Fox of France

Chapter 488 , Retreat (2)

The British have actually formulated a retreat plan long ago, and have begun to implement this plan. The British civilians were the first to retreat. Of course, most of the so-called British civilians in Dublin were rich. Many of them carried a small box with Irish title deeds when they boarded and left. Many years later, there are always people in the UK who come out with these land deeds and ask the Irish government to respect private property. It was as if in another time and space, some Yankees were asking the Republic for money with the IOU that President Yuan Da had borrowed back then.

After these wealthy British civilians boarded the ship and left, there were important materials and various machinery. Yes, the British still had a little industry in Dublin, such as flour mills and the like. Today, any piece of machinery is precious to Britain. So the machines in these factories were dismantled and loaded onto ships.

In addition, there are railway locomotives and rails. Although these things can also be used to strengthen the defense of Dublin, considering that they can also be used to strengthen the defense of the British mainland, these things have also been moved. Boat. As for the defense of Dublin, well, didn't we leave the sleepers behind?

After all these things have been removed, the real most technical test will come, and that is to withdraw the combatants.

In the case of facing the enemy's attack, it is very difficult to withdraw the combatants. Because every time you withdraw a troop, the defense of its original location will be weakened, and then taking out the place may become a weak point, and then under the pressure of the enemy army, it will become the starting point of the collapse.

Therefore, when withdrawing the authentic British army from any point and replacing it with the so-called "security forces" troops, we must be extremely careful, and we must ensure that this point is abandoned so as not to lead to a comprehensive defense of the entire defense. collapse. The weakening and even disappearing of defenses is inevitable, but it is better for them to disappear as if they were dissolved, rather than collapsed like crushed.

This is very important at this time in order for those members of the security forces to have a certain combat effectiveness. The British began to draw the final pie for these security forces. They told these hard-core sex rapes, well, at this time, those who are still serving the British and have not defected there to atone for their crimes are basically "hard-core love rapes". They don't really have that kind of Stockholm syndrome, that kind of love for Britain, and more, it's because the Irish people on the opposite side don't want them.

In the past few days, they committed a large number of crimes, and these crimes made them unable to turn back. If at this time, the Irish Independence Army is really willing to give them a chance to "be a man again", then they will really sell the British without hesitation. But the Irish felt that it would be unfair to let them go, after all they had done. And the reason why the Irish people want to shed their heads and shed blood for the revolution, isn't it for those three things? In the words of President Russell:

"What is our revolution for? The first is fairness, the second is fairness, and the third is fairness! If we just let those guys go like this, we will destroy fairness ourselves. So, what's the point of our revolution Why do our people still follow us even at the expense of bloodshed!"

Therefore, there is indeed no turning back for those "hardcore love rapes".

The British told them that as long as they continued to maintain their loyalty to the British Empire, the British Empire could take them with them when they retreated.

Those "hardcore adulterers" actually don't particularly believe what the British say, but they have no other way, not to mention that the Irish are unwilling to let them go, even if the Irish say that they don't blame them, they may not dare to believe it. Too many bad things are just that.

Therefore, apart from trusting the British, they actually have no other way. They even had to find a way to help the British deceive those "rape soldiers" under their command.

Generally speaking, when dealing with "love rape", Irish people always tend to catch the big and let go of the small. That is to say, severely punish those big traitors with blood debts, and give the way to those "little traitors" who are soldiers with the attitude of curing diseases and saving lives.

Therefore, the soldiers of these "security forces" are likely to adopt such a strategy when facing the independent army rushing over:

When the Independence Army was still far away, raise the muzzle of the gun by one centimeter; and when the Independence Army rushed up, they directly raised their hands and surrendered.

If this is the case, the retreat of the British will become very difficult.

But for this, the British have a solution. First of all, the first way is to spread rumors.

Everything that is forewarned will be established or not, and the same is true for rumors. The British are also quite worth learning in this regard. As early as the previous stage of stalemate, the British had already adopted the method of "comprehensive rumors" in order to prevent the "security forces" from stepping on two boats.

The so-called "comprehensive rumor fabrication" refers to the use of various methods such as framing to "spread rumors". For example, pretending to be a "security force" and going to the base area to fight Sanguang, and then pretending to be an "independence army" to kill a certain security force.

Nowadays, such means are naturally indispensable. The British showed the soldiers of the "Security Army" photos of the "Independence Army" shooting the "Security Army" soldiers in rows and rows, and told them that the "Independence Army" hated them deeply and would never let them go.

However, spreading rumors has been effective since ancient times, but it has a limit, and the limit is not high. And the Irish people on the opposite side are not Tie Hanhan who don't know anything, they will also refute the rumors.

Although according to the second law of thermodynamics, rumors aimed at creating chaos and increasing disorder naturally have an advantage in spreading rumors over rumors aimed at improving order. Therefore, later generations have the saying that they open their mouths to spread rumors and run away to refute them.

But if a person, or a force, persists in spreading rumors, and even bases his own stability and development on rumors. That changed. In this case, their rumor-making actions are no longer aimed at creating chaos and disorder, but instead they are trying to create order that meets their needs by spreading rumors. At this time, the great second law of thermodynamics stood in opposition to them. Their actions must be very inefficient.

Just like in the Chitu Kingdom of later generations, in the past, some people and some foreign media could make the government of the Chitu Kingdom very passive as long as they spread rumors. The effect is getting worse and worse. Not only in the Chitu country, there was a saying that "one should not be too CNN", even in their own country, Comrade Jianguo also gave them a very suitable name: "Fake News".

Today, the British are also facing such a problem.

The Irishman on the opposite side set up a loudspeaker and spread propaganda to the soldiers of the "Security Army" on the opposite side, telling them that as long as they put down their weapons, they are still legal citizens of Ireland; if they can return with a gun, they are considered to be participating in the revolution. There is no distinction between sooner or later in the revolution, and it is of course good to join the revolution early, but now that you have woken up and are willing to join the revolution, everyone welcomes it. If you can seize the last opportunity and make contributions to the revolution, then you are also a hero of the revolution.

In addition to yelling with loudspeakers, they also used mortars and grenades to shoot leaflets onto the positions of the "Security Army", calling on the soldiers of the "Security Army" to seize the last chance and become heroes of the revolution .

As for how to become a "revolutionary hero", the Irish told the soldiers of the "security army" bluntly on the loudspeakers and leaflets: "Catch alive, kill unrepentant traitors alive, destroy important facilities of the invaders, Spying on important information, these are the ways to become heroes of the revolution."

In order to prove the reliability of the propaganda, they also asked those guys who had surrendered before to shout this way in the loudspeaker every day:

"Brothers of the Security Army, I am Roy, the captain of the seventh squadron of the 12th Battalion. Many brothers know me and recognize me. Brothers, let me tell you, people from the Independent Army, Those are all good men who keep their word. We have dealt with the Independent Army for so many years. When did the Independent Army stop talking?

As you all know, last month, I was with a few brothers. Taking the head of the "hardcore love rape" Olikai, we went to the liberation. Now, all of us have become liberation fighters, and we have divided the fields in our hometown, and I have become an officer. Brothers, the Independence Army keeps its word, but it is benevolent. Come here, everyone..."

The credibility of this propaganda is unquestionable. The fact that Oli Kai, the captain of the 12th Battalion, lost his head last month was quite a sensation, and no one in the Security Force did not know about it.

Ever since there was this propaganda, um, Captain Jarvis now sees anyone who is not British, and he feels like he wants to shoot himself, then cut off his head and run to the opposite side to claim credit of. It should be said that Captain O'Kelly is Captain Jarvis's deadly enemy, and the two of them once had to use their guns to collect protection money. Just over a month ago, Captain Jarvis said unceremoniously to Captain Olikai: "Don't think that the Independence Army has given you the title of 'hardcore adulterer', so you can shake your head." Yes. Compared with Lao Tzu, are you a root hair? You are not even a hair! You also deserve to be called a "hardcore love rape"? Do you deserve it? You deserve a ****! Lao Tzu is the real "hardcore love rape"! "

Captain Olikai is the deadly enemy of Captain Jarvis. As long as Captain Olikai is unlucky, Captain Jarvis will be very happy. But this time after Captain Olikai's head was stolen, Captain Jarvis was not happy at all, and even felt a kind of desolation of "the death of the rabbit and the sadness of the fox".

Because he is worried about encountering a pickpocket who specializes in stealing heads, Captain Jarvis now sleeps with one eye open. In the past, Captain Jarvis never dared to put the revolver beside him when he was sleeping, for fear of going off and killing himself. But now, when Captain Jarvis sleeps, he puts a loaded revolver under the pillow, and puts a revolver with the first empty shot under the bed.

However, the British tried their best to spread rumors, which was more or less effective. In addition, the British dismantled the so-called "security forces" and added a certain amount of surveillance by the British army, which was barely usable.

Apart from this set, it is just a temptation. The British said that all "security forces" can be withdrawn to the British mainland because they are all "qualified British."

Of course, few people would believe it if they said so empty-handedly. Therefore, the British really withdrew a boat of "security forces" and left. Moreover, the British were very selective and did not withdraw the most "hardcore" "security forces". What they withdrew was only a team whose performance was actually relatively average.

Why would such a team be withdrawn? The Duke of Norfolk explained it this way:

"Why don't the best 'security forces' be withdrawn? Doesn't that make sense? Even the best 'security forces' are barely usable. Now is the time to use them, and we're counting on them to give How can we send them away? And we send away such a mediocre team, what will the Irish think when they see it? They will think that if such a team can get a chance to retreat , then of course they are better able to retreat. Maybe not everyone will have such an idea, but as long as some people have such a fluke mentality, we can use it and let them keep fighting for us."

"But the key is, what do the officers of the 'Security Force' think." At that time, an officer said so.

"They will all think as we expect. People in desperate situations will always convince themselves, let themselves believe in the best guess for them, the guess that makes them feel the most comfortable, not the most reasonable, The most likely guess." The Duke of Norfolk replied.

Just as the Duke of Norfolk speculated, his action did have a good effect. Some "hardcore love rapes" almost took the direction of thinking he expected without thinking. During this period, those "hardcore love rapes" The enthusiasm of the "traitors" has been greatly improved. They all believe that since those who have not performed as well as them will have the opportunity to retreat, then they, taking a ten thousand step back, at least themselves—not including their subordinates , there should always be a chance to retreat. The ship is so big, and the Irish Sea is also calm, so overloading the ship is not a big deal at all. After loading the British soldiers, British military horses, and British military dogs, it should always be loaded with a few more English-speaking military dogs. next?

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