him: "On our way to Port-au-Prince, we were attacked by this American warship. We defeated them and captured this ship. .The ship suffered some damage during the battle and may need to come in for emergency repairs. So, if possible, I hope you can prepare a berth for this ship as soon as possible.”

Unfortunately, the black sailor didn't seem to understand the words implying a demonstration. He just said "Oh" and said, "We will arrange it as soon as possible."

"Also, the special envoy of the First Consulate is here. You can go and inform the people in the port department and the governor's office." Zola added.

The black man said goodbye and left. When it was getting dark, he came back again and informed Captain Zola that a berth had been vacated at the port for the "Constitution" captured by them. Go to the Governor's Palace.

So Victor followed the black man into their boat and entered Port-au-Prince first.

Port-au-Prince is a free-growing city. Its core is the port, and then it expands outward layer by layer with the port terminal as the center, extending from the seaside to the nearby hillside. Because there was neither planning nor rules during the construction, it was completely free and free, so the roads in the city were narrow and winding, and in many places, even two carriages could not pass by.

On both sides of the road are simple and crowded shacks. Most of these shacks were rebuilt after the 1794 earthquake. The whole port area is dirty and chaotic.

But the area on the hillside is different. It is a wealthy area, where people like manor owners live. The roads are relatively wide, and the houses are mainly luxurious garden villas.

The governor's mansion in Santo Domingo is naturally also in this area, but the people who lived in the governor's mansion before were all white, but now they are replaced by a black man.

After Victor disembarked, he got into a carriage, surrounded by a group of black soldiers, and turned around along the narrow streets. By the time he arrived at the Governor's Mansion, it was completely dark.

When Victor entered the governor's mansion, a black officer greeted him. He first introduced himself as the governor's adjutant, and then asked about Victor's identity and whether he had eaten dinner.

Victor showed him the letter of authorization from the First Consul and told him that he hadn't eaten yet.

"The governor asked me to take you to dinner first, and then the governor will meet you in the reception hall." The adjutant said.

Then he took Victor to a nearby restaurant for dinner. After Victor finished eating, he took Victor to the reception room, where the only black governor in France was already waiting for him at this time.

It can be said that there is no one in France who does not know that Governor Toussaint Louverture wants to split and fight for independence. But at this time, when dealing with Napoleon's special envoy, he still behaved very politely.

Governor Dusan Louvertur first chatted casually with Victor about his itinerary along the way, and then asked, "Did your Excellency the First Regent send you here to give me any instructions?"

Victor, on the other hand, was more direct. Victor replied bluntly: "Your Excellency, the First Consul did not intend to give you any instructions, he just sent me to have some good-faith discussions with you on Santo Domingo's present and future. With all due respect, It is no secret that Mr. Governor has always sought to make Santo Domingo an independent country."

"So, what's your opinion on this?" Since Napoleon's special envoy was so straightforward, Dusan Louverture no longer concealed it, but asked directly.

"The First Consul believes that you may not have considered clearly what may happen after independence. In other words, you may not have considered enough difficulties in the future." Victor said.

"You mean, the French army?" Toussaint Louverture said bluntly, "I have heard of the great prestige of the First Consul on the European battlefield, but we are not afraid to sacrifice for freedom. Although we may There will be some difficulties, but if you want to conquer us with the army, then you can come and try."

"No, no, Mr. Governor, you may have misunderstood us." Victor said, "Mr. Governor, back then, when the revolution against the tyrant occurred in France, Mr. Governor, you also launched an uprising in Santo Domingo. .In the early days of the uprising, you allyed with the Spaniards and the British against the French. But soon, you parted ways with them, and later you even cooperated with us against the Spaniards and the French. Why? "

Dusan Louverture glanced at Victor, but didn't say anything.

"Because Mr. Governor, what you want to pursue is the freedom and emancipation of black people, and the elimination of slavery. But whether it is the Spaniards or the British, they are all supporters and beneficiaries of the barbaric slavery. They can support it against France. You, but you will not allow you to truly overthrow slavery. Even, they fundamentally do not want to see an independent black country that abolished slavery in the Caribbean. Because once such a situation occurs, then It may cause a chain reaction in their territories, especially in their territories where slavery is also used. This is why you are against the British and Spaniards.

And our France is a completely different country from Britain and Spain. I heard that you are a profound person. You have read Rousseau, Montesquieu and other great works of French sages, and you have a certain understanding of their thoughts. "

"Yes, I have read their books, it is they who inspired me." Toussaint Louverture replied.

"Then you should also know that the French Republic today is different from the French Kingdom that oppressed you in the past. In fact, after the news of your uprising spread to Paris, the revolutionary government immediately responded. Announced the abolition Slavery and full citizenship rights for blacks.

Mr. Governor, it is precisely for this reason that you choose to cooperate with us to fight against those countries that still insist on the evil slavery. Victor continued, "Mr. Governor, after the last war, the French Republic kept its promise and abolished slavery, and the black people in Santo Domingo did obtain full citizenship rights, including the right to vote and be elected— —Mr. Governor You were elected Governor of Santo Domingo.

Mr. Governor, look around you. Is there any country whose governor is elected? Is there any country whose territorial governor is black? In all America, besides Santo Domingo, have any Negroes had full citizenship rights? Mr. Governor, the French Republic has been fulfilling its commitments, because this is not an expedient measure, but the foundation of the French Republic - the requirements of the "Declaration of Human Rights". That being the case, I don't understand, Mr. Governor, why are you so obsessed with making Santo Domingo independent? "

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