Fox of France

Chapter 401 , Siege

Although the mines didn't work, the pirates' practice of setting a fire on their own still played a considerable role. So now the French have made it clear that don't count on incendiary bombs or anything. Now they can only use solid shells to support the Turks' landing operations.

So the Turks could only attack by themselves. So the Turks went up with confidence, and they quickly retreated under the pirate's artillery fire and rifle volley. Then, Tayyip Pasha came to the French warship again to seek tactical guidance.

"It is difficult to break through the enemy's defenses from the front and land directly at the port. We can choose to land first in other relatively flat places, and build a temporary dock, and then send people and weapons up to fight from land. said Admiral Treville.

"This way people can go up, but the cannons can't go ashore. Without cannons, even if there are many people aboard, it is useless." Tayip Pasha said.

"The most important thing for those who go up is not to destroy the enemy's defenses from the land. It is to attack the enemy's unprotected high-value targets." Admiral Treville said, "The strength of pirates is limited. They concentrate their strength Guarding the direction of the port, the remaining people may not be enough to stand on the city wall. However, is there anything really valuable in Tunisia?

You see, Pasha, they set fire to the entire port area by themselves, and even a lot of houses in the wealthy area over there lost their roofs. This is apparently for fire protection. But what about the people who lived in these places, will they still live in houses without roofs? Especially the rich ones who will continue to live in houses without roofs? "

"General, what do you mean? Many of their rich people and valuable things have been transferred to manors outside the city? We only need to attack those manors to greatly shake their defenses?"

"Yes, honorable Pasha. But the enemy has already prepared, and their manors may not be easy to fight without cannons. Therefore, our French marines are also willing to help you in such operations." Admiral Treville replied.

Tayyip Pasha understood that there was no other reason for the French to be so active, but to hope to get a share of the robbery. Last time in Tripoli, almost all of these "benefits" fell into the hands of the Turks. It is said that this has caused dissatisfaction among many French soldiers. In the attack just now, the artillery support from the French was always slow and inaccurate, and even hit the Turks on the head. The level was so bad that it was close to the Turks. No one knows whether there are problems caused by uneven distribution of spoils.

In short, the French asked this time that everyone should do the robbery together.

Tayyip Pasha wanted to reject the French, but he was worried that the French would continue to be in poor condition in the subsequent fire support. So in the end the two sides reached an agreement that France sent marines to land with the Turks to fight together, but in the follow-up operations, both sides can fight independently. That is to say, each robs each other, so as to avoid conflicts or even conflicts between the two parties for some reasons.

So a group of Turks and Frenchmen began to land on the beach near the port.

These actions can't be hidden from the Barbary pirates, but they can't get so many people to prevent the Turks from landing for the time being. Can only continue to guard in the city.

Tunisia is one of the few fertile places in North Africa. The climate here is very suitable for the growth of olives. Therefore, since the time of Carthage, it has been an important olive oil production area, especially in the suburbs of the city. There are large tracts of olive plantations. There are tens of thousands of olive trees there, especially in recent decades, after the pirate business has become less and less good, planting olives has become an important source of income for Tunisia's Al-Hadi Pasha. And he himself, as well as his officials and generals also have many plantations on the outskirts of the city.

After discovering the landing of the Turkish army and the French army, Ahdi Pasha was very worried at first that these enemy forces would cooperate with the enemy forces at sea and launch a fierce attack on the city. So he quickly mobilized the army and went up to the city wall to prepare for defense.

"Hussein, do you think we can stop the enemy?" Ahdi Pasha asked the commander Hussein who was standing beside him.

"Pasha, they landed from those positions and cannot carry cannons. Without cannons, it would be difficult for them to pose a threat to the city walls. With the protection of the city walls, and we also have new rifles in our hands, we can defend the city."

This answer reassured Ahdi Pasha a lot. He patted Hussein on the shoulder and said, "My brother, I will entrust all the defense of the city wall to you."

Hussein immediately knelt down on one knee and said to Ahdi Pasha: "I will use my life to protect this city wall and never let the enemy cross our city wall."

However, the Turks did not attack the city wall. Only a group of a hundred Turkish cavalry came near the city wall and stopped outside the range of the cannons on the city wall, as if they were monitoring the army in the city. Then there was no movement for a long time. It was not until the evening when the sun was about to set that the cavalry team turned around and left.

During this period of time, Hussein once wanted to send an army to take the initiative to drive out the cavalry, but Ahdi Pasha was worried that there was a French conspiracy, so he resolutely rejected Hussein's suggestion to take the initiative to attack.

During the whole day, the Turks sent more than 3,000 people ashore. As for the French, about a company went up too. However, after these people landed on land, they did not rush towards their target immediately. Instead, under the guidance of the French instructors, they built camps and fortifications on the spot to prevent possible attacks by pirates. But the pirates did not launch a counterattack that night. In addition, on this day, the Turkish cavalry has also conducted a preliminary reconnaissance of the vicinity, and found a total of more than 30 plantations in the vicinity. So the French and the Turks held a meeting on how to allocate these targets.

After rejecting proposals such as using rock-paper-scissors, or other gambling methods to allocate targets (mainly because the French feel that the Turks are gamblers, and the gambling products are not good, they like cheating. The Turks are on this issue , have similar views on the French), everyone finally chose to use lottery to allocate targets. Because this way is relatively fairer.

It was just dawn the next day, and the Turkish cavalry team returned to the place where they stayed yesterday, and continued to monitor the movements of the defenders in the city. The other troops rushed to their targets respectively.

Captain Philip is the company commander of the Marine Corps. In the lottery last night, he caught a manor called Mahdi. Of course, they didn't know this name until later. At this time, they just called it Manor No. 5 according to the markings on the map.

Early this morning, Captain Philip led his company to Manor No. 5.

According to the information provided by the Turkish cavalry last night, the No. 5 manor is not small, and there is a high wall outside the manor, so the guarding force should be good. But this also shows that there should be a lot of good things in this manor. Thinking about the good things here, the morale of the entire company, including Captain Philip, was high.

Although these seizures cannot all belong to them. The French army is a disciplined army, even if it is robbery, there are rules. All seizures must be handed over to the state first, and then distributed uniformly by the state. Otherwise, maybe one day, the enemy army will retreat and the French army will pursue them. Then the enemy army will throw all kinds of valuables all over the ground, and then the French soldiers will go to grab the things. The army played the GG thing.

Therefore, all robbed things need to be recorded and registered in theory, and then handed over to the state. Of course, things are not done in vain and will not be done in vain. The country will award them military medals and provide them with a lot of help after demobilization and retirement.

After marching for about an hour, Philip and his company arrived near Manor No. 5.

"This is Manor No. 5? This is a miniature version of the Bastille! It just has more windows and is bigger." After seeing the walls of Manor No. 5, Philip expressed such emotion.

This is actually quite a normal thing in North Africa. The security situation in North Africa is not comparable to that of France. Even in the kingdom period, before the revolution, there were no large-scale bandit gangs capable of robbing houses in France. But in North Africa, horse bandits are everywhere.

Back then, the European continent was once full of castles of nobles. That's because at that time, the European continent was also in chaos, and the nobles and lords were having a great time robbing each other. So at that time, noble lords had to live in castles that were easy to defend.

A building like a castle is basically a mess in terms of livability. In order to meet the needs of defense, the castle cannot have too many large windows, so both lighting and ventilation are poor. Living in it is naturally very uncomfortable.

Therefore, once the social order in Europe began to improve, the nobles abandoned their castles one after another and moved into comfortable but defenseless manors. Looking at the manor now, Philip concluded that "their social form is in the early stages of transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Only at this time did such a combination of defense and accommodation appear on the European continent." There are certain improved buildings."

The manor, like the Bastille, is surrounded by towering walls. This kind of wall, because after being bombarded, it is easy to collapse in pieces, so it was outdated a hundred or two hundred years ago. Nowadays, no one's fortress will have such a tall vertical wall anymore, but Used in North Africa to guard against those horse bandits, it is surprisingly easy to use. Because the most important thing for those horse bandits is to be able to come and go like the wind. So they can't equip cannons at all. And if there is no cannon, the towering and vertical becomes a huge advantage.

Philip didn't launch an attack immediately. He just asked some soldiers to block the gate of the manor first and monitor the movement inside. At the same time, he asked a Turk to shout to the people inside, asking them to stop resisting immediately and submit to the king's division. Moreover, the Turk assured the people inside that their legal personal and property rights would be protected. Of course, what is legal and what is illegal depends on the specific situation.

Obviously, the people in the manor didn't believe the Turk's words, or in other words, they had identified the big pit in the Turk's words. So, they responded in a very direct way: Boom!

The shot missed the Turk, who rolled and hid behind a big tree. In fact, he had already simulated this action many times in his mind when shouting.

Relying on the cover of the big tree, the Turk escaped back smoothly. As soon as he saw Philip, he complained in his unproficient French: "I have known for a long time that those guys here are determined to be rebellious. There is no need to ask. If they are not rebellious, why? Why don't you open the door yourself to welcome Master Wang?"

"This is our rule, and this kind of ceremony is indispensable." Philip explained.

After all, the French are civilized people and must abide by the rules of civilization. Even if these laws seem silly, they are very useful politically.

"We have to give them a chance. We are civilized people, and we don't kill innocent people indiscriminately. But now, things are very clear. The owner of this manor is undoubtedly a traitor. Now they have fired the first shot, and the following is It's our turn." As Captain Philip said, he began to assign combat tasks to his soldiers.

Like the horse bandits that are common in North Africa, the French do not have cannons, and it seems that they have no good way to deal with this wall. In the case of cross-shooting, the defender hides behind the window, with only one head exposed. It is quite difficult to hit such a target. As for the attacking French, although they can also use the terrain to cover them, they are still incomparable with that side. So if they shoot at each other, the French must suffer a lot.

But now that such a vertical high wall is to be demolished, artillery is no longer the only way to use it. For example, explosive kits are a relatively cheap and easy-to-use method.

It just takes someone risking enemy fire to get the dynamite pack under the wall. This is very dangerous, there may be casualties. However, the French army also has a whole set of modes of using various fire support to send explosive packages up. This model has been practiced many times in exercises, but it is the first time to actually use it.

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