From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 1569 Top Power

Qiao Jia regarded the 'malice' towards him from the two bastards who broke his defense as an achievement...

Isn’t there a saying that says, if wealth does not return to its hometown, it is like walking in brocade at night?

If you have done something particularly awesome, it is not easy to show it off to your employees.

Because if you tell Dorian, the most he can say is, 'Oh, the boss is rich again'...

Some things still need to be known to those who can understand them, so that they can truly enjoy a sense of accomplishment.

The African Union's request for help had long been anticipated by Choga. It was not that he foresaw the drought in East Africa early, but that he realized that the war between Ukraine and Ukraine would affect international food prices before the war started...

The hoarding of food by developed countries will definitely cause a shortage of food on the market.

The price of food is only one aspect. The most important thing is that when all countries start to stockpile food to cope with the crisis, those Afika countries are not competitive at all. Even if they pay more, they cannot buy enough food.

Gioga had already started taking action when he was in Afghanistan. Gami mortgaged all P.B.'s properties in Greece, borrowed more than 40 billion euros from banks in various European countries, and then invested all the money in Food field...

The huge amount of funds of more than 40 billion euros instantly propped up a huge food plate.

If we only buy wheat and soybeans, this money will support the already rising international food prices to a higher level.

As a financial person, Jiami could not allow Boss Qiao to use such a crude way to handle the money.

On the one hand, she hoarded a large amount of wheat and soybeans, and on the other hand, she began to invest in establishing a grain processing factory in Tobruk to produce a series of higher value-added products such as flour, soybean oil, and soybean meal.

She is not prepared to compete with those food giants because she cannot defeat them in terms of capital or technology.

However, insisting on the rough processing route will not only allow Boss Qiao, who has made arrangements in advance, to get more profits, but also adjust the ratio of aid when necessary...

For example, if Ethiopia can process and digest those grains, then just give them wheat, soybeans and the like...

For those countries that do not have the ability, of course, they can directly use flour and soybean oil. The soybean meal derived from soybean processing can also instantly support large-scale pig breeding bases in those poor countries.

The explanation here is very complicated, but for the current boss Qiao, the more cards in his hand, the more benefits he can get from the complex situation in the next two years.

Not just money, but controlling the political direction of those unlucky countries through food exports and debt.

This kind of thing can only be realized when Europe and the United States have too much time to take care of themselves, and Boss Qiao does not need them to take sides or anything. He only needs these countries to recognize the existence of P·B, recognize the contribution of P·B, and pay the interest on time. It's enough to have it in your account...

In fact, finance is really scary sometimes...

Because after the money is lent to those countries, the collateral is in the hands of P·B Bank, and the money is still lying on P·B Bank’s account.

The food was given to them, and the money was just transferred from one account to another. In the end, they still had to repay the money to P·B Bank...

Of the more than 40 billion euros, less than one-third was used to purchase grain and soybeans, and the remaining two-thirds only required a certain amount of safe funds.

The remaining part is cyclically lent, and the funds of less than 30 billion euros will be enlarged to 90 or even 100 billion euros and released.

The grain purchased in advance, plus the grain that can be purchased on behalf of the key passage in Aodosa, is enough to meet the food needs of the disaster-stricken countries.

Just through food aid, a huge financial network can be built!

The core lies not in the collateral, or even in the interest on repayment, but in the fact that while those big bad countries have handed over their food security to P·B, they also have to complete part of their financial trade through P·B banks.

The long-established trade network of the third world's major countries led by Jialiang Trade has actually helped P.B. Bank absorb some of the trade funds of those major countries.

It's just that most of the transactions in that trade network are still in the form of barter. However, due to the existence of Jialiang trade, those goods are converted into appropriate numbers when they are exported, forming a certain amount of retention. …

However, a large portion of the funds will eventually enter the Huaguo Bank system to pay for the purchase of basic items, so the funds remaining in P·B Bank are not as much as imagined.

Now that Qiaojia purchases grain and sells it to them, and with the key to Odsa in hand, he can use the advantage of the channel to force both parties to complete the transaction in P.B.'s banking system.

Doing this will instantly increase the size of Bank P.B. The bank's disposable funds will become even more, far from a simple 40 billion euros...

The existence of P·B Bank allowed Qiao Jia to avoid many financial risks and at the same time amplified his influence several times.

Because P·B Bank, in the hands of Qiao Jia, a conservative, almost never engages in high-risk speculation.

It has no connection with several investment funds controlled by Gami and the PB Investment Bank funded by the British royal family.

Its function is a simple financial channel. Occasionally it will absorb outside funds in order to make friends, lend money to individuals, organizations and even countries in need when needed, and at the same time help some reliable friends issue bonds and so on...

Lending and collecting transaction service fees are the main sources of profit for P·B Bank.

The 40 billion loaned out from European banks, and the benefits arising from the rapid depreciation of the euro, are the direct personal benefits of Boss Qiao.

The money in the bank is actually the bank's liabilities. This money is full of dollars and euros. Their depreciation or appreciation really has little impact on Qiaojia, because essentially the money is not his at all.

What can kill banks is actually never currency depreciation, but the increase in non-performing asset ratios caused by financial systemic risks caused by currency depreciation.

If there are too many bad debts, the bank will be insolvent and bankruptcy will be a given!

The collateral collected by P·B are all high value-added resource assets backed by national credit. Of course, the profitability is slightly worse, but the risk is almost negligible.

To sum up, the money in P·B Bank does not actually belong to Boss Qiao, but he uses various forms to increase the amount of funds in P·B Bank and then guides these funds to go where he wants.

This is the most basic method of traditional finance. Although the profit is not high, it is the most beneficial method for the entire society.

This is also the ideal state that people had when the banking system was designed!

What Sumani cares about is the huge channel of political influence created by Qiao Jiaao Dsa's magical stroke.

He has been working hard for the Symbolism Arc all his life. In the end, it was not until he ‘sacrificed’ himself to integrate the voices within Iran that the Symbolism Arc was truly formed.

As a result, Boss Qiao spent money to buy a port that was in the middle of a war, and then used a lot of money to get the job done, and he was begged to do it.

People have done it, money has been made, and influence has been gained...

Aaron, on the other hand, has always lacked interest in monetizing his political influence. His overall situation in Ukraine is all the same as that of the black world.

Of course he knew what kind of political effect Qiao Jia's operation would have, but he was even more aware of the qualitative changes that Qiao Jia had not mentioned to P·B Bank...

If P·B Bank in the past was just a financial tool created by Boss Qiao to integrate industrial capital from Central Africa and Congo, then P·B Bank will now become an important player in the international financial market.

Because the business he does is of a charitable nature, it is even more flexible than the IMF.

Once Boss Qiao chooses to cooperate with the United Nations humanitarian department, first of all, the people at the United Nations will be extremely happy, and the bank will not be able to finish its business...

Then the bank's influence and scale will continue to be amplified, and because of the endorsement of the United Nations, this bank will become a link in the operation of the world...

Aaron is not interested in the long process of political realization, but as a white glove member of the world's top class, he knows all too well the side effects that can be brought about by incorporating rules!

Think about how much a big country in the East has done to establish the SCO Development Bank?

They only want to promote local currency settlement and fight against the financial harvest from Europe and the United States, and they are only recruiting a bunch of incompetent brothers.

To a certain extent, the attributes and flexibility of the SCO Development Bank are not as good as the P·B Bank supported by Boss Qiao.

Think about Iran, a giant in the Middle East with a multi-category industrial system, but because it has no resistance in the financial field, the value of its industrial capital is seriously underestimated.

The countries that do business with them have been using their exchange rates to suck blood from them, which has resulted in the living standards of most people in their countries being very average.

Although P·B Bank's capital scale is far smaller than those of those giants, it has indeed touched the boundaries of world rules...

This represents power!

And it is the top power!

This is far from what you can get by firing a few shots and killing a few people!

As long as everything develops as Boss Qiao said, he will become a member of the top power class in the near future.

And the most outrageous thing is that what outsiders see is Boss Qiao passively doing good things, and everything seems so logical under the package of goodwill!

This is the part that makes Aaron break his defense the most...

P.B.'s violent temper during combat is well known to everyone. Terrorists and drug dealers all over the world can testify that P.B.'s people are all lunatics!

But now this group of 'lunatics' have become the objects of praise. While they supported the 'sick-brained' Boss Qiao to gain huge honors, they also gained the most important 'recognition'!

Aaron considers himself smart. He has been working conscientiously in his career from the time he joined the CIA as an adult until he started his white-glove career after his leg was chopped off by Harlot.

He didn’t kill as many people as Boss Qiao, but he couldn’t take off the ‘bad guy’ hat.

Even if it has been difficult to clean up in recent years, it can only use international intermediary companies to gain a foothold in the gray areas of the world.

He will never be able to stand in the sun and roar at everyone who provokes him like Boss Joe!

Think about how Boss Qiao bombed Russia and W indiscriminately in Malupol. In the end, instead of getting angry, the two families apologized...

Think about it, this guy obviously makes the most money, but he is regarded as a Buddha from thousands of families...

Frustrated, Aaron picked up the whiskey and took a big sip, and said to Sumani: "We won’t talk today, I’m not in the mood...

I have to think about how I can take a bite out of this guy's business. Eating his meat will definitely taste better than eating the scraps of those oligarchs...

Damn, he still needs me for a lot of things in Ukraine, and if he doesn’t give me enough benefits, it won’t be over..."

Sumani glanced at Boss Qiao, who looked indifferent. He sighed and said, "Jackal, it's very stressful to be your friend..."

Qiao Jia smiled and spread his hands and said: "Welcome to my world!

The world of Lord of War!

I am the best friend of my friends and the worst enemy of my enemies, haha..."

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