From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 1579 Intentional

Regent's Park, London...

Qiaojia met the shameless Crown Prince who was humiliated by the British government in the mansion purchased by the Shah Crown Prince.

The British royal family attaches far more importance to the Queen's funeral than outsiders imagine...

They invited leaders from all countries in the world except North Korea and Venezuela to attend the ceremony.

This is not done to gain followers, but to use this opportunity to give the old prince a good start for his coronation.

They would never be able to do such a thing as driving away people who came to express their condolences...

Using the media to humiliate Salman Jr., and then removing the crown prince who is actually in charge of the Shah and the confirmed next King Shah from the condolence list, how many idiots would have to come up with this trick?

Qiaojia knew that the crown prince was anxious to leave London, so he asked Said to take his family to their place for resettlement. He drove Dorian and Ayo to Salman's manor in a low-key manner.

It is obvious that Salman made some preparations to attend the funeral.

The garden of the manor has been carefully tidied up, and in order to fit the atmosphere of a British state funeral, it has been carefully decorated, and the overall feeling is relatively solemn.

Looking at the furnishings in the garden, it is obvious that little Salman, who came a few days earlier, held several parties here.

Qiao Jia entered the manor under the leadership of a royal steward of the Shah, and heard from a distance that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was angry with someone.

The voice was loud and the words were spoken very fast. Qiao Jia couldn't hear it very clearly, but he could still roughly understand some of the short sentences in it.

"Let them pay the price..."

Exactly who Salman wants to pay the price for is unknown to Choga.

But it was obvious that the crown prince regarded the trip to the Queen's funeral as a diplomatic ice-breaking trip. As a result, the British actually caused such a thing, which not only made him lose face, but also caused all his plans to be disrupted. Messy.

The crown prince, who is deeply involved in the scandal of murdering a journalist, has been used as a target and whipped continuously since the elder Bayer came to power.

It's normal for the media to chase him and scold him. After all, rabbits die and foxes are sad, and this guy has indeed gone too far...

Just kill him. After all, the dead guy is a Western mouthpiece like an expert and professor from a certain Eastern country.

Ever since the crown prince consolidated the Shah's internal power, this guy has been chasing little Salman on the pretext of 'democracy'.

With the temperament of the Middle Eastern royal family, killing a lot of people is not a big deal, but the Crown Prince is too vicious in nature, and his men are too ruthless. They dismembered people alive, and it was actually recorded.

The crown prince, who was unable to take advantage of the media, originally hoped that his good brother Da Zui Tang could help him. As a result, Da Zui Tang worked hard, but he could not even sit firmly on his own butt.

In the end, as soon as Old Bayer came to power, the crown prince was treated as a pariah!

Old Bayer's approach is normal, because when Qiaojia went to the Shah to rescue Emina, he saw that the princely forces that Salman Jr. cleaned up were actually developed with the support of the Democratic Party.

To put it bluntly, the princes within the Shah can even be regarded as belonging to the Democratic Party.

At the beginning, Salman also wanted to embrace the Democratic Party and ensure the transfer of power at the minimum cost, and specially arranged for someone to contact Lahiri about sponsorship matters.

As a result, during the election, in order to save Said's sister's marriage, Boss Qiao exposed the person in charge of the Shah Intelligence Agency and trampled Lahiri into the ground.

In order to clear the air, the Democratic Party put all the blame on the Shah.

What they mean is that the Shah royal family is a licking dog. We don’t know how they concealed the supervision system and stuffed money into Lahiri’s campaign account.

This pushed Salman's path to power in another direction, which was the purge that Boss Qiao experienced personally.

Arrest all the princes, kill the core ones, lock the rest in a hotel, and force them to hand over most of their shares and wealth.

Then let go of the particularly discerning and unimportant people to create an enlightened image. Some of the remaining people are still under house arrest in the Shah, but these people cannot contact the outside world.

Since then, the crown prince can be said to have completely controlled the power within the Shah. As a result, because of a reporter's question, this guy was ostracized by European and American society like a street rat.

Especially after Old Bayer put the word "untouchable" on the crown prince, it can be said that this guy has difficulty in the diplomatic field of dealing with the West.

The threat from Old Bayer is real, and the Crown Prince has been trying to ease the conflicts between the two parties. The Queen's funeral was an ice-breaking trip carefully prepared by him...

As a result, reality slapped him in the face again and made him understand that the weaker he showed, the more others would take him seriously.

To be honest, the relationship between Qiao Jia and the crown prince can only be considered average. The two of them are more in contact indirectly through Prince Devali.

Qiao Jia actually didn't want to deal with the crown prince face to face, but the British suddenly made such a fuss, which made Qiao Jia suddenly a little uneasy...

He couldn't say why, but at this stage everything related to the energy giant Shah was a big deal, and he had to figure out what was going on?

Because in his eyes, it was completely unreasonable to offend the Shah to death at this time!

The Crown Prince saw Qiao Jia appearing in the manor from afar. He waved his assistant with a stern expression to leave, and then squeezed a smile on his face, trying hard to make himself look less gloomy...

When Qioga walked in front of little Salman, the crown prince opened his arms and took the initiative to step forward and hugged Qioga...

"Jackal, I'm glad to see you, but it's a pity that you came at the wrong time. I was about to leave here..."

Qiaojia was not used to the overly intimate etiquette of Arabs. He took a step back, spread his hands and said, "What on earth happened?"

After hearing this, little Salman said with a gloomy face: "Those guys are trampling on the dignity of the Shah, and sooner or later I will make them pay the price!"

Qiao Jia didn't pay attention to the Crown Prince's harsh words. He looked around and found that all the attendants around him had withdrawn from a certain range...

He stretched out his hand to make an invitation, then took the initiative to step onto the lawn of the manor and said with a smile: "Are those British people crazy?

Why are they trying to shame you in this time of rising energy prices? "

Little Salman and Qiao Jia walked side by side on the grass and said with a gloomy face: "They think the Shah is still a country that will kneel down and beg for mercy as long as they say a word.

In the past month, they have been using the Iran issue to put pressure on me, constantly promoting the argument that Iran will go to war with the Shah.

Some people within the Shah were hesitant, but they didn't know that we were..."

Qiaojia understood as soon as he heard that the European and American intelligence agencies did not understand the contacts between the Shah and Iran.

Most of their energy is now focused on Europe, so they thought that the situation in the Middle East was similar to the past, that is, there was no communication at all between the Shah and Iran.

Of course, there is no direct communication between Saudi Arabia and Iran yet, but the efforts of various parties in the past few years have allowed them to establish several indirect communication channels.

The two sides are still cautiously testing each other at this stage. Substantial contact can only be possible when the testing reaches a certain critical point and someone holds their hands and asks them to sit down.

It is an old tradition of Britain and the United States to use Iran to threaten the Shah. To some extent, Big Mouth Tang killed Sumani to hold the Shah back, so that he could maintain his political interests in the Middle East and implement his own strategy.

The common enemy and sky-high military industry orders allowed Dazuitang to effectively alleviate his conflicts with the military-industrial group during his time in power, and at the same time unite the Shah around him.

It is against this background that Kushner, the son-in-law of Big Mouth Don, mediates the relationship between Israel and neighboring countries.

As a result, after Old Bayer came to power, he began to resume the big stick policy and wanted to beat the 'disobedient' Shah.

Little Salman has actually endured it again and again, but in the end he got more humiliation.

The ideas of these old-school politicians who had gone through countless maneuvers and secret diplomacy were misaligned with the younger generation at this point, completely pushing the Shah in another direction.

Of course, the Shah almost means hard power, but if Britain and the United States want to threaten him with Iran as they did in the past, that is just a joke.

Qiao Jia suddenly realized that the older generation of politicians were going downhill, and the speed was getting faster and faster...

Looking at the indignant little Salman, Qiaojia hesitated and said, "Has anyone come to talk to you?"

Salman paused for a moment, nodded slightly and said, "They are from the Rothschild family. They want us to bring Russia to OPEC+..."

Qiao Jia nodded slightly and said, "You definitely didn't agree..."

After hearing this, little Salman said angrily: "How could I agree?

No one can endure the oppression of these people all year round. They don’t respect us at all, they only want profits..."

Qiao Jia spread his hands and said: "The world is like this. On the stage, all we talk about is national interests, but in fact...

I just don't quite understand, they want to convince you, and then...

Convince you to increase oil production and calm oil prices?

This method of kicking you off the condolence list is too despicable. This is a deliberate attempt to enmity. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia suddenly realized something. He looked at little Salman and said, "How are you going to retaliate against them?"

Salman was stunned for a moment, and said with a gloomy expression: "Of course we need to maintain communication with Russia and maintain the stability of OPEC+..."

Qiao Jia shook his head slightly and said, "If I were you, I would definitely not do this..."

Little Salman frowned at Qiao Jia and said with some dissatisfaction: "They humiliate me, can't I do something?"

Qiao Jia did not look at the angry crown prince. He walked slowly and shook his head and said: "I don't know, I just think you may have missed something..."

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